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32 Posts | 189 Comments | Active Since 2012
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Keep Your Salads Crisp
Very good tip.


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Utensils on the Counter
This is a good idea if you have ample counter space. I have more drawers than I do counter space and I dont like my countertops cluttered.


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Make a Rag Holder out of an Old T-Shirt
Much better that the one made from a plastic jug.


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Towel Bar for the Guest Room
Darnet, I wish youd posted this a week ago. This will make me a lot less stressed out when my kids and their kids come to visit. Ill be shopping for towel racks in the next few days. Thanks, thanks, thanks and again thanks


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Sample Time at Warehouse Stores
I was one of those demo ladies for awhile. If you knew what goes on sometimes you probably wouldnt want the samples. People dipping their food in the community salsa instead of using the spoon available. Nasty, yes people did that and more. I shop the clubs...


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Credit Card Tip
I am 72 years old and to this day have never had an establishment look for a signature on the back of my credit card. Most dont even ask for any identification.


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Choosing a Numeric Password
I do something similiar. I choose a street name of a place I lived years ago along with a telephone number.


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Repelling Insects in Cabinets
Cinnamon works very well for ants.


Closet Conversion

Closet Conversion
This is fine if you dont mind all the cords running from the closet out into the room and strung to electrical outlet. Too many cords and cables from computer, router, etc. I tried putting my desktop it a closet and it was tacky. I havent seen a closet with...


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Motivation Tips for a Stay At Home Mom?
Im a Grandmother who raised two kids and know how hard it is. Look around your home and you will probably see that your family has too much stuff. Stuff makes/means work. I visited my Daughter one time when she was sick and I could not believe how a family...


Household Tool Box Tips

Household Tool Box Tips
I purchased two 18 inch long magnet holders and attached them to my garage wall right outside my kitchen door leading to garage. I got tired of digging through a toolbox to find a particular screwdriver, pliers, etc. Sometimes Id put them in a toolbox and sometimes...


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Repairing a Burn Hole in Carpet
I just took scissors and slightly cut off fibers from the top of a different area and glued them in. My brother is in the carpet business and told me how to do this.



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Use Bells To Avoid Losing Keys
Just be careful and dont put anything too heavy on your key chain; it can damage the part where the key goes in. Sorry cant remember what its called. A mechanic friend gave me this advice.


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Black Bean and Chicken Chili
This sounds really good and low in calories and fat. Im going to cook a batch and freeze in individual servings as its just me eating it. Thanks


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Use Broom Handle for Extension
Such a good idea. Handy for us seniors.


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Hot Water Could Cause Kidney Stones in Pets
I live in an area where the water is hard. I dont drink the stuff nor do I give it to my dog. We both drink bottled water.


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Homemade "Space Bags"
How does the air stay in the bag? I havent seen a zip top garbage bag.


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Keep an Emergency Envelope in Your Purse
Medicare card has SS number on it. Dont ever keep anything with SS number in your purse. Someone said take a copy of it and black out the SS number.


Maple dining set.

Painting a Dining Set?
Id paint them black because I see a lot of black furniture in the stores. In fact, I just purchased a black bedroom suite. I think that would make them look up-to-date.


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Use Sandwich Bags Instead of Paper Plates
Coffee filters work good too.


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Chicken Livers to Reduce Dog Shedding
My vet said feeding chicken livers to my dog is OK but just not very often. Didnt ask him why.


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Add Onion to BBQ Coals
Interesting; Ill give it a try.


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Use Essential Oil in Shower
Good idea but make sure none gets in the tub or shower stall. I put bath oil on my legs once while still in the tub and slid nearly injuring myself, Then another time I washed hair conditioner from my hair in the tub and it too was slick and I nearly fell. Two...



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Use Dishwater in Garden
Whew, Im tired already.


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Use Wading Pool to Clean Blinds
Sounds like a good idea unless you cant get back up off the ground. Im a senior and Id be stuck till someone came and got me up. LOL


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Organizing Your Glove Compartment
I would never keep registration and even insurance information in my car. Someone steal you car and its real easy to transfer the title. Ive had a car stolen from me while parked in my driveway at night. I also dont want it to be that easy for a thief to get...


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K Cup Holder Ideas?
I only purchase two different types and I store them in a pretty wicker basket that has a fabric liner. I think its much prettier than the holders on the market.


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No Toys As Gifts For The Holidays
Its obvious that sooz doesnt have children! Giving children too much is not what makes them spoiled. Teaching them value, kindness, generosity, empathy, etc. IS. I have a 13 year old Grandson that I buy things for computer, software, hardware, etc) because...


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No Toys As Gifts For The Holidays
By the way, all children at some point think their Mom is mean. And there is nothing wrong with computers and telephones, etc. This is the world we live in. I wonder how young this child is thats shes talking about. All young children only think of themselves...


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Put Electric Blanket Under Pet Bed
Better make sure its not a dog that chews.


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Homemade Mitts for Cleaning Dog's Paws
Darned, why didnt I think of that. Good tip!


Street side of homemade curtains.

Make Your Own Blackout Curtains
Great idea for someone who sleeps during the day. I just may use this idea. Thanks


Photo of Flat Boxes

Use Flat Boxes for Puzzles and Posters
Pizza boxes are good for certain things. I have some games stored in one. Easy to find when my Grandkids come to visit.


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Attach Important Items To Handbag
I cant quite figure how how to do this. how is the elastic attached then how does the metal clip work; on what? Wish I could because it sounds like such a good idea.



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My Frugal Life: Thinking About Thriftiness
This is heartwarming but our government has a part to play. As much as we want to give there will be those who falls thru the cracks. If our government can feed the people of other countries surely to Goodness it can help take care of our own. Churches tend...


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Use Pam For A Stuck Zipper
Another good use for Pam is squeaking door hinges.


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Freeze Ground Coffee
Folgers does not recommend freezing. Dont know why but I just store mine in the pantry.


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Thrifty Hot Pot Holders
Another very good idea. On my way to the dollar store!


Happy boy outside

Educate Yourself and Others
I have an autistic grandson and I learned a long time ago not to judge a parent when I see a child acting up in public. And it makes my skin crawl with I hear someones comment about how the person should control their child when they dont know the pain and...


A brown dog looking up at the camera.

Three "R's" That Make You and Your Pet Happy
Sure is a cute dog! Looks like he has a big personality.


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Make Body Shimmer Lotion
When buying any type makeup or beauty product ask for return policy. In some cases you can return it even its been opened. I returned some makeup one time (think it was Walgreens). I do remember though that it was a drug store. They told me they get credit...


Recycled Tissue Box Notebooks

Recycled Tissue Box Notebooks
Good idea. I was heading out to buy groceries, et. and had notepad on my shopping list. I need a new one for my purse and this is so cute. Thanks so much!


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No More Pack Rat Living
My problem is holding on to sentimental things. Just this morning as I was cleaning out some closets I was contemplating what to do with stuff I kept when my Mother passed away. Stuff that has no monetary value. Two old pitchers that I dont remember anyone...


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Glow In Dark Star Path to Bathroom
Good tip and would also be good for senior citizens. Thanks


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Dog's Ear Tips Not Standing Up?
When my dachshund was this age his ears were doing this. I spent hours online trying to figure out what to do about it because they looked so weird. Never did figure out what was causing it or what to do about it but after a few months his ear were normal. More...


scraper on white background

Uses for a Razor Blade Scraper
These things work wonders on bathtub and/or shower tile. Use it on dry tile and it scrapes off the soap scum. Vaccum the scum up in the tub. I did this before I started buying liquid bath wash; it doesnt form scum that bar soap does.


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Adult Daughter Does Not Give Mother Gifts?
I did not say I took care of my Daughter; I said I did too much for her and her son. Thats not quite the same as taking care of her. Just wanted to make that clear.


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Adult Daughter Does Not Give Mother Gifts?
I cant believe the response Ive gotten after posting this. I feel better knowing they are other Mothers who understand how hurtful this can be. My Daughter is the only person in my life that Ive allowed to get away with this. I dont care what time of the day...


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Should dishwasher or expensive rack be replaced?
If you have a Habitat for Humanity in your area check them out. Youd be surprised as to what kind of replacement items you can find there. People remodel their homes and donate all kids of things, appliances and parts, doors, flooring materials, lighting and...


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Organizing Winter Clothing Without a Closet?
If they are in season clothes get one of those rolling hangers. They are quite inexpensive at WalMart and even Bed, Bath, and Beyond.


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Organizing Winter Clothing Without a Closet?
Wall hooks, under the bed, in another room of the house depending on how frequent you wear them.


Yellow Lab mix wearing sun glasses.

Sugar (Great Dane Labrador Mix)
That has got to be the cutest thing Ive even seen.


Willow with her binky.

Willow Rose (Boxer Mix)
This is just too darned cute!


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Easy Peel Boiled Eggs
I tried this time and time again and they still DO NOT peel without losing half the egg.


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Mixed Vegetable Recipes?
Ive been bad about not eating enough vegetables but Ive found a way thats simple. I have a stove top veggie steamer and I mix frozen broccoli, frozen carrots, and frozen corn. I cook until tender and then I put in a bowl, sprinkle a little olive oil and a little...


Mini Dachshund

Maggie Pie (Mini Weenie)
Looks just like my little dog, except mine is a little boy. So glad to see yours.


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Crock Pot Meal Cooked Too Early?
Ive kept my slow cooker on warm for LONGER than 2 hours because my family members were not ready to eat at the same time.


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Too Much Basil in Spaghetti Sauce?
You may try dropping in a piece of raw potato and simmering. Ive heard this tones down something. I dont remember what but I think it was salt or sugar. In any case, the potato wont hurt the sauce.


spout on mason jar

Salt Spout Mason Jar
It never seems to amaze me of the ideas and shortcuts my thriftyfun friends come up with. I save all kinds of gars and lids but Id never think of saving part of a salt box. Thanks for much for this tip, It can be used for so many more things that salt. My mind...


sprinkles in jar

Rainbow Sprinkles Mason Jar Dispenser
This is the best tip Ive heard/seen in I dont know how long!


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Fabric Softener from Conditioner and Vinegar
The vinegar alone is a fabric softener. I never buy fabric softener. I put the vinegar in the softener dispenser of my washing machine. No vinegar smell to the clothes.


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School Age Summer Daycare Name?
What about Pennys Summer Fun. Sounds good to me.


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Using Tame Rinse for Tangled Hair?
Mix a solution of vinegar and rinse your hair with it. Its not only a disinfectant but a conditioner and will get rid of the tangles. I use a vinegar solution on my dog for the dry hot spots and use it on my dry scalp. The vinegar smell will evaporate and you...


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Moving Tips?
I recently moved 300 plus miles to a different city. I started packing, cleaning and freecycling stuff several weeks before the move. I packed most of the dishes and things I wanted to move. I ate out of paper plates and even cardboard Id accumulated. I gave...


Dog on back of couch.

Treating Pet Separation Anxiety?
Youre wasting your time rubbing his nose in it. Its after the fact and he has no idea why hes being punished. I agree that if hes still young, 11 hours alone is too much. I have a 5 year old dachshund and it was the easiest thing to housebreak him. The only...


muffin tin peach cobbler

Muffin Tin Peach Cobbler
Do you mean baking powder NOT baking soda? There is a difference. Baking powder makes things rise; I dont know how the baking soda would do that but maybe Im wrong.


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Giving Medicine to Dogs
Good idea! This is a tip I can use.


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Garnishment of Disability for Alimony?
This is a sad situation but what is your question?


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Electric Stove Burners Not Working?
Have you checked the breaker box?


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New Era Medicare Supplemental Insurance Reviews?
I have New Era. Ive had other medicare supplement polices in the past. After the first year they have all increased their premiums including New Era. But New Era did not go up as much as the others. Last time mine went up only $9.00. I can live with that. Ill...


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Polyester Cloth Melted on Smooth Top Stove?
Try a straight edge razor blade. Be gentle.


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Remedy for Burned Throat?
Drink some aloe vera juice.


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Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden?
I just throw mine in the flower beds; dont even dig around them. Ive heard they keep some bugs away. I know they are good for the soil.


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Bathing Pets?
I have a 5 year old short haired dachshund and my vet said dont bath him unless he stinks, gets into something or you want him to smell good. Too much bathing dries out their skin. I brush my dachshund nearly every day and that gets rid of anything that may...


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Homemade Birthday Gift for Mom?
I am a Mom and a Grandmother. Nothing is simpler and with the right wording a card you made yourself will do wonders. Tell her how much you love her and mention a special time you spent together than you remember. My adult son usually buys me flowers along...


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Dealing with An abusive Husband?
You said hes never hit you and in the next sentence you say he slapped you. So, which is it? Stop making excuses for him and stop putting him before your kids or your kids will be the ones paying the price. So you let him back in your life because you were...


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Cleaning Carpets Without Chemicals?
I just mix vinegar and hot water in my carpet shampooer. I dont measure.


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Improving the Appearance of Chair?
Posts like these make me glad I dont have a husband. LOL


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Getting Rid of Fire Ants?
I noticed a couple fire ants beds in a flower bed. I sprinkled corn meal on them. After several days I didnt see any ants but when I dug down in the ground they were running around. It seems to contain them for some reason. As long as they dont come to the...


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Finding a Lost Relative?
There is web site called You didnt mention his approximate age but if he has died and buried you may find information there. Also search his last name at those sites. Sometimes a memorial is listed and it oftentimes mentions relatives; where...


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Serving Coffee at a Wedding?
It depends on how many people are attending.


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Washing Machine Care and Maintenance?
Ive never heard of a manufacturer requiring the use of cold water. I wonder if you misunderstood.


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Getting Rid of a Tan?
Wonder why youd want pale skin. Im a white lady with pale skin; my best friend is a black lady and she looks a lot younger than me although were only a couple years apart in age. Pale skin ages and wrinkles faster than darker skin. Be proud of who you are and...


Finding a Missing Relative?
Check out If hes buried you may find him there. Good luck!


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Use Cardboard To Clean Keyboard
I cant see the benefit. I just turn my keyboard upside down and shake it.


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Refilling Foaming Soap?
I tried the liquid soap and water and it didnt work for me. Maybe I didnt put in enough water or soap. I used to buy the large refill bottle at WalMart but they must have stopped carrying it. Guess they figured out theyd make more money selling the individual...


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Loose Shoes?
Cheap shoe inserts are the easiest way to go. Or wear thicker socks.


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Using Deemark Diaba Amrit for Diabetes?
Im not diabetic but it seems the best thing for a diabetic is exercising even if its just walking. A diabetic friend of mind told me she lowered her glucose count by walking and dancing. She also said when she got stressed out over her kids her count would...


Cat lying on owner.

Lester (Cat)
My dogs name is Lester. I love the name for an animal.


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Verbally Abusive Spouse Wants Me to Move Out?
I would seek advice of any attorney and pull his bluff. I would not leave but I would put him out if any way possible. If youve been married 29 years thats your home as much as his Id think.


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Remedies for Post-op Nerve Pain?
Maybe Im wrong but I thought the only thing pain management doctors could do was prescribe and monitor pain medications. And I dont think they know or deal with anything natural and most mds dont believe in chiropractic remedies.


Sectional couch.

Curtain Color Advice?
You could use just about any color your choose under these circumstances.


Granola in a jar

Maple Peanut Butter Granola
Its also very high in calories.


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Washing Machine Not Spinning?
Now sure I understand about the button thing but I do know that my washing machine wont spin if I have the lid open.


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Self Employment Ideas for Young Adults?
Mowing grass, cleaning houses, handyman jobs for senior citizens.


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Returning Defective Sewing Machines?
You didnt have how long youve had them. If you cant return them to the place you bought them Id go up the ladder (President, CEO, Etc) withing the company and Id complain big time until I got a replacement.


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Borax and Honey Ant Trap for Counter
Cinnamon works. I just sprinkle in on the counter top behind appliances, canisters, etc.


Stretch your Laundry Soap

Stretch your Laundry Soap
Arent those things quite expensive to begin with?


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Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
Your daughter thinks youve taken sides; shes right. Your daughter has had to leave her home and youre still with her abuser. I feel sorry for the young girl. Get your priorities in order before its too late. I know its hard but you have no other choice or you...


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Ants in the Kitchen?
You didnt say what kind of ants but I had those little things and I sprinkled cinnamon on my counter tops behind canisters, etc. Also sprinkled it inside my cabinet, under the kitchen sink, and some along the outside of the backdoor. Believe me, it works.


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Ants in the Kitchen?
I dont think poor housekeeping has anything to do with it. I keep a clean house. Not to say poor housekeeping doesnt make it worse. I think it probably has something to do with the weather.


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Small Room Lots of Stuff?
This is what my daughter did one time. She hung a couple cute tot bags on hooks hung on the wall. She filled them with things because she didnt have enough space in her dresser drawers. But you could store most anything in them. I have a couple hanging in my...


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Asking Mom to Shave?
My Daughter is grown now and I dont remember when she started shaving her legs. She never asked me just did it and I remember being shocked but I figured it wasnt worth fighting over. My Daughter was strong willed and had a mind of her own. Traits that have...


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Splitting Living Expenses With Boyfriend?
Im wondering the gender of KLS. Those views seems to be quite different from the other posts. I too, believe you are being taken advantage of and being used. I certainly hope you end this relationship before he does because when and if you tell him youll pay...


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Getting a POA for a Deceased Parent?
Sounds to me like youre getting the run around. You are their next of kin. Did you present them with death certificates?


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Changing Terms of a Divorce?
This doesnt make sense. Did you read the so called divorce papers you signed? Have these divorce papers been recording in the county in which you live? Are you even sure youre divorced. I dont think you can believe anything he says. Furthermore, he cant set...


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Changing Terms of a Divorce?
When you allow him to humiliate you in front of your kids, what youre doing is teaching your son how to treat women. Do you want that for your son? Take my advice, been there, done that. Its not too late. You are a doormat and your husband doesnt respect you...


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Itchy Ears and Throat?
Have your taken your temperature? Sounds like you may have an infection. If thats the case the only one that can help is a doctor who will prescribe an antibiotic. So many people dont have health insurance. Id call a walk in clinic and ask about seeing a doctor...


Mr. Whiskers (Wirehaired Dachshund)

Mr. Whiskers (Wirehaired Dachshund)
He is so cute. My favorite breed of dog as I have a short haired one that six years old. But Whiskers is just precious.


The Three Amigos (Dachshunds)

The Three Amigos (Dachshunds)
Every time I see another cute picture of dachshunds, its all can do to keep from going out and getting another one.


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Dealing with a Spouse Who Drives Drunk?
Talk to him when hes sober! It sounds like that person has never lived with an alcoholic. Until they want to change and admit they have a problem, you cant talk to them about their drinking when theyre sober, or stone drunk. The alcoholic can turn the conversation...


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How Do I Find Someone to Tie a Quilt?
Call the Senior center in you area. Those ladies do quilting and all sorts of crafts and needlework. They may not even charge you or they can show you how to do it yourself.


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Cleaning A Smooth Top Stove Surface
Ive tried a number of things and the best and easiest thing Ive found is baking soda contrary to what another person said. If the service is dirty and not cleaned up perfectly before putting another pot on its much harder to clean up. Ill never have another...


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Relief for Lower Back Pain?
Ive been having back pain now for weeks and just recently did an online search for exercises to strengthen the back. I dont know how old you are but I found a site that has exercises Im going to be doing. Its


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Using Oil in Dog's Food for Flaky Skin?
My vet recommended fish oil. I puncture a capsule and put it on his dry food every morning.


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Surprise Gift for a Friend?
This is so sad. I wonder what went wrong between you and your Mother. Search your heart and ask yourself what part you played in the relationship. I was angry with my Mother for several years but when I had children of my own I came to understand the sacrifices...


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Getting Rid of Tiny Ants?
Cinnamon will deter ants. In the past when Ive had them I sprinkled cinnamon on my kitchen counter tops behind small appliances like my toaster. I sprinkled it inside my kitchen cabinets near the back walls and in the floor of the pantry. Worked for me.


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Free or Inexpensive Living Room Furniture?
Think outside the box. If you dont have anything to sit on try an inexpensive lawn chair. If you cant find a sofa at the thrift store why not a chair or recliner. When you cant afford to buy you take whats available. Try freecycle but like someone said you...


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Child Support and Social Security?
Dont try to get even for something that possibly happened in the past. Are you disabled yourself? If not Id say give him some slack!


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Buying Cinnamon Sticks?
I dont understand you question.


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Power of Attorney for an Elderly Parent?
No she does not have to stay with her. I have POA for someone living in a different but nearby city.


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Sharing Expenses with a Live-in Boyfriend?
Situations like this ruin relationships and you have so much to loose if you marry this man. Love does not solve all problems but problems sure can kill love. Research shows that the main reasons for divorce is money. Like someone else said what kind of message...


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Alternative to Paper Towels
This puts too much grease down the drain. I drain my grease on junk mail and/or newspaper then into the trash.


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Relieving Heel Spur Pain?
Go to U-Tube, there are pictures there. Its not easy to do it yourself. Ive tried.


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