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45 Posts | 231 Comments | Active Since 2011
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A hard boiled egg cut in half.

Tips For Boiling Eggs
I always put eggs on to boil and when water gets to a rolling boil, let cook for 5 minutes. Take of and pour off water and rinse in cold water until easy to handle. This usually works great, but I have been known to forget about my boiling eggs until they boil...


Matching Game Made with Water Bottle Caps

Matching Game Made with Water Bottle Caps
These are also great for checkers or Tic, Tac, Toe.


Mini Wooden Clothespin Easel - with Post-it pad

Mini Wooden Clothespin Easel
This would be great to put my business cards on at art shows


Gift Iris - iris photo in a circular frame presentation

Gift Iris
what is gimp?


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Using Blue Dawn Dish Soap?
I usually buy the larger size when on sale. Sometimes (not always) it is cheaper per ounce that way. But I use to refill my smaller bottles.


A sign at the grocery store with free fruit for kids while shopping.

Free Fruit for Kids
Our local grocery store does this, but I wish they had for the elderly also. The ripe fruit looks so good, but I cant afford much fruit on my limited income.


A small container with packaged butter pats from takeout.

Saving Takeout Condiments
Sometimes when I ask for catsup, mustard hot sauce etc.. The help winds up putting a whole handful in the bag. I was taking them back then found out they usually throw away returns to avoid having some that were tampered with. When I go through a drive through...


Identifying an Antique Cabinet

Identifying an Antique Cabinet?
To me it looks like a pie safe where one sets pies to cool after baking. I cant tell from the picture how deep the shelves are.


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Living Room Paint Color Advice?
How about a light peach?


A boxed cake mix and extra ingredients to make it taste homemade.

Make Boxed Cake Taste Homemade
I have done these for years. I also like to sift the cake mix. That gets rid of any lumps. If the mix calls for oil, I substitute melted, but not hot butter or stick margarine. Some mixes I add 1 t baking soda and use butter milk instead of regular milk.


A crockpot of spaghetti sauce made with juiced vegetables.

Add Juiced Veggies to Recipes
When I juice carrots, I like to add the pulp to carrot cake.


A TV screen streaming free channels.

Stream Free Channels
I love Roku! I now have 3 units. One for the living room, and each of the 2 bedrooms. I love that I can pause it in one room and restart in another. It is like having a book mark for the shows. I have stayed with family for a while, helping them in times of...



A TV screen streaming free channels.

Stream Free Channels
For a Roku unit you do need internet access {wireless router} However, if you ever need a new television, they are making them now that have built in Roku.


Printed recipes with unusual ingredients underlined.

Underline Unique Recipe Ingredients
I use a highlighter because I dont do lines very straight and sometimes My line goes on the ingredient instead of under.


Using a towel to move a mattress.

Moving a Mattress with Towels
I use a throw rug upside down. the fabric side slides. The rubber side grips so the mattress doesnt slide off. This isgood for moving heavy furniture too.


Heart-Shaped Stone - stone on a sandy beach

Heart-Shaped Stone
When my Mother passed away I found a heart shaped rock close to hers and my Fathers graves. I took it home and set it in the crook of a Maple tree in the front yard. I had a lot of comments about it from neighbors and friends. Since then it has been absorbed...


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Save Trees and Money by Reducing Toilet Paper
For BM I use baby wipes. I dont throw them away. I wash them too. I bought a large package 3 years ago and still use them. They get softer with each wash. When I used toilet paper. I didnt flush. I threw away That saved my sewer system from backing up.


A picture book for a toddler that was ripped and then repaired.

Our Throwaway Society
I went to an all you could eat buffet once. There were signs saying, Take all you want but, eat all you take. This keeps our costs down so we are able to offer you quality food at a lower price


Crisp Grilled Cheese Sandwich on plate

Crisp Grilled Cheese Sandwich
I have found that a grilled cheese sandwich is also great cooked in my waffle iron.


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Hold Bra Straps Together with Paper Clips
My bra straps dont go that close together. I keep a shoe string handy. I slide under each strap then tie the ends in a bow. Then I slide the straps down in the back. When I undress I just pull a loose end and it comes right apart. I have been doing this since...


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Using Warm Milk on a Kitten's Eyes?
I have always had good luck with tea whether warm or cool. I use instant, just enough to slightly color the water. Use a soft cloth or cotton ball to apply. I have also used in my own eyes. Steeped tea is usually too strong. To much tannic acid.


Cream Cheese Sweetheart Cake - Finished Cake

Cream Cheese Sweetheart Cake
Is 180 degrees C the same as 350 degrees F ?


A collection of spices on a glass tray, used in a microwave.

Microwave Glass Tray as DIY Lazy Susan
I have used mine for a lazy Suzanne. I have also used when frosting cakes. Works great! I have several in different sizes. I find at yard sales, some were from my old micro waves from years ago. I one found 3 by the curb side when there was a city wide trash...


A bottle of Nestle Pure Life water.

What's in Your Bottled Water?
I buy bottled water simply because my tap water tastes nasty!!! I had a Pur filter that fit on my faucet and loved it until it gave out. Looking for another. I had a Brita pitcher and couldnt tell the difference from before and after.



Using a tennis ball to mark how far to park in your garage.

Perfect Parking in your Garage
My garage has a window on the side next to the passenger w line up the hen my car is in the garage. I found that if I just line up the door window. It is in the perfect position


A dog being bathed in a kiddie pool outdoors.

Beat the Heat
In the morning, I half fill the bathtub with water and a handful of baking soda. When it gets hot I just soak a while. I also keep a spray bottle of water set on mist. A quick spray on my face or bare feet is a great cooler. I also spray my dogs and cats when...


A towel on a mattress to prevent menstrual stains.

Towel to Prevent Menstrual Stains
I would take a towel with me if I was visiting someone during my cycle. That would save some embarassing stains on other peoples sheets


Two Shopping Bags in One - one folded and placed down inside the open one

Two Shopping Bags in One


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Difference Between Blue Cross & Medicare?
Medicare is cheaper! Again, just make sure that your DR accepts Medicare. Then you need a supplement. Shop around for the lowest cost. Where Medicare pays 80% a supplement pays the other 20%. But if Medicare doesnt approve payment the supplement wont either...


DIY Camping Toilette - tape noodle to top of bucket

DIY Camping Toilet
I think I will try this using a 5 gallon bucket- I need something taller


A finished puzzle of a waterfall in autumn.

Take Photos of Finished Puzzles
If you do have a puzzle that you t to hang on your wall, just use Modge Podge. Brush on and when it has dried you can frame for your wall. I know there is also a sealant you can buy made especially for puzzles. But I dont know the name of it.


A pantry full of cans of food.

Developing a Frugal Lifestyle
My church has a free clothes closet where people donate good clothing , that maybe doesnt fit anymore, or you might be tired of. dont like the color etc. . .then they open the doors every other month, people can go in and pick out whatever they want or need...


The Crinum Lily -pink lily flowers

The Crinum Lily
I think these are what we call in Kansas, Surprise Lilies or Naked Ladies. The plant puts out leaves in the Spring. They then die down . Come around September, they put up a single stalk on which there are 4-6 flowers.


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Squirrels Eating from Suet Feeder?
When I first moved to this town I had trouble with the squirrels eating the birdseed. The easiest solution I found was to give them their own feeders. I used a large, 4 qt, ice cream bucket and put in dried dog or cat food, nuts, dried bread. anything that...


An Altoids mint container holding business cards.

Altoid Tin to Hold Business Cards
I painted a little landscape using acrylic paints on mine. I keep my business cards in it to hand them out at arts and craft shows, art exhibits etc. . , when I promote my art work.


DIY Bra Strap Hider - in place on black bra straps

DIY Bra Strap Hider
With my arthritis in my shoulders, I can not reach behind to use this. Instead, I use a shoe string. I slide under my straps behind my head and tie in a bow. Then I slide the string down toward the hooks. Just a simple tug on a loose end takes it off.



Air Plant Trolls - trolls with plants added

Air Plant Trolls
Check on E-bay


Kittens Nursing on Female Cat

Kittens Nursing on Female Cat?
Their nursing will stimulate lactation. So they are probably getting milk from her. I had a dog that would nurse kittens even after they were full grown.


Repairing a Wind Chime - long shell wind chime

Repairing a Wind Chime?
After you make the knot, put a drop of clear finger nail polish on it. That will seal the knot so it doesnt come undone.


What Kind of Snake Is This?

What Kind of Snake Is This?
Toe it looks like a type of Garter Snake


A bunch of warranty documents on a clear case.

Keep your Warranty Documents in a Folder
I use page protectors with the holes along one side. Then I put them into a loose leaf notebook. That way they are all together in one place.


Play-Doh Stamping Activity for Children - circles of yellow Doh with various stamped images and some with holes to hang

Play-Doh Stamping Activity for Children
It would make a nice little necklace too. Earings?


Mix garlic powder, onion powder and salt to make your own blend.

Make Your Own Garlic Salt
I dont like that much salt. I would use just about 1\4 of the amount. I like to mix 1 part each of garlic powder, onion powder, ground up celery seed and Italian seasoning, also ground finer. I use my motor and pestle and just eliminate the salt.


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Gift Idea for Someone on Medicare
For those that dont have many prescriptions, a good idea is a gift card or certificate to the local grocery store or Dollar store


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BCBS VS Medicare?
Medicare is your primary insurance. Contact BCBS and see about changing your insurance to a supplement. That way all of your costs will be covered. My friend had BCBS, Then she had Medicare when she turned 65. When ever she went to the Dr or hospital, she had...


mesh bag with small items on top dishwasher rack

Use a Mesh Laundry Bag on the Top Rack of Dishwasher
I like to use these mesh bags for my socks. When I take off a pair, I put them into the bag. When ready to wash I just toss them bag and all into the washer.


examples of recycled wrapping supplies

Using Recycled Gift Wrap
I use the Dollar store shopping bags instead of the more expensive paper gift bags. They are pretty, sturdier, hold more and it is an extra gift.


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Making Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge?
Just melt the chjps and condensed milk. Omit the butter then spread over the peanut butter.


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Medicare and BCBS Health Insurance?
You should not have the regular BCBS. Make sure though that they cancel it when the supplement goes to effect. I had a friend that was on BCBS. When her Medicare started, she still had to pay the extra 20%. She would not let me check into it. Finally after...


tissue rolling from the top forward

Using Less Toilet Tissue
Just teach everyone to wrap their hand once and use that amount. If it is not enough, they can do another hand wrap. I always hate when I go to a public restroom and they use the tp holder that flattens the roll. You cant get enough off for 1 use.


A closeup of a wreath made from paper rosettes.

Wreath Made from a Book
While this IS a pretty craft, I am distressed by all of the discarded and old books being used for crafts. A lot of the old books are still in good shape and very readable. To me, using books for crafts is like book burning!


light pink lilies

Wild Pink Lilies
These are Surprise Lilies also known as Naked Ladies. The leaves come up in the spring. Then they die down. I towards Fall. (usually in September but this year they started comin up the end of July here.) then the stem pops up with the flowers. no other leaves...


kitten with closed eye

Kitten Has Discharge from Eye?
I have always treated kittens eyes with instant tea. Just enough to slightly color the water. dip cotton balls in it and bathe the kittens eyes with it. Use a clean ball after each swipe. The little bit of tannic acid is just enough to cleanse and heal. but...


kitten with closed eye

Kitten Has Discharge from Eye?
I have found that weak tea from instant is best. Tea bags are too strong. Just enough to lightly tint the water. Apply with a saturated cotton ball. If it gets gunky, just reapply with a clean ball. Discharge is usually gone by the next day. Brand doesnt matter...


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Job Ideas for a 10 Year Old?
It depends on your neighborhood as to how safe it is. Have her make up flyers to distribute door to door. Some examples might be: Running errands (to the store, etc.). Pet sitting or feeding while owners are on vacation. Yard work (Weeding flower beds and gardens...


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Take Chapstick Everywhere
One use that I have found. I have brown spots on my face. I put a thin layer of ChapStick on then use my regular make up. It covers the brown spots!


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Take Chapstick Everywhere
If you have a scar, sun spot, acne, etc . . Rub a little Chapstick on It before you apply make up. It will help cover the imperfections


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Feeding Squirrels?
We pit 4 1/2 QT ice cream bucket out for ours. Kept it full of dog food, bread crumbs dried corn kernals. some bird seed. We set it out hanging the bucket over a branch All this seemed to work. An added bonus. Having their own feeder kept them out of the bid...


purple spiderwort flower closeup

Tradescantia Pallida (Spiderwort)
This is indeed a Spiderwort. However Wandering Jew is a shorter plant sometimes grown as a ground cover. Around here it is considered a weed because they are invasive. But they pull out of the ground easily. The wandering Jew flowers while shaped similarly...


A wooden spoon next to a cube of softened butter.

Softening Butter
It also helps to cut the butter into pats, either by a knife or a butter cutter. When it has set a few minutes it is usually soft enough to use. You can let it set longer or use the spoon.


plastic bottle sun catchers

Sparkly Sun Catchers
I have made these but I also used fingernail polish to give a little extra color.


Removing Too Tight Rings

Removing Too Tight Rings
I just apply spit. Works for me


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Donating Hotel Soaps?
Check with local churches. Especially Baptist churches. A lot of them do shoe boxes for operation Christmas child. Our church gathers items all year round. Soap, toothbrushes wash cloths. Supplies etc. mall toys, school supplies... Then in November shoe boxes...


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House Training a Puppy?
The easiest way that I have found to potty train a puppy is for me to pee in a cup. Carry it outside with the puppy. Let him smell it then pour it onto the ground where I want him to go. Let him smell it again while telling him to potty there. Also pick up...


Easy Microwave Fudge

Easy Microwave Fudge
I have used this recipe for years, It always turns out great. The only thing I do differently is that add a teaspoon of vanilla when I stir the chocolate. Sometimes I use pecans or almonds instead of walnuts.


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Fabric Donations for Charity Project?
Check at your local thrift stores. Goodwill, DAV, Salvation Army, ETC . . . They usually charge a fee, but if you tell them what it is for they might donate. Also check fabric stores. They might have some scraps or end of rolls.


Threading Sewing Machine Needles  - piece of white paper behind sewing machine needle

Threading Sewing Machine Needles
I have found the best way is to thread the machine as usual. Take the needle out and thread it. Then put back in the machine. Of course making sure that you insert the needle the right way. The flat side of the needle goes to the back or to the right. However...


finished enclosure

Building a Turtle Home in Your Garden
In my KS towns once a year celebration there is a turtle race for the children. Afterwards the turtles are released. I saw a box turtle crossing the road and stopped and got it to give to my nephew for the race. In my front yard I had a big truck tire filled...


Marshmallows covered in chocolate and caramel.

Chocolate-Covered Caramallows
I would try it like this and then make using crushed pecans to roll the balls in to coat the caramel and then dip in the chocolate


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Untangling a Necklace Chain?
It also helps to put a little cornstarch or baby powder on the tangle and rub a bit between your thumb and forefinger. This usually loosens the tangle where it can be undone.


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Filing for Disability?
get a written statement fro each of the Drs as to your disability and send in with your appeal.


closeup of flower

Toxicity of the Moonflower Vine (Ipomoea Alba)
Here in the states there are two species of Moon Flower. One is considered poisonous the other not. I woud not try eating either


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Getting Rid of Groundhogs?
Try using Juicy fruit gum. You chew it just until soft. Poke a hole in their run or hole and drop in. They are lured by the scent.They eat it and cant digest the gum so it kills them. You can also use caster oil poured into the run or even spread around and...


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Keeping Bugs Out of Cardboard Moving Boxes?
Put a couple of fabric softener sheets in them.


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Refrigerator is Freezing Food?
Check your freezer. There are some vents in the back usually on the top shelf. If they are covered then it will cause the fridge part to freeze.


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Remedy for Child's Tangled Hair?
Start with the shampoo. First mix the shampoo with water in a glass, before you pour onto the wet hair. It doesnt take a lot. After you rinse her hair, mix conditioner with water in a glass. Pour over hair and work through with your fingers. Use a comb with...


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Making Net Scrubbies?
Home Sew has them in all different colors/ for order or catalog.


Online Purchase from Penny Auction

Avoid the Penny Auction Scam
You need to do more research on Deal Dash. I have never seen any bids sell for 50 each. They are usually 20 cents and have sale for 13 or 14 cents each. At 13 cents each you can get 300 for $39. You can book a bid buddy that will bid for you so you dont need...


Removing Salmon Skin

Removing Salmon Skin
I must be weird! I like to eat the cooked skin.


We Went to Paris for $20

We Went to Paris for $20
Especially if you are on a limited income and cant even get enough groceries for the month and pay all your utilities, etc. . .


possum in a trap

Pick Up Leftover Outside Pet Food
One summer our cat decided she wanted to be outside all day and night. My mother said to go ahead and put her food and water out. Then, here came the raccoons, skunks and possums. Then more raccoons skunks and possums. Then they started fighting amounst themselves...


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Store Steel Wool Pads in a Jar
I just put my soap pad on a dry sponge on the counter. The sponge absorbs any liquid and again, no rust.


rusty tools

Use Vinegar for Rust and Wood Treatment
I had a new roommate and she didnt know any better. She put my cast iron skillet in the dish washer and ran a load. It was completely covered in rust. I just put it in a round plastic pan and covered it with vinegar. It took 2 days but got rid of all the rust...


Brush and baking soda for deodorant

Baking Soda as a Natural Deodorant
I have also used baking soda as a dry shampoo. works great! We all know about using BS for toothpaste with or without peroxide. It also is good to mix a little with water for a mouthwash.


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Microwave Not Heating?
A lot of times a microwave just needs to be reset. Just unplug for about 5 minutes then plug back in. It should be fine. My first microwave (in the 70s) quit and I bought a new one. A guy I know that repairs small appliances told me about this. It also works...


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Microwave Does Not Heat?
Sometimes a microwave just needs to be reset. Try unplugging it for about 5 mnutes then plug back in and try using it.


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
Brown the hamburger with a chopped onion, (optional) Drain the beans and mix with the hamburger, add spaghetti sauce just enough to moisten. Spread in a baking dish. Top with grated cheese (again optional) cover with the cornbread batter. Bake until the cornbread...


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Remedy for Tangled Hair?
First of all, when you wash your hair, use a conditioner. I have found that if you dillute it in warm water before you put it on it works better and you dont use as much. I like Alberto VO5 shampoos because they seem to immediately disperse in the water. After...


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Dog Won't Poop on Training Pad?
Put some of your puppys fresh poop on the pad. Let him smell it. Dont rub his nose in it and tell him to poop there. The praise him when he does..


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Buying Balloons in Bulk?
Check at


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Selling My Pop Can Tabs?
E-bay is your best bet. Go there and do a search for pop tabs. See what others are selling theirs for and do your similarily.


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Rust Colored Couch with Light Blue Walls?
I like the pillow idea. You might also try small throw rugs or curtains with blue, white and rust in them.


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MagicJack Faxing?
Unplug the Magic Jack from the USB port. Plug it back in after a minute then try again.


White clouds in blue sky.

Afternoon Sky
Neat poodle in the clouds!


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Removing Sweat Smell from Clothing?
I also use white vinegar in my wash but I use it both in the wash and in the rinse cycle. It softens clothes as well as leaving them nice and fresh. I still use a softener sheet in the dryer. I found this out when my puppy was urinating all over my clothes...


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Microwave Not Heating Food?
First, unplug the microwave for about 5 minutes. Then try waving something. A lot of times it just needs to reset. If it still wont work check the cord; then the inside. Make sure all the elements inside are food free.


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Name Ideas for Home Daycare Business?
How about, Purdy, Little kids.?


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Preventing Clothing Dye from Running?
The first time you wash it, wash in cold water with a cup of salt and a cup of white vinegar. That should set the color.


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Remedy for Armpit Odor?
First, after you have washed under your arms. Wipe them down with rubbing alcohol. Let it set a little bit. Then wash again with baking soda in the water. Then use a good anti-persperant such as degree or arrid XXX. After it is applied and dry, then use baby...


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Using Zanfel for Itch from Poison Ivy?
Last summer I had poison ivy real bad. I tried my bottle of hand sanitizer gel.(like Purel) It worked! Not only did it stop the itch, it dried up the rash. I did have to reapply every few hour when it started itching again, but the rash was gone within 2 days...


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Interior Design Company Name Ideas?
How about just BY JAYARAJ ?


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Homemade Easy Bake Oven Mixes?
Give Jiffy brand mixes a try. There all kinds. Just go to there is also a recpe book they will send you for free. She can use one mix and use the pans that come with her easy bake oven. I am not sure how many she can get out of one mix, but she...


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Daycare Business Name Ideas?
How about Mother Hens Little Chicks?


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Home Economics Cookbook Lasagna
Very good recipe. I tried it. Sometimes the cottage chees is a bit runnny and takes a little bit more cooking to set. I have found that if I freeze the cottage cheese and then thaw before using it becomes more solid and easier to use.


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Finding a Lost Relative?
If you are not already a member, join Facebook. Do a search for his name. If he is not a member, maybe a relative of his is. I have found a lot of relatives and lost friends on there.


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Shredder Making Mess on Floor?
Before you take it out, try running the shredder backwards. the paper inside should then back out.Turn it upside down and shake into the container. I use a small waste paper basket to mount my shredder on. It is a lot bigger than the container it came with...


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Dealing with An abusive Husband?
Leave! If you cant leave your home. Change the locks and have a police officer there the next time he comes. Explain to him that you are getting a restrianing order against him. Have him get some anger management training and maybe even some marriage counciling...


Desicant capsule.

Prevent Onion Powder From Caking
They usually do. I like to save the packets to put in my silver jewelry so they wont tarnich.


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Watching VHS/DVDs on Non-Digital TV?
The answer is a definate,yes, Look on the back of your player. Is it a combined DVD VHS? If so, just look for the cable out terminal. Attatch a coaxil cable to it and attatch to your TV on the cable in place. If they are separate DVD player and VCR Put the...


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How to Get Rid of Roaches?
First try 20 mule team borax . Prinkle uner cabinets and any place you see them. Also Combat Gell works really great. Bugs feed on it, go back to the nests, they die and other bugs feed on them. I had a bad infestation here. Used and and in two days they were...


Fruit and Nut Oatmeal Cookies
I have had great luck just using the Oatmeal cookie recipe on the Quaker Oats box. I just add chopped figs and nuts. You can add raisins too in the same batch if you want. Just bake as usual. I have found that dried cherries and pecans are excellant! I sometimes...


Reuse Your Non Dairy Creamer Bottles

Reuse Your Non Dairy Creamer Bottles
I save my creamer containers. Take the label off, fill part way up with gravel or sand (for weight), put some mixed plaster of paris over the weight substance. Then while the plaster is still wet I stick in and arrange silk flowers. I use these on graves or...


Use Leftover Candle Wax for Firestarters

Use Leftover Candle Wax for Firestarters
Mine is combinations I guess. I put dryer lint in cardboard egg cartons, pour melted wax over then cut a part and use for fire starters.


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School Age Summer Daycare Name?
How about The Penny Brite Day Care or Bright? You could turn it around, The Bright Penny Day Care or New Penny.


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Kitchen Paint Color or Technique Advice?
Are your cabinets blue? Or are the flecks in it blue. You could match with the flecks either way.


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Other Uses for a Waffle Iron
I like to make French Toast in my waffle iron. Just dip the bread into the egg mixture as usual then put in the iron too cook. Any left over eggs I also just put in the waffle iron to cook.


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Treating Boils on the Face?
Yes definately go to a Dr for treatment. Also, Have him check for allergies. I get them also, they are brought on by citric acid. (not vitamin c, that is asorbic acid. I avoid tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, lemons, limes, etc. I also have to watch...


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Inexpensive Centerpiece Ideas for Awards Banquet?
How about white carnations? You can put the cut stem in water in which cake color has been added and dye them the different colors. Aflorist mght do it for you. Carnations themselves are not too expensive. Or you can make home made flowers using colored tissue...


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Inexpensive Ideas for Driveway?
There is some stuff called Chit tat I would NOT recommend. When we had a garage put in we wanted a concrete drive. The builder recommended Chit. Said it went on loose and when watered down it would become as hard as concrete. NOT! after 23 years where the grass...


Mice in the House?
Go to You can either order a catalog or buy on-line. For $17.95 they have a Tin Cat Mouse Trap it holds up to 20 live mice. You can then take them to the country far away from your house to release. For the same price they have Fresh Cab Natural...


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Difference Between Candle Warmer and Mug Warmer?
I think it is the same thing just marketed differently. I bought one for candles and it works great for mugs too!


Duct tape book mark.

Duct Tape Bookmarkers Don't Slide
I love giving bookmarks as a little thinking of you gift. I have made several duct tape ones. I like to cut the ends like a ribbon with the top in a point and the bottom like a W tail.


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Liquid Paper to Fix Chips in Paint
I use liquid paper in my artwork. Sometimes I need an extra highlight, like a little spot or two on the pupel in eyes. Or if I make an unhappy mistake. I can use it to cover a mistake. I just let the paint dry, cover with liquid paper, then when it is dry, paint...


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Liquid Paper to Fix Chips in Paint
I use liquid paper (white out) In my art work. Sometimes I need just a little drop for eye reflections, or a bright highlight/Or to correct a mistake


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Numbers Keypad Not Working?
Check the number lock button above the keypad. Press it and see if that will turn it back on. Sometimes it is easy to accidently hit the button and turn it off.


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