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64 Posts | 332 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Inexpensive Christmas Gifts for Coworkers?
We just went through this where I work and fortunately, our boss had all of us fill out a quick questionnaire regarding our likes, dislikes, favorite color, hobbies, etc. Then we put those questionnaires in a hat and each of us chose one. The name I chose, the...


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Babysitting Activity Ideas?
This time of year you could make home-made Christmas decorations such as cutting out snow flakes, making a paper chain, etc. I think as long as youre doing something with kids, theyre happy. Help them write Christmas cards. Help them make an Im thankful for...


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Ideas for Losing Weight and Getting Into Shape?
Ive struggled with this all my life and Im currently in Weight Watchers. There are a couple of web sites that are free if you dont want to or cant afford a paid program. Spark People is a great FREE site, Hungry Girl has an excellent diet out, but you have...


New Year, New Calendar

New Year, New Calendar
Louise, I too usually get free calendars. This post isnt about the actual purchase of a calendar, its about writing on the calendar and scratching it off because your appointment or engagement changed and then you end up with a messy looking calendar.


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Make Litter Box Tending Easier
Cats are so fussy I cant imagine them balancing on top of 4-5 litter boxes. I do however think your idea of using bussing bins from a restaurant is a good idea. When my boy cat urinates, he balances himself on the edge of his litter box, so stacking it would...


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Buy Frozen Chicken Breasts
I live in Ohio and never have I seen boneless, skinless chicken breast at $1/#. I dont mind at all buying it with the skin and bone on. It only takes a minute to remove the skin and the bones make awesome, flavorful, rich broth that I freeze. And bought with...


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Keeping Makeup Off Collars?
I use a scarf over my head and face when putting on a sweater with no buttons or zipper. It not only keeps my hair in place, it keeps make up off the collar. Also, you can try sprinkling a little baby or talk powder on the neck area of the blouse, sweater.


montage photos of garden

My Serenity Garden
Your garden and your granddaughter are beautiful. Im so sorry for your tragic double loss.


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Free Laptops?
I need a brand new car and the balance of my mortgage paid off.


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
I agree with the other poster. Its so easy to contact SS. Just do a google search for their 800 number and they will be able to direct you/your mom.


several sunflower pens in jar on railing

Flower Pens
These are really cute and the other thing great about them is if youre in an office and someone borrows your pen, theres less chance theyll accidently walk off with it. Cute idea. I hope you win.


Double up on Drainer Space

Double up on Drainer Space
I may be missing something here, but you may be doubling the space, but how will the glasses on the bottom dry when you have larger glasses over the smaller ones?



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Homemade Iced Coffee
I too make my own iced coffee, but I love your idea of pouring coffee into ice cube trays. I always just stuck the cup in the refrigerator or if I was running short on time, in the freezer till it was time for me to leave for work in the afternoon. Im voting...


finished pot rack

Recycled Bicycle Wheel Pot Rack
I think its a very unique, cute and cleaver idea. I hope you win.


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E-Mail for Newborns
Yes, I am SURE my friend suggested E-mail. Ive been using email for many, many years and I dont think its going out of style. The only thing to think about with this idea is how unique it is and how much fun the child will have reading everything that his/her...


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Hide Extra Key in Purse
Thats a good idea and I do do that; however I have already locked my keys and my purse in the car! Thank goodness for Triple A


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Lower Dentures Don't Fit Well and Are Painful?
I dont have a yes you should or no you shouldnt answer. However, have you measured them to your old set of dentures assuming you still have them. If so, and they are indeed longer, take your old set to the dentist for comparison and dont take no for an answer...


Floor and wainscoating.

Curtain Color Advice?
How about going with a red print. I have dark beige walls also with white woodwork. My sofa is beige and I have a red chair and ottoman. I purchased red print curtains with yellows, whites and greens in them from J.C. Penney. In the dining room I purchased...


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Curtain Color Advice?
I had a similar problem. I have dark brown furniture, beige walls, beige leather sofa. I have a red swivel chair, with automon. I went with print curtains that have the same red color as my chair and also bright yellow and green in the print. I like the idea...


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Random Bleach Stains on Laundry?
I am getting the same thing and I have a top loader. I hate these so-called energy efficient washers. I think its because you have to put the soap in without diluting it first because the washer will not fill up with water until the lid is closed and locked...


A beige bathroom with a large mirror.

Bathroom Paint Color to Coordinate With Beige Tile?
I just redecorated my bathroom about 9 months ago. My vanity was similar to yours in color. I sanded it and painted it a dark brown (Truffle Brown) and since my bathroom is very small, I just painted one wall in the same color brown. I had a friend do a border...


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Closing of Mouth After Dentures?
Why would you not just ask your dentist about this. When it comes to your health or anything medical, dont leave it to amateurs on a web site; call a pro.


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Jam Jar Lid Sink Stopper
What an excellent idea! I hope you win. I too love, love, love seedless Raspberry Jam. I live in the Toledo, OH area.


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Freeze Sheets Before Bedtime
I personally would not want to have to put sheets on the bed each night before retiring. Cool sheets are nice, but ice cold ones that are damp... not so much.



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Rinse Straws Before Using
Most straws are covered in paper so I dont understand the dust and spider thing. If Im in my car at the drive thru, I dont think Im going to be able to rinse the straw first. Im a little confused by your post.


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Carpenter Bees in the Basement?
I have them on my wooden deck and wooden front porch. After they get done boring holes in the wood, they die.


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Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
Like someone else said you have to ask? If youre still there, youre no better than the abuser. How could you possibly even begin to think what should I do You have a daughter thats been harmed... what part of that dont you understand! We have a situation in...


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Prayer Box Blessings
I used to do this a long time ago, but got away from the habit. Thanks for the reminder. Ill say a prayer that you win for starters. Hows that? God Bless


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Personal Organizer Business Name Suggestions?
Love it or Leave it; Love it or lose it; Love your space again. Good Luck with your new venture.


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Reusing Containers for Storage
I love the idea of using the Pringles can for spaghetti. I use a lot of Pringles and hated throwing those cans away. Hope you win.


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Curtain and Bed Linen Colors to Coordinate with Sage Walls?
I agree with the above post, but I was also thinking of perhaps yellow. Or something with the same color sage in a botanical print. Or go a little darker sage with some white so its not too dark. Or, just plain white. One of the latest things Ive seen is really...


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Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
Move out. You are not married, not legally obligated to stay. Why are you acting like a wife? Even wives have benefits such as part ownership of property, medical benefits from husbands job if not from her own. Im always amused when people just live together...


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Quitting Smoking?
Are you by any chance using Chantix? If so, it is known to cause depression and can even make you suicidal. Perhaps youre one that cant use it if you are using it. I used it to quit smoking (1 year ago last April), but it didnt bother me other than the crazy...


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?
I too am scratchng my head as to what an 18 year old wants with a 14 year old? Hmmm, not a good idea and as the poster above stated.....may be illegal. You are much too young.


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Gifts and Prizes for 40th High School Reunion?
During my 40th, each attendee received a beautiful tote bag with a large beach towel embroidered with our school mascot. In the beach bag was also samples of suntan lotion and various other samples from a company that gave them away.


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Use an Orange for Bird Feeder
What a great idea. I hope you win!



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Radiation Treatment Caused Loss of Taste?
One site that helped me tremendously when my husband was diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment was It is a wonderfully informative website for those going through this difficult disease and also for the caregivers. Hope this helps...


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Help With Binge Eating?
Binge eating has nothing to do with being hungry, just like being an alcoholic has nothing to do with being thirsty. Theres a reason youre doing this. Be it lonely, angry, bored whatever. Until you figure out whats going on in your head, you wont be able to...


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Use Rings As A Scarf Slide
What an excellent idea. I recently tried on a ring I had sitting in my jewelry box for quite some time and it was way to big because Ive recently lost a lot of weight and Im thinking; I hate to get rid of this ring because I really like it. Now youve given...


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Shopping for a Tub or Shower Caddy?
I use a 3 tier basket that hangs from the ceiling. Its the kind you would use in the kitchen for fruits/vegetables. Works great and very roomy.


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Setting Up Food Bars at Reception?
I am so glad to read the responses. They are right on. Do you have any idea at all of what it costs to run a business? Especially a food business. They are in business to make a profit, not support your wedding. You think youre doing them a favor by allowing...


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Cleaning a Silpat Pan Liner?
Sure you can put them in the dishwasher, but why would you want to? It takes just a couple of seconds to wash them off or wipe them off with your dish rag and a quick dry and your done! Putting them in the dishwasher, they will not dry, youll have to dry them...


A plate of cookies and milk for Santa

How We Keep the Santa Magic Alive
That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I dont have children, but I wish more parents put into Christmas for their children what you do rather than just the greed of getting gifts, ripping the packages open and forgeting the next week what they even received...


Mardi Gras beads used as candycane Christmas tree ornaments.

Metallic Garland Beads As Candy Canes
So Im assuming that after you cut the bead string to size you would have to re-knot it so the beads dont fall off? Sounds really pretty. Can you explain further if you would have to knot the string again after cutting them to the 8. Thank you. Kathy


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Living Room Wall Paint Color Advice?
I think it would go together very well also. I agree with the above post to add a splash of bright colors as a bit of surprise.


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Nearly Free Wall Art
Veronica, this is a great idea. I do it myself many times. In face, I keep a file folder of pictures cut from magazines that I want to frame. Another great way to decorate for the holidays is instead of changing the pictures out, wrap the whole picture; fram...


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Fitting In When You Move To A New Town
You know, its really a sad commentary on the way some people act. Especially adults! You would perhaps expect cliques from kids, but from grown adults? How shameful. I live in a somewhat small town, but Im older and it seems the young ones have taken over because...


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Holiday Digital Scavenger Hunt
My husband and I did this with a group of friends years ago. It wasnt around the holidays though. We had to find a boat (it was dead of winter), a barn animal, an amusement park type ride (we rode the little merry go round at the local K-Mart. It was hysterical...


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Finding Stores That Offer Senior Citizen Discounts?
You could probably actually call them and ask.


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Preventing Blisters in Tight Shoes
Another idea might be to wear shoes that fit.


Black and Brown Llama

Funny Llama (Coos County Fair)
My husband always wanted one too. His name was to be Larry. We never did get one.


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How to Complain to a Company and Get Real Results
You are so right about keeping your cool when lodging a complaint. I work in customer service and we all but turn ourselves inside out to help our customers and most of the time its a joy to do so....other times, not so much. Anyway, I had to call Michigan...


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Shop At Church Mega Sales
This is great if you dont have a full time job and have to be at work during these sales. Rarely are they on weekends when Im off work. So, good for made out great. Wish theyd have these sales on weekends. But then again, church is usually held...


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Rebates for Energy Saving Appliances?
Go to the appliance makers website. You should find information there as to whether or not they are offering rebates, and/or the place you purchased the appliance(s) from should also have information.


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Baby Shampoo For Makeup Remover
Im not sure about baby shampoo. But if it works for you, thats great. I find that baby OIL works best for me. I just put a little on a cotton ball before I remove the rest of my makeup. Ive been doing this for years. baby oil is also very inexpensive.


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Make Thai Coffee from Leftover Coffee
So strong coffee and cream makes Thai coffee? What am I missing here? Im not getting it.


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Cleaning Hair Spray Off a Flat Iron?
I take a straight edge razor blade and gently scrape it off. Did not harm my iron in any way, shape or form. Hope this helps.


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Dealing With Loneliness and Self Doubt After Death of Parents?
Im sorry about your loss, with prayer and trust you will get through it. Notice I said through it, and not over it. My best suggestion is to volunteer your time to whatever organization that needs people with things you like to do. For instance if you like...


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Causes of Itchy Scalp Other Than Dandruff?
Are you on any medications? Sometimes certain meds can cause dry, itchy scalp. If you are on any medication, check with the pharmacist not the doctor. The pharmacists are usually much more knowledgeable than doctors and more willing to answer your questions...


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Have a Cleaning Schedule
Years ago when I was growing up in the 50s mothers had cleaning schedules. Mondays was wash days (in summer the laundry hung outside to dry). Tuesdays was ironing day. I remember in the summer when it was extremely hot out (we did not have central air in those...


A white and blue mural painted on a kitchen wall.

My Frugal Life: Beverly Hills on $30 a Day
What an awesome article. I enjoyed it very much. I do pretty much what you do using the envelope system. Its so nice that when the oil change for the car is due I dont have to take it out of one paycheck. I have the money in an envelope already. After I pay...


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Storing Seeds For Next Year
Eileen, Im really confused here. Once I put the seeds in the half egg shells and put the egg shells back in the egg carton and store them for the winter, what do I do with them in the mean time? Dont they require any watering or anything over the winter? I...


Garage Sale sign laying over top of a black keyboard

Getting the Best Profit for Your Items
This is a good article. However, you dont seem to take the price of shipping an item into account. I have been trying to sell an old set of dishes that are in perfect condition. Im advertising them locally (Craigs List) because I could never ship them. There...


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Growing Gladiolus?
I live in Ohio, Zone 5 and I dig mine up and keep them in a plastic shoe box that I got at the $1 store and I keep them in the basement. Every once in awhile I will take the lid off and let them air out.


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My Frugal Life: Coupon Class
Some great advise here, and not at all boring. My Walgreens would not let me take the amount off multiple items, just one. Either the cashier didnt know you could OR not all Walgreens are alike. Too bad its not uniform all over. Also, for whatever reason, I...


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Use Dishwasher For Storage
While this is a great idea, keep in mind that even though you dont use the dishwasher it should still be run a few times a year to keep the hoses and parts running smoothly. Im sure if you ask any reputable appliance repair person, they will also tell you this...


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Keeping Socks Together In The Laundry
To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as a left and right for socks.


Plant leaf with a white scale.

White Hard Water Stains on Spider Plants?
I have the same thing on my Peoni Bush this year. Had it last year too. Somebody told me its the city water? Maybe too much chlorine in the water? Also, my Peoni did not bloom this year. Any thoughts on that, anyone? Thanks, Kathy, Zone 5


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Finding a Durable Material for a Picnic Table?
As stated above, use deck stain and I always make sure its OIL-BASED water-proof stain. As Lil Tigga above says, any hardware or big box store will help you with this.


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Canister Vacuum Cleaner Reviews?
I just purchased a RICCAR about 1 yr ago and although mines an upright, I love it. They are a little more expensive than other brands, such as Hooker, Eureka, etc., but very well made an made in the USA. Like I said, mines an upright, but Im sure they also...


Partly shaded small front garden with bird bath

Garden: Front Yard Flowerbed
Oh how very pretty. Can you tell us what kinds are plants you planted? Obviously one looks like a lilly, but what kind of lilly is it? What a great way to bond with your daughter. I hope you win. Kathy


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Legitimate Jobs as a Mystery Shopper?
Try Ritter & Associates. They are located in Toledo, OH. However, working as a mystery shopper is not as easy as you think and you dont make a ton of money. You have to use your own car. You have forms to fill out precisely with no errors after the shopping...


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Choosing an Area Rug to Coordinate With My Living Room Colors?
Your living room sounds lovely. My girlfriend has a similar color and decor that youre describing and she just purchased an area rug with all the colors in it. She does not have carpeting, she has hardwood flooring and it looks gorgeous. Perhaps if you go to...


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Removing Pumpkin Stains from Clothing?
I purchased a bar of Fels-Naphta soap for just this purpose and it has worked wonders. I keep it on the shelf right by my washing machine. First wet the soiled area and then rub the bar on the stain and scrub it a little and throw it in the wash with your other...


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My Frugal Ways
You seem like an awesome mom. I hope you win. Keep up the good work, those boys are going to make fine husbands one of these days. I wish more moms raised their kids like you do.


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Pineapple Dream Pie
Is that instant pudding or the cook and serve kind? Recipe sounds yummy.


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Recovering a Recliner Chair to Match New Decor?
Rebecca, Ive been looking into the same thing for my recliner. If you go to, they are well-known for furniture covers and Im pretty sure you will see the sizes. Or if they show a picture of a recliner that is similar to yours youll be able to see...


A pink peony surrounded by green leaves.

Grandma's Gift: Pink Peony
Very, very pretty. Mine has not bloomed at all this year, but still looks healthy. I live in Toledo, OH zone 5. Any ideas of why it may not have bloomed? Thanks, Kathy


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Washing Machine Backing Up into Sink and Dishwasher?
I work for a plumbing company and just yesterday I took a call from a lady who had the same problem. Yep, sounds like a main drain problem (sewer). A little known secret I do to help prevent this problem is I use about 1/2 cup of bleach in my rinse water when...


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Ideas for Mom's 90th Birthday?
How about hiring someone to sing to her the songs from her era? I think that would be great fun and perhaps bring back some wonderful memories for her. Or you could do a This is your life, by having people from her past hide in another room within ear shot...


Vintage mirrors on shelf

Decorate With Vintage Mirrors
Fabulous idea. I hope you win.


A small shallow river running through some woods.

Scenery: River (Hinckley, Ohio)
Kelly, What a beautiful river. Why would you ever move from a place like that. Im sure you have your reasons. I see youre from Medina, OH. I was just there last month for a seminar for work believe it or not. Got lost, couldnt find the place, but finally did...


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Summer and Fall Blooming Bulbs?
I wish people would add what zone theyre in to better answer their questions! So, Kelly, what zone are you in?


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Shopping for Sea Breeze Astringent?
Sea Breeze is an Astringent and can be found in most any health/beauty aisle at most stores. I just bought a bottle at my local Kroger grocery store. I use it every summer and I keep it in the refrigerator. Its nice and cool to apply to your face for deep cleaning...


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Kroger is Not Accepting Online Coupons?
One more reason I dont shop at Kroger. They are way over priced and since their fuel rewards went sky high, I refuse to shop there.


Scenery: Quaint Thatched Roof Cottage (Tralee, Ireland)
How truly beautiful. I thought places like this only existed in pictures. I would love to live in a house such as this.


Place Kitchen Table in Corner
Very, very nice job. Its so bright and cheerful looking.


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Cooking Corn on the Cob
I shuck my corn first, then put it in a gallon size plastic freezer bag with a tablespoon or 2 of water and zap it in the microwave for about 7 minutes.


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Evenly Sized Meatballs
Another great way to get evenly sized meatballs is to use a small cookie scoop. Goes a lot faster than forming them by hand.


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Washing Zip-lock Bags for Re-use
I also re-use mine unless as stated above if they have had raw chicken in them, then I toss them. To dry mine, I just hang them or place them over the kitchen faucet, but first I sort of fluff them open. I rinse them in very hot water which seems to help, but...


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Peanutty Pretzel Truffles
Oh my goodness. These sound soooo good. Darn it, though Im on Weight Watchers! LOL


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Refreezing Link Sausage?
There is absolutely no reason why you cant refreeze sausage or any kind of meat. Ive been doing it for years, my mother did it for years and somehow Ive made it to age 59 yrs old so far. You will get sick perhaps if you eat it raw, but if you cook it, you will...


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Day Old Cinnamon Rolls for Bread Pudding
My brother does this all the time. The other day he made his bread pudding, using cinnamon rolls in his crock pot. Awesome!


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How Can I Get More Coupons?
I have tried the various coupon websites suggested above but cannot for the life of me get my printer to print the coupons. I downloaded the tools needed so my printer will print the bar code but each time Im told my printer is not hooked up or something like...


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Frosty Lemon Salad
Robin, This sounds sooo good. Can you tell me what size pan you use for this and how many servings it makes? Thank you. Kathy


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Link: Safe CFL Light Bulb Disposal
I say since the government (EPA) is FORCING us to use these, if they break we should send them to them and let them worry about it. Now, First Energy is going to be mailing these bulbs (6 at a time on a monthly basis) whether we need/want them or not. So, since...


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Showcasing Collectibles in a Small Area?
You could also just display a few at a time and change them out every couple of months or so.


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Flowering Shrubs for Partial Sun?
Dear grind4it, she did post where she lives. She lives in Springboro, OH Zone 6a


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Shop at Beauty Supply Stores
This is a great idea, but if you want to purchase perms and/or hair color you must be a licensed hair dresser for these items, at least here in Ohio where I live.


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Getting Ammonia Out of Dishwasher Rinse Cup?
First of all, I doubt that its dangerous. But if you want to remove it, I would use a baster and suck it out with that or perhaps an eye dropper. Hope this helps.


A coconut cream pie with one slice removed.

Healthy Coconut Cream Pie
You made a beautiful pie and thanks so much for sharing. I too am on WW and I love, love, love sweets such as this. I was wondering if you could perhaps reduce the PP even further by 1. Using fat free half and half and egg beaters in place of eggs. Also, as...


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Paint Color Advice for Kitchen With Oak Floor and Counters and White Cabients?
Hi Jane, I too have oak floors, white cupboards and speckeled beige countertops. My kitchen is painted a dark beige. For the windows I just use a valance with beiges and navy blue print. If I had it to do over again, I would put in a black countertop (the knobs...


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Adult Child in a Toxic Relationship is Very Demanding of Time?
Can someone please tell me how this topic relates to being thrifty? Remember, the site is called Thrifty Fun, not marriage or shacking up counciling.


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Things to Consider When Buying a Leather Sofa?
I was told one time that if its all one piece, its not true leather because as you said, where would you find one that large. Cows arent that big. Also, I would never again buy a leather sofa. Mine is so uncomfortable. It is not at all cushy.


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Organizing Linens in a Home Without a Linen Closet?
I dont have a linen closet either. I have a very small 1 bedroom home. I do however have a beautiful etegier in my bathroom so I store my bedding and towels on that. Along with some decorative items (vases) it looks real nice. I store extra tp in the drawer...


Make Curtains With Grommet

Making Grommet Curtains
Very, very nice. Thank you for sharing this project. I saw Martha Stewart do something similar using sheets to make a shower curtin with grommets. I really like these. And the fact that you added no sewing instructions was very appreciated because I dont sew...


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Use Small Boxes To Organize Drawers
Thats a great idea. However I just ordered checks from my bank and they no longer come in boxes. I was so mad. They came glued to a flat piece of cardboard....4 books of checks. What a sloppy mess. My bank said all the companies and banks are doing this now...


My frugal Life Mural

Going Public After Cosmetic Surgery (For...
God has truly blessed you with beautiful talent. And to use that talent is truly a gift back to God. I wish you were my neighbor, Id hire you in a heart beat. Kathy


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Weight Watchers Daily and Weekly Point Totals?
Ive been in WW since november 29 and have lost a total of 25.2# to date. My total points is 29 + an extra 49 points for the week. If you follow the program, keep track of your points it does work. I dont like paying out the money to belong either, but right...


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Buy Large Containers of Yogurt
I would normally agree with you, but I love the different flavors of yogurt, especially Cinnamon Bun by Yoplait, so whats a girl to do?


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Placing Order at Deli Counter
Excellent idea and big thumbs up to you.


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Calendar to Track Automatic Bill Payments
The only challenge I have is my gas bill and electric bill is different each month, so how do you know how much to put aside to pay these using electronic billing? I pay my bills on line directly to these utility companies, but I wouldnt mind signing up for...


Peonies in a vase

Cut Flowers on a Budget
Its funny you say to keep fresh cut flowers away from fruit, but your picture shows them in a vase with sliced limes. Whats up with that?


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Shaping Curved Flower Beds
Another great way to do this is to outline your form with spray paint.


Choosing A Petunia Variety

Choosing A Petunia Variety
I would like to grow these in hanging baskets from seeds. Any suggestions on a good supplier for seeds?


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How Do I Get Rid of Cigarette Smoke Odor in the House?
Before you go through the expense of having your ducts cleaned, get the furnace professionally cleaned first. Your ducts get dirty from the furnace. And, it takes more than just changing the furnace filters to clean a furnace and get it tuned up. Something...


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Paint Color Advice for Bedroom and Adjoining Bathroom?
You may also think about a soft peach color. The February, 2011 issue of Better Homes and Gardens has a great article on paint color advise.


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What Can I Substitute for White Wine in a Recipe?
I would think apple juice would make something sweet. I would use a combo of chicken broth with a little lemon juice.


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Is It Safe to Use a Le Creuset Pan with a Chip in the Enamel?
Yes, LeCreuset pans are beautiful and very expensive. I used to sell them at my gourmet retail store where I sold cookware. Its a shame they wont stand by their lifetime guarantee. Now I notice where K-mart and Martha Stewart sells enamel cast iron at half...


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Displaying Pierced Earrings for a Garage Sale?
Thank you all for your wonderful ideas. I especially love the one from hbuttrill about using the egg cartons. Why didnt I think of that! Hugs to all who replied. Kathy


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Troubleshooting a Heating System Blowing Cool Air?
I work in the office of a hvac company and we find that 80-85% of repair calls are due to lack of maintenance. Furnaces and acs need to be tuned up once a year (just ask any manufacturer) and it takes a pro to do this. This isnt just changing your filter, this...


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Weight Watchers Japanese Flank Steak Recipe?
Jess, does this recipe in your WW book give nutritional information and/or points? Thanks for sharing.


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Chicken Burrito Wraps
Jim, thank you, thank you, thank you.


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Use Plastic Bag For Greasing Pans
This idea sounds a little expensive to me. What Ive done for years (learned from my mom) is to tear off a little waxed paper and wrap it around my fingers (not individually) and then grease my cake pans or you can be an inexpensive basting brush and do the...


Holiday: Front Door Christmas Cross
Very, very pretty and creative.


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Mnemonic For Password
Great idea. I try to keep the same password for everything, but thats not always possible because some sites want more than my regular password that I always use. So, I keep a notebook by my computer with all my user names and passwords. Its only me that lives...


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