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Determining the Age of a China Cabinet - glass door fronted china cabinet

Determining the Age of a China Cabinet?
Hi, This is a beautiful piece of furniture. After you look for any identifying markings, and find out who made the piece, you will be better able to identify it. Also, if you cannot find any identifying markings, you can go to ebay and search for china antique...


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Looking for a Platform Style Feeder for Doves?
Hi, I have seen several of these. I would check ebay before buying one that is higher priced. Here is a link to several of the platform feeders.


Value of Snappin Turtle Mower Model 6st27

Value of Snappin Turtle Mower Model 6st27?
Hi, I read a comment, on YouTube, where someone had sold theirs, with original motor, for $125.00. These are such interesting antiques, and from what I have read, they were the best at cutting grass, even though they were not fancy. Blessings, Robyn


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Can't Close Lips Completely With New Dentures?
The permanent ones you will receive later should fit perfectly, but the ones you wear right now are just temporary ones.


A picture of a tiny narrow bug on a white background.

Very Tiny Narrow Bug Which Bites
Hi, I would recommend Skin So Soft Dry Body Oil, to get rid of them. They are sold by Avon. I have ordered some, and for the same reason, to get rid of midges. I have ordered the Skin so Soft bug lotion with sunblock. Let us know what works, if you find something...


Value of Crown Victoria China - bottom of a plate

Value of Crown Victoria China?
Hi, I have looked on E bay and have seen each piece of Empress Crown Victoria China going for over $10.00. I am sure you would get a good price on your china if you sell it. Blessings, ---Robyn


Birdseed Wreath with Red Bow

Homemade Birdseed Wreath
This is so pretty and it is so sweet for the birds to have! What a joyful craft! Blessings, Robyn


The dirty soles of four girls feet, all in a row.

Photo: Dirty Feet
This is so funny! I love it!


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Treating a Dog With Worms?
Hi, Those are roundworms. Go to any farm supply store or Tractor Supply store and get Nemex.


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Using Ivermectin or Acarexx to Control Ear Mites?
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I had written that Like Acarexx, Ivomec contains 1% ivomectin instead of what I should have written, which is Like Acarexx, Ivomec contains 0.1% ivomectin. Here is my post:


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Using Ivermectin or Acarexx to Control Ear Mites?
Hi, I just saw this! Acarexx contains 0.1 % of ivermectin. I hope this helps. ----Robyn


Two baby cradle church purses with Kewpie dolls inside.

Crocheted Kewpie and Baby Cradle Purse
This is so cute! I love it! I want to try something like this with a powder compact. It wouldnt hold the crochet, but I am thinking using lace in it and making a cute pom pom face that is in the compact. Love you idea, it is great!



adding shapes 7

Privacy Window Using Contact Paper
I hope you win this contest because this is the best post I have ever seen on privacy windows! I love this and I will be doing this soon!


Tex the Dog With Man in Yard

Tex (St. Bernard/Pit Bull Mix)
Such a beautiful story! I am so sorry to hear of your brother passing. Tex is a beautiful dog! Thank you so much for this touching story! Blessings, Robyn


Value of an Admiral Console Record Player?

Value of an Admiral Console Record Player?
Hi, This is so retro and something the right person would pay a lot for. I agree with the starting price being $250.00.


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Using Benadryl Spray on Dog's Paws?
I am going to suggest a vet trip to get rid of even one flea with a topical flea killer or in really allergic dogs, comfortis, a pill. Then I would suggest a change in diet, a meat based food, not one that starts with Corn, or by products. I use Pedigree but...


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Using Benadryl Spray on Dog's Paws?
Note: the yogurt and the oil should be given every day. Blessings, Robyn


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Using Benadryl Spray on Dog's Paws?
Cats do not need tea tree oil ever. It is bad for them and toxic.


Garden swing with wire woven between side bars and vine growing up the side

Garden Cheapies
I enjoyed so much reading this article, and laughed at the part where the birds delicately picked the fruit...that was hilarious, and also the part about the netting getting torn by each thorn. Thisis how I have learned most of my frugal ideas, by trial and...


An old rusted piece of farm equipment.

Identifying Farm Equipment?
Hi! All the people answering on here are so smart at researching things! I love to look at old farm equipment. They have so many interesting stories, connected to them, that we will probably never know, but it is fascinating to me, to think about. Thanks for...


A low wooden table with drawers.

Age of Bassett Table?
Hi, I love this table! They were all made in Bassett Virginia, starting in 1902. These tables are so beautiful! They are original too. ---Robyn


A set of encyclopedias.

Finding An Encyclopedia Volume?
Hi, These would be something I would love to look through as well. I wish you luck on finding the one you are looking for. ---Robyn


A footed glass with a yellow tint.

Identifying a Drinking Glass?
Hi, I did find a similar one at this location:


A footed glass with a yellow tint.

Identifying a Drinking Glass?
Bed Bath and Beyond has some similar goblets listed, as Dailyware Goblets, however they are not the exact same. I hope you do find some more of these. Have a blessed day!



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Health Advice for Pitbull?
Im sorry to hear that your puppy is not feeling well. It is good that the pup is able to drink. Parvo could be the culprit. If a pup loses energy, and acts as your pup is doing, I would immediately make an appointment to see the vet. If you cannot afford to...


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Straight Perm Frizz?
Hi, That sounds like exactly what happened to me, once, when I gave myself a home perm. Only my experience was worse. I rolled my hair only half-way up and did it that way. I will never forget my hair breaking off, when I took the rollers out. This was a long...


A small brown bug on a blue surface.

What Bug Is This?
Hi, This is a beetle. Lots of beetles, like ladybugs, like to come in to over-winter.


A figurine of a Christmas elf in a red boot.

How Old Is This Christmas Decoration?
Hi, I don have the answer to what the value of this is, but it is beautiful and lovely.


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Dog With Puppies is Aggressive to Children?
Hi, I have had that happen with cats and dogs both. After the puppies are gone, or grown up, she will probably go back to being non-aggressive. Harmones and instinct are at play during nursing with this mommy dog. Have a blessed day! Robyn


A porcelain doll wearing red.

Value of Dolls?
Hi, Wow! this is a beautiful doll! I love them both. I have seen them listed on E-bay for $20.00. In order to make them unique, you might consider putting the dolls history, and the story of how you received this doll. I think these dolls are in excellent shape...


Several pictures of a growing dog.

Is My Dog a Lab and Basenji Mix?
Hi, Thank you so much for sharing your sweet darling pet! I do see Basenji in him. I remember when we were helping to find a home for another Basenji and this one looks just like him. Does he bark or howl? Give him a hug from me! Have a blessed day!


Value of a Homer Laughlin Teapot? - white teapot with gold trim

Value of a Homer Laughlin Teapot?
Hi, That is a very pretty teapot! I was shopping today and saw a teapot, which was very pretty and it was forty dollars. I know this teapot would bring in more than that. I would, as suggested earlier, ask for more than you think you will actually get. Thank...


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Cast Iron Skillet Has 3 Notches on Bottom?
Hi, That sounds wonderful, and this will prevent the pan from falling off the gas range. I am going to look on the bottom of cast iron cookware from now on. Thank you for sharing! Have a blessed day! ---Robyn


Mini Gumball Machine Christmas Ornament - two completed ornaments, one with pom poms and one with plastic beads

Mini Gumball Machine Christmas Ornament
These are so cute and crafty! I love bubble gum machines!


Homemade Printed Tissue Paper - closeup of tree paper

Homemade Printed Tissue Paper
Hi, This is a wonderful idea, and it inspires me to you tissue papers in my creative journals! Thank you for sharing this tip! ---Robyn


Propagating Plants Inside a Christmas Ornament Bulb - finished project

Propagating Plants Inside a Christmas Ornament Bulb
Hi, This is such an adorable idea~It is so simple and so creative! Thank you for sharing this! ---Robyn



Muscovy Duckling - baby in blanket

Muscovy Duckling
You are very welcome ;)


A toy for a horse or a dog.

Durable Toys for Large and Medium Breed Dogs
Hi, No, doesnt ship internationally, but does ship to England. I would use There might delays due to Covid issues impacting delivery by airmail. The item is called a Jolly Ball. Ir is a wonderful product, the wait would be worth...


A piece of equipment with a spoked wheel.

What Is This?
Hi, Here is information on Everite, and the farm equipment they made related to grinders and such.


A Zenith console record player.

Information about Zenith Console Record Player
Hi, I found a YouTube video, but it is not for this specific model. I am amazed at how wonderful these truly are. I can remember when I had one, when I was a child. Have a wonderful evening!


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Broccoli Cheddar Soup
Hi, I like this recipe, because it is from Betty Crocker! I have such great memories of learning to cook, from Betty Crocker. This is a great recipe, by...


An open steamer chest with drawers.

Value of Steamer Wardrobe Chest
Hi! I have never seen one of these before. I was looking on Etsy and they have them listed for $125.00 and above. I would not probably pay more than $100.00 for this, although it is amazing!


A leather couch with many worn spots.

How Can I Paint my Leather Couch?
Hi, I can see why you would want to repair this beautiful piece of furniture. I have found these dyes, that perhaps would work...


The label on a White sewing machine.

White Sewing Machine Table
Hi! I like this sewing machine table! I would think you could sell it for at least $100.00. It would fit very nice into a home with a country décor.


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Value of Rowe/Ami Juke Box
Hi, This is a very nice juke box. I have seen them listed on ebay from $100.00 to $1300.00. Yours looks to be in the higher price range. I think you would get a great price.


A small bug on a paper towel.

Is This a Biting Midge?
Hi, Yes, we have been having these too. I ordered a bug lotion from Avon. They are so annoying and they hurt when they bite! They are a type of a fly.


A mark that resembles a skin tag on a dog.

Black Skin Tag on Dog?
Hi, As long as the bump does not grow or cause discomfort, it is probably best left alone. Sometimes these things grow back when they are removed.


A piece of equipment with a spoked wheel.

What Is This?
Hi, This has me intrigued! I am going to try to find out what this is! Thank you for sharing!


A black dog with a white chest patch and long ears.

What Breed is my Dog?
Hi! What a beautiful baby! I can see German Shepherd in her stance, her nose and her ears! She is so adorable!


Identifying a Coffee Table? - coffee table with cut leaf pattern around the outside edge

Identifying a Coffee Table?
Hi, This is a beautiful coffee table, with the intricate wood carvings. I would not take less than $200.00 for this. It is very nice and will definitely be a focus point of any living room. Have a wonderful day! ---Robyn


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Value of 1963 Encyclopedia Britannica Set?
Hi, I have seen these listed from $100.00 to $400.00. I think they are amazing. However, you might get more by selling them, individually, to crafters, who prize these books, in making journals. Have a wonderful day! ---Robyn


Value of an Antique Dickens Book? - title page

Value of an Antique Dickens Book?
Hi, This book is beautiful! It looks like it could draw in over a hundred dollars, or even more. I think it would be worth taking in for an appraisal or even, better, to take a photo and have it appraised online. I think it will be appraised at above $200.00...


Identifying a Small Brown Bug? - bug on finger

Identifying a Small Brown Bug?
Hi, It is a bedbug, I can tell by the shape of it. I would place diatomaceous earth all around the bed, and the mattress, and along the creases of the mattress, as well as underneath the mattress, and under the bed. I would also liberally sprinkle salt all...


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Juki Sewing Machine Foot Pedal Stopped Working?
Hi, I would agree with contacting the manufacturer, to ask them questions, before anything else. Other options would be to compare the costs of repair with buying a new machine I will probably be buying a sewing machine before long. It has been ages since I...


Identifying Vintage Drinking -Glasses? - molded glass with varied pattern

Identifying Vintage Drinking Glasses?
These are such beautiful vintage glasses! The closest I could find to this pattern, was a smaller cup. It is the thick-cut glass pressed pinwheel pattern. The link where I found them is at:


Value of Crown Fine Bone China? - white scalloped plate and small gold edged bowl

Value of Crown Fine Bone China?
Oh my goodness, this is beautiful! I really want to start a collection, but I dont have room! I looked on Amazon and a cup and saucer was listed for 5 $50.00 plus $5.00 shipping! I am sure you could get a great price for all of them! Have a wonderful day! ---Robyn


A small bug on a leg.

What Kind of Bug is This?
Hi, This looks like a flea, to me. Vacuum and throw out the contents of the vacuum, or they will just crawl back out. Sprinkle salt all over the carpet and under the sheets, on the bed, everywhere. Leave the salt under the sheets and on the carpet. It will...


Top of a phonograph.

Worth of Montgomery Airline Radio Phonograph?
Hi, I agree that you could probably get more money by taking it apart, but, still, this is a wonderful vintage appliance! It is absolutely beautiful. Have a wonderful day ---Robyn


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Huskee Supreme Won't Start?
Hi, Have you checked that the wires to the battery are not loose? Have a wonderful evening! ---Robyn


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Rocket Chef Blade Replacement?
Hi, This appliance is no longer being made, according to the following website: I think there might not be replacement blades for this appliance. I hope you can find them, though. I could not find...


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Kenmore Elite Fridge Not Cooling?
Hi, I had this same problem. For a long time, unplugging it from the wall, counting to ten, and then plugging it back in worked. It is at least worth a shot! :D ---Robyn


Value of a Vintage Baby Doll? - vintage baby doll from the 40s

Value of a Vintage Baby Doll?
Hi, This doll stands out. I was able to find a similar one, with a bisque and porcelain head, that was listed for $35.00 plus shipping Your doll looks even better, the lip color on this doll, and the eyes that open and close are very nice. Here is a similar...


A piece of wooden equipment.

Wooden Farm Equipment?
Hi, This looks as if it is a vintage high wheel cultivator. I found one that looks like this: The one on ebay is selling for $170.00 plus $16.00 shipping. Yours is so antique, that you could likely get more than this. Have...


Identifying Bump on Dog's Face? - dark pink growth

Identifying Bump on Dog's Face?
Hi, I am so sorry you dog is dealing with this. I think this is something that is not normal, from looking at how it is forming. I would take to the vet and also ask the vet if you can start giving some turmeric.


Foil and Batting Little Birdie Sculpture - finished bird with beak, eyes, paint, and wings in place

Foil and Batting Little Birdie Sculpture
This is so sweet! I might try to crochet one! Thanks for the inspiration! ---Robyn


DIY Sea Glass Bottles - bright pink and vaseline green bottles

DIY Sea Glass Bottles
This is wonderful!


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Complete Instructions for a Yarn Dog?
Hi, That will be such an adorable project! I am going to make one as well, when I get the time! ---Robyn


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Puppy Has a Bad Odor?
Hi There! Puppies can get their anal glands blocked, or they can have problems with other areas that show up in their breath. What does the smell seem to be? Does it smell acidic, or sulfuric, in nature, or something more organic, like stool? Have a wonderful...


Value of a Bassett Mirrored Vanity? - vanity with fold up mirror

Value of a Bassett Mirrored Vanity?
Hi! This is a beautiful piece of furniture. From looking around, I have found that they are going from $200.00 to $1000.00. This antique is so different and you will get your price, if you find the right collector! Have a wonderful day! ---Robyn


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Comforter Falls Off When Using Satin Sheets?
Hi, I love silk sheets! I dont use them though. There are sheet straps, with these clips on the end. They might work. I have never used them. I once tried to wear a satin nightgown, on a silk sheet. That is why I dont use them anymore, I slipped right out of...


Identifying Small Brown Bugs? - small, long brown segmented bug

Identifying Small Brown Bugs?
Hi! This looks like a pill bug! They are rolly-pollies! They are the only crustacean that has learned to live completely on land! Have a blessed day! ---Robyn


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Dresser Drawers Not Fitting?
Hi, I agree with looking on the back of the drawer, for anything that is in the way of the drawer, causing it not to close the right way. I would also sand it down, if it is too thick, in areas where no one will see, since it is in the back of the drawer. Have...


A decorative doll in a fancy dress.

Worth of J Misa Doll?
Hi, This doll is absolutely beautiful and has been cared for very well! She is so pretty! I am sure someone would love to get this as a present this Christmas, under the tree! Have a blessed day! ---Robyn


Value and History of a Slate Topped Brandt Table? - table with dark slate top

Value and History of a Slate Topped Brandt Table?
Hi, I was happy just to see this table! It is so adorable! I am sure you will get more for it than you paid! ---Robyn


Value of a Book by Robert Lewis Stevenson? - closed book with tan leather cover

Value of a Book by Robert Lewis Stevenson?
Hi There, People who craft, with paper, love to have these kinds of pages! I would put it on e-bay and charge $5.00 for five pages of this book. You can sell individual pages at a time, and make more than you would selling the whole book. Have a great evening...


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50th Birthday Ideas?
Hi! All the suggestions on here are great! I would get a box and have friends all fill it up, and then send the box to him. When I left my last job, my co-workers filled up a laundry basket and a box full of candy and food, for the kids and my husband and I...


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Continuing to Receive Medicaid for Child After Marriage?
Hi, I agree with finding out your total income, and writing that down. Then call and find out if your child is still eligible. They like to know any changes that occur. Have a blessed day! ---Robyn


Repairing a Leaking H2O X5 Mop? - blue tack on leaky mop

Repairing a Leaking H2O X5 Mop?
Hi, I would suggest buying a can of flex seal and spraying it on the cracked area. Let it dry, for about a day. Flex seal spray is so good and it works on plastic pools too, when you spray it on the back of them, when they get cracks in them. Have a wonderful...


Value of a Conant Ball Table and Chairs?

Value of a Conant Ball Table and Chairs?
Hi, Looking at how pretty this table is, I think you could get $70.00 for it. People like these types of tables! Have a great day! ---Robyn


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Value of an Old Reel Mower?
Hi There, There are some folks who love these types of mowers. I would think you could at least get $60.00 for this mower. Have a blessed day! ---Robyn


The front of a Victorian cameo brooch.

Value of an Antique Victorian Cameo Brooch?
Hi! First let me say how beautiful this brooch piece is! I see it has sentimental value as well. I was on Etsy, and I saw that there was one, like this one, which was facing left. It was priced at $30.00. I feel this one is worth more than that. It is just...


Fixing this Broken Sandal? - shows where the strap broke off

Fixing this Broken Sandal?
Hi, I cannot think of a method of fixing this shoe, that would ensure safety while walking. I think it might be better to buy a new pair, than to try and fix it, and end up taking a fall. This is a pretty sandal. I wish things lasted longer, especially summer...


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Ford F150 AC/Heater Fan Intermittent?
Hi, This could either be a simple issue, like a wire going to the fan, or it could be a little more complicated, as in something with the electrical system of the car. Look at the wires going to the Ac/Heater to see if they are connected. Have a great day! ---Robyn


Identifying a Small Leather and Fur Stuffed Toy? - little stuffy with fur and leather hands and feed

Identifying a Small Leather and Fur Stuffed Toy?
Hi There! I do recognize this as being an owl. I used to have one, I believe. I have no idea who manufactured this little owl. It was so small and felt so soft! ---Robyn


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Identifying a Mystery Cassette Tape?'
Hi! I am so glad you found out what the cassette tape was! That was some great research you did! Have a wonderful day! ---Robyn


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14th Co-ed Birthday Party Ideas?
Hi There! I was thinking something with the theme of a drive-in movie, and then back home for dessert, such as ice cream sundaes! It would depend on which kind of movies and ice cream flavors you like, and could get everyone to agree with! ---Robyn


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Replacement Dash Harness for a 2003 GMC Sonoma
Hi, I found this dash harness was $514.48. This was from the following site:


A carved wooden piece.

What Is This?
Hi, This is amazing! Thanks for sharing!


A small brown puppy.

Is My Puppy a Full Breed?
Hi! I love this picture! Such a beautiful baby! He looks full-breed to me, but I agree that getting a Doggy-DNA test, is a good idea, if you would like to be sure! has them for about $70.00. Thanks again for sharing this darling baby! ---Robyn


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Preserving a Toadstool?
Hi, I wonder if putting it into epoxy would work? I have seen roses preserved in epoxy and they seemed to keep their shape. ---Robyn


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Puppy Vomits White Foam?
Hi there, It could be from anything. Puppies try to eat anything they get in their mouth. If you pup hasnt had a parvo shot yet, get him one. It is probably not anything, unless he is doing it many times a day. It couldnt hurt to see the vet. It might turn...


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Buying a Replacement Canopy?
Hi, I agree with using Amazon to find a replacement canopy. They have all sorts of things on Amazon. Of course, you could go to the store too, but I think Amazon has a larger variety. ---Robyn


An old quilt with appliqué of red flowers and diamond shaped leaves on white background.

Value of an 1898 Quilt?
Hi There, Your quilt is so beautiful! I saw some quilts going for over $200.00 on e-bay. Your quilt should even bring in more! I would not sell it for under $300.00. ---Robyn


A small bug on a countertop.

What is this Bug?
Hi There, I agree that this insect is an earwig. I was going to say it was a silverfish, but it looks more like an earwig. They come out at night, like scavengers, and eat all sorts of decaying things. Here is a link with some information: https://en.wikipedia...


A porcelain doll in a white dress.

Value of Cathay Collection Doll?
Hi! This doll is a beauty! I was on Etsy, and they have these dolls listed anywhere from $5.00 to $50.00. Yours looks like it would be on the higher end of the price. Absolutely beautiful! ---Robyn


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Donating Yarn?
Hi, How wonderful! I would think churches would like to have yarn, to use with the arts and crafts during Sunday school. It is very thoughtful of you to be donating the yarn! ---Robyn


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Treating Intertrigo?
Hi, I am so sorry that you are going through this. It sounds like it is either a bacterial or a yeast infection. I would let the area air out, every night, and put an ice pack there, to cool and reduce the area. If it is a yeast infection, I would begin by...


Identifying an Old Plow? - old plow painted white

Identifying an Old Plow?
Hi! I do not have the answer for what kind of plow this is. I just want to say how beautiful it is! Robyn


Identifying a Small Brown Insect?

Identifying a Small Brown Insect?
Hi, Now that I look closer, this looks like the leg from another bug. ---Robyn


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Is it Worth Buying a Small Freezer?
Hi, I would consider freezing things, in a small freezer first, to be great, and then put them in the big freezer. There is always the chance that frozen food will be damaged if a lack of electricity is ever an issue. But I like to think positive. I love to...


A crystal chandelier in a dining room.

How Much is This Chandelier Worth?
Yes! There is a market for this chandelier. It is beautiful. I, too, would advise selling it as different pieces for artists. However you could make a good sale, just as it is. Robyn


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Cleaning an Above Ground Pool?
Hi, It is probably mold, or fungus, according to this video: It sounds like a lot of fun to have a pool to cool off in! Enjoy your pool and I hope this information helps! --Robyn


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