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36 Posts | 236 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Home Remedy for Mosquitoes
It last for 5 weeks for me in SoCal 36oz blue mouthwash 36oz flat beer and 4 cups Epson salt, be sure to let the beer go flat and dont spray the plants but spray everything else


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Fudge Crumbly?
Could you have possibly got a little water in it, did you wash your wooden spoon at any time? I try to make sure my wooden spoon was not wash in the last two days before making fudge


What Is This Flower Called?

What Is This Flower Called?
There is a way to look up things by images go to google images and if there is a picture of a camera in the search bar click on it then you have the option to browse your computer for photos click on a photo of what you're trying to identify then click search...


tiny dark pink flowers on multiple branchlets from single stem

What Is This Garden Flower?
This is amaranth - love lies bleeding


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Macaroni Salad Recipes for a Large Group?
Grandma Mohrs Macaroni Salad One large package salad macaroni 1 large green bell pepper 1 small can pimento One bunch green onions 4 stocks celery 6 hard boiled eggs Dressing 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 p. sandwich spread 1 tbsp. Prepared Mustard 1 tbsp. paprika 1...


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Getting Rid of a Skunk?
Skunks are night critters and you need to find where they are getting in. Sprinkle a thin layer of flour to see when they leave and block it so they cannot get back in. If you try the ammonia, do it late evening and only on one side of the shed. If you do all...


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Downloading Pictures to Craigslist?
It is very easy once you fine your picture on Craigs list just right click select copy image than paste it in a document. Or in Photoshop or you can do a screen capture hold down alt then click print screen then paste either in a document or Photoshop. But...


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Cat Keeps Pooping at Front Door?
Cats really dislike citrus peels try putting several in onion bags and set them in the areas that its been doing its business if its in the dirt around your front porch you can just put the peelings on the ground and they smell good.


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Foodsaver Not Sucking Air Out of Bag?
Does your food saver have the ability to vacuum seal jars? If so make sure the lever is turned to the bag position if it has one. You can put your finger over the little hole where the tube goes to see if it is trying to draw a vacuum there.


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Rhubarb Jam Recipe?
Blueberry Rhubarb Jam 3 cups rhubarb 3 cups crushed blueberries 7 cups sugar Combine ingredients in a large wide stainless steel heavy pot. Bring to a full rolling boil for one minute. Remove from heat. Add 1 bottle Certo pectin (liquid). Stir and remove any...


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Using Marshmallow Crème to Make Fudge?
Yes Marshmallow Fluff Fudge 4 Cups Sugar 1 Can evaporated milk 1 stick butter 1/4 cup of clear Karo syrup 2-12 oz. pkg. chocolate chips 7 oz. jar marshmallow crème 2 tsp. vanilla and butter extract 1 square baking Chocolate Cook sugar & milk until softball...


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Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe?
I Have Never Tried Freezing It Big Bach Peanut Butter Fudge Ingredients 2 LB. Skippy supper chucky peanut butter 4 cup sugar 1 1/3 cups can milk 1 Jar marshmallow cream 24 oz. cocktail peanuts w/oil ( not dry Roasted ) 2 tsp. vanilla Instructions Cook milk...



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Drip Tray for George Foreman Grill?
I have used a long corn on the cob bowl I found at the dollar store.


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Finding a Drip Pan for a Small Foreman Grill?
I found at the dollar store a package of 4 corn on the cob dishes they worked perfectly.


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Use Saran Wrap To Avoid Ice Buildup in Dorm Freezer
Nica Hopefully you can see that theres no back in this little freezer compartment. I put the Saran wrap on the bottom press it up and then up the back (Freezer shelf not back of refrigerator) and on to the inside and same with the front, it takes 2 pieces to...


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Bubbles on Surface of Homemade Stepping Stones?
What I have done is when the bottom is actually going to be the surface of a stepping stone I put enough concrete to cover the tiles and a little more, Tap, then fill it up the rest of the way with the concrete if I still have a bubble on the surface after...


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Cutting a Bottle Down to Make a Glass?
First get yourself a bottle cutter dont try the String and fingernail polish remover or any of the other suggestions. I bought mine at Michaels you need to score the bottle with a glass cutter it only needs to be a light scratching sound you need a real fine...


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Biotin For Thick Hair
I started using Biotin approximately 6 months ago the individual hairs have not gotten thicker but theres a lot more of them and Im constantly getting new baby hairs I can see that 4 in. from my scalp is noticeably thicker especially if I braid my hair. Im...


Saving Money on Coffee

Saving Money on Coffee
And if you brew your own at home when youre 1st pot is empty just add a teaspoon of fresh grounds to that mornings coffee grounds and brew another full pot.


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Making Long Skinny Boxes?
If you have a Michaels near you They carried a box maker from Martha Stewart I dont see why you cannot make your own It is a piece of plastic with grooves cut in it and you select the groove to determine the size of your box, place your material on the surface...


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Conserving Water During A Drought
In addition I have washed my laundry in the rinse water I would just capture it in several 5 gal. buckets and pour it back into the washer for the next load and dirty washer water went to the garden I do not use harsh detergents or bleach. I also siphoned the...


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Uses for Left-over Candle Wax?
After the wax has cooled pop it in the freezer, usually the wax will come out, I take this chunk of wax and rub it all over the wooden handles of my garden tools and let them sit in the sun it melts into the wood preserving it and my hands are very soft after...


Plants with cord wrapped around stem and bamboo stake.

Using Telephone Receiver Cord to Tie Up Plants
If you notice in the photo there is a cord that is white/gray that particular 1 has been in the backyard in Southern California for at least the last 6 years exposed to all the elements no cracking no splitting theyre not falling apart at all and I figure I...


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Getting Rid of Indoor Spiders?
I have had very good success getting control over my spiders indoors by lightly spraying a clean plastic bristle broom with bug killer and chasing the cobwebs with this just be careful if the cobwebs are dirty you may end up plastering them to the wall dirt...



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Allergic to Adhesive on Band-aids and Tape?
I have had to try to keep my eye closed on occasion what I have done is take a folded up Kleenex closed my eyes and put a sleep mask over the Kleenex on my eye and it keeps it in place for the night.


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Shopping for Coconut Oil?
I get it at Swanson Organic 100% Certified Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 16 oz (454 grams) Solid Oil


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Shopping for Karo Syrup in Northern Ireland?
Homemade Corn Syrup Substitute 2 cups white sugar 3/4 cup water 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 pinch salt Homemade Corn Syrup Substitute Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to a simmer and put cover...


closeup of flower

Night Blooming Cactus
This is a dragon fruit I have both the white flesh and the pink flesh, after theyre done blooming if youre lucky you will get a fuchsia colored fruit


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Recipes for the NuWave Oven?
Try the nuwave cooking club all you need is the serial number off your cooking head and your good to go` And of course theres always face book look for Chef Jennifer, then there is a couple yahoo Groups to look at.


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Home Remedies for Termites?
Look for an orange cleaning product with Dlimonene in It and use it in a spray bottle undiluted.


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Whites and Light Colored Clothing is Dingy After Washing?
I do not use a front loader or have under arm stains but I have discovered if I take a bucket a put in 2 gallons of hot water and a cup of Lemon ammonia and soak my dingy items in it and throw them in the washer and the bucket of ammonia water then let it run...


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Biz Powdered Detergent?
I was just wondering what had happened to Biz the other day I didnt even think they still made it, I Googled it and heres where you can get it:


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Getting Rid of the Smell of Rotten Food in the Freezer?
This works for rotted food odors in your refrigerator/freezer/ice chest after cleaning out the freezer take a gallon of warm water and dissolve a tube of mint flavored toothpaste and then wipe down the entire in sides, no need to rinse. This worked every time...


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Banana Peel Disposal
Roses really love them and they repel aphids.


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Black and Decker Gizmo Can Opener Will Not Charge?
Do you clean the terminals with a pencil eraser to get a good connection? I have the same opener and that is help my charging.


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Nu-Wave Oven Pro Roast Beef Instructions?
a good group is Roasts 3-5 pounds 1 inch rack 350°F fresh 18 min/lb. Medium-Rare 145°F, 63°C 20 min/lb. 30 min/lb. Medium 160°F, 71°C frozen 28 min/lb. Medium-Rare 145°F, 63°C 30 min/lb. Medium 160°F, 71°C



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Reviews of Litter Kwitter?
They say: The Litter Kwitter allows you to train your cat to use a human toilet in 8 weeks or less. Through a series of small changes in their behavior, cats will learn to use the toilet naturally. Uses a 3-step red, amber, green process that will lead to a...


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How Can I Turn Styrofoam into Glue? Recycle Styrofoam: Make Your Own Glue In the last article on Styrofoam (polystyrene), we looked at various ways in which people were recycling the polystyrene at home. Here we are going to go over a...


Halloween: Back Yard Haunted House
Do to health reasons I wasnt able to haunt this year but I am addicted to it also, if you would like some really good ideas for next year checkout this is a Halloween group called garage of evil with tons of ideas and how-tos so if you feel adventuress go to...


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Cutting Packing Styrofoam?
I have always used heat to cut the white foam, I initially stuck a piece of metal clothes hanger in the end of my soldering iron, but I now have bought a foam cutter from a crafts store which is more efficient. They make 1 which is battery operated with a very...


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Macaroni Salad Recipes?
GRANDMA MOHRS MACARONI SALAD One large package salad macaroni 1 large green bell pepper 1 small can pimento One bunch green onions 4 stocks salary 6 hard boiled eggs Dressing 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 p. sandwich spread 1 tbsp. Prepared Mustard 1 tbsp. paprika 1...


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Preparing for a Power Outage
Living in Southern California were prepared for just about anything, you might like to add to the list the inexpensive solar lights once charged that last for many, many hours and you can put them all over the house safely and windup flashlights no batteries...


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Homemade Frozen Hash Browns?
Freeze Your Own Hash Browns, French Fries Or Potato Wedges First scrub your potatoes cut your raw potato in desired shapes skin on skin off doesnt matter cubes for Hash Browns strips for French fries in wedges for wedges potato. You need to blanch potato no...


unknown flower

Garden: Unknown Flower
You have an epiphyllum; just keep up with what youre doing since its blooming already, they come in a very wide range of colors yellow, red, orange, fuchsia, by color. There is even Night Blooming cereus that are extremely large fragrant and only bloom at night...


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Use Garlic For Stronger Nails
I saw the same program and I have started painting my nails with garlic polish, it definitely has a garlic odor to it. I suggest polishing them in the morning, not at night just before you go to bed like I do or should I say did. I love garlic, but not smelling...


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Use Glow in the Dark Paint Around the House
I have only use the glow-in-the-dark paint on my light switches, I think I will add it to my doorknobs also thank-you


Fixing Plastic Scissors Handle?
I had a friend with disabilities and she had a plastic that could be formed into anything after heating and once cooled it was a very hard plastic, check around your medical supply stores and see if they have something similar, it came in sheets and she placed...


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Home Security Cameras?
I purchased both the black and white and color surveillance cameras from Harbor freight the less expensive black and white is far superior in picture and sound, they both have night vision but the color has tunnel vision at night they both come with a 100 foot...


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Halloween Party Games?
What about an indoor scavenger hunt, divide the girls up into 2 or 3 groups depending on how many guests you have now give them a different list of things to collect from and give them plastic jack a lanterns to collect them in. You could give each 1 a spider...


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Recipe for Papier Mache Clay?
The best 1 I have found is made from flour water Newspaper and exterior wood glue it dries very fast and very hard, I got my recipe from


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Halloween Riddles
I did just Google and here is the site with a whole lot of them


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Cleaning a Toaster Oven?
Use a paint scraper or single edge razor blade it works on toaster ovens and regular oven glass doors.


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Too Much Salt in Homemade Canned Soup?
Do the potato thing, but I chop up and fry the boiled potato.


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Need The Right Kind Of Glue?
I have found this website quite helpful on several occasions.


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Peeling Ripe Peaches?
I dont know if it was just my Peaches or if this will work on all Peaches, when they were nice and ripe, I would cut them in half, when I would Cut them in half then twist and have 2 halves, in the peace with the seed I can peel the skin off with a sharp knife...


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Separating Fruit Trees That are Growing Close Together?
For the last several years theyve been recommending planting 3 fruit trees in 1 hole to conserve space, I have 2 sets of 3 trees and all are doing well so dont worry about it just leave them as they are, if youre getting fruit and good growth dont bother disturbing...


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Building a Faux Wall With Styrofoam?
Go to and Punch in walls in the search box there are several different types; here is a photo of an easy 1.


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Looking For Flour Tortilla Recipe?
Flour Tortillas 6 cups flour 2 tsp. salt 3/4 cup shortening 2 to 2 1/4 cups water Cut shortening into flour and salt. Add water 1/2 cup at a time, stirring with a fork until dough comes together. Knead dough until soft and smooth. You may need to add more water...


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Removing Watermark on an Oak Table?
RE: Heat Marks on Wood Furniture I have found the best way to get rid of the white rings from heat or moisture on furniture, I have tried with no luck using Mayonnaise, cigarette ashes, toothpaste, hot iron and towels and what I have found that works is the...


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Gluing Sand to Wood?
I have Glued sand to Masonite, I brushed on wood glue quite thick dumped on the sand and let it sit till morning then dumped off the excess there was a couple places I had to add more glue and sand, other than that a turnout quite nice.


Garden: Weird Zucchini

Garden: Weird Zucchini
I dont think its the soil, there are 2 plants growing out of the same hole in a Homemade Earth box and the other plant has normal zucchini, this plant had 2 babies that died it appears to be putting out another 1 thats gonna be the same, this 1 I will let mature...


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Product Review: NuWave Infrared Cooker
Ive had my nuwave since April I agree about the instructions and I have found there is a few things that cannot be cook in it successfully. I have had problems with pie crust, I tried making little meat pies and the bottom does not cook my remedy is great raw...


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Dollar Store Freezer Bags vs the Name Brand?
I always buy the dollar store bags, Ive only had problems twice one time none of the bags in the box were sealed on the bottom so everything fell straight through and another time 1 of the boxes all the bags had a slit down the 1 side. I have found that the...


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Restoring a Shortcut on Desktop?
Click on start, then click on programs find your Internet explorer program click on it to open, once it is open right click in the middle of the screen not on the toolbar not on the top and Click where is says create shortcut it should ask you if you want to...


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Making Faux Stained Glass Window?
Besides the gallery glass you can use clear or white caulking with the liquid led, put a little on the clean glass and depending on how you spread it you can make different patterns on the glass.


Easy Bake Oven

Looking for Recipes for an Easy Bake Oven?
Easy Bake Cookie Mix 1 1/2 cups quick-cooking oats 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 cup brown sugar -- packed 1/2 cup vegetable shortening In a medium bowl, combine oats, flour, baking soda and brown sugar. Stir to blend. Cut in shortening...


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Advertising on Craig's List?
I have been using Craigs list for a couple years but Im a private party and not a business and Ive had good luck other then the no-shows. You want to make sure your posting in the right category advertising a business? Be sure to list it in the services category...


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Paper Mache Projects?
I belong to a Halloween Group and in this group is 1 of the greatest papier-mâché artist Ive ever seen, he gives you detailed Instructions and recipes, I have made a pumpkin head for my scarecrow, large rocks to hide my lights and I am working on a huge spider...


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Having Chickens as Pets?
Youre not alone, I have had chickens since 1988 I even had 1 that would take a nap with my dad. Im not allowed to have more than 25 it 1 time but I dont think that counting the babies mine are all bantams and I was given 4 purebred I havent figured out with...


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Growing Potatoes from Eyes?
You need a piece of potato with that least 2 eyes, after cutting the potato in sections it really should set out and dry a bit or dust it with sulfur, you cannot grow potato plants from just a sprout you really need a piece of potato attached. After planting...


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Planting Ginger?
Some of the things I grow from the grocery store are green onions, I plant the bottom inch with the roots, garlic if my red, brown and white onion have sprouted and of course potatoes, growing sweet potatoes are a little tricky you have to have them sprout...


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Washing With a Broken Arm
And here it is, unfortunately we have another broken arm so its back in use.


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Killing Mosquito Larvae in Rain Barrel?
Please do not put chlorine in your perfect Rainwater, go to the pet store and buy a couple goldfish a little container of fish food generally goldfish dont live very long but I had my last 3 years until the raccoons got them, when the rainy season starts just...


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Decorating My Room Inexpensively?
You can wallpaper your walls with bed sheets and liquid starch and when you get tired of it or have to move it just peels right off the wall without leaving a trace and if you dont cut the seams off the sheets you will have flat sheets after washing. Do you...


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Using Wine Bottles in Landscaping as a Border?
Are you sure they were cutoff? When I did mine I left the bottles intact, I used a peace of rebar drove It in the ground about 5 in. rocked it back and forth in all directions and then shoved the wine bottle upside down in that hole than move to the next 1...


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Parsley is Flowering?
Parsley is a biannual, when it blooms its done with its life cycle, let it grow and let the swallow tell caterpillars enjoy it, after the seeds have dried on the plant save them and just sow them next spring free parsley plants.


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Creative Uses for a Heat Gun?
I have used my heat gun to aid in defrosting my mini refrigerator, to add little extra brown to my pie crust and melt the cheese on my pizza if it didnt brown enough, to heat PVC pipe to bend in a candy cane and joint s for my Halloween characters, used it...


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Swiss Chard Recipes?
I Microwave my Swiss chard it has so much more flavor than when you boil it, I just stripped the main stem from leaves, wash them twice (Mine are homegrown) put them in a salad spinner and get off all the moisture, than pack them as tightly as possible in a...


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Birds Eating Tomato Plants?
Are you sure the birds are eating the tomatoes? Could it be bugs and in the birds are coming in to eat the bugs, if it is the birds they may be going after the moisture in the tomatoes, put out several shallow bowls of water and see if that helps. Or could...


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Staking Tomato Plants?
This year I found at my dollar store the Tomato coil it is a 1/2 inch coiled metal rod about 6 ft. tall and you shove it in the ground or pot and you feed the main stem of the tomato plant up this coil the only problem is I refuse to snip off the side branches...


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Making a Screen for Reclaiming Landscape Stone?
Here is a photo of my 20 year-old Plus Compost sifter, it is made out of rabbit safe wire witch openings are 1 in. X 1/2 in and the wood is 2x4s, as you can see the corners of the wood has rotted out through years I just put L brackets on the 1 corner to hold...


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Guacamole Deviled Eggs
If you gently stir the eggs for the first couple of minutes in the boiling water it will keep the yolk centered and you will not have lopsided eggs to fill. I definitely need make this recipe.


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Making a Screen for Reclaiming Landscape Stone?
Amaze is sold at The Home Depot in the garden department, just ask them for amaze its made by green light and they will point you in the right direction, its a granule that you sprinkle on the surface it will last for 3 or 4 months and will not let any seeds...


Glass Bottle Wind Chimes

Bottle Wind Chimes
I bought the glass cutter at Michaels. I cant remember how much it cost and I used a 40% off coupon. Its a little L shaped table and you set the cutter all the way to the bottom, you turn the bottle to cut the glass. You need to have lots of bottles because...


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Selling Vinyl Records?
Theyre used to be a lot of free sites to go to and see what records were selling for and I can only find this 1, you can try looking them up on eBay to get a fair price. A lot of Collectors will go and buy a whole box for $5 and there may be a record in their...


Black and Decker Gizmo Wall Caddy?
What about requesting gizmo and the wall unit on your local freecycle, Craigs list and and Im sure theres several other that Im not aware of, good luck. I love my gizmo Its only holding a charge for two days now and it used to hold a charge for 30...


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Plums Small and Have Worm Holes?
I agree its too late this year; you should have done 3 dormant sprays when almost all the leaves have fallen off in the fall. Nursery and home Improvement stores carries dormant spray, thats what its called. Just follow the labels instructions for spraying...


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Food Freebies for Your Birthday
In Southern California Hometown Buffet, Black Angus steak House and Pick Up Sticks have a buy 1 get 1 free for your birthday.


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Vegetable Plants Wilting, Too Much Water?
If they all wilted at the same time I would say definitely, have the leaves curled down (too much water) or curled up (not enough water) have the leaves turned yellow? You might want to pull 1 and see if the roots are rotten, what about raised beds in the future...


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Making a Hanging Sunglasses Storage Rack?
Do you have the protective soft glass cases that glasses come in? Or even take a facecloth and make a cylinder and stitch a key ring to the top of that in either hang it on a nail or hook up out of the little ones reach and this way you could just slip the...


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Letters for a Garden Stone?
I use Fun Foam letters, I have a real large round mixing bowl and I cut pieces of clear contact paper using fancy scissors the size of the bottom, write out what you want to say then turn over & peel off the back, now your letters are backwards place the foam...


Green leaves with white edges.

What is This Plant? (Swedish Ivy)
Shell61 I Googled the dead nettle and its said it s in the mint family this has perfectly round stems from what I understand all meant have square stems and none of the Flowers match up if I remember right this has a long stalk of very tiny white flowers and...


Green leaves with white edges.

What is This Plant? (Swedish Ivy)
Thank you mom of towers it is definitely Swedish ivy, now I know absolutely every plant and my garden. No mystery plants left


Green leaves with white edges.

What is This Plant? (Swedish Ivy)
It is Swedish ivy the flowers dont look at all like goat weeds flowers and the leaves are a different shape, same color though. Thank you.


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Compost Pile Smells Bad?
Most odor problems often result from either too much moisture, which causes the compost to compact and loose oxygen flow or too much green/nitrogen rich material which off-gas smelly odors (or both). Adding bulky brown/carbon rich material will help absorb...


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Flies in the Garage?
Flies do not like moving air; if you have a couple of old oscillating fans sent them up in the garage and leave the door open so the flies can go out. I heard if you set around jars with aluminum foil and water in them it will drive them away for some reason...


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Compost Pile Smells Bad?
Thank you debit4857 for adding the link I neglected to add.


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Cleaning a Chicken Pen?
I have had chickens since 1988, I will lose 1 here and there but I have never lost all, Did they get sick and die one at a time or did they all drop dead at once? I know when I volunteered at the wild animal rehab we clean the cages every week we would hose...


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Planting a Garden on Top of Concrete?
I have been growing on my driveway for years everythings in pots or containers of some sort. This year I have started using Homemade Earth boxes made out of storage containers . Just Google how to make Earth boxes.


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Save With a Vacuum Sealer
I bought my 1st 1 in 88 for $300 and that was horribly expensive but it sound like a good idea and it did started paying for itself right off the bat, I am just 1 person and recipes are hard to make for just 1. After getting the food saver I was making family...


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Save With a Vacuum Sealer
DorothyNYC I had always reused all of my bags even the ones that have had raw chicken or beef. After I take the food out of the bag I put the dirty bag straight in the freezer and after I have a good dozen to clean I wash them inside and out with hot soapy...


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Do I Need Multiple Tomato Plants?
Broney No, Tomato plants flowers have both male and female parts, 1 will do you find, I make sure I always plant 2 also just in case something goes wrong with 1 of them. I do suggest that you go out and gently shake the plant twice a day while blooming, with...


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Keeping Snow Peas Off the Ground?
I read someplace years and years ago that the English take small branches and stick them in the ground around the pea plants. I have a lot of trimmings and Ive been doing it for years and it works really well and supports the Peas, sweet peas, snow peas and...


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Removing the Inside of an Egg?
After piercing both ends with the large needle and picking 1 hole a little larger be sure that you break the yoke on the inside before you try to blow the inside out you can use a Bamboo shish kebob stick to mix up the insides really well then they should blow...


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Car Flag Holders?
I have found them with flags already attached at the 99¢ store.


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Tomato Blossom End Rot?
I bury eggshells, give them an aspirin and be very consistent with your watering. They found a couple of regular cheap old aspirins a couple of times in the growing season ads vigor to the plant and volume to the fruit, I had success with aspirin just put a...


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Favorite Potato Recipes?
MASHED POTATO CANDY 3/4 c. warm mashed potatoes 4 c. powdered sugar 4 c. flake coconut almond bark Mix up and chill all ingredients. Then roll in small balls and chill again. When chilled, dip in melted chocolate almond bark and lay on wax paper. Cool. (I prefer...


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Homemade Chicken Feeders?
Here is a link to some homemade feeders Poke around a little more there are some made with PVC pipe cut lengthwise and wood. Babbie


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Homemade Chicken Feeders?
OK I just made this. Quick, easy and recycled Chicken Feeder 1 Frisbee-- flying saucer the short Lip keeps the food in better than a dinner plate. 1 nut and bolt 1 plastic pretzel jar 1 length of clothes hanger chain for hanging, I tried lightweight rope and...


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Problems With Printable Coupons?
Sorry to say Wal-Mart does not except Internet coupons anymore.


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Tips for House Cleaning Business?
I have been cleaning houses for the last 23 years and this is how I do it. Only do these things if they are needed. When I put a small amount of cleaner on my cleaning cloth I always put it on the end with the tag, this way I dont have to smell the corner to...


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Homemade Remedy for Termites?
I use dlimonene the highest concentration is in Organic orange TKO the only thing is its very expensive so I buy big O cleaner at smart and final. What I do is I put it straight into a garden pump sprayer and I walk around the outside of the house as spray...


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Waste Nothing: Creative Recycled Crafting
I have a friend who uses the lighter weight cardboard and makes post cards she does not say hello whoever or sign it, we know where its from she is the only 1 we know that does this so we know its from her and she even jots down little notes on the printed...


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"Magic" Lawn Formula?
I think you are referring to the Jerry Baker s tonics , I have never use the 1 with tea, this is the 1 I usually use and the link to his page is after the tonic. All-Season Green-Up Tonic 1 can of beer, 1 cup of ammonia, 1/2 cup of dishwashing liquid, 1/2 cup...


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Freezing Ketchup?
Id do not know about Ketchup but I have frozen chili sauce (spicy ketchup) I bought a gallon can, put a cup in sandwich size freezer bag and then those bags inside of a large freezer bag. It never freezes solid; I had over two years worth of chili sauce.


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Getting By on a Low Income?
Do you have freecycle or Craigs list in your area; people are always giving away things or selling them at a very reasonable price. In my area they even give away food if not fresh fruit from their trees there cleaning out a cupboard and would rather give it...


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Swiffer Socks
I am 1 of the people who cant even bend to put my socks on, so what about Swiffer slippers, the type that just has the toe and the sole, you could slip your foot into it and not have to put it up over your ankles. 1 advantage of a full sock is you could run...


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Container for Laundry Lint
I use containers like that to dispose of things which I have broken cups, jars, glasses and dishes. It would be nice if you would put some of the dryer lint outside in the spring so the birds would be able to add to their nesting materials, they like little...


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Recipe for Millionaire Candy?
MILLIONAIRE CANDY Take 1 bag of caramels and 4 tablespoons of milk and melt in double boiler. After it has melted, take 2 cups of coarse nuts; mix with caramels and milk. Place wax paper on container that can be placed in refrigerator. On the wax paper, spoon...


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Swiffer Socks
Did you watch the program pitchmen TLC theyre promoting Shuffles, sounds like someone beat you to the punch.


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Toilet Seat Keeps Getting Loose?
They make replacement metal screws and bolts for the toilet seat; theyre available at a hardware store. I dont mess with the plastic ones, I buy them at the same time I purchase my toilet seat. Wal-Mart only has plastic replacement screws.


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What is a Pineapple Stitch?
Learn the 1917 Pineapple Stitch With Photos and Instructions


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Small Mesh Vegetable Bags?
Have you looked at those Puffy bath scrubbers; I have used them for several things that I needed a type of netting for. The more you stretch them the larger the holes are. I have even used them to catch large seeds on dry flower heads.


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Hydrangea Not Growing?
Theres nothing wrong with your Hydrangeas, it is a perennial and with all perennials the 1st year they sleep, the 2nd year they creep and the 3rd year they leap, so you should see growth this spring. It is very important that you cut the flour off as soon as...


A blue cat plywood yard art piece.

Selling Plywood Yard Art?
Makeup a few that you are willing to keep and advertise them on Craigs list and even put For sale signs on them in your front yard, and even the swap meet, that would be 1 way to find out if there is a market for them in your area. If they dont sell at least...


Garden: Butterflies To Be
I took this picture the day before the Butterfly emerged, I thought it would take a few days once the chrysalis became translucent; I was really surprised to see the perfect tiny little wings of the butterfly in the cocoon.


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