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58 Posts | 1,047 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Using Borax in a Front Load Washer?
Im out of Borax at the moment but look on your box.Does it list a web site you can log onto? Or maybe google Borax. It is the greatest booster though.


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Refreshing Wipes and Keeping Them Moist
Pam, you shared great ideas, thanks. I got frustrated when mine dried out. I found it easier to turn the whole container upside down then next time right side up. None have dried out since. Keeper


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Disguising Smoke Detectors?
I love decorating and having nice matching things, but having gone through a mobile home fire,losing everything but our lives our unsightly smoke detectors saved our lives. Please have a fire plan because theres a short time to escape especially from a mobile...


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What is the Ratio of Yeast to Flour When Baking?
Mark, if you do a lot of baking go Its an excellent source of answers for all baking questions.


A hat made from leftover fleece

Make Hats from Leftover Fleece
I love them. Cute model too! Thanks for sharing.


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Shelf Life of Tuna Packaged in Pouches?
Trish, try this great site someone sent me: A lot of great information on just about any food item in your kitchen. Enjoy


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Fudge Does Not Form Soft Ball?
Try going


Pom Chi mix dog.

Buddy (Pomeranian-Chihuahua)
Buddy is so cute and I can tell,well loved. Thanks for sharing his story and photos.


Two baby cradle church purses with Kewpie dolls inside.

Crocheted Kewpie and Baby Cradle Purse
Too cute. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Removing Wonder Under From Clothing?
I found this for you: Wonder Under is an heat-sensitive adhesive and if you followed the directions it will make a permanent bond. It is possible to remove the applique but theres no guarantee you will remove all the glue. If you want to try it heres what to...


Tex the Dog With Man in Yard

Tex (St. Bernard/Pit Bull Mix)
I too am sorry to hear of your brothers passing. Any pet lover knows they share our joy and sorrow just as we do. God Bless you and yours as you continue heal. Keeper


Hang another on an existing hanger using a pop can tab.

Soda Can Tab to Double Wardrobe Space
Best tip Ive read in a long time. Thanks for sharing.



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Replace Fries with a Side Salad
Great idea. Thanks for sharing.


Bedspring Santa

Bed Spring Santa
How cute. Thanks for good instructions and photos. Keeper


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Acknowledging the Anniversary of a Loved One's Passing
What a great gesture. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


Padded silk hangers with bags of different colored satin ribbons.

Decorated Quilted Hangers
Great idea for all my leftover odds and ends.So pretty too. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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US Postal Increase on January 22, 2012
Deeli,thanks for the heads up. I have to balance my budget,why cant they! Grrrr. 2 years ago I started donating to my local animal shelter in lieu of Christmas cards. : ) Keeper


Finished milk jug ghost. Black eyes and black mouth painted on white milk jug.

Milk Jug Ghost
What a cute idea. Do you have one for Christmas? Thanks for sharing. Keeper


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Grilled Spinach Burgers
Sounds good. Normally I find turkey burgers or meatloaf dry and boring. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


Boy in Dalmatian Costume

Halloween: Dalmatian Sleeper
Shannon, he looks so cute in his costume your mom bought. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut Butter Cookies
I used a bit less sugar and they were just as good.Thanks for posting as it is quick and easy. Keeper


Dog sleeping on blue carpet.

Maintaining Your Dog's Nails
Cricketnc, I have a rechargeable dremel for my crafts and will try it on Teddy.Tomorrow hell have been here only 5 weeks but has settled in like an old shoe. PookaRina, I give Teddy several things to chew on but he puts on the brakes at opening his mouth for...


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Salt and Lemon Juice for Carpet Odor
Doesnt lemon juice stain or bleach out colored carpet? Keeper


Ted E Bear the Dog on a Blue Couch

Ted E. Bear (Shih Tzu)
Thank you all for your thumbs up and kind words. Keeper : )



A finger reading braille writing on a page.

Surviving on the Blind Side
Hi Jo,your articles keep getting better and better. Theres several great points in this article for us that are still sighted. As always I look forward to your next one. 3 thumbs up! Thanks for sharing. : ) Keeper


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Dress Up Box
Boy, this brings back memories of my Nana. She always had a dress up box. It was filled with old frilly dresses, heels, hats, gloves, etc. This was back in the early 50s and I still remember her patiences watching our endless Fashion Shows. Thanks for sharing...


Fence in the Fall With River in Background

Fall Fence
Great photo. Thanks for posting. Keeper


Little Girl Dressed as the Mad Hatter

Halloween: Mad Hatter Costume
How creative and adorable. : ) Two thumbs up ! Thanks for sharing. Keeper


Snowfall on Trees at Sandia

Scenery: First Snow (Sandia Mountain, NM)
Gods beauty is so awesome, yes it is. Beautifully unique photo.Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Thrift Stores and Yard Sales For Baby Clothes
One of the biggest money savers at a yard sale is kids shoes/sneakers. Most if not all sneakers can be thrown in the washer. Toddlers outgrow them so fast theyre barely used. Most are $1.- $5. for a pair of sneakers that were originally $30. Keeper


SayD the Dog Sitting on Rug

SayD (Australian Shepherd)
I love her name.You now seem to have the best of two worlds.2 fur babies. SayD, full of energy and Dallas content to be a lap baby. Congratulations and continued happiness to all of you. Hugs, Keeper and Ted E Bear


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Chauncey's Smothered Chicken
Yummy and so easy. Im adding carrots to mine. Keeper


A scarecrow and a pumkin candle holder sitting on a sink.

Scarecrow Candle Holders
How cute. Thanks for sharing your idea. Keeper


Two loaves of bread.

Stone Ground Wheat Bread
My mouth was watering just looking at the photo. : ) Ill give this a whirl too. Thanks for another great recipe. Keeper


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Easy Skillet Supper
This sounds good now that winter isnt far off. Love the source on this one Vi. : ) Keeper


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Use A Spoon To De-seed Peppers
Now why didnt I think of that? Great tip.Thanks for sharing... : ) Keeper



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Coffee Cake with Peanut Butter Topping
Baking mix is either Bisquick or Jiffy baking mix.


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Coffee Cake with Peanut Butter Topping
Baking mix is Bisquick or Jiffy brand mix. Keeper


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Coffee Cake with Peanut Butter Topping
This sounds yummy. I think Id add some chocolate chips too. : ) Thanks for the recipe.


Completed angel.

Noodle Angels
This is a great craft project for all ages. Thanks for photos and easy to follow directions. Two thumbs up GGVi. : ) Keeper


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My Frugal Life: GiGi's Labor of Love
I loved your story. Thanks for sharing and welcome to Thrifty Fun. Hope to hear more from you. Keeper


Looking out Window at Three Deer in Front Yard

Wildlife: Deer in My Front Yard
Its so nice to have wildlife in the yard. Give me the country life any day. We had a couple wild turkeys the other day and always the deer. Thanks for sharing, Keeper


Rosie the Dog Looking at a Computer

Rosie (German Shepherd / Mini Pin)
Cute story. Thanks for sharing.


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Ribbon Drawer
I too have an old 5 drawer bureau in my craft room. I love thenotchtip for spooled ribbon.I would never thought of that.Thumbs up. Thanks for sharing. : ) Keeper


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Use Vinegar for Cleaning
I totally agree with you.I clean with vinegar, lemons and sometimes peroxide opposed to bleach. Bleach is toxic where as the others arent. Thanks for sharing, Keeper


Christmas ornaments made from jar rings. There are two Santas and snowman ornament.

Jar Ring Ornaments
How crafty. Thanks for the idea and sharing. Keeper


Halloween Video

Homemade Halloween Costume Showcase...
What aTreat this was. Thank you for sharing. I cant imagine a day with out my Thrifty Fun. : ) . Keeper


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How to Complain to a Company and Get Real Results
Good advice.Thanks for sharing. Keeper


Cash register receipt with incorrect marshmallow price.

Really Saving Money at Walmart
Thanks for sharing this info. Most times were in too much of a hurry and pay little attention to our final receipt.Thoseover chargeshappen at several stores and isnt always an unintentional oversight! 2 Thumbs up. : ) Keeper


Millie Standing up to Look at Flowers on Glass Table

Millie (Chihuahua/Rat Terrier Mix)
I loved your story. Love her name too. Thumbs up for many many years together. Keeper


Newspaper bag filled with yarn.

Organize Yarn in Newspaper Bags
What an awesome thrift saving idea. Thanks for sharing.


Tall Glasses with black stripe of chalkboard painted on them. The glass centered inthe image has Kate written on it, a yellow striped straw in the glass and a piece of chalk laying in front.

Chalkboard Labeled Glasses
What a great gift idea and easy too! Thanks for sharing.


Two Praying Statues

Surprise for the Path Garden
I love seeing things in your Path Garden.Love all the pictures youve shared too. Keeper


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Carrot and Orange Marmalade
This sounds yummy and easy enough to make. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Cheesy Corn Flake Potatoes
Boy, this sounds really good. I prefer sharp cheese too. Thanks for sharing. Keeper



Pinecone Christmas Ornaments
Wow, how creative. Love them all. Thanks for sharing with photos and easy directions. Keeper


Ants feeding on a drop of Terro.

Terro Ant Killer
Thanks for sharing this. Ill definitely pick some up. Cheap too! Keeper


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Substitutes for Wine in Recipes
Great tips Ill have to try. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Fruit Cream
Somehow I knew this had to be one of your great shares before I even got to the end to see who posted. : ) Did I miss your filling for the cream puffs? Thanks for sharing another thumbs up. Keeper


Three Young Boys Playing on Beach

Scenery: Fun In the Sun (Lake Erie)
Great picture. Sounds like everyone had a good time. Thanks for sharing.


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Legends of the Fall Casserole
Boy does this sound good. Thanks for posting.


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Computer Safety and AntiVirus Programs
I have both and they have saved me two different times. I also do scans, disc clean and a defrag. each Friday.


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My Frugal Life: Thinking About Thriftiness
All great ideas. When the grocery store has buy 1 get 1 ,I put the extra in a box in my kitchen. When its full I take it to our local food bank. Around the holidays when turkeys are priced low I always buy 2 to donate with the fixings. Ive also been down sizing...


Willie the Yorkie by a Teddy Bear

Willie (Yorkie)
Its always a great feeling when I hear another fur baby was rescued. I wish you many years of love and happiness together.


Moon Reflecting on Lake in Weekiwachee

Scenery: Reflection of the Moon (Weekiwachee...
Ive been there before. Great photo. Thanks for sharing.


Kitten in Window looking out From Orange Wooden Shutters

Kitten in the Window (France)
Priceless.Thanks for sharing.


Pink circular card with basket of flowers on white doiley.

Circular Card
I just started making cards and matching envelopes. I love your latest card entry and yourGarden Party Invitation is great. Thanks for easy directions and photos.Please post more for us. Keeper


A blind man walking a path with a white cane.

Observations from the Blind Side
Jo, its been awhile since youve posted but it was well worth the wait. Once again Ive beenenlightened as you put it. Thumbs up again.Thanks for sharing your humorous side. Keeper


Corn spoon bread on a blue plate.

Corn Spoon Bread
I just love corn bread. This I will try shortly. Thanks for posting. Keeper


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Cream Puffs (1920)
GGVI, thanks for sharing your filling recipes. Of course Ill be trying the pineapple one first. : ) Keeper


Shaggy the Dog Being Held Up by Owner

Shaggy (Dog)
How wonderful for all of you. May you enjoy many many more years together. Keeper


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Cranberry Chicken
2 thumbs up on this one indeed. Thanks for posting.


Cupcake Birthday Cake Card Step 4

Cupcake Birthday Cake Card
What a cute craft. Thanks for sharing.


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Cream Puffs (1920)
This seems easy enough and yes, please post the filling. Thanks for sharing. I cant wait to try these. Keeper


Hand-Painted Ladybug Onesie

Ladybug Baby-Grow
This is so cute and I will certainly put it on my to do list. Thanks for photos and easy to follow directions. Keeper


Two upper case letter A's cut out laying one on top of the other. bottom one has white side face p top on hase colorful pink and bron dots on it

Paper Letters
These are great. Thanks for easy to follow directions and photos too! : ) Keeper


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Freeze Sauteed Veggies For Quick Cooking Later
Great time saver. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Tinted Glasses Too Dark?
If you just had them tinted and arent satisfied, try taking them back.


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Getting Rid of an Intelligent Mouse?
I detest mice/rats with a passion. Sometime ago here on TF several recommended using peppermint oil extract on cotton balls throughout the house. I bought that foam insulation spray in a can and sealed around all my under sink pipes also around the dryer vent...


Small boy pulling a loaded sledge or similar wheeless conveyance down the sidewalk.

Make School Mornings a Breeze
Well said Shannon. Although my kids are grown with kids of their own, doing everything the night before gave me a much smoother start each new morning way back when. Precious photo too. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Potato Cakes
These sound great. Ive not made these with Feta cheese either but I love it. This is a must try and will. Two thumbs up and thanks for posting. Keeper


crochet frame in fall colors

Fall Frame for Keeping or Giving
Very festive.Thanks for sharing with photos and easy to follow directions. Keeper


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Blackberry Buckle
Heres to another Thumbs up recipe. : ) Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Making a Wall Mounted Ribbon Holder for Sewing Room?
If your referring to ribbon on spools; one way is to mount cafe curtain brackets (the kind with a curve) then feed your spools through a skinny dowel rod and mount on the brackets. Works for me. Hope this will work for you too. : ) Keeper


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Slow Cooker Liver and Onions?
Igoogled; crockpot liver and onions. There you will find how its done. Sounds really tasty too.Hope this helps you. Keeper, N.C.USA


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Water Bottle Cozy?
I use a clean, old, orphaned sock. Keeper


An orange cat sleeping in a crib.

Tigger (Domestic Cat)
Love the photo.Does he play with Chompers too? Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Beware of Drug Interactions
Your father is very lucky to have you and that you caught this. Im passing this,which Ive used for several years onto my friends. Thanks for sharing this very important info. Keeper


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Fresh Blueberry Crisp
There are some TF family member who should have acautionsticker next to their entries. So far Im safe just putting all these yummy recipes in a folder. Im a sweetaholic! A new word that should be put in the dictionary. ; ) I agree with Shadow0336 and JustPlainJo...


Girl Holding Hand and Walking with Great-Great Grand Father

Photo: 4th of July on the Farm (Henderson, IA)
Awesome keepsake.Thanks for sharing. Keeper


American Goldfinch Facing Camera on Birdfeeder

Wildlife: American Goldfinch
Beautiful photos.Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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My Frugal Life: A Life Without Financial Worries
What a great story and your right about living within your means. Thanks for sharing... Keeper


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Eggplant and Zucchini Casserole
Thanks for all the feedback and thumbs up. Barb, finding a recipe, going out to your garden, and picking what you need! Wow, am I envious... Im so grateful when anyone brings me fresh fruits or veggies. I always make something for them in return. Always remember...


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Shelf Life of Eggs? is an excellent site for your entire kitchen foods.


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Corn Pudding
I can just smell this now! Its great with the half and half instead of plain old milk too. Do you haveTake Out? if not you should. I voted another 2 thumbs up.Thanks. : ) Keeper


Woman wearing a handmade Fascinator

Fascinator (English Hat)
This project is wonderful. Thank you for posting with easy to follow directions and beautiful photos. I was in awe at most of the Royal Wedding head pieces especially their $400.+ price tags. : ) Keeper


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Old Fashioned Peach Cake
Thanks to those who voted and allowed me to win with this entry. Keeper


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Old Fashioned Peach Cake
Thanks to all of you for your thumbs up, added suggestions, and ideas. Ruth, I sent you an e mail to make the peach filling from scratch. Here in the states, I take a lot of our can goods for granted. Yet over in England you eat a bit healthier, because I know...


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Shopping for Inexpensive Beads and Clasps?
Keep an eye out at yard sales,thrift stores or Estate sales. Old clasps, beads from several items not just jewelry and other interesting things can be bought rather cheaply. Keeper


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Finding a Reliable Dentist?
Can you tell us where Dupage County is?? Ive heard theres a phone number for this info.:1-800-dentist. Keeper.


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Summer Squash Casserole
Thanks for your thumbs up. I love the suggestions yall made too.Ill give them a whirl. Keeper


An active yard sale in the front yard of a house.

Labor Day Weekend Yard Sale
Great tips. I never thought of #9. Thanks for sharing all. Keeper


A bag of frozen peppers.

Saving the Harvest
While your at all this you should bottle some of your energy. Where do you find the time? It is so rewarding to eat what we harvest, find on sale or are sometimes given especially in the winter months. Thanks for the tips and sharing. : ) Keeper


Caring for an Aging Parent
What a beautiful lady your Mom is and God Bless you for caring for your Mom. I hope you get to cherish every moment. Youre right, there are no second chances. I took care care of my Mom until I couldnt any longer but I had no family support. Sadly my Mom passed...


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Apple Brown Betty
Julia, once again youve posted a winner. However Ive decided to give up cooking, win the lottery and travel to Thrifty Fun recipe posters and be an official test taster! Thanks for sharing a 2 thumbs up. : ) Keeper


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Easy Pineapple Cake
Thank you for all your kind words, votes and added feedback. Keeper


Used children's clothing items laid out on floor

My Frugal Life: Thrifty is a Wonderful Thing
You gave some great tips. Thanks for sharing and 2 thumbs up. Keeper


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Zipper Fix
An old candle does the trick too. Keeper


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Store Paprika In Refrigerator
Great tip, especially with spices being so expensive. Thanks for sharing.Two thumbs up! Keeper


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10 Fruit and Water Ices
Like the others, I thank you for thesecoolrecipes. I also found pineapple extract! My life is almost complete! I just need more hours in the day to make a dent in Thrifty Fun Recipe box... Thumbs up once again. Keeper


Little Deschutes River Sunriver, OR

Scenery: Little Deschutes River (Sunriver Resort, OR)
How beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


Closeup of Chompers the Pomeranian

Chompers (Pomeranian)
He is so cute and I love his name, too. Your all lucky to be a family. Thanks so much for sharing his story. Hugs from me too.... Keeper


Refinished chest of drawers

Refinishing an Old End Table
Beautiful job. 2 thumbs up. Thanks for sharing with photos. Keeper


Plants in Greenhouse at Metroparks Zoon in Cleveland

Greenhouse at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (Ohio)
Beautiful photo.I bet it will look fabulous framed and hanging in you home. Please share more with us.Thanks for posting this one. 2 thumbs up! Keeper


bouqet of paper flowers that includes a pink flower, a purple flower and 3 multi-colored flowers made from advertisements in a crystal vase

Paper Flower
Great craft. Thanks for posting good directions and step by step photos. Keeper


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How To Store Crochet Doilies
This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.


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Decorating Scrapbook Paper And Cardstock
Id love to see a photo of your work.


close up of a pink gumpaste flower with a rhinestone center on a teal cake siting on a cake stand

Gumpaste Flowers
Great job. Thanks for sharing.


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Ground Beef and Vegetable Plate
This sounds good.Ive also started using more spices and read about the many benefits of more cinnamon. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Pineapple Ice
This sounds great. You know I love anything pineapple youve shared. 2 Thumbs up. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Chicken a La King
Sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing. Keeper


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Coconut Macaroons
I love coconut also. Thanks for sharing this easy recipe. 2 thumbs up. Keeper


A baby's onsie with a fabric paint design of a paw and the words "Born 2 B Wild".

Fabric Painted Shirt
What a great idea. Thanks for photo and sharing.


Lady Bug Pizzas
Sounds like a good healthy snack. Thanks for posting. Keeper


Calf Feeding from It's Mother

Newborn Calf
Great story and photos. I guess Im not the only one waiting for your book to be written.Im positive it would make the best sellers list in no time flat. I never tire of your entries.Thanks for always making me smile with your stories and drooling with your...


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Coffee Filters to Protect Non-Stick Pans
I do this too. I just never thought to post it. Thanks for sharing.


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