
mary knight

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23 Posts | 148 Comments | Active Since 2005
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Buttoned Headband for Masks - woman wearing the headband with a mask attached around the buttons

Buttoned Headband for Masks
I love your idea and love that you shared it with everyone. Thank you! My ear loops often fall off because of my eyeglass frames sitting on my ears.


A rash on a chest.

What is This Rash?
Theres been SO much written about this on an AgingCare site I belong to. I myself had this. It is common, either caused by friction or dampness. You MUST stay dry there. Ill list some of the remedies from the AgingCare. #1 - keep dry. wash daily. Dont wear...


A hammer holding down helium balloons.

Transporting Helium Balloons
Dont release balloons of any kind into the air or yard, where they will be consumed by birds, turtles, other wildlife, get into the ocean and kill fish and marine animals; float into aircraft propellers, and wreak ecological havoc. Around here, helium balloons...


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Using Fairy Washing Up Liquid for Fleas?
Fleas can be drowned if you hold your dog down in a bath. Use a cup to ladle water over the head. The fleas will return, of course, unless you have some repellent protection, even a collar. I had bad flea infestations and turned to medication drops, as dawn...


A post-it note strip as a pill reminder.

Pill Time Reminder
Hi. We use Alexa to remind us. Remembering is not easy. We have four daily reminders and cant miss any. Alexa doesnt speak, just plays a soft, bell-like calm sound.


Koneko enjoying her catio.

DIY Window Catio
As a cat owner, I think this is excellent. As someone on a budget, its great to have something cheap.


A rosebed of pink and red knockout roses.

Almost Care Free Roses
Love your decision to plant roses there. Your beautiful roses are so courageous against the backdrop of cars and a road. Can you to plant a tall (8-12) trellis and have a wall of climbing roses so that the drivers cant possibly miss it? And you wont have to...


Grow a Rose Cutting in a Potato cutting in a small potato

Grow a Rose Cutting in a Potato
Wow! Cannot wait to try this! Thank you.


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Cause of Tickling and Crunching Noises Inside My Ear?
If there is an irritation, the above answers are great. Also, you could have a pH imbalance, and this may be corrected with a wipe of a vinegar solution (any kind of vinegar, but ACV is best). Gargle on that side with warm salt water and/or weak vinegar solution...


Make a Junk Journal Out of Envelopes - finished journal

Make a Junk Journal Out of Envelopes
Its a great craft, but can you please explain how to put together the envelopes, using more detail and pictures. I just dont understand where the pieces go - I mean, I really dont get it LOL. Thanks!


Ash Tray as Cat Food Bowl - vintage ash trays

Ash Tray as Cat Food Bowl
Hi Janine. Im glad you saw my post and liked the ashtray idea. Please pass it on! Its also a great way to upcycle all those 1950s ashtrays.


A picture of a package of Dentemp dental repair medication.

Product Review: Dentemp for Temporary Fillings
I just had a tooth root pulled for $475. The oral surgeon said the tooth didnt really need to come out (but it bothered me a lot). I wish Id thought of this great product, which I used maybe 20 years ago. Anything that can extend the life of your natural teeth...



Recycled bottles with a receipt.

Recycle Your Own Bottles and Cans
I was glad to see your post on recycling. Recycling can be a lot of work, sorting, rinsing, ESPECIALLY for seniors or those who dont have time or motivation. Our County recycles everything and collects and sells the waste or incinerates it, depending. Recycling...


Easy Transfer Of Seedlings And Rootings - seeding with strip still up both sides

Easy Transfer Of Seedlings And Rootings
Just use strips of newspaper and plant those. The fabric and foam materials could be reused year after year, of course.


How to Wash a Cashmere Sweater - folding up dried sweater

How to Wash a Cashmere Sweater
This is a traditional method that I remember. However, my sister gave cashmere sweaters this holiday. So your tip is helped me remember how to... Thank you.


dried seeds on napkin

Saving Tomato Seeds
I encourage everybody to try this! Tomatoes are healthy, versatile, fun, tasty. Do some cherry tomatoes, too.


Discouraging Carpenter Bees

Discouraging Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees must be dealt with, but are valuable as pollinators. I painted my outdoor wood as an effective deterrent. They only buzz your wood during mating/breeding or when sunny. My mother hung tarps over her railing and clipped them together at the bottom...


large plant

Keep Your Eggplants Growing Longer
Fascinating! I would like to share your link with our U. of Md. Agriculture Dept. Eggs-cellent.


Rooting Impatiens Cuttings

Rooting Impatiens Cuttings
This is timely. Im in!


Keeping Celery Fresh and Crisp

Keeping Celery Fresh and Crisp
The bags that the celery comes in at the grocery store are way too small. Use a produce bag to keep the celery in. By the way, I plant the base of the celery in the ground for more fresh celery in the garden.


Hands holding shopping list.

Shopping on a Low-Income Budget
Admirable! I also use every discount, free product, and club priced items at my walking-distance Safeway. There is time involved adding items online to the club card . One thing I buy at Costco is the coconut oil; Safeway has only small jars of this must-have...


calluses on foot

Getting Rid of Foot Calluses?
Soak your feet! Epsom salts brings healing circulation to the area, so that is a great soak. Then, after soaking (or simply washing) your feet, while they are still moist, generously slather on coconut oil, or any emollient (vaseline will do), then put fresh...


seed in soil of carton sections

Egg Carton Gardening
I will try this! My problem with seed plants is timing - when to put them into the soil. Usually bugs eat the tender seedlings when this small, as started in an egg carton. and if I allow the plant to get bigger, then there is no room for roots in such a tiny...


skunk leaving trap

Removing a Skunk from a Live Trap
I echo JMarindes sentiment. A lovely digression to start my day. Thank you.



A heaping plate of apple pie cookies.

Apple Pie Cookies
I may never make a traditional pie again. I know Im going to love this method.


Two bucks eating grass

Spending The Evening With Deer
What a lovely story about a peaceful way of life. It carried me to a beautiful place.


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Remedy for Pain from Ear Infection?
For fast relief, turn to your kitchen for remedy. Warm some olive oil (room temp ok) - its very soothing in the ear canal. Apply with your finger. To help with healing, sip and gargle (both) with a solution of apple cider vinegar (not white vinegar) and water...


Dandelion Vinegar in jar

Dandelion Vinegar
Thanks for posting such a healthy recipe. My dandelion flowers are gone, but I still have dandelion greens, which Id like to use in the vinegar. Is there any point to that? I can do the flowers next spring.


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Questions Regarding Notification of Increased Child Support?
-Each state will have its own formula. Call your states HHS Department. -Apply for social security disability benefits for your eldest. Speak to the hospital social worker and your childs caseworker for help. -Visit and see what lifestyle changes...


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Cleaning A Smooth Top Stove Surface
Baking soda dries in white swirls that take forever to mop up; I will never use it again. On my glass cooktop, I merely pour water on, sometimes with dish liquid, let soak, then use my handy razor blade that I keep there for that purpose. I also have a plastic...


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Money Money Money
Love your sense of humor and love your idea!


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Name for Shop Selling Mexican Themed Merchandise?
MexMix Hot Hot Hot While I dont think either of these are perfect, theyll help you brainstorm. They occurred to me off the top of my head. Your store sounds like a great idea. Also, look into a native Indian place name. A cliched name is South of the Border...


No Where to Go from Abusive Relationship?
Go to a shelter. You have so many issues right now, that none of them can be dealt with alone. A supportive shelter. This will also give your man the opportunity to work on his issues, as well. A shelter will funnel different help organizations to you and your...


No Where to Go from Abusive Relationship?
PS The pot smoker will have low motivation and ambition and is self-serving; dont expect anything to change. Im glad you are recognizing this and want to get away and make a life for yourself and your family. Go with your good instincts of self preservation...


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Refurbishing Vinyl Tile Kitchen Floor?
Try going to the This Old House website and see if they have any suggestions on revitalizing an old vinyl floor. Maybe it could be painted. But if its vintage, it might be best to preserve it in some way and simply do a cover-up for now... You could paint DIY...


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60th Birthday Party Ideas?
Cut out rectangles from colored paper & draw a flower on the front or other design. Fold the rectangle in half, so that it will stand up on a table. On the cards, write a question and answer about the celebrants life, such as Where was ___ born? And then write...



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Sending Invitations to a Surprise Party?
Ive gotten invitations to events, block parties, and more, from E-vite. This lets you click Join-Maybe-decline, sends reminders at intervals. Im sure there are other applications for this, as well. This will make it much easier on you.


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Carpenter Bee Neighborhood Issue?
Im sure there is a lot of information on the internet about controlling them. We used to plug up their deck holes with cigarette filters, just the right size. I happen to like carpenter bees and do stare-downs, weaving and bobbing. But...we also have an infestation...


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Carpenter Bee Neighborhood Issue?
Nicole, I did some online research. Here is a great link: The best preventive is to paint or varnish your wood surfaces, as the bees prefer untreated wood. The above link has instructions...


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Constant Scratching Noises in My Walls?
Mice? Roaches? You should call several exterminators and ask them for a telephone assessment, as Im sure they will have experience with your symptoms. Im glad you are not ignoring this. You live in a house, right? Good luck.


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Finding a Free Used Wedding Dress?
Adi, The best sources are local. Churches, community listservs (online bulletin boards), freecycle, Craigslist. You could also just borrow a dress. Check with Indonesian-American communities online; perhaps someone is returning to your area and could bring...


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Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill
Spices can vary widely in price. Our drugstore chain, CVS, used to sell large containers for $1. Compare this to a small bottle at Safeway for $4.


Don't Bother With Homemade Beauty Products

Don't Bother With Homemade Beauty Products
Even experts on the Dr. Oz show offer home remedies and home beauty solutions, including the experts last week from the Canyon Ranch spa. Many products on store shelves have harmful chemicals; home products do not contain these chemicals. Just because the chemicals...


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Controlling Poofy Curly Hair?
I remember seeing a homemade hair get recipe either on this website or on OneGoodThing by Jillee, using a cornstarch base. Also, how about just running olive oil, coconut oil, or a leave-in conditioner through your hair? Also, would henna or some other natural...


Items for Goodwill

How We Shared in our Needy Days
This brought tears to my eyes. We are all just a hairs breadth away from being in these circumstances. Gas was and is a precious commodity that we have taken for granted. Being snowed in is rare in our cities now, everything with conveniences. This is where...


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Inexpensive Ideas for Driveway?
The obvious is to use the pavement grade gravel. It is a type of crushed gravel that is utilized instead of pavement. I had it put down once. Any quarry would know which one it is! It is permeable. It packs down very well to fill your ruts. Its the next best...


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Unclogging a Drain?
The very best is to use a plunger. I have a drain plunger (so I dont have to use the toilet plunger). I just read a tip on another website (one good thing by Jillee) that Alka-Seltzer has many uses, including unplugging drains. Then of course, after the plunger...


Lights on top of cabinet, reflecting off wall.

LED Lights for China Cabinet
You could also drill a hole into the cabinet and pull your lights through at the top to illuminate the glass contents. It would be extraordinary. My cabinet is lit from the inside.


Rainbow over a wharf in Astoria.

Beautiful Views (Astoria, Oregon)
I wish I was there, instead of indoors slogging away at the keyboard for my low-paying job. I want a rainbow. Thanks for posting one.


Cats in Attic?
Sure its not raccoons? I hope its only cats and not raccoons. To keep the kitties out, you need to staple some hardware cloth or chicken wire over your openings. To get the urine odor, you can purchase spray enzyme products. Cats like to hide under decks..not...


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Breakfast in a Cup of Coffee
This sounds wonderful! Whats in the powdered slimfast? I would like to try this! Im going to try this.


Multiple choice questions.

Thanksgiving Trivia Fun
I just heard an NPR segment on food and Tgiving. The wild turkey discovered in the America was taken back to Spain and Europe, where it was very popular and was bred and domesticated there. Then, it was brought back to the US where it became livestock and farmed...


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Lightening Dark Skin on Knees?
It is difficult to answer because you did not explain the cause of your brown knees. Are you a dark-skinned person with darker pigmentation on your knee area? Are you aged, and the skin is discolored due to aging and liver spots and roughness? it just...


Place New Tank Lid

Replacing Old Toilet with New Low-Flow Toilet
I believe in trying repairs yourself before calling in a repairman. I am repairing the washer with a part from Part Dr. (online store). It is $40 cheaper even with overnight shipping than it would be to inconveniently drive to a supply store and pay full price...


natural lip plumper

Natural Lip Plumper
Poor But Proud: You dont use tube lip gloss; it comes in a small jar. Many people have thin lips and that is why they want a plumper, not to look like Angelina Jolie. You are outweighed by eons of women - and men - who use cosmetics to alter their features...


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Finding Lost Items When Shopping
Thumbs up. Also, leave your name and article information with the department so that the next shift will see it, too! Ask them to return it to the lost and found and let customer service contact you, the appropriate channel to protect yourself.


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Change Diet To Relieve Night Cramps
This just started happening to me about a month ago. I have cramps during the day. My thigh and calf muscles are so tight I dont know why so I will check out this link.


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Vinegar And Honey for Arthritis Pain
Since it can take up to 6 weeks to work, who is to stay whether or not the arthritis is in a remission on its own, perhaps in reaction to a change in weather or other dietary or physical rationale. However, I have noticed that I have tight muscles in my calves...


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Vinegar And Honey for Arthritis Pain
I am thinking of reasons why this would work. The vinegar is full of probiotics, plus, it has a creates a certain pH in the body. The honey may have pollen, to build immunity, as well as cutting the sharpness of the vinegar. The water makes it palatable. So...


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Heal Minor Burns Instantly With Soy Sauce
That poster certainly had his share of burns! Ive heard the healing properties of teabags, due to their healing tannins, on a burn. Then the tried and true aloe vera, which worked for me when I burned/blistered my fingertips on a hot poptart with hot icing...


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Keeping Cool
Use witch hazel. Use cornstarch or talcum powder. Drink plenty of non-iced (as well as iced) fluids. Take a cool shower, or a cool foot bath. Wear loose clothing. Wring out a wet sheet to use at night - evaporation is cooling. A basement is always cooler. Drink...


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Shopping for Coconut Oil?
Asian markets. There are oils for topical use, then the cooking one. Ive had two kinds for cooking, with/without coconut taste. I prefer the without. Its cheapest at the Asian markets which we have in abundance in my region. Safeway does not carry it; they...


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Keeping Cats Off Block Wall Around Yard?
Your cats or somebody elses? I have just a few suggestions. A garden hose is the very best! Also, cats. must have their own perches and enticing food at their home. If you see the cats, you can use sharp Hsssst! and a gravel spray. Cats are smart and will learn...


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GE Profile Arcita Not Making Ice?
Welcome to the world of fixing your own fridge. I saved a lot of $ by doing so. You can download the schematic and manual for your fridge using the model #, then go to or an appliance parts website and order the part yourself. For no ice, it...


Dish drainer in cupboard.

Store Dishes in the Cupboard in a Drainer
Although this seems like a very good idea, it would take bit more time for me to arrange than my current stacking. Will give it a try though. Seems like a good use of space.


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Reusing Paper Coffee Filters
Cowboy coffee, though best for flavor, isnt filtered, and thus contains more harmful chemicals that can drive b/p up up up. Occasionally though its fine.


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Reusing Paper Coffee Filters
I do EXACTLY the same procedure! Necessity is the mother of invention and great minds... etc. I think our next step would be to find a permanently reusable cotton filter to use with that plastic or metal basket. Perhaps cheesecloth folded over? Something that...


Filling Coffee Maker

Use Spray Nozzle To Fill Coffeepot
I am always cleaning up coffee grounds from others in the house. It is so very messy.


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Gap Insurance Coverage Could Have Saved Thousands
Maybe you paid too much for this vehicle in the beginning. Regardless, the owner got a lump sum payout, which, depending on their tax filing considerations, may be better for that original seller. You can do a lot with a lump sum vs the monthly payments they...


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Gap Insurance Coverage Could Have Saved Thousands
Also - are you sure you hit a patch of ice? Is there a possibility that you had a mechanical failure? Check to see if there are any recalls on that, or if work had been performed that later resulted in a malfunction. Perhaps the brakes failed. You did not specify...


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Gap Insurance Coverage Could Have Saved Thousands
OK - I just reread your post and because it was owner financed. Is a financier required by law to at least offer the gap insurance? Im not certain if you owe anything, really. It seems murky and I would check with your banks loan or financial officer for some...


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Recycle the Heat From Your Oven
Have a pan/kettle of steaming water, from the oven or stove-top, to disseminate that precious heat and then the moisture holds it longer.


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Getting a Free Online GED?
As far as I know, you cannot get a free GED. However, if you are talking about taking the GED classes, those are offered at your community college and may or may not be free. To get the GED, you have to take a test. There is a test registration fee; in Maryland...


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Removing Facial Hair?
I am the facial hair queen, so I look forward to reading suggestions here. I tweeze, but after years of tweezing, the skin gets pulled and rough. I tried home waxing but Im not very good at this method.


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Check Amazon For Replacement Charging Cords
Why not check craigslist and freecycle, as well? Everybody has old charger cords around!


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Styptic Powder For Wounds
Could you spell what it says on the label? As others have noted, styptic sounds more plausible in this case.


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Drink Through A Straw To Help An Upset Stomach
The straw suggestion is a great one which I will try. Here are a few of my favorite digestive aids: Dill, Fennel, Vinegar, Vitamin C solutions: 1) Dill seed, chewed, will relax the stomach and allow gas to burp up. This is a lifesaver. Chew a few dill seeds...


Grind Up "Elephant" Sized Pills, materials for breaking up calcium pill.

Grind Up "Elephant" Sized Pills
I use the two tablespoon method: Put your calcium supplement in a tablespoon. Use the second tablespoon to crush it. It really works! Or buy smaller calcium tablets and use my spoon method. You can also buy calcium chews and other forms of calcium that are...


Scenery: Sunset (Lyle, WA)

Scenery: Sunset (Lyle, WA)
Sherri, I have seen this scene a thousand times! Maybe you know Rene and Bill, my family in Lyle?. Its been so long since I have been in Lyle so I appreciated your photograph A lot! Beautiful Mt. Hood. This is one of the most rugged beautiful spots on earth...


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Getting Library Books Back On Time
I live near Washington DC. At checkout, a list is printed out. As if that was not helpful enough, I also receive an email 3 days before books are due, then again on due date. All renewals can be done online. And fortunately, the library is only a 1/2 mile away...


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Looking for Work From Home Jobs?
I agree that social services can give significant assistance that you could not. That is the way to go! And you can be there for moral support and some mothers helper time, but only if you have extra time, and it sounds like you dont. My dad also was in college...


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Rag Stuck Between Wall and Washing Machine?
I agree, use a wire coat hanger. Also, you probably dont have a reacher, which has a claw at the end and is operated with your hand-held lever. You can buy one at the hardware store, etc. They are good to have around. Also, you could put a crevice attachment...


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Use A Sponge Mop To Clean Rugs
FrugalAnnie, You improved my tip with your great suggestion of 1/2 vinegar solution for dampening. Cant wait to try next time! And thank you all for the positive feedback. - Mary


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Use A Sponge Mop To Clean Rugs
I mean, frugalsunnie (with my eyeglasses on this time!) - Mary


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Buzzing in the Ear?
You acoustic nerve is irritated. B vitamins help soothe nerve endings; perhaps that could help a little? Try a soothing warm moist compress or heating pad to calm things down, or, an ice pack. Maybe you have some engorgement - a decongestant could help, or...


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Rotten Onion Odor in Basement?
Could this be an animal marking its territory, or nesting? I have cats, so dont have such issues. An animal in your case might even be a snake, since they may deposit odors. It is winter and animals seek the warmth of the indoors. I hope you figure out what...


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Treating Staph Infections and Cellulitis?
I had read somewhere, awhile back, that certain bacteria, including MRSA, if memory serves, are sensitive to plain ole garlic! Well, Id take garlic supplements if I were in your situation, and consider topical application (but not without frequent changing...


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Amazing Facial
The astringent acidity of lemon juice is cancelled out by the baking soda pH. Oatmeal is drying, but there is presumably fatty whole milk for moisturizing. I think there are several different facials here for each day of the week to achieve different aims, such...


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Finding Land for Off-The-Grid Living?
Another option would be to live in one of those little one or two person trailers that are like tiny houses, and remain in climate-friendly locations. Maybe you would not have to purchase land. I would say areas where Katrina hit may have some fixer uppers...


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Seal Food Using A Recycled Plastic Bottle
I read this over several times and figured it out. It is exactly as she says. Recycle the bottom part of the bottle, it is not needed. Fill your plastic storage bag with food. No need to zip it. Bunch it at the top and push up through the neck of your plastic...


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Live-in Grandmother No Longer Welcome in Daughter's Home?
Wow! Id guess you still have some vital years in you, in your favor, if worse comes to worst. An elderly friend of mine sold his lifelong house to his grown son for $1, with the understanding (not documented) that he, the father, live out his remaining years...


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Saving Money on Dishwasher Detergent?
Coincidentally, I was just researching this on google yesterday. There are many recipes, most consisting of the same ingredients, with straight vinegar for the rinse reservoir. However, one recipe also listed citric acid, which is supposed to prevent the baking...


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Economical Laundry Solutions
Is this also for high efficiency (HE) washers?


Giraffes of Ireland With Rainbow Behind Them

Travel: Giraffes (County Cork, Ireland)
It looks just like the veldt, with that tree. I wonder if that tree is an African specimen; it looks like it belongs. I just finished reading a book about Safaris, Walk, dont run, so am in the frame of mind.


Paper funnel down inside of drinking glass. Trapped gnats visible in the glass.

Make A Gnat Trap
I wonder if this, or similar, would also work outside for no-see-ums and gnats in the grass. We have a terrible problem. Another thing you could try is take a 2-liter bottle or plastic gallon with apple cider vinegar in it as attractant. They will climb in...


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Cumin and Mint For Indigestion
I like the idea of straining, but would you use a paper coffee filter, or simply a mesh strainer? I am eager to try this remedy. I usually chew on dill seeds and highly recommend keeping dill seeds in your purse. Dill tea is also helpful - you just need a tsp...


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Financial Assistance for Roof Repair for Seniors?
Where I am, we have a charity called Rebuilding Together and its a national group to make home repairs so seniors can stay in their home. Ask local churches. Habitat for Humanity where I am just had a program for weatherization; this includes roof repairs. You...


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Use Facecloths to Keep Cool
I always bring a wet towel in the hot car with me. I drape it over my arm, my head, my lap, or place behind my neck. I bring a jug of water with me to keep the towel most. This is essential for hot weather driving.


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Storage Ideas for a Small Kitchen?
Make a pot hanger: you need two heavy-duty screw eyes, one piece of rebar, and some large S-hooks. Choose a location for pot rack so dangling pots will not get in your way. Screw the eyes into your ceiling, about one yard apart. Thread the rebar through, crimp...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Storage Ideas for a Small Kitchen?
If you want wall cabinets, check with a construction salvage place, your County dump recycling department, and check with a cabinet shop to see if they have discarded cabinets. If you buy at Home Depot, there are a million tiny screws, its a huge pain in the...


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Remedy for Bee and Wasp Stings?
Same as happy momma. also, a Benadryl type spray over the counter, spray on the bite. There is a liquid squeeze bottle called After Bite at the pharmacy that has soothing menthol.


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Fix-a-Flat for Flat Tires
My tire people say they despise fix-a-flat and recommend a can of compressed air for fixing emergency flats instead. When Fix-A-Flat is used, it makes it difficult or impossible to find the leak and therefore to plug the leak. So, carry a can of compressed...


My Frugal Life: Healing on the Oregon Coast
Thanks for including the details, like the osprey having the trout. Your story is stirring, and am glad you found your way.


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Reclaim Water Generated by A/C Unit
And from dehumidifiers, too! Thats 1-2 gals daily for me.


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Removing Orange Glo Residue on Laminate Floors?
I would telephone a place that manufactures laminate and also telephone the phone # on the orange glo container, customer help.


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Identifying a Set of Green Glass Dishes?
That could be something called depression glass. Compare with images of depression glass on google to see if that is what you have.


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Keep Grocery List in Cell Phone
Or use the audio memo, so you dont have to text yourself. Either way, this is an A-1 tip, which I am going to employ from now on. I am always forgetting something. I buy groceries for my mom, for others, for myself, and it is a real issue for me. Thanks for...


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Give Up Designer Coffee
I use unbleached coffee filters, shake the used grounds into my countertop compost, dry the filter and reuse endless times. Another savings with coffee. Espresso/cappucino are not filtered, so powdered may be healthier for cholesterol though.


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Temporarily Covering a Roof Leak?
Hi! First, check to see if the valleys and gutters are clogged, causing a dam of water to spread out into the shingle area. This happened to me! We also cut shingle-sized roofing metal from a roll and jammed it under the shingles near the obvious dam leak (eyeball...


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Using The Dishwasher For Household Cleaning
Fridge glass shelves! (In addition to many of the items listed on other postings, too.). Dirty tea kettle goes in upside down.


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Aspirin and Lemon for Acne
The active ingredient is probably the acid in the lemon juice. It changes the pH of your skin, which you may need. Im going to try it myself. Thanks for posting your tip.


Clothes line with laundry.

Cosmetic Surgery For Walls
I just love what you painted. Love it, love it, love it! Im too far away to bring my clothes over, though, but thanks for the invite!


Clothes line with laundry.

Cosmetic Surgery For Walls
PS - I have a cinder block wall in my basement laundry room. I put a clothes rod across the back and hung two wildly colorful quilts, reds, yellows, bright greens, and it cheers me up! I also put fragrance in my painted floor and when I mop the floor, I do...


Clothes line with laundry.

Cosmetic Surgery For Walls
PPS - Im still discovering the joys in your painting - look at those adorable cats and dogs. You are a treasure.


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Repairing a Phone Connector?
Ok, I guess Ill have to buy a new cord. Its not purchasing the cord that is so bothersome, but threading the cord where I have it tacked along the ceiling. Its a 50 cord. The jack is in one room, and my equipment a distance away. Thanks OliveOyl and FoxRun41...


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Removing Wood Stain from Vinyl Flooring?
Yes, try the Magic Eraser sponge. It is unbelievable! If this doesnt work, then get an artists paintbrush and matching paint and just repaint the area carefully, or use a utility knife to cut a new piece of vinyl and glue it over the stained area, or matching...


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Remedies for Healing Sore Gums Due to Dentures?
You poor thing! First, swish with a solution of very warm salt water, but not too salty; the warmth will increase circulation and promote healing. Use a nice heating pad on your cheek/jaw. Aloe vera juice (food grade) though drying is also natures bandaid and...


Hot Water Bottle to Reduce Heating Bills
Ive had to replace leaky hot water bottles, but always from the same drug store. Finally I wrote to the company and they are going to replace it - again. The suggested an O ring in the neck for extra protection. Also, that maybe boiling water causes the plastic...


One Size Doesn't Always Fit All

One Size Doesn't Always Fit All
What a sorry state that one has to justify your frugal life. Frugality has good fringe benefits, such as a lowered carbon footprint on Planet Earth. Someone with a differing opinion can also make their own thrifty tips, separately, so as to not disturb the...


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Warning: Don't Reuse Coffee Grounds Day After Day
Coincidentally, I was googling just now to determine if re-using yesterdays grounds would lead to food borne illness. I dont think mold would wreak havoc, but wondered if bacterial pathogens would be a problem. I have been reusing my Melita filter (one cup...


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Kenmore Drain Pan is Overflowing and Water Line to Icemaker Backing Up?
P.S. Often the solutions given are very detailed, very clear, and sometimes the problem is simple.


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Poems Marking the Passing of an Infant?
I lost my poems on my last computers harddrive. I remember a poem called Baby that could be excerpted (dont have poets name). I also lost a poem written on a similar occasion and I will use the poems above, too which I like very much.


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Keeping Stink Bugs Out of My House?
Dont use pesticide in your home! The ONLY way to keep them out is to seal entrances. 1) use a caulking gun. 2) Use plastic over your windows. Once they are inside, follow the advice above, using the wand on your vacuum. This is the brown marmallated stink bug...


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Tenant Landlord Disputes?
Hopefully you can get out of the lease. In fact, you could ask him in a sincere way if he would prefer to have other tenants and would he mutually break the lease with you. Our County has a Landlord/Tenant Affairs Office. Check with your County govt for the...


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Krazy Glue on Eyeglasses?
ALERT! Nail polish remover acetone might destroy the lens if it is plastic-based, and the frame as well? My optician told me NEVER to use krazy glue when doing repairs, I guess this could be why. I checked the SuperglueCorp website. They said not recommended...


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Neighbor's Willow Causing Damage to Fence and Patio?
Your assumption that she would not give up the tree should be challenged. Can one take cuttings from this tree and root them? If so, give her ten rootings and she can grow this fast-growing tree elsewhere while you address the current problem. The tree could...


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