
Louise B.

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6 Posts | 2,615 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Back to School Shopping Tips
As a teacher, one of my money saving tips is to encourage your children to use their supplies from last year. Scissors, sets of pencil crayons, oil pastels, geometry sets, boxes of crayons, pencil sharpeners, binders, duo-tangs, and such things should certainly...


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Stain Removers for Ants
Borax is a poison. It is not particularly safe to use for anything other than laundry.


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Dyeing Clothing with Tea
Sara - I would be very wary of dying anything nylon with anything, and certainly not with tea. Polyesters and nylon are much more difficult to dye than natural fibers. I expect this was an expensive dress; if it was my child, Id have her wear it the way it...


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Cut Years Off Your Mortgage
You can also save interest and years by making your payments every two weeks rather than once a month. You pay only half the amount of course. This squeezes in an extra payment every year, and also saves a lot of interest every month. My son and daughter in...


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Homemade Dandruff Treatment
I am a firm believer in Head and Shoulders. There is no need to do any exotic treatments with odd household products. If Head and Shoulders doesnt do the trick, you move on to brands such as Selson Blue or other shampoos that you find in your drug store that...


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Night Lights for Company
Good idea, although I just leave them in the rooms, plugged in. I also leave a night light on in the hall and on the stairs all the time, as I find it a good safety feature and saves turning on hall lights in the night time. I use ones that are light sensitive...


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Cat Always Pees Inside?
Also, the cat, even a female, although this is worse with males, may be marking the house with its scent. There may be something scarey outside, like a dog or another cat that threatens your cat, and makes it want to mark its own territory with its scent. Use...


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Avoid The Drive Through
I totally agree with this. I NEVER go through a drive-thru. However, I have read (although I havent noticed this myself) that some fast food places have a time limit on waits for the drive-thru, but NOT on the walk in clientele. So you may have a longer wait...


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Wash Your Dryer Lint Screens
I use dryer sheets very infrequently; I use dryer balls. However, because everyone said this could be a problem, I dutifully went down and checked mine out. The water went right through, but I washed it anyway, and there was no difference. I wonder if some...


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Killing Grass and Weeds?
I have heard of the newspaper technique before, and although I have not tried it, here is what I would do. I would lay down the newspaper like the other posters have suggested. Then I would cover it with the rock that you want to use. Eventually the newspaper...


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Longer Life For Dryer's Heating Element
I always use a liquid fabric softener and used to use sheets. Now I use dryer balls instead of sheets. However, I have never had to clean the filter other than remove the lint, and my dryer is 12 years old. I have taken it out and tried it, and water runs through...


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New Years Decorations for Graduation Parties
I would be very careful with this. After all, the people you are throwing the party for are highschool grads; they will be able to know the difference between New Years decorations and grad decorations. They might think you were just being cheap rather than...



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Use Straws at Restaurants
I seriously doubt that many cold sores are spread with restaurant dishes. I have just read the Mayo clinic info on them, and they are spread through skin to skin contact, such as kissing, and through sharing of items such as towels and lip gloss, although it...


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Warning About Recipes With Vinegar and Bleach?
Im sure there are safer products to use. You are producing chlorine gas here, which is certainly not safe. Why not use fresh bleach, or a bleach at a higher concentration? This article is talking about killing anthrax spores, which most of us dont deal with...


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Stopping the Burn from Spicy Food
When I ate spicy Indian food, they also served a cucumber and yogurt salad with it. This was a nice contrast, and very cooling. Ill bet any milk product would go well.


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Plastic Bag To Remember Where You Parked
My mom has done this for years. It never seems to blow off, and she finds it very helpful. She uses a flower made from plastic, like those used to decorate wedding cars. You do not have to have the whole bag tied up there - just a strip or two cut out from...


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Memberships for Birthday Presents
Memberships or seasons passes are a great gift, and even better for older children. My cousin gives her three grandchildren seasons passes to the local ski hill. A much appreciated gift!


Uses for Bacon Grease

Uses for Bacon Grease
In Germany, when I was there, they served bacon grease as a spread for bread, sometimes, instead of butter, or sometimes added it to noodles, instead of butter. I found it a bit overwhelming in flavor, actually, but I assume they liked it!


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Teaching Laundry Skills To College Bound Students
I taught my sons to do their own laundry when they were 5 and six years old. We always had baskets to sort into -- whites, colored, jeans, whatever . When they are a little bigger, post the directions on how to run the machines above them. If they can read...


Free Christmas Trees - Make Your Own
A dry leafless branch or several, depending on the amount of room you have, stuck into a can or jar full of stones is very nice. I have a tree in the living room, but put the large branch stuck in a decorative tin in my kitchen with wooden ornaments on it.


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Poll: Did you file your taxes on time last year?
In Canada at least, if you dont owe money, it doesnt matter if you are late, although you just dont get your refund money as promptly. Also, filing your taxes online is much faster. There are many good programs to use that make it very easy.


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Teaching Toddlers?
All of the posted tips so far are good, but I would also reccommend a few other things. READ, READ, READ -- all sorts of books. Go the library for story hour and borrow books. Also get some of your own at garage sales. Do things with your child -- crafts like...


Slippery Sidewalks

Solutions for Slippery Sidewalks
Calcium chloride is also a salt, just a different kind. Here is what wikipedia says about it - Calcium chloride can act as an irritant by desiccating moist skin. Solid calcium chloride dissolves exothermically, and burns can result in the mouth and esophagus...


Slippery Sidewalks

Solutions for Slippery Sidewalks
I think you have given good advice here, but I feel compelled to point out that sodium chloride and potassium chloride do not have a high salt content. They ARE salts. It is not something added to them; it is what they are. They combine with the snow and ice...



Houseplants That Are Easy to Grow

Houseplants That Are Easy to Grow
Spider plants are very hardy. Of all the plants listed, Id suggest that one. Ive never had one die on me, and Ive certainly killed many of the other suggestions!!


Clean and Green Bathrooms

Clean and Green Bathrooms
And you all do realize that baking soda and vinegar are just common chemicals. Many of the cleaning products are no more harmful than these two. And, of course, if you mix baking soda and vinegar, you have neutralized them. Use one or the other, but when you...


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Best Way To Store Tomatoes?
I too, just store them on the counter in a paper towel lined bowl or basket. If I have green ones from the garden that I want to ripen quickly, I put an apple, especially a couple of crabapples from my tree (same season) in with the green tomatoes, and they...


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Babysitting Advice For 13 Year Old?
My boys always loved their babysitters because they played with them. I would suggest that she read to this child because most kids dont get as many stories read to them as they would like. Once a sitter read 22 stories (like Cat in the Hat) to one of my sons...


Photo of a child getting ready for school.

Getting Kids Ready For Back To School
Good tips. I would also like to add to be sure to have all of the kids supplies purchased for the first day of school. As a teacher, lots of times, I have asked for some special item -- special notebook, scrapbook, etc, for some project we are going to do -- journalling...


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Ease the Kitchen Clean-up
Good tip. Even if the dishes are just put into the hot soapy water, they soak clean, and just need a quick rinse off, and into the dryer rack. I try to do this at work in the lunchroom when it is my week to be on kitchen cleanup. Louise, Nipawin, SK


Shower Cake For Baby Shower

Shower Cake For Baby Shower
This reminds me of my cousin who was five years old when I got married. She was going to be the flower girl at my wedding, so of course, she was supposed to come along to the wedding shower. She was somewhat reluctant to do so, but in the end, did. After we...


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Fruit Punch Stain in Gray Vehicle Carpet?
Amaze, a laundry additive, is good for many things. Worth a try.


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Scalp Itches in the Morning?
It could be something as simple as dry scalp. Head and Shoulders for Dry Scalp might help, and is certainly worth a try.


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Paint Chipping Off Metal Sink?
You might try automotive repair paint -- the kind used to cover small scratches. You should be able to get this in a small bottle at automotive supply stores. Here in Canada we would go to Canadian Tire.


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Health Advice For "Dirty" Spot On Arm?
You should probably see the doctor. It may be something quite minor, but you never know. Another thing that it could be is a fungal infection. I had this; it looked something like a brown age spot. I was given a fungal cream that gradually cleared it up.


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When Are You Ready For Your First Child?
Another thing to consider is that no matter how wonderful your husband is, when you have the baby, YOU HAVE the baby -- for years. And YOU have that baby until he is 18, or maybe 21. It is the very rare dad that takes responsibility for daycare, babysitters...



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Multiplication Game With Egg Cartons
This is a great idea, and kudos to you for helping your kids learn their times tables. I am a teacher, grade 7 & 8 mostly, and far too few of them know their multiplication tables well enough. When they do know them, they find the concepts we teach at the middle...


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Can I Machine Wash Dry Clean Only Draperies?
I have washed drapes that were dry-clean only with good success, but you never know how it will turn out. It is a gamble. If you do, use cold water and a mild detergent with a gentle cycle, and hang or lay flat to dry. Is there a piece you could experiment...


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Paint Over Papered Walls?
Do you mean that you painted over walls that had been papered with wallpaper? I see that this is done fairly frequently on TV and seems to be okay, so I am wondering if the paper you have has had some sort of vinyl coating or was very greasy for some reason...


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Making Cottage Cheese at Home?
My grandmother made cottage cheese all the time. I dont remember exactly how she did it, but I do know it wasnt all that difficult. Good luck with this. Louise, Nipawin


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Holiday Craft Ideas For Fourth Grade?
A game I used to play was a variation on musical chairs. You walk around the group of chairs, and everyone sits down when the music stops. However, instead of one person being eliminated each time, they have to sit on the lap of someone. You remove a chair...


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Keeping Track Of The Grocery Bill When Shopping
Great to hear that someone is using math skills rather than electronics. I teach rounding and estimating to my grade 7 & 8 classes, and this is the sort of thing that I tell them that people can do -- a practical use for the skills that they learn. Louise, Nipawin...


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Dealing with Disgusting Emails?
I do use hotmail, and have also used yahoo. Hotmail has a setting for sorting through your mail; I have it set to exclusive so that only things I subscribe to such as this newsletter, and my contacts come into my inbox. I check my junk mail to see if there...


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Is Vinegar Harmful to Septic Tanks?
I dont think that you would put enough vinegar into your septic tank to affect it one way or another. I used to live in a house with a septic tank that had a pump out for liquids into a field, and then the solids were removed once a year. We really didnt pay...


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Uses for Laundry Soap Scoops?
You could also donate them to a school for use in the science lab or art room. I use them in my lab for a variety of things -- where one might use a glass beaker, often these plastic scoops will work well, and cost nothing. I use them as mixing pots for plaster...


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Sweaty Armpits With No Odor?
My son was troubled by excessive sweating. He used a product called Drysol available from the drugstore.


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Advice For Exfoliation?
I think if you are 26 years old, you likely have very good skin and do not need to worry about exfoliation. I wouldnt do anything special if I were you -- just keep your skin clean with mild soap, and wear sunscreen.


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Mold On Sandals?
I have never cleaned mold off of leather, but for other things, I use a chlorine bleach, like Chlorax or Javex. It may take the color out of the shoes, but it will kill the mold. I would also put them out in the sun to dry for several days after cleaning, as...


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Small Round Black Marks on Face?
I am wondering if these could also be moles or spots caused by too much sun. These would not be serious, but you might want to consult a skin specialist regarding these, or at least your regular doctor. I concur with the others. You need to see a doctor.


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Entertainment Activities for Businesses?
The school where I work has only about 15 employees, so some of what we do may not work for you. We have cards for birthdays, signed by all, and the birthday person brings cake for everyone. The previous poster has some good ideas for bigger groups. We also...


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Frozen Unblanched Carrots?
The carrots will be safe to eat, but they may not have quite the same texture after you cook them. I have never frozen them without blanching, but I have frozen shredded carrots for carrot cake, and they are fine. One freezes fruit such as raspberries or strawberries...


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Help With 7 Year Old Picky Eater?
There is a cute book called Bread and Jam for Frances by Russel and Lillian Hoben (I think those are the authors correctly spelled) about a little badger that would only eat bread and Jam. If your child is swayed at all by stories, this teaches a nice lesson...


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Difference Between Minute Rice and Other Brands?
Minute Rice is a rather tasteless variety of rice. It is processed to reduce cooking time, but I personally believe that this also must reduce the food value and certainly reduces the taste. Regular long grain rice is easy to cook, takes about 20 minutes, and...


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Water Stains on Tile?
I would try vinegar, as these are likely a lime deposit, and should dissolve with the vinegar. The lemon mentioned would likely work as well as they are both ascetic acid, but vinegar is cheaper. If that doesnt work, use CLR, which is a much stronger acid. It...


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Cleaning Hard Water Spots Off Of Crystal?
If you are washing these in the dishwasher, you could try a cup or so of vinegar in the last rince. I used to do this when I lived in a town with hard water and I had no water softer. It also prevented a film on dark china like the brown teapot. You could give...


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Party Favors for 10 Year Old Boys?
If you can handle the resulting wars, you could give them water pistols. One year I gave out golf tubes which they used for sword fighting. But if you are not into all this weaponry, you cant go wrong with little cars. Depending on budget, another thing little...


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How to Kill Vegetation?
It is not particularly environmentally friendly, but Round Up will kill all vegetation. Sometimes it doesnt totally eradicate deep rooted perennials, but it gets rid of grass and all broadleafed weeds.


Growing a Pine Tree?
The tree in this picture is a spruce tree. Pine trees have longer needles and more compact and coarser cones. If this is the kind of cone you are talking about, the seeds will just fall out as otheres have said, when the cone is dry.


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Mildew Smell on Towels?
If the towels are bleachable, that will get rid of the smell, I think. Vinegar is a good alternative if you have dark colors. Ammonia works, but will bleach out dark colors just as bleach will. Baking soda should be less destructive to the color than ammonia...


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How to Get Into Locked Desk?
If it is an antique desk, you may be able to get keys to try from an antique store. If it is a modern desk, and you have similarly shaped keys, try those. Some locks are pretty easy to open. However, if it is a good lock, you may have to call a locksmith or...


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Star Wars Birthday Party?
When my boys were little, I gave out golf tubes as light sabres. They didnt light up, but they could sword fight with them and not really hurt themselves. That was their treat to take home. The actual toy light sabers were golf tubes with flashlights taped...


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Rust on Steak Knives?
Try rubbing with steel wool.


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Camping Sleepover Ideas?
I see people are more receptive to the idea of a sleepover if it is camping, but I still wouldnt go with a co-ed party unless their already brothers involved, for instance. And I certainly wouldnt go without at least 2 parents, a dad and a mom.


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Advice For Cat That Doesn't Bathe Itself?
Assuming that the cat isnt ill, which it might be, I wouldnt put anything on the cat at all. Just wipe him with a damp facecloth and brush. I use an old baby brush. My cat is too fat to reach his back, and this is what my vet told me to do. The pet wipes might...


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Home Hair Highlighting Kits?
I think the suggestions above are good ones. However, I can add that I have used the drugstore products many times for several years and have not had any problems. I would seriously doubt that these products contain either lead or copper as these are substances...


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Help Organizing 40 Years of Photos?
As a divorced mom, I have albums for my sons and for myself. My ex is included in the albums when he was with me, but, not of course, after. If the boys have a picture with their dad from the present time, it can go into their album. If you had made those albums...


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Switching a Baby from Nursing to Table Foods?
I think if he isnt interested in solid foods or pureed foods, then he isnt ready for them. Keep offering the foods, but if he still wants to nurse, than that is the best thing for him. Seven months is awfully young anyway; he should still be primarily nursing...


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Papier Mache Recipes?
I have used several different things. Diluted white glue is the easiest. Flour and water works okay, but sometimes it is floury when completed.


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Removing a Hard Water Scale from Fiberglass Bathtub?
CLR is a strong acid, although I do not know if it is as strong as Muratic acid. However, if the CLR did not clean out the scale, I dont think that Muratic acid will either. But if it didnt harm the tub, I think you are okay to try the Muratic acid. They are...


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Cat Froths at the Mouth When Given Medication?
It could be that she is allergic, but it could also be that she is just doing this. My cat slobbers all over the place when anyone tries to pill him. He is so hard to pill that my vet was unable to do it that last time I was there. Inquire from the vet if the...


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Do You Use Baking Powder With All Purpose Flour?
I would think if the recipe calls for flour, that they mean all -purpose flour, and you would add whatever the recipe calls for. Here in Canada the flour of choice is all-purpose. Any recipe from here would mean all-purpose, not self-raising.


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Missed Sending Out Christmas Cards?
I seldom get my Christmas letter and cards sent out before Christmas. It is often my Dec. 27 activity. My family and friends are used to my things arriving late. One year a friend of mine missed Christmas entirely because of some family obligations, and sent...


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Cookies are Very Thin and Hard?
Another thing that could be causing this is using soft margarine. It has water in it, that is why it is soft, and so it is not exactly the same as regular margarine or butter. I would also try another recipe; perhaps it is just this particular one. Or perhaps...


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Should I Close My High Interest Credit Card Account?
Some cards will charge you a fee for NOT using the card. This makes no sense to me, and I quickly cancelled the card from the company that was charging me this fee. You do not need a multitude of cards to have a good credit rating. It is more important to have...


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Help with Lower Back Pain?
First move -- see a chiropractor. If a reputable chiropractor can not help you, he will tell you to see the doctor, or an occupational therapist. There may be things you can do lessen the strain on your back on the job.


Removing Water Spots from Empty Fish Tank?
I am not sure that using a cleanser such as this is a good idea in an aquarium where you will put fish. I would try vinegar, as it is likely just a lime deposit that you have. Whatever you use, rinse really really well before you use the tank again.


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Do You Need a Credit Card to Establish Credit?
First -- all credit cards are not the same. The interest rates vary a lot, some have fees, others have airmiles and other bonuses. I use one that has a fairly high interest rate, but I pay off the balance every month, and so never incur any interest so that...


A glass of orange juice.

Saving Money on Juice
I know a lot of you are watering down your juice, but in my opinion, it tastes awful that way. Real juice is not sugar and water, it is fruit juice from the original fruit. It is expensive because it is real fruit. Watch for sales. Do not waste your money on...


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Does Pre-tanning Prevent Sun Burns?
Use sunscreen. Any kind of tanning damages the skin, and our winter skin is very white, and burns easily. I suppose pre-tanning would help somewhat to prevent burning, as it does in the summer time a bit, but sunscreen with spf 30 is the best bet. Get waterproof...


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Warped Copper Bottomed Pans?
I believe the previous poster is correct. I have a fry pan that is also warped. It does not have a copper bottom. I am pretty sure that I did this myself by placing it on too high a heat with nothing in it.


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Recycling Birthday and Greeting Cards?
You could see if your local school or perhaps Sunday school would want them. Sometimes they use them for various crafts with the children.


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Removing Smell from Wooden Trash Can?
I have had good luck with removing the musty smell from old wooden furniture with coffee grounds. This may work for you, but you likely have to use several changes of them and leave them in there for a long time. The very first thing I would try is setting...


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How Do I Get My Cat's Abscess to Drain?
I am unsure what you mean by an abscess. If this is a small infection caused by being in a fight with another cat, you could treat it like you would a small infection on yourself. I have used an antibiotic cream on my cat, but the scratch which was infected...


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Plumping Up Raisins?
You can also put water to cover the raisins, and then pop them in the microwave for a minute or two, to heat up the water to steaming. Let them sit for a few minutes to plump up.


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Cleaning White Film Off Fish Tank Hood?
I agree with the vinegar. Usually the white film is lime scale from the water.


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Using Vegetable Oil Instead of Corn Oil?
Canola oil is a healthier oil than corn oil. There is little or difference in calories. Any brand of canola will do. There is nothing special about corn oil as far as cooking is concerned.


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'Bluing" Product Used to Make White Fabrics Whiter?
We have bluing in the laundry product section of most grocery stores. It is also used by farmers or 4H kids who show cows and calves to whiten the hair on the cattle,so perhaps you would want to look in a store that services a rural area. Perhaps the big city...


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How Long Do I Cook a Cake in a Different Pan Than Instructed?
If this is from a recipe, it may not have the conversion as a box cake would. I would cook it for the 45 minutes at the same temp, and then test it with a toothpick to see if it is done in the middle. If not, give it 5 or 10 minutes longer.


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Cake is Moist in the Middle and Dry Around the Edges?
It is likely cooked at too high a temperature. Or it could be that you are cooking in a pyrex pan, and need to lower the cooking temp by about 25 degrees compared to a metal pan. It could also be cooked for slightly too long a time.


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Why do Recipes Call for Both Water and Milk?
Milk tends to make the crust softer than water. If you like using all milk, it is perfectly fine. You could also use all water. Also, the bread made with milk has slightly more nutritional value, because of the milk.


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8 Year Old Is Now Afraid of Sleeping Alone?
I wonder if there is something that you could do to prevent him from waking up in the night. He is obviously a light sleeper, so perhaps there is something in his diet that prevents him from sleeping deeply . I am just brainstorming here -- something he is...


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Helping a Hurt Back?
See a chiropractor, especially if you have hurt it by lifting something. If the chiropractor doesnt think he can help you, he will say so, and sucggest you see your regular doctor.


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Advice for a Dealing with Fiance's Family?
Brides are always stressed out. I think you should give her the phrases that the others have suggested, and then encourage her to do just what she likes. Grooms usually dont care two hoots about colors or menu or anything. Sometimes the grooms family offer...


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Traveling to Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore?
HI -- I have been to S. Dakota a couple of times, and it is a great place to take kids. 13 is a perfect age. Stop off at Wall Drugs, in Wall, on the way into the Black Hills. Also spend a day driving through the badlands on the way to the Black Hills, and visit...


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Keeping Bugs Out of My Face?
Use a repellant with Deet. Home remedies and repellants without it or in small concentration are a waste. Deep Woods Off is a good brand. I live in northern Saskatchewan, and can testify to its effectiveness.


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20 Year Old Jade Tree Growing Tiny Shoots?
Thanks for the suggestions, but although this problem is most severe with the 20 year old Jade Tree, I have 3 others younger and smaller that have succumbed to whatever this is. I am inclined to think that it is some disease, although where it came from, I...


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Fresh Smelling Towels?
Use baking soda in the wash with the towels. Do not use it with the vinegar, as they will cancel each other out. About a cup per large load of laundry should do it. Ammonia also works, but tends to change the colors of the towels. If the towels are white, you...


Easter teen

Alternatives to Easter Baskets for Teenagers
My, some of you go in for rather expensive gifts for Easter. I just reused the same Easter basket that the boys had for years. Sometimes I added something that wasnt candy or some small joke item, but I found that my sons were happy with treats up until they...


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Cleaning Up Pet Vomit
This is equally effective for human vomit. I had a little gal upchuck once at a dessert theater. Unfortunately, at that time, all I had was a mop and pail; now I keep a bag of kitty litter available should this ever occur again. In ancient times at the school...


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Uses for Pizza Boxes?
My son and I eat a lot of pizza. I use the boxes at school for art projects. Perhaps you could donate yours to a school for this. We use them for creating sculptures instead of more expensive foam core. I have also used them as a base for collage. Cut off the...


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Why Am I Getting Bleach Spots On Unbleached Loads?
I had this same sort of problem with my sons clothing. It turned out it was the lotion he was using to treat his acne. If this was dotted on his shirts, if he sweated while he had this on and the perspiration ran onto the neck of his teeshirt, or if he wiped...


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Grey Stains In Bathtub?
This could be a combination of soap film and hard water residue. If vinegar doesnt work, try CLR, as that will remove most kinds of hard water buildup.


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Dye Old Jeans To Look New
Good tip -- but I always thought faded jeans were desirable. Why else do people buy stonewashed ??


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Use Magnets To Keep Cupboards Closed
You can get cupboard door fasteners that are magnets. Of course, you have to screw those in, but they are made for the job, so not a big deal.


Curl Relaxers For Gray Hair?
Ricky -- You sly dog! I think you just posted the pic of yourself so that everyone would write back to say how great you look! Hair looks terrific as is.


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Recipe Substitute For Cocoa?
If you use brown sugar with the carob powder you will find that the taste is excellent. In fact, I found that brownies with carob and brown sugar (or chocolate cake or anything) were nicer than regular ones made with cocoa and white sugar. Carob choco chips...


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Cat Is Dragging Laundry Around House?
Our cats like to sleep in my sons dirty laundry basket. I think maybe they just like the scent of the clothes. Dogs like all sorts of stinky things, so it could be the same with the cats.


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Making An Outside Cat "Run"?
My son and daughter-in-law used chicken wire to make a cat run for their cats. They have sunning platforms and what not in it. They built it quite tall, and it has a door that they can enter through if they should need to make repairs or clean something. The...


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Towels That Recommend "Avoid Contact With Skin Treatment Products"?
I think it was a good thing that the towels stated this. It is a warning to you that the products you use for acne, cleansing, etc, will bleach out your towels, and that it is not the towel manufacturers fault, nor the fault of the person doing the laundry...


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Looking For Yellow Shrub The Flowers Through Summer?
I also recommend potentilla. They like a very sunny location, and seem to thrive in the heat. I put one in the shade, and it did not do well at all. They come in a variety of yellows, and some are white as well.


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Getting A Cat To Stop Scratching Without Declawing?
My cat is 13, and has developed some bad habits, but I drape matching throws over the arms of my couch and love seat. He is not interested in scratching on the arms when they are covered. We have a scratch post and a scratch box, but he still likes the furniture...


Discontinued Wallpaper Border: Vintage Charm VC809B?
If you only need a really small chunk, perhaps you can get it from a wallpaper book from the store that used to carry this. I had to do this once when I needed about 6 inches of a border to finish off a room.


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Using Dairy Cream On Skin?
I am guessing that they mean cream from a farm, not cream that has been pasturized. All cream is dairy cream.


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Looking for Recipes for Baked Chicken?
I bake my chicken in a clay baker, no spices needed. This crisps the skin and gives it all the flavor it needs. Of course if you are removing the skin, you need to add other things to give flavor. If you are baking the chicken as opposed to deep frying it, try...


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Keeping Drains Clean?
Powdered Drano on a monthly basis is the best if you have troublesome drains that clog up with soap scum and hair. I have little faith in baking soda and vinegar as they bubble with each other, but when they combine, they produce salt water. Boiling water is...


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Can I Clean Life Jackets in the Washing Machine?
There should be care instructions on them, the same as you find on clothing. The ones that I had could be laundered and hung to dry. The only problem with this is that they float so they dont want to stay down in the water in the washing machine.


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Lightening the Color of Polyester?
It has been my experience that polyester will not take dye well, nor will it release it. I would leave this alone. Give this gown away, and get another one.


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Fixing Pin Hole In Cake Pan?
Isnt solder lead? You shouldnt use lead for food. Of course, my grandpa used to make cups out of baking powder tins for his kids to use at school, with nice soldered rims, but still, now we know about lead poisoning. Same guy also did the washer thing. That...


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Making Simple, Quick Twine Plant Hangers?
There are some very easy macrame hangers that you could make using only a square knot. Takes no skill at all. Try googling for directions and see what you come up with. However, if it is the plants you are selling, and not the hangers, Id go with the shelf...


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Can I Cook Rice In A Crockpot?
I would suggest that you get a rice cooker, and use that. My son gave me one that cooks up to 4 cups of rice. It is no trouble to set it up and do a few other things while it cooks. The one I have was less than $10, my son said. I would cook something main...


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Why Are My Green Beans Yellow?
Are you sure they are green beans? Maybe they are yellow beans -- the plant looks exactly the same. I have never had green beans look anything but green, unless they were the kind of green bean that is purple when raw and green when you cook it.


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Recommendations For Donut Chains?
Tim Hortons -- and you can find them in some of the North Eastern states -- Michegan for one.


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Sweat Seems To Bleach Everything I Use?
I dont think that caffeine would have anything to do with it, and I doubt very much that it is the diet coke. I would suspect that it is some medication or cosmetic or something of that nature. If you are not taking or using anything out of the ordinary, you...


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Can I Drink Milk on A Liquid Diet?
If you are a teenager, and are doing this on your own, with out being under a doctors supervision, no, this is not okay. Nor is it okay if you an adult doing this just to lose weight. Anyone who is on a total liquid diet for any length of time, and not being...


Removing Hard Water Deposits On Brass Fountains?
Vinegar is an acid, as is CLR, but it is not as strong. It should be enough to remove the lime deposits. Dont let the vinegar sit for a long time. I would just spray it on the lime, let it fizz and bubble, maybe scrub with an old toothbrush. And then rinse...


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How Often Do You Paint Brick?
I would never paint a brick house. Defeats the whole purpose of brick, I think. For siding, it depends what it is sided with. If you have vinyl siding, you dont have to paint that either.


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