
Jackie H.

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362 Posts | 227 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Organizing Your Cleaners Under the Sink
Econ omiser...I love your idea. I cant wait to organize my under the kitchen sink and under my bathrooms sinks. Thanks for your ideas.


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Clutter Baskets
Ardis, I love the idea. Wish someone told me this when I had four teenagers living at home years ago. but, I do use a waste basket in several rooms, it keeps my own clutter to a minimum. I keep one in each bathroom, my bedroom, my office, an one even in the...


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Refrigerator Seals
Thank You Robin, That is a new tip I have never heard before. I will try it right away! Thank you for sharing.


Rookie Moves When Baking Your First Turkey

Rookie Moves When Baking Your First...
Thank you for your wonderful :) *Chuckle*:) We all have our stories! They are funny memories that are laughs to remember forever! *Keep smiling* and making more glorious memories! *Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours*


A receipt from the grocery store.

How To Create A Monthly Budget For...
Great post on keeping a budget for food shopping. I am alone, but have been before now always cooking for a very large family. So I still have that instict to buy in quantity. Now, I make my list out each week by looking at the store flyiers and going to 2...


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Easy Tip Calculations
The way I have always calculated tipping is; take the total.. double the first digit and add one. example...The bill comes to $37.00..Double the 3 = 6 + 1 = $7.00 $37.00 Bill will get Approx. 20% tip. I give 20% for moderate to good service! 20% is the recommended...


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Savory Vegetable Mini Quiches
Great recipe for entertaining, And far better than buying those frozen mini quiches. This recipe is a keeper in my book.! Thanks for sharing Hugs, Jackie, From Massachusetts


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Pineapple Cheese Danish
This sounds like a delightful desert! I am filing this one for sure! It would be great at brunches! Thanks so much for sharing. Jackie from Massachusetts


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Use Colorful Stickers On Luggage
Great idea, Especially when you see pictures of all this lost luggage sitting at airports. Super Idea, I will never leave home without something colorful on my luggage. Thanks for sharing, Jackie From Massachusetts


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Cappuccino Mix In A Jar
Great idea! Thank You! I just got a Cappucinno maker for Christmas. Now I have a great recipe to use for it! And a handy way of storing it too! Thanks for sharing, Jackie From Massachusetts


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Chicken and Broccoli Stuffed Potatoes
This recipe is truly a keeper. I love it, It sounds scrumptous!!! We will enjoy this! Jackie From Massachusetts


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Take Pride In Not "Keeping Up With The...
I have had to teach myself to become very frugal. After loosing my husband at an early age, now living alone for the first time in my life on a very low income. I am finding the most frugal ideas here on Thrifty Fun. And I post my ideas. It is a whole new life...



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Corned Beef Patties
Where is the recipe that is shown in the picture with the stuffed green peppers. The peppers look so delicious, but then there is no recipe. I was expecting a corned beef hash in a stuffed green pepper and there wasnt....*Strange*


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Deep Fried Zucchini With Creamy Garlic Dip
I love fried vegetables! They make the best snacks or appetizers. Kids dont realize that they are eating veggies! If they can dip it, they eat it!! I love deep-fried Cauliflower, Oh, it is the best!


Finished project.

Crochet With Old T-Shirts
Hi Donna, Could you explain this pattern a bit more in detail please? I love to crochet! The rug looks so interesting.


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Removing Label Glue from Plastic Bowls?
Rubbing Alcohol works great!


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Ham and Eggs on Toast
Where is the recipe that is pictured above of sliced hard boiled eggs on toast???? There is no recipe..Huhhhh


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Potato Flakes For Thick Potato Soup
I use a food processor and process 2 large potatoes. It thickens the soup nicely. And you still have the flavor of potato. I do this with my clam chowder, corn chowder, and even a beef stew if I want it thicker. It is far healthier than using flour or cornstarch...


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Preventing Dry Chicken?
My answer to freezing cooked chicken is; freeze it in a 1/2 cup of chicken broth or gravy. You can also use a 1/4 cup of water instead. When you thaw it, drain it. You will have very moist chicken. It will not change the taste of your chicken at all. Unless...


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Freezer Maintenance Tips
Great idea!! I have always wanted to shut down my freezer and refrigerator but never dared! Now I feel better doing it. Thank you.


Green tissue rose.

Tissue Rose
This is such a beautiful idea. I just love it! Very crafty and easy! Thank you for sharing you talented idea! Jackie H :)


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Penne with Asparagus and Basil
I do not see red peppers on the ingredient list. But in the directions you mention red peppers. I am wondering if you mean red pepper flakes or maybe chopped red peppers?


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Recycled Can for Filling Freezer Bags
Great idea! I thought now about using a plastic coffee jug. I hate throwing those away. They can be used for so many things. Thanks for sharing. I use Zip Loc bags for the freezer a lot of times.


Family at Dinner

Cook for Other Families to Save Money
I love this ides used to cooking for my large family and now its just me. This would be great as now I live in townhouse/Condo living where most people are full time workers. I think I will make a flyer and send it to just the other 5 units I live in. They...



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January Spending Freeze
I am also on a No spend January & February. I am enjoying not spending every dime I have. It is also a great relief knowing I have money in the bank. I am on a very low-income (below poverty). I get my food I need and the essentials. And have little to spend...


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Round Up Debit Card Into Savings
My bank does this Keep the change also. And it is amazing how fast this grows. I dont watch it ever. And about every 6 months -a year I will take a peak and pleasantly surprised at how much that keep the change added up to. Great Idea!! Jackie H.


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Save Plastic Lids for Toddler Toys
I love your idea. I also recycle. And always thing of things to do with the covers of coffee covers and the colorful coffee containers. I hate to put these in the recycle if they can be used for storing or my 11 grandchildrens toys. I keep one bright colored...


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Watering Plants With Iced Tea?
My mother taught me years ago to feed my plants every 2 months, with a tablespoon of sugar per gallon of water. I have always had beautiful healthy flourishing plants. I keep the date circled on my calendar. Old wives tale? No!! It truly works! Also, not moving...


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Add Heavy Thread to Your Yarn
Wow! Where have I been all these years... :) I have never heard of incorporating thread into yarn to make yarn stronger, and of course it makes perfect sense... My mom skipped that chapter in teaching me to crochet and knit. I have been crocheting for dinosaur...


shopping receipt

Reducing the Cost of Feeding a Family
At this great time of need, I have 4 families in my neighborhood who have lost their jobs to COVID-19. I have always loved to cook. I come from a very large family, and have a large family of my own. I love to cook in bulk. I am a very faithful person. I feel...


Oven Door Towel

Oven Door Towel
This is a great idea! I bought special kitchen towels and these stick on hooks to hold them, well...Duh.... every time I open the oven door, off came the towels. This idea will work beautifully. Thank you for sharing this.


My Frugal Life

My Frugal Life: Starting Over
Oh my, Lucy... What a very true to life journey you have traveled. You have inspired me greatly. I read it, and read it again. My eyes filled with sad but happy tears that you have made this journey on your own. You are one empowered woman. You must pat yourself...


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Place Phone in Purse When Charging
Great Idea, The only time I have left behind my cell phone is when it is charging. I think this idea is wonderful, and you will always also have your charger with you at all times. Thanks for the great tip! Jackie H.


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Use a Stocking as a Keyboard Cover
I would never have thought of covering my keyboard. My keyboard gets so dirty and I never know what to clean it with. Do you have any suggestions on cleaning it before I cover it? Thank you so much, your post was so very helpful.


Tape end marked by paperclip

Use Paper Clip to Mark Tape End
You have just cured my biggest headache...Thank you. I use that big roll of Scotch brand tape in the red dispenser and always loose the end. I spend more time finding the end, I have thrown that tape across the room....You see why I am bowing with a gracious...


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Label Corner of Fitted Sheet
Wow! What an amazing idea!! It never fails, when I go to make the bed, I get one corner done and go to the next and *You got it* I have the sheet going the wrong way. I truly dont think I have ever started making the bed with the right end first!! I dont know...



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Take Picture of List with Cell Phone
What a great idea!! I always write my note, then forget to bring it to the store with me. But I never go anywhere with out my cell phone. Thanks for sharing a great tip!


A cup of hot cocoa with whipped cream and a candy cane.

Help Out Your Grocery List
I truly admire and respect you for opening up your heart and words. Knowing right well that there are many people (too many) people who live every day like this and most have children. Thank you for feeding your thoughts. I hope this hits all that are in need...


Ribbon on Paper Towel Holder

Paper Towel Holder for Storing Ribbon
Great Idea!! I am always looking for ribbon that I know I have, but I am always throwing it in different places! This will work for me! I always use ribbon on packages. Thanks for sharing such a good idea!


Monkey muffins hot from the oven.

Cinnamon Monkey Muffins
I love making the monkey bread. This idea of making the individual size ones is terrific! Thanks f


Toilet brush in glass vase.

Glass Vase for Toilet Brush Storage
I am all into decorating. I love this Idea. I never found the right anything to ever put in my bathroom that ever pleased me. Thank you, now my toilet brush & I will be very happy living together. You have me thinking of what other things I could possibly use...


Wire organizer for under your sink.

Use Vertical Space Under Your Sink
I Love, love, love this idea!! I never have enough room under my kitchen sink. I usually have to keep half my things in the downstairs bathroom cabinet and fill that too. The best part about this is, you can buy these white wire racks at the Dollar Store. How...


View of clean and burnt sides of pan.Cleaning a Very Burnt Saucepan

Cleaning a Very Burnt Saucepan
I burnt very badly a Faberware saucepan. I tried everything. I used every old fashioned method everyone told me was fool proof. NOT! Finally, I used hot soapy water, then dumped it out, I used Clorox Soft Scrub. a few squirts on the bottom, spread it over the...


Chicken Soup in Bowl

Homemade Chicken and Rice Soup
Old fashioned medicine before there was any medicines for colds. I still put on a chicken in a pot when anyone in my family says they have a sick one in the house. After a few hours, they are at my door picking up their (Moms Medicine)...ha, haha!


upclose mac and cheese

Homemade Mac n' Cheese
I make homemade mac n cheese, I add buttered bread crumbs over the top. It looks and tastes delicious. I also add 3 tablespoons of ground mustard when mixing at the beginning.


Closeup view of hanging spray bottles.

Organizing Under the Sink
I love this idea, but cannot find a short curtain rod anywhere! Where did you find one? They seem to all come standard. Help Please let me know Where?


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Banana-Coconut Upside Down Cake
I want to try this and try to stack the two layers, by putting the 2nd layer upside down onto the first layer, so the banana side will be on top, then top with whipped topping...*just an idea* and an attractive one* I wish you had posted a picture!


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Natural Oven Cleaner
Thanks Janine for this recipe for cleaning my oven. I am not allowed to use harsh chemicals due to a lung disease. This recipe sounds great! Thanks for sharing it!


Hints for Holiday Visitors

Preparing for Holiday Visitors
Great ideas and just likely easy tips to know. Thank you!


Buy Meat in Bulk and Divide

Buy Meat in Bulk and Divide
Yes, I do the same exact thing...


lighted jar candle

Autumn Leaves Jar Candle Holder
Very nice fall craft!! Yes, you can change this into any seasonal craft jar! Great job!


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Christmas Morning Sweet Thing?
Hi, I make Texas French toast, but give it a nice seasoning of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and brown sugar to the egg mixture, whip it up good, let the bread soak really good before putting it in the hot pan. Turn heat down to medium, the sugar can make it...


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
Sounds to me that you have the ingredients for a nice curry sauce to put over turkey and noodles. Sounds yummy to me.


baked chicken on a red and white plate

Herbed Ranch Baked Chicken
Sounds tasty!! Im going to try this!! Thank you!


birthday girl with pie 1

Making a 1/2 Pie for a Half Birthday
Thank you for this great idea. I am going on amazon to find this 1/2 pie pan. I love the idea. Thanks for sharing it!


tissue and trash can on table

Tissues and a Trash Can
This is a terrific idea! How about putting a bottle of Purell beside it?


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Muffins Stick to the Paper?
You can lightly spray oil(the one with flour) a little in each muffin liner.


young girl wearing the cowl

Fan Pattern Crocheted Cowl
Wonderful scarf. I cant wait to try this. I just printed it out. It will make great Christmas gifts this year! The design you make is amazing! I look forward to seeing more of your work. Thank you again, for sharing your talent with us. Jackie H.


A hard boiled egg being peeled.

Peel Hard-boiled Eggs Quickly
Very cool idea! Ive got to try it! I hate peeling eggs especially when the egg white sticks and you end up pulling the egg white off.


mixing baking soda and lemon juice

Homemade Soft Scrub
Thanks for the great tip!! I use soft scrub for so many surfaces. This sounds so inexpensive and easy. Great frugal idea! Thanks for sharing!


jars of sauce

Old World Spaghetti Sauce
Yes, you can use extra lean ground beef (90% fat free) Then you have a nice meatsauce!


jars of sauce

Old World Spaghetti Sauce
I also always add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. It cuts the acidity of the tomatoes. I also add a 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese. It tastes so good and thickens the sauce nicely!


Yarn Octopus Doll - finished blue octopus with eyes and mouth

Yarn Octopus Doll
I love it!! Great craft idea!! In Fall colors it could be made into a scarecrow!! Just love it!!


frozen veggies.

Adjusting to a New Life
I had to start cooking for one just two years ago. And went from a family of 4 children, their friends and others some nights I felt like I was cooking for an army. To now cooking for just me. I LOVE TO COOK!! It is my passion. I cook still in quantity and...


roll up on plate with rice

Chicken Roll Ups
Thank you!! :)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Remedy for Pain from New Dentures?
Hi, I had the same problem especially with bottom dentures. Bottoms are the hardest to fit properly and to get used to. Have you spoke to your Dentist who made these dentures? Sounds like you need adjustments done. I needed adjustments for the first few months...


server with cupcakes

Vinyl Record Dessert Tiers
Love, love, love this idea!! Definitely an *Oldie but Goodie* for sure!! Great idea for a 50th, 60th or more Over The Hill birthday party!! Or a Halloween party. Great thinking here!! Love your *DIY*


Homemade Carrot Cake

Homemade Carrot Cake
This is a similar Carrot Cake recipe I already posted, with a different additive. I wanted to show what it looked like in a 3-layer cake with Cream Cheese frosting decorated with pineapple topping and pineapple in between each layer


Homemade Tea and Coffee Lattes

Homemade Tea and Coffee Lattes
Thank you both for your positive feed back...


Homemade Tea and Coffee Lattes

Homemade Tea and Coffee Lattes
Thank you (not) for your positive feed back. I was always taught that if you didnt have anything good to say, dont say anything at all....


Homemade Tea and Coffee Lattes

Homemade Tea and Coffee Lattes
What works for me, just doesnt have to work for you. You still have to go out and purchase all the above items and a Frother. I get frothy foam from using the appliance I use. If your feed back cannot be something positive, you shouldnt say anything at all...


Hands holding shopping list.

Shopping on a Low-Income Budget
Thank you for your feedback!!


Hands holding shopping list.

Shopping on a Low-Income Budget
Thank you Coreen, Jackie


Use Creams Right After Showering

Use Creams Right After Showering
In the winter my feet really dry out. Before I go to bed, I rub Vaseline around my heels and all over my feet. Forget the fancy creams and lotions. There is a reason Vaseline has stayed in business all these years. They are an excellent product. I also use...


Banana-Cinnamon Muffins with Crumb Topping

Banana-Cinnamon Muffins with Crumb Topping
Thank you Attosa & Judy for your very nice compliments! I truly love to cook & Bake!


Affording Real Food

Affording Real Food
Thank you for sharing all your wonderful frugal and healthy ideas. I too have changed all my ways of shopping and cooking wisely. It has to be that way these days. Who can afford not to be frugal? I would enjoy your Spaghetti Soup Recipe, please? Thanks again...


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Finding Help After a House Fire?
I am so very sorry for your loss! Call The Red Cross First!! Call your local churches and especially if you are practicing at one particular church. They are usually the greatest source of contributors. Contact the closest Good Will for furniture and appliances...


Easiest Potato Peeling

Easiest Potato Peeling
What a fantastic trick to peeling potatoes!! Wow! Anything to make kitchen help easier, Im in!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful tip!


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Closing a Round Tupperware Lid?
Run the cover under very hot water for 5 minutes or let it sit in water. This expands the plastic and it should fit. If the covers havent been used they are cold and they contract.


Uses for Large Plastic Coffee Jugs

Uses for Large Plastic Coffee Jugs
Thank you, just another great idea for these handy reusable containers. The ideas are endless. Thank you for commenting. :)


7 Tips for Making Thrift Shopping a Breeze

7 Tips for Making Thrift Shopping a Breeze
You are so very right! I was introduced to Thrift and Consignment Stores about a year ago from a new girlfriend who also showed me around yard sales for the first time. Let me just say this; I WILL NEVER PAY FULL PRICE AGAIN FOR ANYTHING. I wear the latest...


Attach Tape To Dust Pan

Attach Tape To Dust Pan
Great idea, thank you for sharing.


Custard Layer Cake

Custard Layer Cake
Cocoa?? Is in this recipe for custard layer cake. I cant imagine because it is pictured yellow custard????


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Repairing Heat Damage to Dining Table?
Thank you for your expert opinion on this subject. You seem to know exactly what you are talking about. I will be trying this right away! It sounds fool-proof! Thanks for sharing your expertise! :)


4th of July card

Happy Independence Day Greeting Card
I love your creativity on the 4th of July greeting card. I love making cards too. This is a great one, thanks for sharing your patriotism with us. Happy early 4th of July to you.


pink shabby chic painted storage box

Shabby Chic Upcycled Box
I love your shabby chic box. I just found an antique box at a yard sale for a quarter. Love those yard sales. :) I cant decide yet what to do to it. I love your look, I love pinks and antique look. You certainly have my thoughts running wild! Thank you. Great...


Apple Pie Cookies

Apple Pie Cookies
These look fantastic and fun to make! I am always looking for things like this to make with my Granddaughter. She will love these. Thanks for sharing. :)


plastic drawer unit with plastic coffee cans inside

Declutter with Coffee Cans
Great ideas! I have been collecting these plastic coffee containers to use someday. They are too wonderful to just throw away. But I havent found a use for them except for using one for craft supplies. Thank you for all your great ideas. Im on it now to organize...


Sunflower  at night next to lamppost

Sunflower Lamppost
What a beautiful display to have on your front lawn or driveway. I just love this. I adore sunflowers. They are mystical in how they grow so tall and large. And such a great place to show them off beautifully at your light post, Great idea!! Thank you for sharing...


Summer Fresh Tomato Pie for One

Summer Fresh Tomato Pie for One
You certainly present this recipe so well, my mouth is watering. This is now on my shopping list. I cant wait to make it and of course EAT IT. Thanks for a great recipe!


Abby's Lumpia

Abby's Lumpia
Thank you so much for this wonderful sounding recipe. I love any oriental type of cooking and this sounds yummy!! Great share!! You should be a winner for this recipe! This is what they call *Tried and true*


Sausage Soup

Sausage Soup
Sorry about that! 1/2 cup of Orzo pasta. If this thickens your broth too much to your liking, add extra water and simmer. And same thing when reheating leftovers... Thank you for noticing my error.. Have a nice day! You will love this soup! :)


Sausage Soup

Sausage Soup
Thank you so much for your comment & your vote!! Have a wonderful day! Ill be posting many more soups now this Fall. I love...SOUPS!! :)


Italian Escarole Soup

Italian Escarole Soup
I use 1 pound of extra lean ground beef. You can use as little or as much as you want to make. Depending on how much filling you want in your soup. Sometimes I only use a 1/2 pound.


Converting All Purpose Flour into Cake Flour

Converting All Purpose Flour into Cake Flour
Great, glad I could help!! Enjoy your baking over the holidays! :)


A empty tissue box being reused to store plastic bags.

Store Plastic Bags in Tissue Box
This is such a nice neat idea, instead of stuffing plastic bags into other bags to store them! Thank you!


A plate of spinach and cheese appetizers.

Spinach and Cheese Appetizers
Thank you for your comment! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!! Happy Thanksgiving


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Removing a Stain from Marble Countertop?
I use Soft Scrub on my counter tops. It is non abrasive and it has only a small amount of bleach to remove the stain. Put it on, rub it in, let it set over night, and rinse it off the next day. I use soft scrub on so many things. And you dont have to buy name...


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13 Birthday Party Ideas?
Thirteen is a *Tween* age party. You want them to feel like big girls but not too big. You could have a a nail stylist (or an older teen) come in and do *Mani-Pedis* They would just love it! For the party, have pizza delivery and soda, pop some popcorn. And...


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Softening Hard Sugar?
Place the block of sugar in a covered casserole in a 200 degree oven with a boiling pan of water. Boil the water prior to putting it in the oven. And just check it every half hour. This should solve the problem.


A decorated and lighted Christmas tree inside a living room.

My First Artificial Christmas Tree
Thank you so very much. I fought and fought my husband for 42 years as he bought, stood and fought and cursed at a fresh tree each year. And begged me to get an artificial one and I always said NO WAY. ha, ha, ha. But, now being alone, my sons worry so much...


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