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44 Posts | 333 Comments | Active Since 2008
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A box of Irish Breakfast tea and three bananas.

Banana and Tea for Your Plants
Love this idea... Just a comment on banana peels - if/when you get into fire ants, rub the bites with the inside of the peel. You will not blister or continue to itch. I even keep a peel in my freezer to use on my granddaughter whom will always find the biggest...


Making An Easy Garden Path

Making An Easy Garden Path
How long does the weed barrier keep the grass from growing through! Sounds great!


Best Stovetop Popcorn in bowl

Best Stovetop Popcorn
Check this out...there is always a doom and gloom response for anything we enjoy, but this makes sense to me! I love the stove top method suggested here and it does work - barely any unpopped kernels!


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Making a Memorial Project with Father's Clothing?
Im sorry for your loss. We took my fathers bath robe and had teddy bears made - the lady was able to get 4 bears out of the piece of clothing. This was in 1991 ...We each have our teddy bears in our homes. My teddy bear has attended 2 (grand)daughters weddings...


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Making a Paper K Cup Filter?
I have taken a regular coffee filter and cut it up into 4th then tucked it in the plastic refillable thingie. It is hard to get this out of the thingie, but it does work.


Homemade Static Guard - dryer sheet being placed in spray bottle

Homemade Static Guard
Dryer sheets seem to have toxic ingredients. I never use them, but I do use vinegar to spray items - even while in the dryer and it seems to hold down static cling.


Mid Winter Flower Bulb Bargains- discounted planter and crocus corms

Mid Winter Flower Bulb Bargains
That was my first thought - he is a writer and waxing poetically too! You should do a blog! And thanks for the blow by blow on getting some beauty and sunshine in our homes and yards!


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Tree Lights Going Off and On on a Pre-lit Christmas Tree?
The lights, most likely, are set to flash or intermittment. The type of fuse or bulb at the fuse makes this determination. Change that bulb and it should fix the problem.


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Collecting Pop Can Tabs for Church Fundraiser?
It would take a bunch, but every penny counts. Depends on the amount per pound your recycle place is paying also! Id do it!


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Manual for Good Housekeeping Sewing Machine?
Try on-line...just type in type and model #...something should come up.


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Texturing a Wall After Removing Wallpaper?
Dont think this posted... I hope you have found the spray on texture. Thats all you need...easy peasy! At Home Depot or Lowes or any home improvement store. Good luck


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Temporary Fix for Rotten Egg Smelling Water?
Some of our family has the same problem. If they pour a little bit of bleach into the well head every so often it will definitely help with the smell. They should check with a well company to be sure it isnt something worse! We always gag when using their water...



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Buying Household Ammonia?
Its in the cleaning products at any grocery, big box, or drug store!


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Using Curtains with Window Blinds?
I dont have anything but the blinds (mini) on my windows. I like the minimalist look - BUT I would have sheers if I were to put anything up. Double full to-the-floor sheers! Good luck!


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Recycling Youth Sports Trophies?
Special Olympics used to take any/all trophies to award their kiddoes ... give them a call???


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Painting a Popcorn Ceiling With Smoke Damage?
Ive seen people vacuuming the popcorn off their ceilings to get rid of the stuff! I hate those ceilings. One said to use a professional machine but another showed using a regular shop vac. Looks easy and such a good idea. Gonna do it in our house soon!


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Homemade Sensitive Skin Face Scrub?
Im not sensitive to anything so Im not sure how this will work for you, but I use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. I just make a paste and spread it on my face and scrub with my hands or if in the shower with a wash cloth. Smooths and makes my face brighter...


A pen that has been converted into a stylus.

Homemade Stylus Pen
Ditto this question...


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Donating Trophies?
Look up your Special Olympics Committee - they use used trophies to award the kids!


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Refrigerator Not Cooling?
Our double sided did the same thing. We unplugged it for several hours and then plugged it back in and have not had a problem since. Another time - with the bottom freezer - it was leaking in the freezer area and out the door. We had it too stuffed with goods...


lavender crystals, oil, and flowers

Lavender Bath Recipes
I would love to know how to make my own oils. I dont particularly like lavender. I am, however, very partial to rose! Your recipes are so easy to. Thanks for sharing!


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Oil to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeder
Ive always heard it is unsafe for the birds to use oil or vaseline or the like because it can get on their wings and harm them. I have done the dryer sheets, hanging bits on the pole around where the ants might try to get in. Seems to work!


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Organizing Plastic Storage Containers?
I dont use any plastic in my food storage. I use glass jars we have used food stuff out of. Then, if we do not use the leftovers, etc. the whole thing can be thrown out. OR I just wash and reuse. Dont need a jillion. Just a few...


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Refrigerator is Freezing Everything?
Could be too much stuff in the fridge or the freezer. I had this happen with my bottom drawer freezer. I removed a lot of stuff and cleaned - never had another problem! Good Luck!



Duct Tape Wasp Nest Decoy - nest under the eaves

Duct Tape Wasp Nest Decoy
I use brown paper lunch bags. Just puff it up and hang - it does work, but is not totally water proof like the duct tape. Wasps are territorial and think the fake is another group and won't invade the territory.


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Saying No to a Friend?
Very good and wise advice above (or below). I would tell her as kindly as you can that you do not have time to do taxes for non-paying customers as it is interfering with those who DO pay you. Its just common business sense! Good luck - we all have those freeloaders...


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Finding Old Fireplace in Remodeled House?
I would think there would be evidence in the attic.


House Plants

Watering Plants While on Vacation
Do you use this to overwinter your plants too. Would you have to water anytime during the winter storage?


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Honoring a Deceased Parent's Birthday?
Our mother always wanted us to have girls outings. 3 sisters and her... so now we do this as often (yearly) as we can. We always have our mother with us in spirit. So - suggesting you have a family gathering to honor and remember your mother! Doesnt have to...


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Making Scented Oil for Lamp Berger?
I fixed it! I soaked the entire wick assembly in 91% rubbing alcohol. Set it out to dry for about 24 hours and started over with my handmade oil. Now it works perfectly.


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Adult Daughter Is a Mess?
My heart aches with you and for you. You can never change her. She has to find her own way and you are not responsible for her actions. She will have to hit bottom to see what she is doing to herself and her life and her family. Like the below advice, you should...


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Making Lamp Oil?
I use the 91% rubbing alcohol and about 12 drops of essential oil. Works well...using alcohol any less % will NOT work! Too much oil will not work as well either.


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Kenmore Refrigerator Not Cooling?
Our super dooper, hoity toity french door, bottom freezer unit did the same thing...(our old fridge has been running for almost 40 years). We were told to turn it off for about 6 hours (dont open if you can help it) and then back on. We have done this twice...


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Church Fall Festival Fundraiser?
Have children type activities...jump houses, etc. $5-10 a kid for all day jumping. Go fish for kids, face painting, scavenger hunt, endless ideas for kids! Sell hot dogs/hamburgers inside or even a fish fry! Have crafts for sale also. Popcorn, cotton candy...


A jar full of bills and coins.

Painless Ways to Save
I love when its easy to save money. I save every $5 bill I get. Sometimes I receive 3 in one day - I have not missed this money at all. It is in a safe place and I use it to take grandkids to exciting places like Wolf Lodge. I am now saving for Disney World...


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Donating CD Jewel Cases?
Where are you located? Would love some of these cases, but if not close by - then Im sorry!



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Donating Trophies?
Call your local Special Olympics organization. They can use all they can get.


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Shaving the Bone to Fit Dentures?
Too many people get good fitting dentures. I would not let them do any procedure on my mouth until I had a second opinion or keep working on the dentures til they get them to fit nicely! Im sure there is a breaking-in period, but it shouldnt be painful or cause...


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Selling Trees?
Be very sure you are dealing with a reputable person. My cousin had a man come give her an estimate on trees in the Houston area. The price wasnt what she wanted so she turned him down. Several days later when she went out to the property, the trees had been...


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Donating Race Car Trophies?
Contact your local Special Olympics... they always can use them!


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Removing Ring Stuck on Finger?
Google or You Tube - removing ring from finger. There is an easy and quick surefire way to remove it with just a string!


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Curtain Color Advice?
My can use any color you want. If you like pastels use that. If you like primary colors use that. I would not make all 3 bedrooms the same -- variety is the spice of life. Those colors would rely on the occupant and the age. Good Luck!


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Getting Rid of Cutworms?
Not sure about cutworms but this works great on slugs. Just crush egg shells and put around the plant on the dirt. Works wonders!


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Getting Rid of Slugs?
Put crushed egg shells where you see their path going up. This should take care of that area.


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Sandalwood for Noseeums and Mosquitoes
We have found Listerene works wonders. The generic brand is exactly the same thing. Put in a spray bottle full strength and spray where flies and mosquitoes gather; I spray when I think of it. I spray around my plants, just not on them and DO spray on any chair...


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Refrigerator Not Getting Cold?
May or May not be your problem but we had too much in our freezer. When we removed some items and redistributed others it solved the problem. Restricted airflow, I guess. Good luck.


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Using Dawn Soap for Fleas in Carpet?
I dont know about dawn soap, but I used plain old table salt. Just sprinkle generously on your carpet, let it sit for several days and vacuum. Then apply once more, let sit, vacuum. Works for us!


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Slugs in the House?
I dont know about health implications but I know how you can keep them out. Put crushed egg shells in the path they use to enter your home. That will stop them. Also diatomaceous earth (DE) can be sprinkled lightly in the path also. (Can be found at feed stores...


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Homemade Spray for Flying Insects?
I use pure undiluted Listerene. A friend who has chicken houses here in Arkansas uses it around her home and it is very successful in keeping fies away. I just walk around every few days or so and spray the stuff all around. Especially on outdoor furniture...


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Recycling Prescription Bottles?
I dont know what you mean by missions, but I donate my bottles to our local veterinarian. They have to dispense meds for the animals and can use them - best call and ask beforehand though.


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Donating Old Trophies?
Contact the school system and/or the Special Olympics in your area. They will repurpose them.


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Ribbon Roll For Drying Decorated Pens
What does deck out a pen mean?


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Getting Free Shoe Boxes?
Go to any shoe store. We always went to Payless. They will save them for you. Some shoe box ministries will provide shoe boxes for you at a minimal cost cause they want them uniform in size for easier shipping.


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Recycling Prescription Bottles?
I use these bottles for crafting supplies, sewing supplies, garden seeds (be sure dried out-will mold if not) and I have donated to our local veterinarian. Ask first though.


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King Size Pillows Too Short for Shams?
I just tuck the pillow case down into the open end. It stays very well and makes the case look fitted.


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Washer Won't Start After Power Outage?
Check breakers... might have thrown them.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Mother?
Write her a love letter!


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Getting Rid of Carpenter Bees?
We had these on our deck several years ago. The only solution was to plug the holes they bore when they are IN them. We used caulk! Good luck - they never attacked us or bit anyone.


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Painting After Removing Wallpaper?
I would just paint over the backing. I did this and used a spray texturizer to make it look like the other painted walls. It comes in a big spray can and you just spray the wall with it to make it look texturized. Works great. Then I used kiltz and painted...


Watering With Ammonia

Use Ammonia to Power Grow Plants like Grandma
Ive done this for years and it means just that - cover the bottom...not an inch deep or any measurable amount - just cover the bottom.


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Getting Started Selling Trees?
Be very careful and be sure you contact a reputable lumberjack. My counsin contacted a business, they came out and didnt meet the needs of my cousin. Later that month when she returned to her land it had been cleared! Gate bolts cut and trees gone!


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Armpits Never Free of Odor After Showering?
U can use hand sanitizer, vinegar, baking powder. I think hand sanitizer works best. Good luck.


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Frugal Ways to Humidify My House?
I use a huge pot on my stove - put a couple sticks of cinnamon, a few cloves and if I have orange peels I add them. Let it come to a boil and then lower the heat to just a simmer. The pot will last all day - just be sure to monitor it so it doesnt go dry. You...


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Getting Rid of a Snake Under the Deck?
I always heard car/auto batteries would repel snakes... dont know for a fact though. Good luck!


Legal Advice for Mouldy Rented Cottage

Legal Advice for Mouldy Rented Cottage?
Definitely take action. This mold can be very unhealthy for your family, especially the children . Call the courthouse, your DHS OFFICE or housing authorities. No one should be forced to live in these circumstances. There will be people who can help. Do not...


Bagel in CD Container

Use CD Packaging For Bagel Container
My only worry would be the safety of putting food in plastic that was not food safe...


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Removing Rotten Egg Smell from Household Water?
IF you are on well water you only need add about a 1/2 cup of bleach or so to your well at the well head and it will take care of the smell. Just do it as often as you need to. Might have your well head checked also - stuff may be growing at the top and can...


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Buying Bound Carpet Samples?
Any carpet store should have old samples for you to use... just ask!


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What Kind of Snake is This?
I googled my state and snakes - a bunch of photos came up with, I guess, every snake native to Arkansas. The one I was seeking was not native but I finally found it on the internet (no one could identify it for me). I did not kill it - I hate to kill anything...


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Removing Air Bubbles in Wallpaper?
Did you rub them or go over them with a roller? That should do it!


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Caring for Bonsai?
I have tried and tried to grow Bonsai. I asked a lady at a Bonsai convention how many she had killed in her quest to grow and she said A LOT! They just seem to die I guess. I do not know the answer to growing them - but I felt better knowing a professional...


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Donating Sample Notecards?
The Red Cross sends Christmas cards to soldiers - maybe they take ALL types of greeting cards. Try to find a local Red Cross or Google where to send them.


Closeup of purse strap.

Repairing Purse Straps?
I have used E-6000 glue and even gorilla glue to glue the strap back in place. If you use gorilla use very little as it grows or foams up. Just put a bit into the strap, vise it - with a clothes pin or gripper vise til it sets and it will be good as new. Good...


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Medication Reminder Software for Windows 8?
If you have a calendar on your computer (I have one with my g-mail) you can list your times with reminders, and make it a pop-up or a message or an email and it will remind you. You make it a forever reminder and it will continue to remind you until you stop...


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Keeping Neighbor's Cats Off Heat/AC Unit?
Put aluminum foil on the area...crinkled up. They wont like the feel or the noise of jumping on it!


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GE Ice Maker Leaks Water?
Are you sure it is your icemaker? We had a problem with ice forming on the bottom of our freezer and finally figured out it was too much stuff in our freezer compartment. When we cleaned out most of the frozen goods it has not leaked again. Just a thought!


Snakes in a white bucket.

What Kind of Snakes are These?
Google snakes and your state and you will find all kinds of pictures.


Glass fronted cabinet with shelves.

What is This Piece of Furniture?
It might be a book case...cant really tell. Maybe from a law office?


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Collecting Colored Wine Bottles?
Find a restaurant that serves wine. They will have plenty.


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Recycling Bowling Trophies?
Find your local special Olympics group, or check with the schools!


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Glitter Coming Off Shoes?
Ive been reading about putting decoupage glue on items after you glitter them - tools, etc. Should work on shoes! Let me know if you try it?


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Fundraising Ideas for Student Run Charity?
See if you can get them interested by participating more aggressively - an auction for them to DO for people. Wash a car, mow a lawn, walk/bathe a pet, etc. Have a haunted house at a local business that is closed. If your city/school has a fall festival you...


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Wedding Centerpiece With a Live Fish?
Ive been to a wedding where they did this. It works if you put the fish in pretty close to the time of the reception. BUT several fish died and I dont really believe is using live creatures for entertainment and then death. The bride had all the guests take...


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I Have Fleas in My House?
I have used the salt and even baking soda...sprinkle everywhere - you cant see it in the carpet. Let it lay for several days and then vacuum. Do it again and it should help! I hate poisons!


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Getting Rid of Bats?
If you can find their nesting holes at night, when they are out plug those holes. You dont want to seal them in, just keep them out. Best to consult an expert though.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making Hummingbird Nectar?
Ditto on the above - 1 cup (white) sugar to 4 cups water. I dont even boil the water - just stir til the sugar dissolves. I keep any extra in the fridge and let sit a bit before I put it out to take the chill out of it - Although nowadays the hummers would...


Disaster Assistance Options for DuraWeave Pet Food Bags?
Have you tried Craigs list or freecycle! Either of these may have someone interested in the bags. Good luck!


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Dealing with a Spouse Who Drives Drunk?
Call the cops on him next time or report him to his boss...dont continue to risk your life or that of your child. It isnt worth it! I know this is easier said than done, but there is help out there for you! He is abusive and dangerous!


Moldy, worn gasket.

Saving on Electric Bill?
One thing you can do is put bubble wrap on all the windows. It lets the light in but helps insulate a little and every little bit helps. Buy a big roll at W-M or wherever, spritz a bit of water on the window panes and just put it up. It will stay for ever and...


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Remedy for Dry Hard Diabetic Feet?
Try a pan or big bowl of warm water and Epson Salts - soak for a bit and then scrub (if you have foot scrubber or use a rough wash cloth). Should help quite a bit! God Bless!


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Repelling Insects Using Listerine?
I use the Listerine and spray ahead of me as I walk around patio/deck. It seems to work - but never have had a huge problem with mosquitoes. Just put is a pray bottle and spray away. A way to keep mosquitoes down is to put a drop or two of olive oil in any...


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Asking Mom About Shaving My Legs?
When you are sitting with your mom and wearing shorts just ask her if she thinks its time to start shaving your legs. Most of us wish we had never started shaving our legs -- but it is a societal thing nowadays. Just know, when you begin, you never stop! good...


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Remedy for Diarrhea?
Drink some pickle juice.



Squirrels On Birdfeeder?
We put PVC pipe around the poles on our feeders. It must be big enough around so they squirrels cannot grasp it. It has worked for us but a friend has had her squirrels just ignore the pipes and run up as if not there. We also put velcro tape around the poles...


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18 with RLS?
I do not suffer from RLS but just read an article about it. It was suggested a glass of water drunk just before bed...may make you get up at night to go potty, but thats better than the restlessness. Also I read a good drink of vinegar (I love pickle juice...


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Finding a New Craft Hobby?
Take up quilling - NOT quilting - but quilling. Google it, check it out on pinterest and you will find a lot of good items to work on. Its addictive too!


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Making a Cookbook to Raise Money for Cancer Research?
Our Relay for Life Team had cookbooks for our team fund raiseer. We raised over $600 - search fundraising cookbooks on-line. We had over 300 recipes entered into the computer within a few weeks time. The books sold so well we were able to pay off the costs...


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Serving Coffee at a Wedding?
I cant imagine any rental place NOT having a coffee urn. Any church in your community will probably have a large urn they may let you borrow. Maybe your Chamber of Commerce Office? Hotel/motel -- surely you can find one! Good luck and congrats on the wedding...


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Getting an LTD Catalog?
What is an LTD catalogue? (b)Editors Note:(/b) LTD is a popular inexpensive online shopping site.


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Cigarette Smoke Coming In from Outside?
Could you place a fan on your porch aimed at their smoke? Might not be too obvious! Or even place one in your window(s) to blow it back out and away. What a horrible thing to have to experience. I just cant believe people continue to smoke with all the evidence...


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Reviews of Christmas Light Testers?
We purchased one in the after Christmas works pretty good. Saved a few lights, but Im not overjoyed with it. With the sale price and wanting to be green, we did get our moneys worth. I know this isnt helpful, but it does work.


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Sulphur Smell in Well Water?
My brother has this same problem. When we visit you almost vomit when brushing your teeth because of the smell. He now pours about 1 cup of bleach into the well head and it takes care of the problem. After testing for the safety of your water, try this. You...


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Unique Name Instead of Gramma?
Dont obsess over what your grandchildren will call you. I had picked out a grand name for me and my husband to be called...and my first grandson just started calling us MiMi and Poppie - out of the blue. Nothing can or will change that! They will call you what...


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Using a Curling Iron?
It has to be on to curl your hair and it has to be hot. I use a kitchen mitt to keep it from burning my fingers - I always touch the thing by accident - every time! I lay it down on a heating pad between curls since I have to lay it down to gather the hair...


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Fundraising Ideas for High School Class of 2014?
Rent-a-Kid...let people make bids on certain chores/tasks the kids could do for them. Flock people - get some pink flamingos - put them in peoples yards and they have to pay a bounty to have them removed. The flocked in turn as the kids to flock someone else...


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War on Slugs
I used crushed egg shells around the plants the slugs bother. Works wonders! Just crush the shells and put around the stem sections on the ground.


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Kindle Reviews?
I have a Kindle Fire. Had it over a year now and I love it! Can read anything, play games with myself as well as others, get e-mail, get on Face Book and much more. I love using it for recipes. I send myself recipes in G-mail, file them in Recipe folders and...


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Decorating a New Apartment Without Painting?
The cloth on walls was a good suggestion. Google it and find out exactly how to do it. Also there are cling stickers - no adhesive that work well on walls (hobby stores/big box stores). Also, I have found some tiles called SmartTiles that can be put up (self...


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Painting a Wall After Removing Wallpaper?
I just completed this bathroom walls were smooth after removing the vinyl wall paper (and the paper backing and the glue - took forever - finally started spraying with pure vinegar and it came off super easy). If there is any tape that needs to be...


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Disposal Runs But Sink Won't Drain?
The clogged drain sounds like the problem ... using the plunger may open it up. Then boil a huge pot of water, pour about 1 cup baking soda in the disposal and then 1 cup vinegar. Let that sit about 15-20 minutes then pour the boiling water down the drain. Be...


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Making Envelopes for Greeting Cards?
You can lay the card on a sheet of paper - any typing or copier paper will do. Cardstock will work too, but is a bit costlier. Put the card at a diaganol in the center of the sheet - trace around lightly then fold at the drawn lines. Bigger cards require bigger...


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Reviews of Dryer Balls?
Ive never used the purchased balls, nor do I use dryer sheets or chemical softners of any form. I use tennis balls with small loads, just to keep the clothes from clumping. I also use aluminum foil. I make a loose ball and throw it in the dryer. It does keep...


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Lights Not Lighting on Pre-lit Tree?
You can buy a bulb and string light checker at any hardware type store. It has saved several strings of lights we have. Its called a Light Keeper. Works pretty good - youll at least get your moneys worth.


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Dish Rack or Drying Mat?
I love my drying mat. I also use the top rack in my dishwasher for big items or if I have too much to fit on the mat. I also wash my mat periodically and air dry it (I have 2 and switch em out)


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Thrifty Christmas Tree Theme Ideas?
String popcorn...used to be you could even buy colored popcorn. Glitter on small pine cones.


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Diamond Drill Bit for Drilling Glass Blocks?
I found my bits at Sears. They are not cheap, but they last a long time!


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Finding Christmas Help?
Check with your local Lions Club.


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Ideas for Rain Scarf Container?
You could store it in your purse in a pill bottle or a zip lock bag...but I would put a paper towel or small rag in it also to wick away the rain after using.


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Cholesterol Medication Can Cause Liver Damage
I have been on Lipitor for over 20 years (now the generic). I have never had any adverse reactions at all. I do have blood tests every 3 months to follow this. I guess each individual is really an individual for these medications. Keeping a close check is the...


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Inexpensive Gifts for Male Cheerleaders?
You could do key chains in the colors also - shrinky dink is a craft medium that makes just about anything!


Mint leaves closeup.

Simple Mint Insect Repellant
Same question as above!


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Buy Now Pay Later Websites?
What are mens bands?


A box of baking soda and borax.

Dry Laundry Soap for Twenty Dollars a Year
I hate grating the soap bars and no longer have a blender to grate the bars. I just put it in the microwave for about 3 minutes on high - it puffs up and is VERY easy to just crumble into your dry ingredients. BE SURE TO LET IT COOL at least 30-45 minutes tho...


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Is it Safe to Reuse Plastic Soda Bottles?
I dont reuse plastic containers for anything but craft or office storage. I think something leeches out of those containers. I have re-used them to freeze water in them to use as ice packs for small ice chests but hate to drink out of them after that. I even...


Several prescription bottles.

Crafts Using Prescription Bottles?
I use mine for storage of small craft items, rubber bands, etc. But I took a large amount to the veterinarian - asked first.


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Freezing Water Bottles?
I hate to use the plastic bottles. I just dont like the chemical make-up or the plastic syndrome. But when I did use plastic bottles for just the same thing, I always put about 1 inch of water in, freeze and then fill with water when I want to use it. It lasts...


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