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21 Posts | 165 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Preventing Puppies From Chewing
Dogs, especially puppies, need to chew. Rather than rub hot sauce on everything, which I, too, think is cruel, why not provide them with something appropriate to chew. I get bully sticks for my dog (also called pizzle sticks) and she loves them. It also keeps...


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Sturdy Kitty Litter Scoop
I use a metal one, too, but I wish I could find a long-handled one because I have back problems. If anyone knows of somewhere I can get one, please let me know. Thanks.


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Kitty Litter Mess?
Jennifer, Do you have a photo of your cat litter grid. I have no idea what these look like or how you used it. Thanks


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Keeping Clothes Smelling Nice
I agree with Jean. I can hardly go down the aisle at the store that carries all these perfume-laden products without feeling nauseous and sneezing. And now they are making my favorite garbage can liners with perfume. Cant get bed protectors that arent scented...


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Using Mascara
Sounds like that would be a good way to contaminate your mascara wand.


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Puppy Is Losing Hair?
Sounds like mange to me. There is a special, medicated shampoo that you need to use if that is the case.


"Hot Spot" Collar For Dogs

"Hot Spot" Collar For Dogs
This collar sounds cruel. Its not treating the hot spots. Its just driving him crazy not being able to scratch them. They still itch just as much. Treat the hot spots and you wont need to put this collar on him. How would you like it if you had an intense itch...


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Easy Angel Wings
Im not getting it; could you display a photo, please?


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Easy Angel Wings
Oh, I get it now.


Puppy is Pooping in Cage?
1. Hes probably being left in the cage too long. 2. At the age that hes at, he should be getting fed twice a day.


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Dog Pulls on Leash?
Try a halter rather than a collar with your leash. You will find that it pulls a lot less.


Chandelier hung with beads.

Revamped Chandelier
Where did you find the candle-shaped bulbs?



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Shih Tzu Has Bad Breath?
Many times bad breath indicates an infected tooth so you should take your dog to your vet and have teeth checked.


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Dog Always Has Body Odor?
My sisters dog had an odor problem and they found out it was caused by hypothyroidism. You can have this simple, inexpensive blood test done at your vet.


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Alcohol for Ear Mites?
I asked my vet the same question. She said it would be very painful to use alcohol because the ear mites bite and when the alcohol comes in contact with the spot that was bitten, it will burn a lot. Try putting alcohol on a cut on your finger and you will find...


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Drying Lettuce?
I took some classes from a French chef and he always dried his lettuce by putting it in a new, clean pillowcase and putting it in the wash machine on spin cycle for a few seconds.


What Breed is My Dog?
Has she been checked for worms? Having worms can make it difficult to gain weight.


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Dog Smells Like Urine?
If the dog has urinary incontinence or urinary tract infection, this could cause it. I would see a vet.


Naya (Chocolate Lab)

Naya (Chocolate Lab)
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story.


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Buying Oven Guards?
They can be purchased at stores such as Linen and Things, Bed, Bath and Beyond, etc.


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Tips for Selecting Dog Food?
Canidae is a good dog food. More expensive than some, but if you want a good quality dog food, it will cost a bit more. Be sure to read the ingredients list. As already noted, check out The Whole Dog Journal.


Dog Has Soft Stool With Mucus?
My dog had similar symptoms and she was diagnosed with chronic irritable bowel syndrome. Whenever she starts getting it, I just start her on two meds that you can get inexpensively over the internet. She takes the medications for 5 days and then she quits taking...


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Making a Dog Bed Using Cedar Chips?
Cedar chips can be harmful to pets; it is irritating to their eyes and the fumes can damage their respiratory systems.


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Removing Waterproof Mascara?
BJ: I dont know if youre aware of it or not, but Avon tests their cosmetics on animals. I saw a picture of a rabbit locked in a cage with just his head out a hole and they were putting eye make-up remover in his eyes to see if it was irritating. The poor animal...



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Advice for Quitting Smoking?
I tried several times before I was able to quit for good. What I eventually did was allow myself only one cigarette a day. I had it with a piece of candy and a cup of coffee. Then, when I had been having only one cigarette per day for several days, I quit completely...


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Sealing Chipped Paint on Old Doors?
Could you hinge them together and display them that way?


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Ways to Make Christmas Less Lonely and More Fun?
I plan to volunteer at a local animal shelter. Maybe your kids would enjoy something like that.


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Remedies for a Cat With Dry Skin?
She might have hypothyroid so see vet; if there isnt a medical condition, consider putting plain vasoline on a front paw each day; cat will lick it off.


Homemade pet carrier made from a plastic tub.

Make Your Own Pet Carrier
I think this is a very unsafe, unkind way of transporting a pet. It can get too hot inside and there is not enough ventilation. Please rethink this poor idea for the sake of your pet.


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Make Your Own Jerky for Dogs
Cant wait to try it! Thanks for sharing.


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Litter Box Odor?
If the litter box is plastic, it might have absorbed some of the odor. I would replace it with a new one and see if that helps.


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Tips for Traveling to Greece?
I loved going on a 7-day cruise of the Greek islands with a stop in Istanbul and Ephesus.


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Do Skunks Dig Up Potted Plants?
I would hesitate to place mothballs where animals can get to them as they are very poisonous to them.


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Keeping Cat Hair Off the Bed?
I use one of those sticky lint rollers on my bed each night before I go to bed to remove the cat hair.


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Using Bleach to Get Rid of Fleas?
Bleach can be harmful to pets if they walk in an area treated with bleach and then lick their paws, ingesting some of it.


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Label Corner of Fitted Sheet
I do this too, but the more I marked, the more I noticed that the label is almost always on the upper left end on the fitted sheet, so now I just use that and dont bother to mark them.



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Dog With Smelly Ears?
Sounds like ear mites, but please take your dog to the vet and have it diagnosed correctly. If it is mites, using alcohol in the ears, as someone suggested, would be very painful on the bites.


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Can I Freeze Canned Whipped Cream?
You can place a piece of wax paper on a cookie sheet; then put dollops of the whipped cream from the can on the paper and place in freezer. Once frozen, the mounds of whipped cream can be placed in a zip-lock freezer bag for future use.


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How Sturdy Are Suction Grab Bars?
As stated on the packaging, they are for steadying support only and not for weight bearing.


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How Sturdy Are Suction Grab Bars?
As stated on the packaging, they are for steadying support only and not for weight bearing.


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Reuse Room Deodorizers
Some of these products are not good to have close to animals, especially dogs, because a dogs sense of smell is 5-6 times more acute than a humans.


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Selling Unused Needle Point Canvases and Yarn?
I would be interested in buying some if thats possible on this site.


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Severe Back Pain?
I have five herniated discs. The pain meds didnt help me. The injections take about 10 days to work for me. They only help for about 3 months and then I need another one. My sister has the same problem and she has chosen surgery which she will have next week...


Mac (Dog)
What a happy-looking dog and child!


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Dog Yeast Infections?
Prednisone made my dog worse. Could it be making your dogs yeast infection worse?


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Dog Not Eating?
I would get a second opinion. I wish I had done that with my dog that passed on. One vet said he was fine and she died the next morning.


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Repairing Plastic Bins
Where do you buy liquid tape? Is it the same as a liquid band-aid?


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Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox?
Could be a urinary tract infection, best to have her tested.


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Puppy Has White Flaky Patches on Skin?
My dog had similar symptoms and it was ring worm; best to have it checked by vet.


Photo of using laundry detergent caps in the bathroom for organizing.

Laundry Detergent Caps For Bathroom Organizing
The laundry jug could be used to store left-over paint; it pours much easier than from the can and the screw-on lid is much more convenient than prying off the paint can lid.


Puppy Becomes Too Excited at Feeding Time?
He needs to be fed more often, like every 3 hours or so.


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Getting Prescriptions From Drug Companies?
Contact your nearest MAP (Medical Assistance Program) office. You can call your clinic to find one.


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Previously Housetrained Dog Peed Near Christmas Tree?
Hello! Dogs mark their scent on trees; he was just doing what is ingrained in him to do.


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Keeping an Outside Dog Warm?
Small, short-haired dogs are not meant to live outdoors; if you dont want the dog inside, then find him a home where he can be inside and is part of the family. Leaving a small dog out in the winter is cruel.


Black puppy with one ear cocked up.

What Breed is My Puppy?
He looks like a lab to me.


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Homemade Food for Large Dog with Colitis?
There is a book by Dr. Pitcairn called Natural Health for Dogs and Cats that has many recipes for homemade dog food.


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Dog Chews When Left Alone?
Putting a dog with separation anxiety in a confined place such as a kennel is not recommended.


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Dog Ignoring New Puppies ?
She needs to be evaluated by a vet.


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Eliminating Cat Box Odors?
Ive read that any type of fragrance is not good for pets.


Suzi (Pomeranian)

Suzi (Pomeranian)
I, too, hope that you did the responsible, kind thing and reported her to the Humane Society, PETA, and any other local rescue group that would make sure she didnt have ANY more dogs in her CARE.


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How Do I Teach My Dog to Come When Called?
Put him on a long leash. Then call come as you gradually shorten the leash so he comes to you. When he gets to you, give him a treat.


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My Dog is Constipated?
Try adding a tablespoon or so of canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) to his food each day. Make sure he always has water available.


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Dog Seems Lethargic?
I would get a second opinion from another vet.


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Advice For House Training Puggle Puppy?
Take him outside at least every two hrs. wait outside with him until he potties, then praise him and give him a treat. if he has an accident in the house, say no and take him outside.


Closeup of lily.

Garden: Stargazer Lily
How do you do an overlay?


Bryndle (Pit Bull)
What a sweetheart! Thanks for sharing.


In Memory Of Boo Boo Kitty
Im so sorry for your loss.


Photo of a homemade pizza.

No Fail Homemade Pizza Crust
How much is one egg size butter?


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Fettuccine with Cayenne Sauce
Your recipes always sound so good. Can I come live at your house?


Gizmo (Shih Tzu) - Light colored Shih Tzu with hair that covers his  eyes and bottom teeth that stick out.

Gizmo (Shih Tzu)
Have his teeth checked, tooth decay can cause bad breath and small dogs are more susceptible.


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Crate Training a Puppy?
I would get anxious if someone locked me in a cage, too, wouldnt you?


Finished towel hanging.

Tied Kitchen Towel
Cant wait to make some. Great idea!


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Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for Dogs
Maile: Please google are avocados harmful to dogs. It says that they are toxic because they contain persin, a fatty acid derivative, which can cause fatal problems with the heart/respiratory system as well as gastrointestinal effects such as vomiting and diarrhea...


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Dog Won't Stop Scratching?
Has your dog been checked for hypothyroidism? This can cause itching, scratching and hair loss. The treatment is very inexpensive.


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My Pet Chihuahua is Throwing Up Intermittently?
Dogs pant because they are in pain; please see a vet.


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Remedy for Dog's Itchy Skin and Accompanying Odor?
Have they checked for hypothyroidism? This can cause the symptoms she is having.


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Eleven Month Old House Trained Puppy Peeing in Her Sleep?
Sometimes after spaying, dogs can have this problem. Check with a vet.


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Use Emery Particles for Pin Cushion
Where do you buy emery particles?


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Potty Training a Four Year Old?
Ive heard some parents say when they switch the child from cows milk to soy milk, the problem goes away.


Weimaraner type dog sitting in driver's seat in car.

2 Year Old Dog Has Started Peeing in the House?
He needs to be checked for a urinary infection.


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Choosing a Reputable Dog Breeder?
How about adopting a rescue dog? Even in the small city that I live in, the animal shelter kills 1,200 lbs. of dogs and cats a month because people go to breeders instead of adopting one from rescue.


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Dog Wetting Its Own Bed?
My sister had the same problem and took her dog to the vet last week. She found out her dog has diabetes.


Dust Mite

Keep Dust Mites Off Your Bed Naturally
How do you know that dust mites hate the smell of dryer sheets?


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Crate Training a Puppy?
This is way too long for a dog to be confined to a crate; get a pet sitter to let him out once or twice during the day.


Cat is Rubbing Dirt in Wounds?
Please take him to a vet; ear mite bites are very painful.


Closeup of male pit bull puppy, white with dark markings around eyes.

Dog Chewing on Shoes?
Do you provide him with appropriate chew toys?


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Cleaning a Concrete Birdbath?
I put sand in the bird bath and use a scrub brush.


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Previously House Trained Dog Peeing in the House?
He may have a bladder infection. See a vet.


cute dog face

Dog Still Weak and Twitching After Vet Visit?
Please call your vet and tell him/her of the new symptoms.


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Dog Pees in the House When Excited?
He is showing submission when he does this. They do make doggy diapers if all else fails.


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Caring for a Month Old Puppy?
Use baby bottle with puppy formula. Puppies that young need to eat every 2 hours.


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Best Dry Cat Food?
My cat loves Purina One which lists chicken as the first ingredient, and brown rice as the second ingredient.


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Kitten Extremely Stubborn About Dry Nursing?
This usually happens when a kitten has been taken from its mother too soon. I encourage you to allow the kitten to substitute suckle as it will provide some of the comfort he would have received from his mother.


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Ears Ringing After Removing Wax?
Sounds like a punctured ear drum. Thats what mine was like.


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Products to Help Lift a Dog?
If you google it, you should find some pet catalogs online that have the product you are looking for. One that comes to mind is, but there are other sites that carry thing like that.


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Older Dog Peeing in the House?
Have you had them checked for urinary infection?


Closeup of Beach Pine Branch

Scenery: Beach Pine (Shore Acres State...
Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your photos and messages. Ive looked at a map to see where you are. Thanks so much for sharing the beauty you see.


Min Chi puppy sleeping.

Caring for a 5 Week Old Puppy?
This best thing would be to take him back to be with his mom for another month.


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Puppy Can't Chew It's Food?
Have you had her mouth and teeth checked? Maybe she has some medical problem that a vet should look at.


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Store Trash Bags In Can
Worked great for me until one of the bags leaked which made a mess of all the other bags at the bottom of the trash can so I quit storing them there.


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Use Vinegar Spritz To Train Dog Not To Bite
Only water should be used when spraying an animal in the face.


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Home Repair Assistance for Senior Citizens?
Try your local Council on Aging.


Skiddish Golden Retriever

Dog Afraid of Loud Noises?
There is a new product out called Thunder Coat or something like that. It is a snug-fitting jacket that they wear. Ive talked to people who use them and they say they are wonderful. You can google it.


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Write List for Your Cell Phone
I do this too. I even use the phone to list such things as a Reading List of books I want to read, measurements of items I am keeping an eye out for, notes for my next dr. appt., best-rated brands of products I use, etc.


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Lab Forgets How to Use Dog Door?
Maybe something happened to her out in the yard (kids throwing rocks or teasing, etc.). Also dogs can have strokes - maybe this is the cause of her change in behavior. May be time for a trip to the vet for a check-up.


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Homemade Dog Beds?
I got a used baby crib mattress and slipped it inside a sleeping bag. You could also used fitted crib sheets on it.


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Treats and Exercise for a Pit Bull Puppy?
Maybe he is having some kind of pain when you try to walk him and he doesnt want to go. I, too, would try a homeopathic vet who might be able to suggest some organic recipes that you could use for him.


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Dog Has Black Tarry Stinky Ears?
My cat had black, tarry ears and when I took her to the vet they said it was ear mites. They are painful for the animal because they bite. The medication is very inexpensive so I hope you can take your dog to be checked for ear mites. It makes them miserable...


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Puppy Itches and Has Yellow Bumps on Belly?
Sounds like mange. He should be checked by vet.


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Keep Throw Rugs In Place
You need to periodically check the shelf liner if that is what you decide to use because it can eventually harden and will no longer prevent the rug from slipping - from personal experience.


Poodle near water and food dishes.

House Trained Dog Peeing Inside?
Sounds like the same symptoms that my sisters poodle had and she found out the dog has diabetes; please take her to a vet.


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Easy Mascara Removal
Ive read that baby oil is just mineral oil with perfume added to it so maybe it would be better to just use plain mineral oil since its around your eyes.


The homemade cat scratching post in action.

Making a Cat Scratching Post
Thank you for the time you took to give complete instructions with photos. This helps immensely.


Young Thrush in person's hand.

Thor (Thrush)


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No More Messy Laundry Caps
Dont try it when using hot water in your wash. I did and the cap was all deformed when the cycle was done.


White and caramel cat lying on a plaid blanket.

Cat Peeing Outside the Litter-box?
Since she is an older cat, you may want to have her checked by your vet because they will sometimes go outside their box when they have a bladder infection or are sick.


Brittany Spaniel rolling on floor.

Dog Poops and Pees in House When Left Alone?
Sounds like separation anxiety to me. You can find info and suggestions for treating it from your vet or online.


Black and white dog.

What Breed is My Dog?
Looks just like a pit bull to me. I fostered one once and he was the sweetest, most loving dog.


Closeup of face.

What Breed Is My Dog?
Looks like a pit bull to me, too.


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Ice Cream Bucket for Used Kitty Litter
I keep using the same bucket until it literally falls apart. Rather than line the bucket with a bag, when it is full, I just cover it with a bag and then flip the bucket over. I double bag the used litter just in case there is a leak.


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Boric Acid for a Dog's Ear Infections?
Could it be that the dog has ear mites? The mites excretment is what causes the black stuff. I would have the vet check it first to see what you are dealing with.


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Adopted Dog Pooped in House and Not Eating Dry Food?
My sisters poodle would only eat wet food or dry food that had sat in water. She took it to the vet and found out the dog had infected teeth. Maybe thats why your dog will only eat the wet food. I would have her teeth checked.


Photo of hair loss spot.

Cat Losing Fur Near Surgical Site?
Did your vet say it was OK to give Tramadal? I would let him/her know what is happening.


Wheat Kitty Litter is Awesome

Wheat Kitty Litter is Awesome
I would google info on this type of litter because when I did, I found that other critters, like insects, like wheat litter, too.


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