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4 Posts | 119 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Call Ahead to Check on Appointment Times
Thats a bad attitude to take!! When it comes to your turn, you will want the Doctors undivided attention until you are finished talking which will now bump the appointments after you ahead. Just appreciate you can see a doctor and get good treatment. Take a...


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Puppy Will Only Pee on Newspaper?
Sounds like your dog needs to go for a walk and let him smells the markings of other dogs. Walking will also help him get use to different sounds.


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Use Vinegar Instead of Dryer Sheets
I have been adding white vinegar to my washer for the final rinse for years. Clothes do come out very soft. I also learned from Dr Oz that you can put white vinegar to your arm pits to eliminate the smell. Once the bacteria hits the air that is what makes your...


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Removing Odor From Dresser Drawers?
Ask one of your neighbors who bar-b-qs for a few new (not burned) charcoal briquettes. Put one or two in each stinky drawers and forget about it for a week. If the drawer still stinks after a week leave the briquette for another week until the odor is gone...


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Remote Garage Door Opener Not Working?
You must reprogram your hand held remote. First get the car out of the garage. Then get a ladder and position it under the motor of the garage door opener. There should be a little black button on the motor which is the learn button. It may be near the light...


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Rubbing Alcohol for Pet Odors on Carpet?
I have two little dogs and my carpet looks brand new cause I use Carpet Details Spotter. It is an excellent product and its gets all stains out. You can find the company at After you are on their web page click on flooring, then click...


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Products Used to Treat Tinnitus?
Tinnitus can be caused by too much wax in the ears. When my ears start ringing I put about ten drops of Debrox and the ringing stops. I buy Debrox at Wal-mart. Cost around $3 to $4.


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Removing Dog Pee and Poo from Cream Carpet?
There is an excellent product call Carpet Details Spotter. It is a great! I have two little dogs and my carpet still looks great. Carpet Details Spotter removes stains, does not leave any residue on the carpet. It is excellent for stains on clothing too. You...


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Removing Pet Odor from Furniture?
I use Odor Cide to remove any pet accidents. I have two little dogs. It works great and the pet will not return to the same spot. You can only get it on the web at It is very affortable. It smells great too.


Treating Plants with Powdery Mildew?
Go to your Nursery, Home Depot or Lowes for some plant treatment that will kill the white powder.


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Mom's Cherry Salad
Have you done a search on the internet for Cherry Salad cause there are tons of recipes. Hope you find the one your Mom used.


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Older Dog Frightened and Aggressive with New Puppy?
Most older animals are afraid of younger animals because it is their instinct to kill whatever is weak or sick. In your case, the puppys energy is weak. Dont force the puppy on the older dog. Let nature take its course. Supervise the dogs when they are together...



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Recommendations for Mattresses?
I too have had my share of spending a fortune on different mattresses. I bought a Tempur-Pedic mattress back in January 2005. It is the best mattress I have ever bought. It still looks like the day it was delivered. They are a little pricey but it is well worth...


What Breed is My Dog?
What a cutie! He/she looks like a white lab.


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Can Mold Grow Under Laminate Flooring on a Concrete Foundation?
Mold will grow where ever there is moisture. We have a concrete slab with a vinyl floor. We decided to tear it up and go with ceramic tiles. We did find mold. The installer painted the floor with some red suff to prevent any mold. The smell is gone and so is...


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Dog Anal Gland Problems?
Give your dog some good quality food like Natural Balance, Evangers or Merrick. Give your dog fresh apples without the peeling, bananas, blue berries dogs love fresh blue berries) and cranberries. One of my dogs was always scooting but she stopped when I changed...


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Getting a Skunk Out of a Shed?
I have this book 1001 All-Natural Secrets to a Pest-Free Property by Dr. Myles H. Bader (excellent book) and he says to get some old clothes that have been worn and not washed and pour some household ammonia on them and leave them where you expect the skunk...


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Frugal Pet Shampoo?
An excellent and inexpensive flea shampoo is Triple Action Flea & Tick Shampoo. I just bought a bottle six days ago for $13.20. You can only buy it from any veterinarian in your area. You do not need to see the Vet or have a prescription. The Vet office sells...


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Removing Waterproof Mascara?
I use a few drops of baby oil on a kleenex to remove my eye makeup and yes it even removes waterproof mascara. The baby oil also keeps the wrinkles away.


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Housebreaking a Three Year Old Dog?
I think the number one mistake some people make trying to housebreak their dog is not giving their pet his/her own doggie door. People forget the dog has to go just like humans. A dog does not want to do his business in the house but sometimes people dont give...


What Breed is My Dog?
They definitely look like yellow labs.


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Cleaning Toilet Rim Flush Holes?
My sister has this same kind of toilet with the flush holes and I just unplugger her flush holes this past Tuesday, Dec. 22. I got a wire coat hanger, get some pliers and cut off about 10 to 12 inches to make it easier to work with. Put some gloves on, get...


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Beans Without Gas?
To remove the gas from any and all beans, soak them until they swell up. I have soaked them overnight as well. Throw the water (not the beans), add fresh water to the pot with the beans and cook them. The beans will cook faster and with no gas.


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Craft Ideas for Bible Study Class?
An excellent web site for craft ideas for all ages is You will enjoy this web site.



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Does Meat Need to Be Cooked Before Putting in Crockpot?
If you are cooking a large roast like over 5 pounds, the receipe will tell you to cut the meat in half because if you dont, bacteria will start to set in before the meat will start cooking. If the meat is cut in half, the cooking time will start sooner.


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Caring for a Neglected Dog?
You need to watch the Dog Whisperer on National Geographic Channel. What he does for shy dogs is he sits on the ground, does not have eye contact with the dog and let the dog come to you. Do not force the dog to come to you. You may have to do this several...


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Keeping Dogs from Chewing on Furniture?
Sounds like your pup is teething. They do sell teething rings for dogs. I use to give my pup cardboard lids from boxes. She torn them all up which must have given her relief and comfort from teething cause she did leave the furniture alone. I always had cardboard...


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Dog With Bald Spots?
One my dogs had issues with bald spots on her hind quarters. I started feeding her good quality food. Natural Balance is excellent, Merrick and Evangers are excellent too. Make sure the dog food does not have any byproducts, hormones, antibiotics, added salt...


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Advice for a Dog With Allergies?
Make sure the dog food does not have any byproducts, hormones, antibiotics, salt, BHA/BHT, artificial flavors, fillers, wheat, flour, corn, soy or sugar. My dogs stopped biting their feet after I started feeding them good quality food. I give my dogs blue berries...


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Puppy Pees When Excited?
I had a Pomeranian who use to pee when people came in the room. This is a very submissive way of saying please dont hurt me, Im friendly. I would gently put my hand under her tummy and lift her tummy and that would make her stop peeing. It didnt take long for...


Bathe Pets With Dawn to Kill Fleas

Bathe Pets With Dawn to Kill Fleas
I bathe my two little dogs yesterday and it did kill the fleas immediately. They went right down the drain. This will save you a lot of money instead of buying the flea medication which my two girls do not like. I believe it does have to be the original blue...


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Hair Loss Due to Flea Allergy Dermatitis?
Sounds like your pets have a weak immune system. You have to feed your pets good quality food. It will cost a little more but it is worth it. Good quality food for a dog is Evangers, Natural Balance or Merrick. There are others but this is what I feed my dogs...


Safe Flea Treatment for Puppies?
Take your puppies to the Vet. They have a flea treatment that is safe for puppies because their skin is so sensitive. My puppies had fleas from their mother and one treatment is all they needed. DO NOT use over the counter flea treatment or flea treatment for...


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Check ASPCA and AVMA Vaccination Frequency Recommendations
I agree that animals get too many shots. I have two little dogs and had to board them one time. Would you believe they gave them their shots when I was at the counter to pick them up. The bill was over $200 so, in my opinionm it is all about money. Since then...


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Training a Dog Not to Bark?
First of all, you do not have a dog problem, you have a people problem. A dog will bark to warn you about something or if he is bored. A dog must walk every day for a least one hour. If you are not walking him, he is telling you he is bored. No dog wants to...


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Spiders, Ants and Mice Oh My!
An excellent way to get rid of all kinds of bugs is Diatomaceous Earth or DE as some prefer to call it. Kills bugs in 24 hours. I dont know where you live but type in Diatomaceous Earth in your search engine. You should find many web sites that sell it or try...



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Panasonic TV Only Lasted Three Years?
Sounds like you need to replace the DLP lamp. We just got rid of our 62 TV cause we had to replace the DLP lamp every two years and the lamp would cost over $300. It was cheaper to buy a new TV that does not have the DLP lamp.


Photo of a Screen Door Drape

Screen Door Substitute
Great job but Walmart does sell Easy Breeze doorway screen curtain for $12.00. It even comes with the tension rod. Fits doorways 38 x 81. My two little dogs love it cause they have the freedom to run in and out when they want.


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Remedy for Dog's Itchy Skin and Accompanying Odor?
Both my girls use to chew their feet until they were raw and inflammed. Took them to the vet. Vet said they had allergies. Vet told me to stop giving them chicken and beef cause most dogs are allergic to these products. He said the best thing to give them is...


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Homemade Food for a Dog with Allergies?
Feed your dog a good quality food. You must read the ingredients and if it has byproducts, hormones, antibiotics, added salt BHA/BHT, artificial flavors, fillers, wheat, flour, corn, soy or sugar, avoid these products. There are good quality foods like Natural...


Weimaraner type dog sitting in driver's seat in car.

2 Year Old Dog Has Started Peeing in the House?
Any sudden changes in a dogs behavior should be checked out by a vet immediately. My little Pomeranian started urinating everywhere. Took her to the vet and I found out she was full of kidney stones, over 21 in her bladder. Scolding your dog will make the situation...


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Dog Wetting Its Own Bed?
Have your vet examine your dog. There could be a number of health issue including loosing control of his bladder. Dogs develop health issue just like human senior adults. There is no reason to put your dog down if having him wear a diaper at night will solve...


Remedies for Dog With Hot Spots?
The best thing for hotspots is Betagen. You can only get it from a vet. It works very fast. My poodle use to get them a lot so I changed her diet to a good quality food. She may get one once a year now. I spray Betagen on a cotton ball and in a couple of hours...


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Dog Pees in the House When Excited?
My little Pomeranian use to pee when anyone would come into the room. This is a dogs way of saying Im friendly, please dont hurt me. When my little pom would start to pee I would gently put my hand on her tummy, and lift her tummy. She would stop peeing. Do...


George, Pomeranian Shih Tzu, Laying on bed

George (Pomeranian Shih Tzu)
George is adorable. Too cute for words.


Longhaired black dog on couch.

Inexpensive Dog Clippers?
Invest in the best dog (not human) clippers you can possibly afford. I bought Oster clippers about 10 years ago and the clippers are still going strong. Never had a problem with them and they are excellent clippers. They did cost me $150 but divide that by...


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Relieving Burning from Chopping Hot Peppers?
Milk is suppose to help relieve the burning on the hands from cutting peppers but I have never tried it. What I always have in my pantry is Emergency Burn Care called Burn Jel Plus. This is an excellent product and I have use it several times when I accidentally...


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Cleaning a Cloudy Glass Bud Vase?
Wash your glass bud vase with Cascade, dishwasher soap. If that doesnt work, try using Lime A-way. It will get rid of the hard water deposits.


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Dealing With Loneliness and Self Doubt After Death of Parents?
I am so sorry for your loss. The pain can be unbearable. When I have lost a loved one, I turn right to God and remind myself of His promises. I also stay busy and at the same time remembering all the good times. Keep pictures of your loved ones, talk about...


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Seriously Itchy Dog?
My little poodle started limping so I took her to the vet on Aug 22, 2011. They took x-rays and no arthritis, no tumors or anything showed up. The vet said it was probably allergies cause she was chewing on her foot and it became red and inflamed. He gave me...


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Sugar Babies For Disguising Pills
Sugar of any kind is not good for dogs! Bad for their teeth and will lead to diabetes. Not fun if you cant afford vet bills later. Peanut butter is the better solution. Wrap the pill with peanut butter. Dogs love peanut butter.


Dog with scarf on her head.

Low Cost Veterinary Care?
You did not state what state or county you live.


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Treating a Dog's Ear Infection?
There is no way to treat an infection without antibiotics. Do not use vinegar or alcohol in your dogs ears. It will burn his ears and cause your dog a lot of stress and pain. Your dog needs to see a vet. Changing the diet will help too. Give your dog lamb, duck...


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Older Dog Peeing in the House?
Our four legged children are like people. As we age health issues start, organs dont function properly. Have your vet check out your baby to rule out any health issues. If there are no health issues, it may be time for your baby to wear diapers.


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Choosing a Rat or a Mouse as a Pet?
The little rat would be my choice. My sister had a pet rat and he was the greatest pet.


Home Remedy for Mange?
You definitely need to take your dog to the vet, ASAP. Your dog is suffering and he needs to start treatment like yesterday.


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Traveling With a Nervous Dog?
When my dogs were pups and they would go traveling with us, I would hold them or keep them very close to me while my husband drove. We also stopped at literally every rest stop we came across and it gave us and them a break to walk around and go potty. They...


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Slow Cooker Energy Usage?
The slow cooker is the best invention and every kitchen should have one. The food comes out great and delicious. It makes the house smell wonderful and it uses very little energy. Not to mention it is safe to plug in and leave for work, run errands, work outside...


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Natural Remedy for Dog's Itchy Skin?
Both my girls use to chew their feet until they were raw and inflammed. Took them to the vet. Vet said they had allergies. Vet told me to stop giving them chicken and beef cause most dogs are allergic to these products. He said the best thing to give them is...


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Recycling a Printer?
Contact your local disposal (trash) service. They can tell you where to take your electronic waste or e-waste as most cities refer to it. E-waste is anything you dont want working or not but it must have a cord attached to it. Example computer, lamp, coffee...


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Diagnosing Cataracts in Dogs?
Your dog can have congenital cataracts, meaning he was probably born with them. You need to have your vet check your dog because the earlier they are diagnosed they can be corrected with surgery. There is absolutely no way you can treat cataracts with eye drops...


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Making a Portable Pop-up Privacy Curtain?
Walmart sells a variety of portable pop-up shelters to fit any budget.


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Dogs Pees When Excited?
My little Pomeranian use to pee when anyone would come into the room. This is a dogs way of saying Im friendly, please dont hurt me. When my little pom would start to pee I would gently put my hand on her tummy, and lift her tummy. She would stop peeing. Do...


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Using Vinegar in the Wash?
I have been making my own laundry detergent and have used white vinegar instead of fabric softener for years. The vinegar makes my clothes super soft, there is no vinegar smell and the fabric have not broken down.


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Doris' Fruit Salad
I made this today with crush pineapple, instant vanilla pudding and the mandarin oranges since this was all I had on hand. This was very good not to mention very easy. Next time Ill add some fruit. Please tell your mother-in-law thank you for sharing her receipe...


Carry Stun Gun On Dog Walks - a dog who was killed in a dog attack.

Carry Stun Gun On Dog Walks
I too walk three little dogs and I always have my stun baton with me. I have had to use it but never touching the dog with it because the sound alone scares the dog. Dogs hate the sound of electricity. I do not recommend any sprays. Sprays only work if you...


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Dog Chewing on Her Paws?
Your dog is chewing on her feet because she is having an allergy attack. She may be allergic to the food you are feeding her, to the grass, to pollen just like humans. Lamb, duck and sweet potato are better choices then chicken or beef. Make sure the meat is...


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House Training a 4 Month Old Puppy?
First you need to confine the little girl so she doesnt have the run of the house and puts her marks on everything. Be patient. No scolding, yelling, or hitting. She is a baby and babies will have accidents. Puppies usually are house trained by their 5th month...


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Caring for an Unsocialized Frightened Dog?
Hate to say this but it sounds like your friend was running a puppy mill. I dont understand how this Bishon had no human contact. Your friend may have been hitting and punishing this poor dog. Bishons are extremely friendly and excellent family dogs so things...


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Preventing Algae in Dog Water Bowl?
You have to wash your dogs water dish every day to keep it clean. Animals enjoy clean fresh water in a clean water bowl. Dont forget the dogs saliva is being secreted as he drinks water which causes the slippery film in the bowl.


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Remedy for Maltese with Severe Skin Allergies?
I have never tried this product but you are probably desperate to give your baby relief. The web site is then go to skin-eze. If the pictures are as true as the product then this is a wonderful product. Again, I have not tried this product...


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Inexpensive Dog Nail Clippers?
I just recently bought the Dremel Nail Grinder. This is an excellent product. I bought mine through for $56.99. I love the nail grinders better than the clippers because the grinders are fast and you cant hurt your babies by clipping too close...


Mice in the House?
I read somewhere that mice hate the smell of Bounce dryer sheets. I heard a little mouse inside our walls. I stuffed every opening I could find with Bounce sheets. To this day, I never heard from the little critter. Be sure to spread Bounce sheets in your pantry...


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Can't Afford to Take Cat to Vet?
You might want to check out Vet Care Pet Clinic at or call them at 714-895-8600. Address is 12453 Valley View St., Garden Grove, Ca. Hope this helps.


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Keep Underarm Odor Under Control
A simple and excellent way to keep underarm odor under control is to rub white vinegar. You can rub it on your feet too. Dont worry. You will not smell like a salad. Got this tip watching Dr. Oz.


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Buying Day Old Bread for Animals?
You didnt say what state you live in, but here in Southern California we have bakery outlets. The bread is still good for human consumption, but they do sell it for discount prices.


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Getting Rid of Mice?
What works great for me is ex-lax. Becareful if you have pets or small children. When I see evidence of mice or rats I put down a few squares of ex-lax. The next morning the ex-lax is gone and so are the mice or rats. You can also cover the ex-lax with peanut...


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2 Ingredient Cookies
I made these today and they were great. I did add 1/3 cup chocolate chips. These cookies are a great way to add fiber to your diet. I will never throw away an over ripe banana again. Thank you so much for sharing.


Three dogs on the deck.

Lessening the Noise of Outside Barking Dogs?
I have two little dogs and when they start barking up a storm, I use an ultrasound correction unit. Nobody hears it but the dogs do. I even use it on my neighbors three dogs across the street. It doesnt hurt the dogs and its a lot better then yelling. You can...


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Free or Low Cost Pet Clinics?
I dont know what state you live in but if you live near a veterinary school they will treat your baby for a fraction of the cost.


Tan Pug Chihuahua mix.

Toilet Training 5 Month Old Puppy?
Sounds like your puppy is on the right tract but just needs moral support. Go out with him and praise the little guy when he does his business. I had to potty train two little girls at the same time so be patient cause an occasional accident will happen.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
I use Blue Dawn. It works great. Is gentle on my girls, two poodles, kills fleas on contact and is affordable. It has to be Blue Dawn. Be sure to start with your dogs neck to keep a barrier so the fleas dont run and hide in the ears and nose. Once there is...


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Plants to Ward Off Garter Snakes?
I dont know of any plants that keep snakes away but we have snakes and the only one I avoid at all cost is the Rattlesnake. The rattlesnake will give you warning to get away from him. The Garter and Garden snakes are harmless and they eat small rodents so if...


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Using Dawn for Fleas on Dogs?
I use Dawn full strength on my two girls. The fleas start dying as you are shampooing your dog. Remember to always start with the neck so the fleas dont escape to the ears and nose. If you can keep the lather on your dog for 5 minutes the better. Keep the soap...


Yellow Lab.

Stray Female Lab Won't Sleep All Night?
Beautiful lab. It sounds like she was traumatized when she was homeless. You didnt mention how long ago you rescued her but Im sure she will calm down when she realizes she has found her forever home. Maybe if you put her bed in the bathroom and close the door...


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Dog Afraid to Poop After Painful BM?
Take your little dog for a walk and let nature take its course. Dogs smell other dogs dropping and this will give you good results. Sometimes when I see my girls rear end a little red and irritated, I guess when they scoot, I dip a q-tip in olive oil and apply...


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Dog Afraid to Poop After Painful BM?
I forgot to mention on my previous post that I give my girls sweet potato to prevent constipation. Constipation can sometimes be painful. I boil the sweet potato until you can poke it with a fork just like a regular potato. I chop it up in small chunks and...


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Getting Rid of Fleas and Preventing Their Return?
I bathe my girls with original blue Dawn dish soap every one to two weeks. I also use original Skin So Soft bath oil from Avon. Both of these products kill on contact. With the SOS I mix one part SOS and five parts water. Keep in a spray bottle. I keep a tiny...


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Using Dawn Dishsoap for Fleas on Dogs?
I have bathe my two girls every week to two weeks with no problems. I even used it on myself to shampoo my hair before I used it on my girls. This stuff is gentle and the hair comes squeaky clean. It does kill the fleas. Good product.


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Dog Scratching A Lot?
Sounds like your dog is having a bag allergy attack. This web site maybe able to help you and your dog.


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Getting Flies Off My Dog?
A great solution to keep flies off your dog is original Skin So Soft bath oil from Avon. I mix one part Skin So Soft and five parts water. Put it in a spray bottle. You can spray your hands then rub the solution into the dogs ears and body. Do not get it into...


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How do I Get Rid of Fleas?
A great solution for fleas is original Skin So Soft bath oil from Avon. I mix one part Skin So Soft and five parts water. Put it in a spray bottle. It is also great to keep flies away and if you have an itch, it stops the itch immediately. It is great to use...


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Keeping Flies Off Dogs?
Skin So Soft works as the previous post mentions BUT you have to mix it with 5 parts water to one part Skin So Soft. It works great to for killing fleas. Rub it into the fur and down to the skin. Do not let your pet lick it or apply it around his face.


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Remedy for Elderly Dog With Constipation?
My girls love sweet potatoes. I boil them until a fork goes through, peel off the skin, chop it into small bites, add a dab of butter and feed. According to Dr Oz to always eat a sweet potato with a little fat such as butter or oil. Make sure your dog has plenty...


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Remedy for Bad Dog Breath?
What I use for my two girls, both are 9 years old, is ProDen Plaque Off Animal. It really helps remove the plaque and bad breath. All you need is one tiny scoop a day. Scooper is included. I get mine from Hope this helps you as much...


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Remedy for Bad Dog Breath?
I give my two girls Pro Den Plaque Off. Both are 9 years old. I get it from This stuff works great to remove the plaque and bad breath.


Two Labs.

Flies and Gnats Attacking Dogs?
I use Avons original bath oil Skin So Soft. You have to mix it with 5 parts water to one part SSS. It's a great insect repellent for your pet (as recommended in 'Outdoor Life' and 'Field and Stream').


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Dawn Dishwashing Soap For Fleas?
I would not use Dawn dish soap as a spray for fleas. What I use as a spray to kill fleas is original Skin So Soft bath oil from Avon. You do have to mix it with five (5) parts water to one (1) part SSS. Kills fleas on contact.


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Miniature Poodle Won't Eat?
When my girls were tiny babies I went through days where they would not eat. One is a poodle and the other is a poodle mix. I bought Nutri-Cal Dietary Supplements. This stuff is excellent to stimulate appetite and provide energy for finicky eaters. My girls...


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Getting Rid of Ticks?
A very effective and inexpensive way to get rid of fleas and ticks is FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth. I get a 50 pound bag for $28.07 at my local feed store. I suggest you do a search on DE. You will be surprised of the many benefits for both you and your pets...


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Dog is Peeing When Excited?
I had a Pom that use to do this. While she was peeing, all I did was gently put my hand on her tummy and gently lift her to her feet. It didnt take long for my little girl to stop peeing. Do not scold your little dog. In doggy language they are saying, Please...


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Getting Rid of Tape Worms in Cat?
The Diatomaceous Earth will get rid of the tape worms by putting it in your kitties food. You have to brush your kitties coat with the DE to get rid of the fleas and ticks.


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Remedy for Dog's Itchy Skin?
I have never used this product but it might be worth looking into. The web site is Hope this helps.


Side by side photos of Lola.

Dog Pees Inside When Lying Down?
Until you find out if your baby has any medical issues with her bladder you can always purchase doggie diapers or get creative and make her a female wrap. Hope this helps both you and her.


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Treating a Puppy With Worms?
FOOD GRADE Diatomaecous Earth. You can get it on line or at your local feed store.


Dog sleeping on the floor.

Remedies for Dog's Summertime Itchy Skin?
Sounds like your poor dog may be having an allergic reaction. You may want to try this product from


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Remedies for Cat With Itchy Skin?
Maybe one of the products from may help.


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Neighbor Walks Dog and Allows It to Pee and Poop in My Yard?
Not all cities allow front yard fences because of new laws plus not everyone wants a fence. I agree with Lizzyanny to return the deposit to its rightful owner. If this guy dropped a $100 bill he would want it back, so treat the poop like its a $100 bill. You...


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Treating a Dog with Worms?
Food grade Diatomaceous Earth. Get it at your local feed store. Do an web search on DE for all the benefits.


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Protect Floors with Dog Diapers
Doggie diapers are a life saver for our beloved pets who forget to do their business outside. They are also a life saver as our pets age. They will lose control of their bladder just as humans do so remember doggie diapers to the rescue. There is nothing like...


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ASPCA Mobile Truck Schedule?
Go to Scroll down to the bottom and look for NYC. Click on ASPCA mobile spay/neuter clinic. Click on view our calendar.


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Remedy for Dog's Dry Skin?
An excellent product is Royal Coat Express. This stuff is great and I give it to my three dogs every day. It is very concentrated so a little goes a long way. You can get it at Click on dog then click on skin and coat. Hope this helps you...


Young man and dog napping.

Remedy for Dog's Skin Damage from Frostbite?
You need to take your dog to the vet immediately. Frostbite is a serious condition and something only a professional can treat. There are no home remedies. If untreated your dog can lose his paws. Your dog is in pain if his paws are red and bleeding.


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Identifying a Snake?
It sounds like you may have seen a California Kingsnake. This snake feeds on other snakes including rattlesnakes.


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Low Cost/No Cost Veterinary Clinic in Southern California?
I am so sorry to read about your difficult situation. 1. You may want to try the Animal Assistance League of Orange County. 714-893-4393. They offer assistance with low-income pet owners with emergency vet care and food supplies. 2. You can also...


dog on her bed

House Training a Year Old Dog?
It was very easy to train my three pups. Take your pup outside when she wakes up, after playing, after eating, before bed and when you go. I figured if I have to go then they must have to go too. Their bladders are little and I waited outside with them to do...


mostly white dog with black markings on face

What Breed Is My Dog?
What a cute little dog. I have a Papillon and I can see Papillon in your baby. Papillon do not have floppy ears but they do have spots of black or brown on their body. Papillons are very affectionate and they love to play all day long. Have lots of fun with...


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Finding a Veterinarian That Takes Payments? is an excellent source of information for assistance all across the United States. Got this information from the January 2016 Costco Connection magazine. Hope this helps you find what you need for your fur baby.


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Inexpensive Vet to Treat Kitten's Broken Leg?
Check out Great resources for all across the United States.


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