
jean leiner

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15 Posts | 439 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Keeping Buttons from Falling Off Leather Coat?
Use dental floss to sew the buttons on, or to reinforce the existing stitching. If the white floss stands out too much, use a marker to color the floss to blend with the coat. The buttons on my leather jacket have lasted 3 years so far.


glass cookie jar with wood lid

Replacement Gasket fo Goodwood Cookie Jar?
If you cannot find the actual gaskets, try using elastic headbands, which are about1/2inch wide, and can be found in the hair care section. You could cut it to length, and glue the cut ends together. Perhaps you may find a size that will fit without cutting...


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Removing Shine from Polyester Curtains?
Is the finish less shiny on the reverse side of the curtains? If so, could you unstitch and restitch the hems? 2. Spraying fabrics with vinegar and water can dull shine for a while. Try spraying a panel with 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water (1/4 cup vinegar...


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Cleaning Sticky Oily Residue Off of Jewelry?
For years I have used a solution of Dawn Dish detergent, ammonia, and water to clean my jewelry. It does not remove the decorative tarnish from silver or other metals. Mix 1 T detergent, 1 T ammonia, and enough lukewarm water to cover the jewelry in a small...


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Removing Dust and Lint from Velvet?
A damp sponge will remove the dust and lint.


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Tying Up a Spaniel's Ears to Dry Them Out?
I used to use a clip/spring clothes pin on the hair on the ends of the ears. My Cocker Spaniel never seemed bothered by this.


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Food-Porn Page Name?
Mahroos Menu, Food for Thought, Munching with Mahroo, Meals by Mahroo, Mahroosnacks.


Photos showing progressive changes to a stomach.

Body Contouring/Sculpting Business Name?
EcoBody, Body Shop, Body by Mellis.


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Help With Automotive Detailing Slogan?
See Pristine. Your car will be clean! Pristine clean!


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Cleaning Dirty Uniform Work Shirts?
I have had good luck removing stains of all kinds with powder dishwasher detergent. Soak the items overnight in a bucket or your washer( depends on volume of stained items).One fourth cup per item of clothing dissolved in warm water.. Make sure the stained...


Name for a Bath Bomb Company

Name for a Bath Bomb Company?
Scentsible Foods Feed Your Skin Feel Good Food Bombs Foodie Skin Care Foodie Bath Bombs



Using binder clips to hold up pages of a thin calendar.

Binder Clips for Calendar Pages
I find one large binder clip centered over the hole on the top works well for my large kitchen calendar I also use a small binder clip to hold my small purse calendar open to the current week. I like finding additional uses for things, dont you?


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Removing Eucerin Cream from Clothing?
Blue Dawn dish detergent will remove most grease if you soak the clothes in warm water and 1/4 cup detergent. I have to use 2 different greasy creams for my skin problems, and this works for me. Since these are baby clothes, I would soak in a bucket, and pour...


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Homemade Powdered Sugar
Measure granulated sugar into your blender, and pulse until fine.


A black swan with a red bill in water.

Peaceful Nature (Black Swan)
A beautiful photo of what I think is a black swan.


What Is This Houseplant? - vining plant with narrow medium green leaves, purple on underside

What Is This Houseplant?
This looks like a Wandering Jew plant. It makes a great hanging plant as well.


A smartphone being buried in rice to dry it out.

Using Rice for Wet Gadgets
Using rice also works on quartz watches that have been in water.


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Kitchen Paint Color Adice?
It is your kitchen. You should have it as you want it. Red is a strong color, and it looks good with white. I have a kitchen that is red and white. The walls are sponge painted red over white, the appliances are white, and the cupboards are white. There is...


A fleece scarf with a penguin pattern on it.

No-Sew Fleece Scarf
The scarf can also be finished by putting pony beads, one to a fringe, in a color that coordinates with the print. Just pull the fringe piece through the bead and the fringe will hold it on. Pony beads are those with large holes in the center, and canbe found...


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Name Ideas For A Handmade Jewelry and Decor Shop?
Handmade and Homey or Homemade and Handy Comfort Crafts The Handmade Home Homey Goods Made For Your Home Adornments or Adorable Adornments


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Cleaning a Stained Toilet Bowl?
Pour 2 cups white vinegar in the tank of your toilet and flush. Pour 1 cup vinegar into bowl and let sit 1/2 hour, then scrub with brush. If there are stains under the rim of the bowl, wet pices of toilet paper with vinegar, and line the rim completely wit...


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Curtain and Couch Pillows Color Advice?
You have a lot of dark colors in your room. Light colored pillows, the same tan as the carpet would lighten it up. Rather than plain colored curtains, could you find a print with dark brown, red and tan in them? It sound like you have all solid colors, and...




Use Shampoo as Hand Soap Refill
I bought one bottle of the foaming type of hand soap, and since it was emptied, have filled it with 1/3 hand soap, shampoo, even bubble bath, and 2/3 hot water. Shake well before each use, and you have foam soap. The foaming soap works well, and one refill...


White and brown fuzzy puppy sitting on wood floor.

What Breed Is My Dog?
Is the fur soft or wiry feeling? If soft your pup may be part Bichon Frise, and if wiry, part terrier or Schnauzer. Jack Russell Terrier is another possibility. Try googling pictures of terriers and Bichons to see if you find any similar type pups.


Substitute for a Rimmed Baking Sheet

Substitute for a Rimmed Baking Sheet?
Any rimmed pan of any size can be used. Other baking pans like pie tins, cake tins, lasagna pans etc. will work. You just will have more batches of smaller sizes to serve


closeup of band holding button

Ponytail Band for Tight Waistband
This trick can be used to turn regular pants and jeans with a front zipper that fit in the legs, hips and rear into maternity pants. Start with the small size hair rubber bands, and as you grow larger, switch to the headband size. As long as they fit except...



Kitchen Wall and Trim Paint Color Advice?
Since you have two neutral colors, I would consider a bright color such as apricot, cantalope or peach for warmth and contrast. You might also consider a painting technique such as rag or sponge painting a warm color over a neutral background. Peach over cream...


What Is This House Plant?

What Is This House Plant?
It looks like a peperomia caperata, and is a semi succulent plant.


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Name Ideas for a Cleaning Business?
AAPlus Cleaning Service A to Z Cleaners Cleanaaliyah


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
It looks like a snake plant/ mother-in-laws tongue plant, a sansevieria. I have one that is 3 feet tall.


light green succulent looking plant

What Is This Houseplant?
You have a succulent echevaria, possibly an echevaria coccinea


What Is This House Plant?

What Is This House Plant?
It looks like a Kalanchoe, a succulent plant.


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Living Room Accessory Color Ideas?
You can change the look of the room by adding pillows, a throw on the back of the couch, new lamp shades/bases, an area rug, or an ottoman. Since you have solid colors, a print would make things more visually interesting. I would try a printed and a solid color...


closeup of fuzzy white dog

What Breed Is My Dog?
He looks like a cross between a dachshund and a long haired Chihuahua. Doxy body and chi head and ears. If you google pictures of Dachshund Chihuahua mixes, you will find some that look just like yours.




Identifying a Houseplant?
Your plant looks like a dracaena fragrans lindenii, or corn plant. I googled corn plant, and looked at a site . and found a picture that looks like your plant, as well as care directions. Hope this helps.


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Childcare Center Name Ideas?
Kid Tel PFKCare-Passion for Kids Care ChildTel


white dog with curly hair

What Breed Is My Dog?
Could you ask the place/person from whom you purchased the dog? Try googling Maltese breed standards, and compare your dog to them.


dracaena type plant with large leaves

What Is This Houseplant? (Cordyline)
It looks like a rubber tree, a ficus elastic.


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Christmas Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?
Could you make him a folder of magazine articles on a science topic hes interested in? You could copy articles at the library, and use your art skills to make a cover. Maybe articles on the science of video games. Books on the science topic, or if he reads...


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Christmas Gift Ideas for My Boyfriend?
Give him an experience to remember. If he is interested in something (say cars) get tickets for a car show or a car race and go with him. Make a picnic lunch to share. If he is a movie buff, take him to a movie with his favorite star, and then to lunch or dinner...


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Childcare Business Name Ideas?
kids play childs play child kids klub or club kids korner o kiddie corner m e


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Childcare Business Name Ideas?
child with ome vertically under the h in child (child home)


gray Pit

What Breed Is My Dog?
I googled solid colored coat pit bulls, and found several who resemble yours. He apparently is a variation of blue. See what you think.


What Breed Is My Dog?

What Breed Is My Dog?
Her solid black coloration makes me think she is a black lab and shepherd cross. Google lab shepherd cross dogs and check it out. Some of the photos I found look just like her.


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Kids' Art and Craft Club Name?
KidKrafts ChildCrafts Crafting for Kids or Children I Made It CMC (children making crafts)


Identifying a Houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?
Two possibilities come to mind. If the larger leaves are fleshy and firm, the shape makes me think snake plant /mother-in-laws tongue. The smaller stems remind me of a spider plant. Is it possible you have 2 plants in 1 pot?


trailing plant

What Is this House Plant?
It looks like a jade pothos.


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
It looks like a variety of croton plant.


white dog

What Breed Is My Dog?
Your dog is an American Eskimo or a Spitz.


dog howling

How To Answer "What Breed Is Your Dog?"
Our current dog is a Shih Tzu and quite recognizable as such. Our previous dog was a real mixture, and I always told people straight facedly that she was a Heinz Hound. If they did not get it, I told them she had 57 varieties in her ancestry.


potted plant on window ledge

What Is This Houseplant? (Coffee Plant)
It looks like a peace lily plant to me.


plant with small red berries

What Is This Garden Plant?
It looks like deadly nightshade, a plant that is toxic and poisonous in its leaves, stems, flowers, and berries. It can make you sick, even kill you.


potted plant

What Is This Houseplant?
It looks like an areca palm.


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
It appears to be a jade tree, a succulent. Water it only when it is really dry.


Help Identifying House Plant

Help Identifying House Plant?
It looks like a dracena plant.


purple bloom with droopy leaves

What Is This Plant?
The flower looks like an allium.


closeup of short hair white cat

What Is This Plant?
Your plant appears to be a kalanchoe, a succulent that blooms semiannually.


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Food for a Home Jewelry Party?
I had a Mary Kay cosmetics party, and it was fairly successful. It was hot summer weather, so I served a cold fruit and dip tray, cookies and lemonade/wine coolers for those who wanted them. This was in the evening after dinner.


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Stretching Shoes?
If shoes are tight, get a bottle of body spray from the dollar store, and saturate the area of the shoe that is tight inside and out, then wear the shoes until they are dry. Repeat if needed. This works on smooth leather and fake leather shoes. It also works...


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Cleaning Car Headlights?
You could try coating it with hand sanitizer on a rag, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then rub off. Try a corner first, and if it works, do all the lights.


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Cleaning Jeans With Ground in Dirt?
Try soaking the jeans overnight in a bucket filled with warm water and 2 cups of powdered dishwasher detergent dissolved in it. Make sure the jeans are submerged in the water. Weight the top down with a plate if needed. Then wash as usual. The el cheapo brand...


looking into kitchen

Choosing a Paint Color?
Consider using a blue that is a few shades darker then the blue in your countertops. With so much neutral color in floors and wall and cabinets, some contrast might be good. Hope this is helpful.


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Curtain Color Advice?
Consider looking for a print or stripes with green/ beige / brown as the predominant color, with maybe some other colos in the mix. If you need accent pillows, try the least used colors in the curtains to tie things together. Hope this is helpful.


light colored laminate wood look floor

Paint Color to Coordinate Floor?
The floor is neutral in color, so nearly any color would work. Since you plan to sell the house, I would paint walls in a neutral shade, as potential buyers will probably want to paint with their own colors. Beige, off white or pale grey would all work. Hope...


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Interior Paint Colors That Help Sell Your House?
Neutral colors that are light enough to be painted over easily by new owners are best. I would paint any open plan rooms you have the same color. Different neutrals in rooms that do not open into one another could be done. If you plan to paint the whole house...


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Replacement Gasket for Cookie Jar?
Could you wrap a wide large rubber band or several narrow ones around either the lid or the top of the jar to act as a seal?


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Loaf Size for Welbilt ABM300 Bread Machine?
You can figure out the loaf size by pouring water, 1 cup at a time, into the bucket . Count the cups it takes to fill it to the top. 8 cups = 1 pound, 10 cups = 1.5 pounds, and 12 or more cups = 2 pounds. Hope this helps.


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Name for Handmade Crochet Owls?
Hootlets Wise Guy Owls


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Repairing an Iron-on Transfer?
Iron the transfer once more to make it adhere as much as possible to the shirt. Let cool. Stitch around the border by hand with small running stitches, treating it like an applique. The sewn on transfer will stay on the shirt. Hope this helps.


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Removing Set In Stains from Cotton Comforter?
You have nothing to lose at this point, so try this. Get powdered dishwasher detergent, and pour the entire box into your washer filled with warm water. Agitate enough to dissolve the detergent. Place the comforter in the machine, and make sure it is submerged...


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Using Liquid Softener on Cloth to Replace Dyer Sheets?
Microfiber cloths do not cause lint. If you use one for your fabric softener cloth, you will not have lint from it. These can be bought in the dollar store. Hope this helps.


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Making a Dog Coat?
If the tee shirt fits the dog, meaning the sleeves are not too long on the front legs, and the body is short enough so the dog can pee without hitting the shirt underneath the body, then the only thing you need to do is put elastic through the bottom hem of...


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Fixing Runny Fudge?
Try making a Jack Daniels cake or cupcakes. Make a white cake (mix or from scratch), and stir the fudge in after making the batter. Bake at a 25 degrees lower temperature, and probably a few minutes longer than the cake recipe says, as the extra sugar may scorch...


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?
Give him a memory/experience. If he has an interest or hobby, say classic cars, take him to a car show. Give him a magazine subscription that reflects his interest. Hell think of you every month for a year.. If hes a sports fan, could you get him tickets for...


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Altering the Neckline on a Pajama Top?
What you do depends on what kind of neckline the top has. If it has a boat type, you sew the shoulder seams in toward your neck after marking with safety pins how much of an opening you need to pull it over your head. I would hand sew it with a running or back...


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Name Ideas for a Child Care Learning Center?
EduKids Your names Akidemy (academy) Learn A Lot


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Repotting a Cactus?
The cactus needs repotting in a container about 1 larger than the current one. Be sure the new container has drainage. Get potting soil specifically for cacti. Fill new container about 1/3 full of the soil. Remove cactus from old pot, and center it in the new...


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Substituting Brown Sugar?
You can use brown sugar in place of white. Just be aware that it may change the color and taste of the dish slightly. For example, cookies will be a darker color when baked. It will taste sweeter because of the molasses in brown sugar. Be sure to stir the brown...


pot with burnt food

Cleaning a Burnt Pot?
Try boiling a half cup of powder dishwasher detergent in the pot full of water for about 20 minutes. Then use a plastic spatula or old credit card to scrape the burned bits out. Wash as usual. Try buffing the scratches with baking soda or a damp sponge or rag...


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?
Give him a an experience/memory. If there is something he is interested in, for examples: classic cars, take him to a classic car show, hunting/fishing an out door show. Weather permitting, pack a picnic to be eaten. If he reads magazines, get him a subscription...


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Easy Bread Recipe?
Crusty Bread 3 C all purpose flour 1 3/4 t salt 1/2 t yeast 1 1/2 C water You will need a large cast iron pot with a lid. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. Add water and mix until a shaggy mixture forms. Cover the bowl with plastic...


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Pre School Slogan?
Hopping down the learning pathway to adventure and fun.


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Business Name for Deck Decorating Business?
Decks Décor, DecoDex, Deckorate.


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Cleaning a Coffee Pot?
Vinegar may work. Make a pot as you would coffee with only water with 1 cup of vinegar in it. If this is at least partially successful, repeat. Rinse well and air dry. About once a month, run a vinegar cycle. This works foer me. Hope this helps.


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Daycare Names?
Kikis Kid Kare


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Name for a Daycare Center?
A Plus Child Care


brown and tan dog with big ears

What Breed is My Pup?
Looks like a Chihuahua or a mix thereof.


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Slogan for New Daycare?
Tip Top Child Care At Tippy Toes


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Nursery Name Ideas?
Magic Kiddom, Play and Learn Palace, Educastle


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Decorating a White Rainbow Tea Table?
White table cloth and napkins, angel figures in white robes or white flowers in a clear or white vase as centerpiece, clouds made from pillow stuffing, angel food cake with whipped cream, chicken salad /cream cheese finger sandwiches on white bread, vanilla...


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Ideas for Chips for a Quarter Auction?
The dollar store sells poker chips in 50 packs. Could you get those and use a marker to put numbers on them?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?
Would he be interested in reading bodybuilding magazines? If so, subscription(s) would remind him of you every month. If he is saving for a particular model/brand of car, how about a magazine or a book about it? If there are classic car shows in your area, why...


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Shrinking Sandal Strap?
Is it a strap that goes over the top of your foot, or around the heel? Either way, if the strap is fabric, could you sew across it low on the inside of the shoe to make it shorter? Try safety pinning it to check for fit before you sew the tuck in the strap...


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Freezing Cream Cheese?
I have frozen cream cheese in the store packaging. Freezing changes the texture of the cheese. The taste does not seem to change. It still can be used in recipes, but it can no longer be used by itself as a spread since it seems to dry out. So freezing it would...


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Cleaning a Tea Pot?
Try filling a container deep enough to submerge the pot with warm water, and put 2 denture cleaning tablets in it. Submerge the pot including spout. Weight it down if necessary. Let it rest 1 hour, and use a bottle brush to clean the interior. Rinse well. Hope...


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Social Security Benefits?
Years ago, the divorced wife could collect benefits from her ex husband if they were married more than 10 years before the divorce. She would receive which ever amount was greater: her own SS or his, not both. My mother and I discovered that she would get more...


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Finding an Inexpensive Dispenser for Nacho Cheese?
Could you use an insulated jug with a spigot to dispense the cheese (a jug which is usually used to dispense drinks)? You could hold the nachos under the spigot, and maybe tilt the jug forward to help it flow.


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Storing and Organizing a Large Fabric Stash?
Try using clear trash or storage bags, and organizing the bags by fabric type, printed on a masking tape label on each bag. Then you can see what is in the bag. For example, fleece-solid colors, fleece-holiday prints, fleece- animal prints. After bagging and...


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Catchy Slogan for Cleaning Service?
My house was a nightmare until I called DreamClean.


Getting Rid of a Feral Cat in the House?
I had the same situation with a stray cat in my basement. She was there for about 2 weeks. I borrowed a humane trap from a cat rescue group, baited it with tuna, and the third night, success. I had taken up my cats food so she had no other food source. I took...


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Using Sheets for Quilting Fabric?
It depends on what fabric the sheet is made from. Most sheets are cotton or cotton blends, as are the fabrics sold specifically for quilting. You should be able to use the sheets like any other cotton fabric. I do not quilt, but I have made clothing from sheets...


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Finding Free Costume Jewelry?
There are two websites where you may be able to get free costume jewelry. The free items page on Craigslist may have some. Google Craigslist and the name of your nearest city to find it. also gives away many things including costume jewelry. After...


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Mismatched Curtains for a Bay Window?
If you want the curtains to frame the window, then cut the curtain panel in half, and hem the cut sides, hang 1 cut panel on either side with the brown sheer on one side, and the white sheer on the other. Hang the valance over them if it is long enough to reach...


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Centerpieces for High School Crew (Rowing) Banquet?
Could you get paddles (oars), one per table, and use as centerpieces, with vases of red, white and blue flowers (either mixed or one vase of each color at the ends and center of the paddle? If you cant get real ones, perhaps you could make replicas from poster...


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Name for Faith-Based Childcare?
Bibleway Child Care Training Up Your Children in the Way they should Go.


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Farm Based Daycare Name Suggestions?
AgriKids Grow a Child Blooming Kids Child Care Buds and Blooms Roots Child Care Down on the Farm


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Liver, Onion, and Potatoes in a Crock Pot?
Lazy Liver 1 pkg liver 1 stick butter/margarine 1 can cream mushroom soup 1.5 c water 2 beef bullion cubes 1 can milk/cream 1-2 onions sliced in rings Put onions in crockpot. Put liver (still frozen) in crockpot. Add 2 beef bullion cubes, 1.5 c water, 1 stick...


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Removing Dusty Smell from a Crocheted Robe?
Try soaking the robe in enough warm water to cover it with 2 cups of white vinegar mixed into it. Soak at least overnight, 2 days is even better. Then wash and air dry. I have had this work on smelly thrift store items. Hope it helps with yours.


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Keeping Dogs in an Unfenced Yard?
Is there a tree or a pole of some kind that you could attach a wire run to? Or could you install a pole? With the dogs chains attached to the wire, it is more difficult for them to get tangled, and they could have some freedom to move around safely. With the...


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Thickening Canned Fruit Juice?
Drain the fruit, and put juice in a saucepan. In a small bowl, combine 2-3 teaspoons of corn starch with enough of the fruit juice to make a soft paste. Add the spices in your recipe to the juice. Stir paste into juice, heating until bubbly. Should thicken...


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Sewing Gathers on Clothing?
After you arrange the gathers to your satisfaction, Use masking tape or painters tape just above and below the gathering thread to hold them in place. You can sew between the tapes on the machine and then peel it off.


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Recipes Using Canned Beets?
Honey Beets 1/2 C honey 1 medium onion cut into rings 2 one lb cans beets 2 T beet juice 2 T vinegar 2 T butter Drain beets, saving 2 T of juice. Blend honey, beet juice, vinegar in a saucepan. Add beets, butter and onion rings. Simmer on low heat til heated...


Front of thin shirt with Bambi screen print.

Craft Ideas Using a Thin Shirt?
Could you bond the image to some iron on interfacing to give it some stability, then applique it to another tee shirt? This material is available at Joanns and is also called fusible interfacing. Google how to apply fusible interfacing for directions for use...


Black and white terrier type dog.

What Breed is My Dog?
He looks like my dog, Snickers, who is a Shih Tzu. My best guess would be Shih Tzu or Shih Tzu mix.


No-Sew Fleece Scarf - Finished scarf being worn.

No-Sew Fleece Scarf
Your scarf idea is clever. These sell well at craft fairs too. You can also trim the fringe by putting matching or contrasting pony beads, one per fringe strip, threaded onto the strip against the scarf. The strip is wide enough so the beads do not come off...


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Where is Kibbles 'n Bits Actually Made?
The dog food is made in a factory in Lawrence, Kansas.


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Child Care Center Names?
How about The Next Generation?


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Dog Has Worms?
Probably because the med you are giving is not effective against the type of worms the dog has. This calls for a vet visit or at least a vet examination of a stool sample and a different medication. Hope you are able to solve the problem.


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Newspaper Bags for Doggie Poop Bags
If you use these bags, tie 3-4 to the handle of the leash so you are prepared for several walks.


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Removing Cat Hair from Bedding?
I too have a long haired black cat, and her favorite place to sleep is on the guest room bed. I have found if I tumble the comforter in the dryer for about 5 minutes before washing it, it removes a lot of the hair, cutting down on those annoying pills. Then...


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50th Birthday Party Theme?
Does your husband have an interest in anything classic/vintage? Like classic cars for example. Use it as your theme. Or an interest in history? You could do a this is your life about events in the last 50 years.


Dog by water dish.

What Kind of Dog Do I Have?
This dog resembles a malamute in markings, and a German shepherd in head shape. Perhaps a mix of the two?


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Planning a Small Inexpensive Renewal of Vows?
The largest cost would be a location if you do not have it in your church or at a home. You could serve renewal cake, ice cream and punch (alcoholic and nonalcoholic). Choose a time of day when a meal is not usually served, such as mid-afternoon, like 3pm. Select...


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Need a Treat Tumble for Dog?
I googled where can I buy a Treat Tumble dog toy, and found a site called which had them for sale. Hope this is what you are looking for.


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