
Joan B.

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2 Posts | 380 Comments | Active Since 2011
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Recipes for Ramen Noodles Without Using the Seasoning Packets?
You could try some of the many varieties of Mrs. Dash seasonings. However, if you arent going to use the seasoning packets, wouldnt you be just as far ahead buying something like plain spaghetti and cooking just a small amount and using whatever ingredients...


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What Kind of Glue to Use on a Puzzle?
Most stores have the puzzle glue right in the puzzle department.


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What Kind of Glue to Use on a Puzzle?
Most stores have the puzzle glue right back in the puzzle department.


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Eliminating Static in Fleece Blanket?
I have a fleece blanket that has the same problem. However, being the headboard of my bed is against a heat register, no matter which wall I put it on, I rarely cover up. Therefore I usually have the top sheet and blanket folded way down with my legs and feet...


Light Supper Menus Ideas for a Home for the Elderly?
They could have a salad with the soup and toast. However to make the meal more filling they should have some kind of protein with the meal. Some type of egg, meat, or something along that line. Some times instead of just plain toast give them a grilled cheese...


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10 Month Old Child Can't Sit Up By Herself?
I would try taking her to a chiropractor, sometimes babies are injured during child birth, in ways that arent noticable to the naked eye, and need some adjustments. My ex husband was real slow at walking and his parents took him to a chiropractor on the advice...


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Craft Ideas for Wheelchair Accessories?
You can google the topic. Every now and then I find a website, when I am looking for other things, that will have printable patterns for making bags to attach to the side arms of wheel chairs, and other things. I have also noticed that the companies that make...


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Altering Jeans to Replace Button and Zipper with Elastic or Velcro?
Velcro would be the easiest solution, I dont think a regular waist band is large enough to run elastic through and do the job of holding the jeans up. There probably wouldnt be enough give in the elastic. Also if the button is one of those metal ones, I dont...


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Inexpensive Decorations for a Fall Themed Wedding?
Look in dollar stores,some the party stores have inexpensive items. Also has all kinds of favors, decorations, etc. for all occasions and they are really quite inexpensive. I think it will be easier to find things in the typical fall...


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Crafting with Silverware?
I have heard that you need a special type of drill bit.


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Getting Hairspray off Vintage Formica Table?
Try warm soap and water. One coat of hairspray shouldnt be that hard to remove.


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Preparing Ties for Quilting?
I would go by if they had been cleaned and never worn again. Many years ago my late aunt made a gorgeous quilt out of mens ties. I dont know if she washed them or not, but I know if she did, it was by hand and at that time she didnt have a dryer. She also ironed...



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Apple Cobber Recipe?
Put two cans of apple pie filling in the bottom of 9x13 pan, then pour a dry yellow cake mix over it, then melt some butter/margerine and pour evenly over that, then bake. If you google, you can find the exact recipe someplace.


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Easing Leg Cramps
My problem with that would be the first time I turned over at night, my legs would be off the pillow.


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Toys for Tots in California?
Being a single parent doesnt necessarily qualify your for help. Im sure the deadline for applying for Christmas help has passed. these charities have to have a deadline so they can make their plans. Where I live Toys for Tots is sponsored by different charities...


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Rhode Island Christmas Charities?
A lot of kids have had bad experiences of one type or another this year and in previous years. A lot of families have been through a lot, also. Most charities have passed the deadline for applications and most of them have a cut off age limit of 12 years. Give...


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Removing Facial Hair?
I use the Finishing Touch thing, and have no problems with it, I just prefer when I feel well enough to go to one of the local beauty schools and get waxed (my eyebrows and chin).


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Problems Getting Pre-lit Tree to Light?
When I assemble my pre-lit tree, as soon as I get the bottom tier in the stand, I plug it in, then when I put the next tier in I plug that in until I get it into the right plug in. Some of these trees have more than one plug in on each tier, which makes no...


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Going Rate for House Cleaning?
It depends on where you live. Do some checking and see. Where I live the cheapest that I have heard is $10.00 an hour.


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No Sew Fleece Scarves?
Google no-sew fleece scarves or whatever other item you want to make. You should find all kinds of ideas. Also go to the Joann site and look for projects, they might have something.


Christmas Charities?
I know a lot of single parents that have went to school full time and worked at least part time and some that also worked full time. Its getting a little late to be asking charities for help, they do have deadlines so that they know how to budget for everybody...


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Putting a Photo on a Ceramic Mug?
Were you trying to have the photo rub off onto the mug, or leave the actual photo on the mug? If you wanted the actual photo to stay on the mug, you could try cleaning the mug with vinegar first. Usually when you decoupage something onto any surface, you have...


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Finding a Charity to Help Purchase Tires?
Call the different charities in the phone book and ask them. I havent heard of any charities that help with things like that, but I might not have heard of all the charities. You could also speak to your pastor. Sometimes a church will take up a special offering...



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Need Christmas Help in Tallahassee Florida?
Most of the charities have a deadline for taking applications and for the ones that I am familiar with that deadline was a week or two ago. Most of them also have a cut off age of 12 years. If you arent getting many hours with your regular job, you could get...


Girl in a red coat giving to the Salvation Army.

South Carolina Christmas Charities
If you are unemployed for the right reasons, you should be getting unemployment, which is some income. I realize you have to be helping with expenses where you live, however, it shouldnt take all of your unemployment. You can go to a discount store and get...


White Christmas Snow Covered Pine Cone

Scenery: White Christmas
Having lived in South Dakota for 71 years, since the day I was born, you guys in the south are welcome to all the snow you can get, as long as you keep it. lol


White Christmas Snow Covered Pine Cone

Scenery: White Christmas
Thats the problem with snow in SD, 99% of the time, it sticks around forever and makes for a VERY LONG WINTER. There are times we have snow before Halloween and it lasts until mid-April into early May. But then there are a few times we dont have any snow and...


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Backing on Drapes Stuck Together in the Dryer?
I dont know if there is a way to save them. My experience with foam backed draperies is that no matter how careful you are the foam will stick together in a few places. When I washed mine I put them in the dryer one panel at a time, before putting them in the...


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Looking for Christmas Charities?
You have probably passed the deadline for help from charities in your area. I know where I live the deadline has passed for all of them. These organizations have to know ahead of time so they know how to budget for every body that needs help. Doesnt your sons...


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Epsom Salts for Morning Muscle Cramps?
On the packages of epsom salts it warns against people with certain conditions using them.


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Christmas Charities?
Being a single mother doesnt necessarily qualify you for Christmas help. All of the places that I know of require people to fill out an application and want to know your income. Most of these places also have an age cut off limit of 12 years. Number 1, the...


Christmas Charities?
A lot of the charities have a cut off age limit of 12 years. Speak to the pastor of your church, sometimes a church will take up a special offering for a needy member of the congregation. You are right about most places having passed the deadline for applications...


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Advice of Meal Planning, Shopping, and Food Storage?
The age your kids are, they should be eating what you prepare or go hungry. They could even fix themselves a PBJ sandwich, with a limit(by you) of two slices of bread per kid. In a family there are times that somebody has to eat what they dont like. I have...


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Bedroom Decorating Ideas?
A lot of people dont have co-ordinated rooms. You can buy duvets ready made. If you dont like the white, which will actually co-ordinate with anything you put with it, I think I have heard of people using two sheets in the size to fit the comorter and sew them...


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Looking for Help with Christmas for My Children?
Is your husband on disability? It is getting a little late to be asking for this type of help. There is a national clearing house called HELPLINE! that is almost nationwide and they keep lists of organizations that provide different types of problems. Their...



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Reviews of Outdoor Solar Christmas Lights?
They can be seen at night, however, how well will depend on the amount of daylight they receive. I put my first ones up yesterday and they were nice and bright, until I went to bed about 10:30-11:00 PM. From what I have read they are supposed to run for about...


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Reviews of Outdoor Solar Christmas Lights?
I bought twosets of mine at Target and one set at Big Lots.


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Christmas Charities?
Call 211, it is a national clearing house that keeps a list of different orgazations that can help people with different things. The name of the organization is HELPLINE? Most of the charities that help with things like this have a cut off age level of 12 years...


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Tennessee Christmas Charities?
If you were disabled last year you must have applied for help before. If you are on food stamps ask you social worker if he/she knows of any organizations. Most of the charities that provide this type of help are past the deadline for applying. Most of charities...


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Mashed Potatoes Too Runny?
I would try adding some instant potato flakes and see if that helps. You only want to add a few at a time.


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Pre-lit Christmas Tree from Michael's Not Completely Lit?
It would be hard to tell you the problem, not being there, and not being familiar with the tree. What I always do when I assemble a pre-lit tree of any kind, is to plug in the base of it first, then as I add each tier, I can plug it into the base to make sure...


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Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas?
We dont know what your crafting abilities are or what interests your kids have. I have been sewing and crafting for about 60 years and by the time you by the materials to make things, you will spend at least as much or more than if you just bought each one...


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Rhode Island Christmas Charities?
It depends on what type of help you need. I havent heard of any charities that help with adult gifts unless the person lives in a group home of some kind. Speak to the pastor of your church, sometimes a church will take up a special offering for a needy member...


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Free Shipping Promo Code for Oriental Trading?
The only free shipping codes that I have heard of for Oriental Trading Company is if you purchase $49.00-50.00 worth of stuff. I know the codes are on the back of the catalogs.


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Free Shipping Promo Code for Oriental Trading?
The only free shipping codes that I have heard of for Oriental Trading Company is if you purchase $49.00-50.00 worth of stuff. I know the codes are on the back of the catalogs.


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Arkansas Christmas Charities?
It is getting kind of late to be asking for help, however, you might get lucky and find some organization that isnt. No matter where you apply you will have to fill out an application and list your gross income. HELPLINE! is a national clearing house that keeps...


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Christmas Charities?
No matter where you apply you will have to fill out an application and list your gross income. Most of the charities have a cut off age limit of 12 years for gifts. HELPLINE! is a national clearinghouse that keeps a list of organizations that help people in...


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Prewrapped Silverware For Company
Sounds like a neat idea, and would be pretty as described.


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Protecting Clothing When Coloring Hair
When I color my hair I do it in my underwear, and stay in the bathroom. It is more convenient for me to do this, because when it is time to rinse, I do it in the shower.


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My Frugal Life: I Love Eating Out!
If I could afford to eat anything out, but fast food, it would be to keep me out of the kitchen. For some reason I seem to be allergic to my kitchen. Part of the problem is that when I stand for more than a couple minutes, I develop a lot of pain.


Preparing for Snow Emergencies. A house after a winter snow storm.

Preparing for Snow Emergencies
What nobody seems to realize is that if you live in an apartment, most of the time there isnt anyplace to store other than what you need for a couple weeks and I dont mean emergency food, I mean what you regularly use. I have plenty of sandwich meat and bread...


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Color Advice for Kitchen Accessories?
Any color that you like would work. White and cream are basically neutral colors.


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Warming Baby Bottles?
When my girls were babies I had an electric bottle warmer and that one didnt cost near as much as what you mentioned. I got mine in a basic drug store or else an old fashioned dime store like Woolworths. Im sure it doesnt take you any longer to heat a bottle...


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Asking Boyfriend to Winter Formal?
Wouldnt it be taken for granted, if he is a steady boyfriend, that if you were going to the dance, he would be going too? That is the way any relationship that I know of works. Talk about attending the dance, maybe that you are wondering what to wear, and see...


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Creative Salad Dressing Combinations?
Im not fussy about brands, but I like to combine Thousand Island and French. If French isnt available I use Catalina or Western.


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Christmas Charities?
If you are unemployed you should be on food stamps so you shouldnt have to worry about food. There were times when I was kid that we had meat loaf, baked potatoes, and a veggie for Christmas dinner, because that is what we could afford. There were times when...


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Autumn Wedding Ideas on a Budget?
For transportation, use your own car, thats easy and cheap enough. If I was getting married and had your budget, I would think I was a millionaire. You dont need a sit down dinner. Have the wedding during a time of day that people will have already eaten, then...


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Substitute for Crisco or Shortening?
I would think you would have something similar to shortening in the UK, you just might have to look really hard because of whatever it would be called. Here in the US, as soon as Crisco started making the butter flavored shortening, I started using an equal...


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Substitute for Crisco or Shortening?
I just looked on Wikipedia, and there it said in the UK and Ireland there is a shortening called Cookeen.


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Recipes for Cooking Small Entrees in Muffin Tins?
Google the topic. I have seen all kinds of directions for making meatloaf in muffin pans. I would imagine you can use your favorite meatloaf recipe and all you would have to know that was different would probably be the cooking time. You could also prepare...


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Barbie Doll Clothes Patterns?
Simplicity, McCalls, and Butterick all have patterns for Barbie doll clothes in their pattern books. You will find these books in any fabric store or fabric department.


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Using Glue When Reupholstering a Rocking Chair?
Unless you have a cordless glue gun, the cords on the other ones only reach so far, which means you would have to work quite close to an outlet. Another thing if you use the hot glue, anytime you have to press the fabric onto the hot glue you are apt to get...


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Buy Now Pay Later Internet Websites Selling Scooters?
If you are talking about the electric scooters that the elderly and disabled use, and you are on medicare, call either The Scooter Store or Hoveround. You see their ads on TV all the time. If you qualify and are on medicare, you dont need buy now, pay later...


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Christmas Charities in Pennsylvania?
Number one, most places that do Christmas help have passed the deadline or are close to it. Also most of them dont provide gifts for kids past 12 years of age. Call 211, it is HELPLINE!, a national clearing house that keeps a list of different organizations...


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Finding Free Home Repair Materials?
I think most dump sites are locked to the public now. If you are unemployed, you have to have some type of income, be it unemployment, or disability income. No matter the source of the income, you should budget some of it for home repairs, make repairs as one...


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Christmas Charities in Alabama?
Im sure her ex husband still has to pay child support. The family that needs help has to fill out an application at each place that they apply for help. Also most places have a cut off age of 12 years for gifts for kids. Call 211, it is a national HELPLINE...


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Finding Stores That Offer Senior Citizen Discounts?
Call the different stores and ask if they provide this discount. From what I have heard the ones that do provide senior discounts dont have it every day of the week and some of them start at age 55, whereas others start at later ages. It doesnt hurt anything...


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Christmas Charities?
Call 211, it is a national HELPLINE organization, that keeps lists of organizations in a given area, that provide different types of help for people. Also call the Salvation Army, sometimes they do Christmas help, but it is getting kind of late to be applying...


Christmas Charities?
First of all you absolutely dont need a tree, or you could do like my late mother did one year, when she saw the idea in a magazine. She took an empty coffee container and painted it white, then she filled it with sand (I imagine dirt would work too). Then...


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Finding Free Furniture?
Go to the Salvation Army in your area. First you will have to go their office and ask for a voucher for furniture, I think you have to specify exactly what you need. Then when you get the voucher take it to their thrift store and if they have the items you...


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Christmas Charities?
Call 211, it is a nationwide Helpline that keeps a list of organizations, that help people with different problems. I am sure they must have a social worker, that person should be able to help with ideas. If they are living in section 8 housing that means they...


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Florida Christmas Charities?
For a tree you could do what my late mother did one year, because she had seen the idea in a magazine and liked it. She painted an empty coffee container and filled it with sand, then she went out in the yard looking for a good sized, nicely shaped tree branch...


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Christmas Charities in New York?
Call 211, it is a nationwide Helpline that has a list of different organizations that do different types of things to help people. The Salvation Army also provides some help, however in a lot of areas all of the charities that provide Christmas help band together...


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The End of the Incandescent Bulb
The CFL bulbs dont last as long as advertised when they are used in lights that are turned on and off in short periods of time. Therefore in my bathroom, bedrooms, hallway, and kitchen(a good percentage of the time, Im not in my kitchen for extended periods...


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Illinois Christmas Charities?
First a three year old is young enough that he shouldnt expect much. One or two small, inexpensive gifts should be enough. The Salvation Army does help with things like this, as well as some other charities. In a lot of the country, all of these organizations...


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Christmas Charities?
Call 211, it is a national Helpline that keeps a list of agencies that provide different types of help for people. The Salvation Army usually provides Christmas help, but in some area of the country they along with other charities band together and form one...


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The End of the Incandescent Bulb
I should have added that I had one of these wonderful CFL bulbs in a lamp in my living room that burned out in just a few months - less than a year. What gets me about this switch over is it is just another way that the government is telling people what to...


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Shopping for a Christmas Shower Liner?
I see all kinds of Christmas shower curtains in various catalogs, but not actual liners. Google Christmas shower curtains and see what you find.


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Dishwasher Leaves Film on Plastic Ware?
I just always wash this stuff by hand. Being it is hard for me to stand I fill a bowl with hot soapy water and take to my table to wash the items, then I go back to the sink, dump that water and get clear water to rinse, then dry the items and they go right...


Small unidentified plastic parts.

What Are These Parts?
Do they go together, and where did you find them? If you know where they were found, that should give you an idea of what they are for.


Parisian Prom Ideas?
When I was in high school the theme for our junior-senior banquet and prom was Paris. In order to save money all we bought that was special was napkins and nut cups with the Eiffel Tower on them. Other than that we spent lots of time making flowers to decorate...


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Windshield Washer Solution for Winter?
In the States we can purchase windshield washer fluid that wont freeze in the winter. Check and see if you can find something like that where you live.


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Repairing a Mobile Home Cheaply?
Unless you really know what you are doing, you might be better off hiring somebody to do it. Otherwise you are wasting your time and money. Do you know anybody that would know what they were doing, that you could do some bartering with for repairs? If you had...


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Craft Ideas for Recycling Mismatched Pillowcases?
Some people make little girls dresses out of pillowcases, google for directions. You could cut into squares and make a patchwork quilt top. You could also make stuffed animals, that if you dont have anybody to give the animals to, they could be donated to a...


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Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Ideas?
Make the rehearsal dinner a pot luck. Have it at somebodys home, even if it is in a garage. Borrow folding tables and chairs or picnic tables. Also limit the people that will be attending. Just the attendents and the brides and grooms parents. I know some people...


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Rings Are Too Big?
Where I went to school, the girls wrapped adhesive tape around the bottom of boys class rings. Also a lot of what I call junk catalogs have rings sizers that you can order. They are kind of a clear plastic that slides onto the bottom of the ring. Sometimes...


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Home Therapy for Torn Lumbar Disc?
Has it been diagnosed by a medical professional. If so, they should be able to tell you what to do at home.


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Cute Way to Ask a Guy to Sadies?
Forget the cute; just ask him. I presume you guys know each other. Also make sure students from other schools can attend this dance. A lot of schools dont allow students from other schools at their dances. I dont know why everybody now thinks things have to...


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Bedding Doesn't Fit Well on New Sleigh Bed?
The decorating shows that I have seen on TV, when they have that type of bed, they dont use a dust ruffle, and usually tuck the sides of the comforter under the edge of the mattress.


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Adding Scent to a Melted Candle to Reuse?
I use a warmer on all of my jar type candles, and have never had any of them loose their scent. One of them is several years old and I have had that one out and used it several times, for the last few months, and even when it isnt warmed, I can smell it, whenever...


Christmas Help in Illinois?
The Salvation Army might help, there is also Toys for Tots. However, in several parts of the country, a lot of these organizations have combined, when it comes to Christmas help. Call 211, it is a national clearing house that has organizations of all kinds...


Christmas Help in Illinois?
Where I live the stores like WalMart, rotate between different non-profit organizations to have them turn in names of people that need a gift. One year it might be a nursing home, the next year it might be for a home for at risk boys, etc. Here you just cant...


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Wedding Reception Locations in Jersey City?
Use the phone book and make calls. Be sure to let each place know that you are shopping for the best deal.


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Paint Color Advice for Maple and Black Kitchen?
Any color works with the neutral colors that you mentioned.


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Decorating a Church Gym for a Christmas Tea?
Use (borrow) a pre-lit artificial tree (I would go with the white lights as I think they are more elegant). See if you can borrow enough artificial poinsettias for table centerpieces. You could also wrap white lights around any support posts in the room. I...


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Christmas Charities?
Most of the places that provide Christmas help have a cut off limit of age 12, for kids gifts. At age 13, your son is old enough to understand the bare facts of economics, if you explain to him that you cant afford to get him much for Christmas this year. Doesnt...


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Christmas Charities?
Call 211, it is a nation wide clearing house that has a list of organizations that help people. However, there is a cut off age of 12 years for most organizations that help with gifts. Also call the Salvation Army, however, in a lot of places all of those different...


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Low Sodium Recipes?
I have never added salt to anything when I cook. When you buy products that are low in salt, a lot of times they have more fat and sugar added to them to make up the taste. The same applies to low fat foods, they have a tendency to have more sodium and sugar...


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Earning Extra Money While on SSI?
I have always been told that a person on disability or SSI can earn up to $60.00 a month without that amount being touched, and after that for every $2.00 you earn they will take $1.00 out of your monthly check. However, check with your social security office...


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Protecting Vegetable Plants in Colder Weather?
If it only gets cold at night keep completly covering the plants as long as you want to. You cant keep them covered in the daytime because they do need light. But eventually you will have to give them up. I imagine if you have a really sunny window that gets...


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Halloween Wreath Ideas?
You can find all kinds of fall items and Halloween do-dads to use on wreaths. Let your imagination be your guide. I recently purchased a ready made wreath for $10.00, knowing I wasnt satisfied with it in its present condition, also knowing that I would redo...


Does Liquid Sidewalk Chalk Stain?
I have never seen any stained sidewalks from the purchased sidewalk chalk, but I dont know about the home made sidewalk chalk.


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Freezing Tomatoes and Turnips?
When ever my mother had a few extra tomatoes she would wash them, remove the stem and toss them in a plastic bag in the freezer. Then when she wanted a couple for something she was cooking, she would remove however many she needed. Rinse them under warm water...


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Finding Free or Inexpensive Furniture?
Most Salvation Army Thrift Stores give out vouchers for free items. It is for necessities, not TVs. You have to go to their church office and ask for a voucher for these items from the thrift store. They dont always have the items, but if they do they will...


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Christmas Help in Michigan?
The question is how many people do you need help for? Call 211, it is a nationwide program called helpline. It is a clearing house where lists of organizations that help people is kept. You could also call the Salvation Army. When it comes to gifts most organizations...


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Christmas Help in Michigan?
You could also speak to your pastor about this matter. The church might be able to take up a special offering to help you.


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Nail Fungus and Nail Salons?
From what I have heard and read the tubs dont get sanitized after each use. I know a couple beauticians that wont do nails because of liability. They say the various instruments used should actually be sterilized like hospital instruments and from what they...


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Charities to Help With Christmas?
The Salvation Army usually provides some help. They do it different ways, different years. Call them and ask. There is Toys For Tots, however, they arent all over. A lot of the places that help have combined forces and you have to apply in one location. Call...


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Cheap Recipes?
If you qualify, income wise, apply for food stamps. Some of the cheap foods that I depend on are goulash(made with hamburger, pasta, can of diced tomatoes, can of tomato soup, and I always add a can of whole kernel corn that way you have a complete meal in...


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Cheap Recipes?
Most food pantries require a referral from a food stamp case worker or other non-profit organization like the Salvation Army. Where I live from what different people have told me you can only go once every six months and then you only get about a weeks worth...


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Choosing Secondary Health Insurance for Seniors?
Check and see if there is something called SHIINE in your state. They help senior citizens figure out things like social security and medicare. Or else another place to call would be 211, that is a program called Helpline. Im not sure about the SHIINE program...


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Dividing Time Among Friends?
Besides making sure there is enough food and drinks out, I would say your next job would be to mingle with all of the guests. The kind of parties I am familiar with is the ones that are small enough that everybody sits in a group and visits.


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Dividing Time Among Friends?
Your number one job is make sure there is plenty of food and drinks out, then to mingle with all of the guests. The kind of parties that I am familiar with are the ones that are small enough that everybody sits and visits with everybody. I think the main emphasis...


Agencies That Provide Christmas and Thanksgiving Help?
The Salvation Army is great for helping with food and gifts at Christmas. Where I live all of the charitable organizations have banded together and have one central place for people to apply call 211 (that is a nationwide number for the helpline, where they...


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Ideas for Paris/Eiffel Tower Themed Living Room?
The Target website has some Eiffel Tower items. Maybe try doing a google search ask for ideas to decorate your living room in that style. In my living room I have a water globe with the Eiffel Tower in it, and I have a metal figurine of the Eiffel Tower, that...


Cleaning Gold Jewelry?
Emeralds arent as hard as rubies and sapphires. They should only be cleaned in warm water with a drop of dishwashing soap. If the band has to be cleaned, use a silver or gold polishing cloth. A jeweler told my Mother this many years ago when she bought her...


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
Actually black is a neutral too. You see all kinds of colors comined with it, including navy and dark brown in fashion. Any color will work with the colors you mentioned.


A row of bridesmaids in pink dresses.

Choosing The Best Color For Your Bridesmaid Dresses
I have seen weddings where the bridesmaids pick their own style of dress, in a givine color. My thought is choose a color that will flatter the women in the bridal party and to heck with the other considerations. A person can get too carried away takingt too...


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Removing Nail Polish from Acrylic Nails?
I have never soaked my nails to remove the same number of coats of polish that you stated. All I have ever done is put the polish remover on a cotton ball and use that to remove the polish. I use a seperate cotton ball for each nail. I had acrylic nails several...


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Stone Jar Pickling?
The only pickles that my late mother ever made in a stone jar, were the sweet pickles that take 14 days, with a different process having to be done every day for 14 days, then you put them in jars as stated in the recipe.


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Asking a Friend to a Sadie Hawkins Dance?
If this is a guy you know fairly well and are friends, just ask him, no matter who he is it is best to just ask. All he can do is say no.


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Putting Rhubarb to Bed for Winter?
I am 71 years old and have never known anybody that did anything to their rhubarb to get it ready for winter. They have always had bumper crops of it too.


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Putting Rhubarb to Bed for Winter?
I am 71 years old and have never known anybody that did anything to their rhubarb to get it ready for winter. They have always had bumper crops of it too.


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Putting Rhubarb to Bed for Winter?
Im sorry about all the replies to this, before I got to move on a toddler came up and started slapping on the mouse. Kids! lol


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