
Kim Churchman

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3 Posts | 1,273 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Steer Manure for the Garden
Its better than chemical fertilizers and I have used it too! I have read (Ann Lovejoy) that it has salt in it, from the salt licks that they use to make the cattle thirsty so they weigh more for that last trip across the scale. I found a dairy near me that...


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Spray Cooking Oil on Lawn Mower Blade
thanks! I use it every time, I found that when I got the underside of the mower as clean and dry as I could, then used the cooking oil spray on it, now the grass buildup comes off far more easily. Sounds funny to say I now buy a can of cooking oil spray for...


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Donating Your Extras
I take the donated items off my taxes, but I have a nice bit of help in deciding what they are worth: its a software called ITS DEDUCTIBLE and its so great! They went to thrift stores in all parts of the country to see what things are worth, including brand...


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Clothing That Never Goes Out of Style
baseball caps, T shirts, long sleeve sweaters in plain designs.


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Keeping the Washer and Dryer Clean
I do that with any garment, just wet it in the stream of water coming into the washer, swipe around the tops of the w/d, and plop it into that load of wash. Not even underwear is immune!


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Use an Old Freezer as a Pantry
Important safety tip: be sure to use your drill to destroy the latch so kids dont climb in and get suffocated. I do the same thing with my dishwasher, I never use it to do dishes, but its pretty nice to stow paper towels and tissue boxes, as well as newspaper...


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Protecting Knees While Gardening
Thats a slick idea! thanks.


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Spray Paint on Jeans?
I think its going to come down to needing to do big black designs with additional paint to save them. Maybe a word written in oversize letters across them? a big hibiscus of pink in the middle of black? zebra stripes? I know, not as good as the pink jeans were...


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Recipes Using Black Raspberries?
You could come to my house with a hot blackberry crisp! I never miss making one. Blender half the berries with some cornstarch and sugar and cinnamon, toss into pan, add the other half the berries and stir, then top with mixture of equal parts oatmeal/butter...


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Glass Etching Kit?
I agree, dont etch, you cant un-etch. There are kits in craft stores, maybe practice on a glass or whatever. Youll give it away and say whew!


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Deodorizing Outdoor Cat Waste?
The waste products need to be digested by soil bacteria, and they will actually feed your plants. So I would suggest you add lots (4-6 deep would not be too much) of active compost which is full of friendly bacteria, and maybe an inch of grass clippings under...



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Removing Nail Polish Off a Car?
So sorry to hear it, obviously that was a malicious act! An auto paint shop specialist would be able to take off only the polish and then apply a clear coat to restore any lost shine. good luck!


Torn vacuum cleaner hose.

Repairing a Torn Vacuum Cleaner Hose?
You can tear the duct tape into narrower strips so that it will adapt better to the corrugated contours. You could use a hose clamp from the auto parts department if it needs reinforcement to stop the bending from worsening the hole. Thanks for the pic!


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Wedding Reception in a Church's Gym?
I think I would cover the things that make the room look gym-y. Balloon clusters and crepe paper could cover the basketball baskets. You could rent carpeting for the lines on the floor. Using dimmed lighting would cut the game-day glare. Live music, if you...


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Bugs Eating Herbs?
I have had good luck with floating row covers, gauzy white fabric that lets in light and air and weighs nothing on the plants, but fences out the cooties.


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Childhood Candy And Toys For High School Reunion
That sounds totally fun! youre right, the goal should be to help people have a good time, not to have them stare like its a museum. Good going!


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What are my dog's chances?
Hi Melissa - a hug to you from Moses Lake, I hope Bibble pulls through. Just that, I dont know of how else I could help, but I just want to reach my arms eastward and give you a looong hug.


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Painting an Fuel Oil Tank?
how about undiluted dish detergent?


Molding Damaged By Cats?
I would also get glue-on covers from the vet or the internet to cap the claw tips on the cat, they look kinda cool in hot pink or whatever color you choose, and would stop future damage completely.


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Homemade Backyard Firepit?
Why not just make it out of stone? put a grate over the stones, make the stones on the sides high or large enough to make room under the grating for a fair-size fire. You can scrounge up some pretty stones for nothing, right? Just a thought.


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Outlet Doesn't Work After Cutting Through an Extension Cord?
Im not an electrician by any means, but I would guess that it wasnt a three-prong circuit with a GFCI on it like it should have been and will be after you call an electrician and have that outlet box upgraded so this wont ever happen again?? Other than that...


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Gift Ideas for a Child Undergoing Chemotherapy?
How about things that help him express himself? Im thinking art supplies, or better yet, the use of a video camera so he can make a film about the whole year. Of course it would be a team effort with an adult who loves him very much, could there be one of those...


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Instant Swiss Mocha Coffee Recipe?
Well, my morning drink every day is a HEAPING spoonful of plain bakers unsweetened cocoa powder, a couple big scoops of Splenda, a slightly heaping teaspoonful of instant coffee, stirred together in the bottom of my 16oz cup. then I fill half full with boiling...



Fancy (Tennessee Walker)
what a lovely lady, shes very pretty for a Walker, some of them can be a bit jugheaded. Nice mare!


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Keeping Preteens Entertained In Summer?
It is vitally important in the development of boys to be forced to find their own amusement. My parents did me a great favor by kicking me out of the house, saying its a crime to sit inside during nice weather, and boredom turned out to be very wonderful in...


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Ratio Of Flour To Sugar In Cakes?
I just use sucralose!


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Vitamins To Minimize Allergies?
Adelle Davis said to use B vitamins, if you can find a copy of Lets Get Well you will find it gripping reading. I have been taking extra Bs for years and the rest of my family gets massive allergies and I dont. If I sneeze or something, Im glad, because it...


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Printing Photos From Old Oversize Negatives?
Some links: All I did was put black white photo large format into my search engine (using the word printing got lots of commercials for computer printers). Thats the proper name for those big negatives...


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Tankless Water Heater Saves Energy
Just wanted to say that my sister loves hers.


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My Puppy Played With A Newly Vaccinated Puppy?
The virus in the vaccine is attenuated virus, so the answer is NO. Please remember that you can call the vet and ask the staff for free! Sometimes the answer is get him in here fast but usually its the advice you need. Enjoy your baby!


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Keeping An Outdoor Dog Warm In Winter?
My experience with the flat electric warmers was a bust, they DO NOT FEEL WARM TO THE TOUCH, they promise only 44 degrees on the label, so why buy it? And the post above is true, the dog needs to be with its pack, and thats you, so bring him in the house and...


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Exercise For People Who Walk Little Or Use Walkers?
Swimming? Arm bike? everything that the wheelchair athletes do to train?


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Recipes For Fresh Apricots?
I had this problem two years ago. I borrowed cooky sheets, dipped the halves of the apricots in Stay-Fresh (vitamin C powder, to keep color nice) and then laid them all on the sheets. I put them all into the front of my truck with the windows down an inch, and...


Is My Dog A Husky?
Classic Husky look! You could put the word husky dog into your browser to find lots of pics of similar.


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Fixing Wrinkles In Carpet?
Carpet pro-s use big long room-size things to stretch it and take out the excess.



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Using a Cast Iron Griddle on an Electric Stove?
Mine works great. ps Never thought of using it in the broiler, thanks!


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Directions For Reconnecting Throttle On Mower?
see the related link above, or look at MCDs website?


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Baby Powder For Beach Sand
your timing is perfect! Im headed to the beach in three days for our first family reunion in 25 years, no joke, and I will bring enough baby powder for everyone! thanks, thanks, thanks!


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Backsplash Without Using Ceramic Tiles?
Would a sheet of stainless steel look nice in your kitchen? Ask until you find it, starting with metals sellers in your area, or kitchen supply people. I know they make stainless steel tiles too.


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Cheap Ways To Display Pictures?
Second hand stores have impressive frames at giveaway prices. Consider spray painting one, maybe silver? Hello to Durban, I was there two years ago near the University, very wonderful trip! So many things in bloom, and my mind was blown learning about mature...


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Decorating Advice For Fireplace?
Concrete round drain tubes would be heavy and cheap, I think they would look good just spray painted dark brown or dark blue.


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DO NOT USE Pine Sol For Fleas?
GO TO YOUR VET! FRUGAL IS GREAT BUT ITS TIME FOR A TRIP TO THE VET!!!! Scrimp when you must, but your dog is a living thing, deserving of REAL HELP. This is one of those medical emergencies when you need to get her to the vet. When you vacuum, put two mothballs...


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Cutting Tables For A Safari Theme?
Big jungle leaf shape?


Topher (Bengal)
interesting! nice shot of him too.


closeup of course

All My ROWDY Friends (Foundation Quarter...
What a nice pic! framed so nicely by all the green, ears perked up, coy little look over the shoulder, its all perfect, hes gorgeous!


Blue and White China Collection
very inviting, lovely colors! I especially like the kitties.


Pond and Birdbath at Site of Cut Down Tree

Pond and Birdbath at Site of Cut Down Tree
Nicely done, Rene! good solution to the stump problem.


Rubber Mat for Dog Kennel?
I would suggest heading to your feedstore for a horse stall mat. They are indestructible and sanitary - urine does not soak into it. They come in 4x8 sheets or close to that. I had a hard time moving it (heavy!) until I had a brainstorm: I attached a pair of...


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Dog Vomits Everything But Liquids?
I would ask the vet to be in touch with the nearest vet college, they are the top of the industry. Hope shes doing better today!


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Sunflowers For My Wedding?
why not do both? go ahead and grow some of the smaller quicker varieties, and get fakes if they dont get going in time??


An angel ornament made from a domino with beads and jewelry findings.

Domino Angel
Sweet! very different, I like em!


Black lab puppy

Zoey (Black Labrador Retriever)
I like the little milksplash under her chin! coy little smirk, very cute!


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Tennis Ball Massage
Awright!! best idea Ive seen all week!


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Fold Up Kennel For Obsessive Chewers
Worked for my ACD, too, and Im told that some crate time is comforting for them, they feel like they are in their cave and can relax a while. Not to be in there too long for their tiny bladder of course, and not without lots of toys and things to do in there...


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Which Towel Dries Faster?
Im guessing its the towel hung the long way horizontally. It would not get so much water draining down into the hem than it would hung in half the other way. Is this a riddle? Interesting anyway!


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How To Make A Child's Play Crown?
MIght as well glue some fake jewels on while youre at it?


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Preventing English Ivy From Climbing On Trees?
I dont know your situation, I dont have great answers for you, but I just want to say youre on the right track! English Ivy is terrible, I dont see why they still sell it in stores for the gullible. Please hang in there and save your trees! you can use a sharp...


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Craft Ideas For Plaster Of Paris?
You could line paper plates with plastic and make stepping stones. Have handy lots of glass beads, marbles, bottle caps, plastic letters, plastic animals, and so on to decorate the tops. Concrete would be even better, but plaster will be enjoyable as a decoration...


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Preventing English Ivy From Climbing On Trees?
PS. You might take a look at bamboo barrier, and consider installing it to stop the ivy from coming your way. Just put bamboo barrier into your search browser.


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Cleaning Grape Vine Decorations?
Or you could put them in the bathtub and gently swish them back and forth in lukewarm water with a little detergent. If they are plastic instead of silk, you can be more vigorous about scrubbing them down.


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Whitening Dirty Washcloths?
Just go right to dying them pink or blue and be done once and for all!


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Chai Spiced Coffee Creamer Recipe?
did you know the word CHAI means tea in several languages?


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Frugal Wedding Photographer In Dallas?
Check out books on wedding photography: one method is photojournalism, where you take pictures of everything that happens throughout the day, like the mothers eyes as she sees her daughter put on her tiara. The other is the posed groups method. Choose one friend...


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Make Ahead Meals For Boating Weekends?
Can you find space on the boat for a little hibachi to grill with? the best breakfast I ever had was freshly fried fish, caught just moments earlier, out on the Pacific Ocean.


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Growing English Laurel From Cuttings?
Hi neighbor - Im over here on the dry side in Moses Lake. There is a way to get them to grow roots before you even cut them off the mother plant. Call your county extension office and ask for the Master Gardeners, their advice is expert and FREE. God bless...


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Not Many Tomatoes?
Seems like the season is only starting, more tomatoes may be coming. Mine has about a dozen hard green things.


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Joy Dish Soap for Dogs?
The reason Frontline and Advantix did not work was my dogs COAT TYPE! too fluffy, hard for the film to widen under it to reach all the fleas. So now with lots of vacuuming (daily), and with six months of Program, shes okay again. Consider how much underfluff...


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Bread Pudding Or Rice Pudding Recipes?
Both are basically just a custard with the bread or rice loaded into it.


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Dealing With a Nasty Boss?
Book to recommend: Coping with Difficult People (go to Amazon or Barnes n Noble, and look in the Used department, its plentiful.) Another one: The Color Code, four personality types and how to get along with them. You are praying for her? To calmly say I dont...


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AC Advice for Empty Second Floor?
I would leave the door open, let the heat go upstairs and use the upstairs AC the most, turn down or seldom use the downstairs AC and that way you will have the best cooling downstairs for the cheapest cost. I lived in a house like that, it was easy to cool...


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Using Pool Bleach Tablets for Laundry?
Chlorine has been used as a weapon (WWI) and can be so dangerous. Jonnie, sorry, but Im suggesting that laundry bleach is just not your biggest expense so save money somewhere else and leave the toxic waste products to the pros. But I can sure understand the...


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Smelly Feet Odor in My Car?
Hi Helen - Western Washington State, here on the Pacific Ocean, is a lot like Ireland for climate (we have the forty shades of green for sure). I would suggest keeping the pot-type dehumidifiers in your car. Its just a kit you buy, a plastic container with...


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Mrs. Dash Sauce Substitute?
I suspect she got the name because she used a Dash o this and a Dash o that!


Doll wearing a crochet dress.

Crochet Project Photos
Nice work, I especially like that cute red basket, irresistible!


Tiny lizard in palm of someone's hand.

What is This Lizard?
juvenile salamander?


My Beautiful Daughter
Shes making that lily look bad!


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Making Crochet Hooks Easier to Handle
Thats an excellent idea, a crochet hook is too slender for healthy grasping to keep hands pain-free. I remember in dental hygiene school, we learned to modify toothbrushes for different grasp abilities, with a tennis ball or similar, like acrylic to use the...


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"SIMMER - ON" Model 439 Crockpot Manual?
And you got nowhere at the Ham B website?


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Toilet Ring from Silicates?
I almost hate to admit this, but I used a blunt table knife to get rid of a monster mineral buildup in a toilet at my Moms house. Multiple owners couldnt dent it, and I just started scraping and chipping. Not near as likely to hurt the porcelain as pumice, I...


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Wearing Makeup With Contacts?
There is a fantastic website for evaluating the toxicity of all cosmetic and body products. Its , and they tell you all the ingredients and rate the hazard levels, from so many companies there are some Id never heard of. Good luck - it...


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Fly Deterrents that are Safe for Dogs?
Be sure to wear a face mask when working with the diatomaceous earth. Its silica, not calcium, and under the microscope they look like little triangles and other shapes, with sharp edges. But if you feel the powder between your thumb and finger, its not sharp...


Soldiers in Iraq

Patrick in Iraq
Please thank Patric for assuring freedom for all of us, and may he come home safe ASAP! I hope you are hanging in there, half the burden is shouldered by the families and loved ones back home. Thank God for email! thanks for the pic- Kim


Homemade Barbie Hats From Styrofoam

Homemade Barbie Doll Hats
Awwwww, so cute! I dont want to breathe the smell of melting styro, but with fans and windows you wouldnt get much. Way to go!


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Hippo Table
Cant visualize! need photo PLEEZ, it sounds good, but, Im saying, HEELLLLLLLLPPP! (b)Editors Note:(/b) Lynda doesnt have a camera so although it would be nice, I dont think it is possible.


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Free Landscaping Programs?
If it were me I would just put temporary stuff around the mobile such as plywood until you move, saves you from trying to move those evergreens. You didnt say what kind of evergreens, I assume something dense like boxwood?


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Advice About Becoming an Avon Representative?
Thanks, so far everything I hear is positive, except from people who categorically oppose any job involving selling. Avons stuff is very nice product, they were the first major company to stop all animal testing even in ingredients purchased by them. They even...


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Starting a Budget?
You might check with Crown Financial Ministries (, they have a small army of volunteers who will meet with you for FREE and tell you what to do, see all your notes and whatever else you want. A Christian organization, but never pushy, only doing whatever...


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Use A Daily Planner For Organizing
Hi Phyllis - I tend to overschedule myself, and now I have a separate page in the back of the planner called Someday Isle (someday Ill...organize my garage!) Good place for all those projects that are not time-sensitive except that by winter I do want to get...


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Don't Take No For An Answer
GOOD for you! Atta Way!! youre right, I think their training manual tells them to just say no on the first go-round.


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Unique Wedding Dress From A Vintage Pantsuit
the ratio between how much it cost you and how much ready-made would have been is really impressive! dying to see it tho -


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Empty Milk Carton for Watering Plants
I remember reading that dairy farmers use the rinse water for fertilizer after they clean up the milking system, sounds like a good idea. OBTW - its milky water they were talking about, throwing sour milk on your plants is NOT a benefit to them, far too acid...


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New Clothes For Stuffed Animals?
Look online for a doll hospital.


Picture of Our New Pond
Very nice, and I really like the pump.


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Use A Teapot Instead Of A Soap Dispenser
I use a palm scrubber and it only needs a drop at a time, so for me a pump-top bottle works best. A teapot would look really cute though - good thinking!


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Dryer Sheet Reviews?
On the rare occasions when you really think you need a dryer softener sheet, cut it into quarters or even eighths and use that. They are just one more product that we once didnt know we needed. I like what the previous poster is doing even better. The oily...


flat yellow mushroom

Amanita Muscaria/Fly Agaric?
Very pretty shot, very clear. Dont the amanitas have a ring on the stem? Im not sure.


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How Do I Keep Dish Cloths Looking New?
You could run them through a dishwasher, yours or a friends, the heat would kill the smell. Or you could get them sopping wet and fold them up small, and then microwave them (not for too long of course, for the fire hazard). Best though is the bleach treatment...


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How Far Apart Should Your Well Be From Your Septic Tank?
the well should also be uphill from the tank if possible, and the inspection approving the installation will govern. If any questions, ask the inspectors in advance.


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Cleaning Terry Cloth Bar Towels?
Either establish an incentive program so the teenagers start rinsing, or have a bucket of solution that the towels go into to soak, or go to paper towels. Those teenagers can do more than many people would think if they are managed right - they can be so passionate...


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Removing Smell From Old Paint?
Apply a second coat without further waiting, of fresher paint as posted, and please ask the paint supplier what to expect in the way of odor and how long it normally persists. I never painted a room that could be slept in any sooner than a week or more.


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Partitioning a Bedroom in an Apartment?
Give them each a cheap little radio and tape the volume button very quiet, and that will hush the chatter of the one and calm the other.


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Frugal Ways To Hang Curtains?
The most beautiful curtain rods I ever saw were made by my stepdad in Norway. He simply walked into the meadow behind the house and selected a fairly straight birch sapling, and cut the branches off leaving a couple of inches attached to the main stem, just...


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Help Losing Weight?
One thing I know for sure, if you choose exercise that you cant honestly say is so fun youd keep doing it even if it werent for your health, then choose something else. Dancing? join a square dancers group (its only walking)...


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Inexpensive Wedding and Reception Locations In Southern Maine?
My girlfriend found the Eagles hall to be a wonderful spot for a small wedding, it had great kitchen facilities and enough chairs and a nice party atmosphere, and was extreeeeeeemly cheap!


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Neutralizing Acid in Soup?
I tried the baking soda idea for a dessert I made with blackberries which were very tart, and it turned the color blackish instead of the deep reddish purple it should have been. Tasted okay, but ugly! So do a small test first with any plant materials, maybe...


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Disguising Brown Lawn?
Even though the grass looks whipped, the roots are fine. Just let it regrow.


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How Do You Tell Someone About Bad Breath?
Being a dental hygienist, I have this conversation often with patients, and Im often the one to spring the news on my patients. I just ask them to say You know, today I notice your breath a bit. Good to remember that it can be from foods and from letting the...


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Looking For Snowman Pattern For Jars?
Practice first on a sheet of paper with a pencil. Youre a better painter than you think!


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Squishy Sound From Sandals?
Make additional holes.


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Alternatives To A Swiffer?
Get the swiffer handle and then use a piece of terry or washcloth on it, just shake out the dust and keep it going and going and going.


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Training An Abandoned Dog?
My dog has the same submissive personality, and the bit of wetting is natural behaviour meaning shes scared. So even though you feel like killing her when you find another puddle, dont scare her! dont yell, dont rub her nose in it, dont smack her, just remember...


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Removing Melamine Paint From Polyester?
rearrange the panels of the drapes so that it is in an inconspicuous place?


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Help Selling Homemade Doll Clothes?
Spend a few days looking at what is already on eBay and what people are getting for them.


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Baking Without Eggs?
Just buy eggs from a local egg grower who treats chickens well! I recently had six hens and they produced too many for myself and two neighbors.


mountain and lavender

Lavender and Mt. Hood
Thank you for a lovely pleasure, that was so beautiful.


Carved Watermelon Centerpiece

Bridal Shower Watermelon Lighted Centerpiece
Nicely done! I really should think about getting married one of these days.


White cat lying down on bed next to dark colored cat.

Mitten (White Norwegian Forest Cat)
Looks a lot like my Moms cat, and shes in Norway.


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Storage Ideas For Small Kitchen Appliances?
Put the flatter items into a plastic bag or flat plastic box and put them under beds? I like the post about clearing out the excess!


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Advice on Colour Scheme for Pillars and House?
The commonest scheme that works very well is to pick a main color, use a variation of that for a second color, and then a strongly contrasting color for accent. For example as above, grey for the main work, gray-green sage for the trim, and a rust-red front...


catfish in tree

If Fish Could Fly?
good observation! it happened to me, we lived on a lake and as I walked the shoreline I came upon a fairly large fat smallmouth bass, lying on the beach, trying to breath, alive! I looked close and saw pokemarks along its sides from some birds talons. We fried...


My Little Country Girls
Just makes me wanna pick them up! very lovely.


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Reasons for Not Using Coupons
that was a good adjustment to make, because SANITY is worth a bunch of coupons.


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Need A Name For A Tile And Grout Cleaning Company?
Clean Grout, Dirt Out? Tighty-whitey Tile? Smile Tile? Tile Time? Classic-clean Tile? Grout to Shout About? Tip-top Tile?


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Problems with Smoke Detectors?
Impossible to tell from far away, not sensible to mess with electrical and security systems without a professional or knowlegeable person physically present. Cant blame you for wondering if there would be advice out there, but someone actually there would be...


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Decorating Dance With Vintage Theme?
Sounds really fun. You could go to the free clip art sites for images that would be something to copy or blow up or just ideas. Im envisioning a big homemade poster of a man blowing a trumpet like 40s big band sound, or 20s dance craze pictures with charleston...


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