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148 Posts | 481 Comments | Active Since 2000
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Single Income Living?
If I were younger and wanting to be a stay at home mom with my baby, I would consider babysitting for a couple working moms. In most areas, you can sit with 2 or 3 without a daycare license. Check in your area. The start up for this home business would not...


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Keep Bugs out of Flour
Guess I will revive this topic with new feedback. I also bake my own bread and use lots of flour. I buy flour in 10 pound bags, place the bag in my freezer for about 3 days, and then open it and pour it into my flour bucket (which is a 5 gallon bucket with...


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Mounting a Curtain Rod on a Steel Door?
I also have metal doors with windows in my house. I bought some attractive print fabric and two springloaded curtain rods. I set the rods to fit across the and bottom, and hemmed the fabric on two sides which creates a tube to insert the rods. I...


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Uses for Sour Milk?
Check your favorite cookbook. Many cakes, cookies, pancakes and waffles call for sour milk as an ingredient. I have substituted sour milk for buttermilk in recipes for pancakes or cornbread with good results. Hope this is helpful. Also check on some of the...


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Reasonably Priced Cartridges?
I have two sources for you. I have a Canon BJC 4400 and it uses BCI-21 black ink cartridge. I have been refilling mine for almost 2 years now. You can buy the ink by the pint at and I have been using out of my pint of ink, as I said for almost...


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What is the Best Way to Print and Organize Recipes?
I save my recipes on floppies...use one for each category ie. Breads, Cookies, Main Dishes. I highlight the recipe and copy and paste it to my notepad. Then save to a 3.5 inch floppy. They are saved on the disk in alphabetical order.Then, when I want to try...


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Uses for Liquid Detergent Bottles?
I have used detergent bottles to make purses for little girls. Cut the bottle at the desired height and punch holes around the cut edge. Then crochet as many rows as you like. End off and thread a drawstring through the top. I used to take the dishwashing detergent...


Uses for Tennis Balls?
You can make a cute little puppy by gluing 6 balls together..Glue four as a base to represent the four paws...glue another one on top for the head and a 6th one for the behind. Add floppy ears, a pompom nose and cute little plastic eyes on one end and a tail...


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Bug Party Suggestions?
A great take home for the kids would be a Bug House. These can be made quite inexpensively if you have a jig saw. Cut a rectangle 3 x 5 or whatever size you like. Cut two squares the same width as your rectangle. Round the top corners on each square. Drill...


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Using Tomatoes
You can remove the stems, wash and dry them and pop them into Ziploc freezer bags and put them in your freezer. When you take them out (whatever amount you need) just let them sit for a minute and the skins are easily scalding necessary. Then...


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Seasoned Pepper and Texas Toast?
Texas Toast is just the way the bread is prepared rather than how it is baked. And usually is made from thick sliced bread, but you could use French or Italian bread, or just even your regular sandwich bread. This site just tells you in detail how to prepare...


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Homemade Doughnut Recipe?
This is not a made-from-scratch recipe, but for children to help it is perfect. Start with a tube of biscuits. Pat them out just a bit, and cut a hole in the center...a bottle cap will work for this operation...the cap off a 2 liter soda bottle, for example...



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Looking for Wholesale Items?
I have some handcrafted items that might fit in with your embroidery items. If you are interested, please email Susan at for details.


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Baking without Spray Oil Products
My daughter got me a pump sprayer from a Kitchen Gadget store. You put your choice of oil in the container. Screw the lid on and there is a little hand pump on the top. Pump it up to build up pressure and the oil comes out in a misty spray. I use olive oil...


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Unsticking Stuck Marshmallows
When I buy a bag of marshmallows, I open them as soon as I get them home, and transfer them to a large zip lock bag. Throw a couple tablespoons of powdered sugar in and shake well. They will stay soft for months, and never stick together. Dont wait until they...


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Blanching Peppers?
Hi! I dont know what the book says about this, but I freeze bell peppers all the time with no blanching. I just remove the seeds and either freeze them whole for future use for stuffed peppers, or chop them and pack them into zip lock bags and freeze them. Then...


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Keeping a Leather Lounge Soft?
There is a product called ArmorAll that is sold in Automotive Departments in the US. Dont know if it is available in Australia. Go to the website and take a look there.... I hope this information is helpful. Harlean from Arkansas


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Buy Catsup by the Gallon
I buy several items in gallon cans....sliced Ripe olives which I use in salads, Pasta salads,and on pizza. Once open, I transfer them to quart jars. No need to freeze them. They will keep a couple months or longer in the fridge. I just used the last of mine...


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Can't Miss Potluck Recipes?
An easy one that almost guarantees coming home with an empty pot. Sorry, but I am a throw-together sort of cook so it is a bit of this and a bit of that instead of precise measurements. Saute a large onion diced, a few slices of diced bacon, and a green pepper...


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Clutter Control Tips?
If you save magazines or catalogs, a great way to keep them neat is to save laundry detergent boxes. Clean them well, Cut them off at an angle. I remove the lid, make a mark that goes from the top of the box on one side to about the middle of the box on the...


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Make Two Meat Loaves Instead of One
I do this also. The only difference is that I cook the extra one right along with the first one. Wrap well and freeze. Then you can just thaw and reheat later. Harlean from Arkansas


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Large Snakes in Swimming Pool?
If the snake is dead and you can examine it, look at the scales on the underside (belly) of the snake. If the scales on the underside of the tail go all the way across in a single row , it is a poisonous snake. If they are divided down the center, it is a nonpoisonous...


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Looking for Meatloaf Advice?
I think the problem with your crumbly meatloaf is your lean ground beef. The fat in the hamburger binds it together. I have overcome that a little by using Quick Oatmeal in place of bread crumbs or cracker crumbs, and I have even used an extra egg, and stir...


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Fly Repellant for Porch Area?
Fill small Ziplock Bags with water and hang them above the entrance to the porch, and perhaps also above the door to the house. I dont really know why this works, but it does. I think I read somewhere it has to do with how the eye of the fly reacts to the reflection...



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Migraine Headaches?
I have a couple friends who suffer from migraines, and they take feverfew which is available at health food stores. Both of these ladies say the it helps avoid the migraine headaches. I am not sure of the dosage, but the health food store clerks are usually...


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Scrapbooking With Junk Mail?
I am not a scrapbooker, but my daughter-in-law is, and I am a crafter so know a little bit about it. My suggestion would be to scan it and print it using your computer. Rocky


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Recycling Rewards From Nearby States?
We used to make a trip to Iowa from our home in Arkansas every spring to visit my dad. I would save the Sams Cola cans from WalMart all year, and then take them along to Iowa and turn them in. Iowa has a 5¢ per can deposit....Arkansas has none. rockytopp


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Frugal Thermal Curtains?
I have a large picture window, and made very inexpensive curtains from Sheets. I sewed 2 sheets together and then made a casing by sewing through both sheets about 3 inches from the initial seam. My window spans about 72 inches, so I had to make two of these...


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Cheap Coffee Fixers and Creamer Recipes?
I buy the flavored coffee creamers and mix them with an equal amount of regular creamer. It still tastes good and I have twice the original amount of flavored creamer. I use French Vanilla, Hazelnut and Amaretto with good results. Harlean from Arkansas


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Crafts With Glass Flower Vase?
If you know how to crochet, there are patterns available for crochet flowers and instructions to attach them to stems. You could put a few flowers in your beautiful glass vases. Here are a couple links to Michaels website where some of these patterns are available...


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I Believe In The Four R's
Sounds like you are a good candidate for membership in freecycle. This is a growing national site with local memberships in many areas across the country. The premise is that if you have something you no longer have a need for, you can offer it on the site...


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Uses for Miscellaneous Fat Quarters (Gift Ideas)?
How about making potholders? Placemats? Harlean from Arkansas


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For A Lighter Whole Wheat Bread
Most whole wheat bread recipes call for some whole wheat flour and some white flour. I use self rising flour for the white flour. It makes the bread lighter. I also mix my bread in the breadmaker, but only until it begins the rising mode. At that point, I dump...


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Uses for Stale Bread?
The first thing that comes to mind is stuffing...and the second would be Old Fashioned Bread Pudding..or French toast. You can find many recipes on the internet for any of these foods. And then, of course, you can whiz it into crumbs in your blender or food...


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Poison Ivy Treatment
I have been treating poison ivy for many years with Hylands Homeopathic Poison Ivy/Oak tablets available at the health food store. They are not real expensive....about $5.00 for 50 tablets. They will begin to dry up the weepy rash in less than 24 hours. They...


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Refurbishing Rubbermaid Drain Boards
I use an old cafeteria style tray to hold my dish drainer, then store in the pantry between uses after pouring accumulated water down the drain and wiping with a sponge. A cookie sheet with edges would work as well. Harlean from Arkansas



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Baseball Card Sheet Protectors for Recipes
My favorite cookbook is a looseleaf notebook with Category separators, and I type up my favorite recipes, and slip them into clear plastic full sheet protectors with holes for the notebook. I have gathered in one place all the recipes that I use on a regular...


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Keep Lists Handy
I have installed a free program on my computer. It is called AT Notes and you can find it by searching on Google. I use it to remind me of Dr. apppointments, my haircut appointment, and any other things that I have to remember. You just type up the reminder...


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Where's Erma Bombeck When We Need Her? Uses For Unmatched Socks.
Slit them from the toe through the heel and up to the top. Use them for cleaning rags. You can rewash and reuse or use once, and toss them out. I keep a bagful in my woodworking shop to wipe off excess glue or paint spills, etc. Harlean from Arkansas


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Energy Saving Tips
How about hand washing and air drying your dishes? In this house we dont have a dishwasher. I AM the dishwasher. I handwash in moderately hot soapy water and rinse in very hot water and place in a dish drainer to air dry. There are only two of us, so I pre...


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Weatherproofing Windows?
You can buy clear plastic by the yard in the Walmart Fabric department.It is as clear as a glass window. They have several different thicknesses at different prices. I believe the cheapest is less than a dollar a yard and the heaviest and most expensive around...


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Invest In Oil Sprayers
My daughter bought me a sprayer at the Pampered Chef store. I fill mine with olive oil as it is healthier than vegetable oil. I found that this works great for grilled cheese sandwiches. Instead of spreading the bread with butter or margarine, I put the cheese...


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How to Tell if Grapes are Fresh
I have a food sealer, and it came with 3 clear plastic canisters. You attach a tube to the top of the canister and draw the air out and it seals it. I just finished eating some grapes that I washed and put in the vacuum canister about 2 weeks ago, and they...


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Saving On Postage, Pay Bills With A Credit Card
Many of the banks now have a Billpay feature. Some of them, like mine, US Bank, provide this feature for FREE. You can schedule to pay any bill on any date. I am on SS and my check comes the 3rd of the month, So during the month, as my bills arrive, I schedule...


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Keeping Fountains Free of Water Deposits?
You could try running the water through one of the filter pitchers that are available at Lowes, Walmart etc. Their are several brands. Pur is one that comes to mind as I have that brand attached to my kitchen cold water faucet. Or if you use a dehumidifier...


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Mashed Potato Tips?
I add milk to my mashed potatoes, but I use the water that I cook the potatoes to make the gravy. Usually one uses the pan drippings from a beef roast, ham or turkey and adds a little water and thickening, so I just use the potato water. I mix a little cornstarch...


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Ice Fishing Care Package?
Here is a recipe for Breakfast Burritos that would work well for them. I keep some in the freezer all the time. They are easy to make, and keep very well if you wrap each one in foil. I buy the foil sandwich squares and wrap mine. BREAKFAST BURRITOS makes 24...


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Keeping Saltines Fresh
This works for potato chips, corn chips, etc also. You may want to place the bag inside a plastic container to keep them from getting broken up. Harlean from arkansas


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Using Bungee Cords To Help Fill The Freezer
I have a chest freezer, and I use small cardboard boxes to sort things. This makes it so much easier to find and remove what I need. One box may have all frozen juice concentrates, another with packages of veggies, still another with sausage, hamburger, bacon...


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Leaner Hamburger
I have a meat grinder attachment for my mixer (also have an old fashioned hand grinder, but take the lazy way) lol! I buy up a few lean roasts whenever I find them on sale. Kroger has an English roast that is pretty lean, and they have them on sale quite often...


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Keeping Cauliflower from Getting Brown Spots?
I havent tried this myself on Cauliflower, but it works for celery and green onions and certainly worth a try. Enclose the head of cauliflower in aluminum foil. I have saved celery with this method for up to 5 weeks after purchase (without it even wilting) Another...


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Information About Refill and Recycling Technology?
Since I am not sure what country you are from, I can only suggest that you go to an internet site about Inkjet Refilling. The site is I buy their products at Sams Club, but am not sure if there are Sams Club stores in other countries than...


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Can't Afford Your Prescription Drugs? Call The Manufacturer
You can find a free list of companies and their patient assistance programs by going to Google and typing in Drug Assistance Programs. You will find a list of the companies, and usually a list of the prescription drugs they have available, and the income levels...


Bleach Bottle Bunny

Bleach Bottle Bunny Surprise
Note from author: Due to transfer variances, the body pattern piece looks a little lopsided. To remedy this problem, draw around the bottom half of the pattern from point to point. Then reverse and match up the points and draw the same side for the top half...


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Frugal Weight Loss?
I have lost 10 pounds and my husband has lost 30 pounds since the end of January. We have given up fried foods. I make Oven Fried Potatoes as a substitute for the fried potatoes and onions that my husband loves..Slice raw potatoes. Place in a bag with 2 tablespoons...


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Storing Green Onions?
Wrap them completely in aluminum foil immediately when you get them home from the grocery store. They will keep for a couple weeks this way. I dont clean them until I am ready to use them. This also works for keeping celery, and it doesnt even get limp....stays...


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Animal Feed at Day Old Bread Store
I guess I am lucky.. where I live, a tray of feedbread is only $1.00. I used to buy it and feed the raccoons in my backyard. I have counted as many as 20 raccoons at one time. But I had to stop feeding them because they began getting destructive. The night...


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Save Money With Soup
When I freeze soup or chili, I pour it into gallon ziplock bags. Lay the bag on its side, and let as much air as possible out, then seal the ziplock. Lay the bags on a cookie sheet to freeze; then slide them into a plastic grocery bag and set along the wall...


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Recycled Paint Holders
I buy the small (2 oz. size) acrylic paints for my yard art projects. Some details take only a small amount of paint. I squeeze out what I think I will need on the lid of a yogurt container. When I finish my details, if there is still paint left on the lid...


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Include Notes When Sharing Recipes
I just found one of those kind of recipes recently. It was for dinner rolls. One of those quick recipes that uses both yeast and baking powder. After mixing all ingredients, the directions said to knead lightly, pinch off pieces and roll into balls. The batter...


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Thrifty Gardening Tips
I store my leftover seeds in a widemouth jar in my freezer. I have used seeds as much as 10 years past the expiration date. If you have any doubt about them being good, just place a paper towel on a saucer, lay several seeds on it, fold it over to cover the...


A Christmas decoration made from white packing peanuts.

Christmas Decoration with Postal Foam Beads
What a neat idea...and this type of recyling is my kind of crafts. Also something the kids can make. I believe in getting the kids involved in crafting. Keeps them out of mischief, and helps to develop self esteem and pride in accomplishments. You cannot start...


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How To Clean The House Using Your Computer
I must pass this housekeeping hint along to (b)all(/b) my friends. It is the perfect answer to an ongoing problem. Harlean from Arkansas


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Homemade Soap
For anyone who wants to try their hand at making old timey lye soap, along with these great recipes from Robin, they will need to know what to do with this mixture when it begins to set up. It has been many years since I made lye soap, but I believe that I...


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Mock Sweetened Condensed Milk
In clicking on the first link in the box below, I found a similar recipe for Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk, with a question. I answered the question, but think it bears repeating on this post also. This is a wonderful recipe, and I have used several variations...


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Wallpapering Idea - Small Torn Pieces
A friend of mine did her bedroom that way except she used brown paper bags torn into random sizes and shapes, crumpled up, then smoothed out and glued onto her wall. It looked like leather when she was finished...So neat. Harlean from Arkansas


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Corn Boiling Tip
I also cook my corn on the cob in the microwave. First, run cold water over the ear of corn...shucks, silk and all. You may have to cut a little bit off the bottom if your microwave is small. Lay them in the microwave on the revolving dish, making sure there...


Perennial For Around My Mailbox?
Portulaca (Rose Moss) is an annual rather than a perennial, but it seeds itself down and comes up each summer. Blooms all summer and takes little care. Another self seeding annual that blooms all summer up until frost is FourOClocks. They come in several colors...


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How to Control Poison Ivy
I had a huge vine growing up the side of a tree. I took a small hatchet and cut through the vine at the ground level and again as high as I could reach, and using garden gloves, pulled that section off the tree. Then I dug as much as I could get out from the...


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Lawn Mower Not Sucking Grass Into Bag?
Always wait to cut your grass until the dew has dried. Wet grass will clump up and not suck into the bag. Spray the underside of the deck with silicone spray or WD-40 to help keep the grass from sticking to it. And empty the bag often. Harlean from Arkansas...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Crispy Onion Rings
I use a batter similar to this....I have always had a problem with the batter frying off the onions. To eliminate this problem, I have a pie pan of flour ready, and as I dip them in the batter, I put them in the pan of flour and toss them lightly to cover with...


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Saving Money on Laundry?
I have an old fingertip towel that I soak up liquid fabric softener on. I let it dry, and use it in my dryer in place of softener sheets. I can use it about 3 months before I have to recharge it. I have been using out of a gallon of cheap liquid softener for...


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Organizing Medication?
I would not throw the bottles away if they are medicines you take on a regular basis. There is refill information on the bottle that you need to order refills. I have plastic pill containers with the days of the week. I use one for morning meds and one for...


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Freezing Tortillas?
It really is not necessary to freeze tortillas...corn or flour. Leave them in original bag or repackage in a zip lock bag, and store on a cupboard shelf. They will keep and stay fresh indefinitely. No drying out, cracking, or crumbling either. I have used flour...


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Friends and Overspending
The (b)only(/b) way to browse successfully without overspending is to browse when you have no money on your person. Harlean from Arkansas


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Recipes Using Instant Oatmeal?
When my kids were small and I made them oatmeal for breakfast (that was way before the time of microwaves and instant oatmeal), I would purposely make a little extra so that I could make an oatmeal cake. The instant oatmeal would be perfect for this recipe...


Instead of Post Its
Another idea here is to use the backs of old business cards to jot down the messages for your egg note holder Harlean from Arkansas


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Check the Date When Buying Dairy
Once in a while, the supermarket will mark milk down if they have a lot with a date that is about to expire. Milk can be frozen with no bad effects. I once bought 5 gallons for 70% off because the expiration date was the following day. I opened each one and...


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Pastry Making Tips?
This never fail pie crust will get plenty of compliments for the cook.....even if she cannot make a good pie crust. I am one of those. My pie crust always was like shoe leather until I found this recipe, and have been using it and sharing it for 40 years. This...


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Paper or Plastic?
Store ice cubes inbrown paper bags in the freezer. The ice cubes will not freeze together into one big blob. Also store frozen foods that you have in Ziplock bags for longer storage without freezer burn. It will also keep like items together in the freezer...


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Using a Plunger In a Bathroom Sink
Likewise in the kitchen, if you have double sinks, always put the stopper in the other sink so that you can create a suction in the pipe. Harlean from Arkansas


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Return Defective Food Products
This was my post being quoted here, and I think you have misunderstood. I originally bought the box with Oatmeal in it. However, I now buy my Oatmeal from the Health food stores Bulk supply. I just continue to store it in the oatmeal box. So I could hardly...


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Copperhead Snake Information?
Read up on snakes in your area, and learn to identify them. Most snakes would rather retreat than stay and strike at you. Just always be aware of the possibility of encountering a snake. Carry a walking stick when you are out walking, and bounce it on the ground...


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Nicotine On Wood Cabinets?
Mrs Murphys Oil Soap is good for cleaning wood cabinets. Harlean from Arkansas


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Dusting Silk Trees?
I dust silk flowers and lampshades with my husbands air compressor. In other words, just blow the dust away. No water needed. If you dont have the use of an air compressor, you might be able to use the canned air that is used to blow out the dust from keyboards...


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Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies
I think this is what you are looking for. Harlean from Arkansas


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Destroying Ant Hills
The down side to this remedy, alas, is that it kills the grass. And, in my experience, the ants return or just move to another spot in the yard. So far, I have not found a remedy that gets rid of them....they just seem to move several feet and start over. There...


Making Raised Beds with Styrofoam

Making Raised Beds with Styrofoam
A few more details...he cut the pieces into blocks that he could easily handle, set them in place and used concrete rebar and pounded them into the ground until they were level with the top. You can see them sticking up in the first picture. He spray painted...


Making Raised Beds with Styrofoam

Making Raised Beds with Styrofoam
Just realized that you cannot see the cucumbers that I described. This picture was taken on June 9. Today they have reached over the top of this fence and loaded with little cucumbers. Harlean from arkansas


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Simple Crafts for a Church Bazaar?
I have a CD that has 11 crochet and craft patterns. They are all things that could be made and sold at Church Bazaars. Some of them are Easter, some are Christmas, and some are non seasonal ideas. Here is the Thrifty Fun link to check them out. There is a Hat...


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Meat Grilling Tips?
I parboil all my chicken and ribs before putting them on the grill. This ensures that they will be done before they are burned. Saves time too, because I parboil, package and freeze. So they are always ready to grab and by the time the charcoal is just right...


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Treating Poison Ivy?
Go to the Health Food Store and request Poison Oak Tablets. They are a Hyland product and are about $5.00 a bottle. I have been using these successfully and recommending them for about 30 years. If you plan to go camping where there might be poison ivy, just...


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Zucchini Dying After Producing?
One thing that I know can cause this is that insects get into the stem at the base of the plant. Check and if the stem is cracked open, spray with Malathion or Sevin, then cover the stem with fresh soil and water well. It also sometime helps to choose a few...


Little boy in his castle.

Make a Castle Bed for your Child
What a wonderful creation in wood! Ill bet his buddies are all envious. Harlean from Arkansas.


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Dog Knocking Over Water Bowl?
My female rat terrier does this to cool off. When she was just a tiny puppy, I had one of those water bowls that you turn a 2 liter soda bottle upside down and it empties into the bowl as needed. It didnt take her long to learn how to scoop the water onto the...


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Shake and Bake Chicken?
I have two methods that work well for me. One is a small metal cooling rack that I set on a cookie sheet.Place a sheet of foil under the rack for easy cleanup. If you dont have or cannot find such a rack, here is the other solution. Take a sheet of aluminum...


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Debt Free Christmas?
I shop all year, beginning during the after Christmas sales. And check the clearance aisles all year. I look for additions to collections or hobbies. Check out the thrift stores. My sister collects chickens and would rather have something different for her...


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Fun Foam Sunglass Visors?
I made these in 97, and have the pattern somewhere, but I found it quicker on the is the link Harlean from Arkansas


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Use for Cotton Poly Neckpieces?
Perhaps you could resize the pieces, and make the neck coolers that are so popular. Here is a link with a pattern and the source of the crystals that you put inside. Harlean from Arkansas


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A Fluorescent Bulb for your Garage Door Opener
I had the same trouble with light bulbs in my ceiling fans. I switched over to fluorescents and have not had to change a bulb in over 2 years. Harlean from Arkansas


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Christmas Gifts Using White Chocolate?
Buy a bag of large twisted pretzels and dip them in the melted chocolate. Be sure the chocolate does not get (u)too(/u) hot. If it is too thick, thin it with a little vegetable shortening. Never try to thin it with liquid. Dip the pretzel, tap it lightly on...


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Milk Question about Fudge Recipe?
This is the fudge recipe that I use: Although it calls for 12 ounces of evaporated milk, I have made it just as successfully using regular milk, or 2% milk. (b)Chocolate Marshmallow Creme Fudge(/b) 4 cups sugar 2 cups chocolate chips 1 cup (2 sticks) margarine...


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