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3 Posts | 159 Comments | Active Since 2010
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Painting with a Foam Roller?
I used them on my kitchen cabinets when I redone them. I poured the paint in a paint tray and when I put the paint on the roller I would scrape it on the edge of the tray to get off access paint. When I rolled it on my cabinets and had NO bubbles on them.


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Is a Moldy Towel Safe to Use?
I have used 20 Mule Team Borax with my regular detergent to get rid of that kind of smell, sometimes I also add some kind of pine cleaner to the wash cycle, then I rinse twice. Works for me!


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Mushroom Steak
Love the sound of this recipe, but I dont care for regular mushroom soup, Ill swap it for the Golden Cream of Mushroom soup.


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Pressure Cooker Chicken and Rice Recipe?
I have never tried cooking rice under pressure, my cooker advised against it. Its just me and my husband at home now and this makes two meals for us. I pressure cook two leg quarters (thigh and leg) for 17 minutes. If my quarters are frozen, I cook them for...


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Tomato For Onion or Garlic Smell On Hands
The best and quickest way to rid your hands of onion smell is to wet your hands under cool water, then pour a small amount of salt in your palm and rub your hands together as if you are washing them for a few seconds, then rinse. The smell is totally gone.


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Miracle Whip In Mashed Potatoes
I have done the same and love it! You really cannot tell that much difference.


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Keeping Overdue Bills from Going to Collections?
As long as you are sending something it wont go to collections. In the recent past I had a bill that I was having problems paying. I found out that as long as you are attempting to make payments it cannot go to collections. I could only make a $5 payment each...


A squirrel knocking on the window, looking for food.

Wildlife: Impatient Squirrel
That is just too cute!


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Cubed Steak Recipe?
Anyone that cant tolerate MSG or need low sodium meal meals, Im sure would know how to make adjustments to this recipe. For instance.. for myself, I use fresh veggies instead of frozen or canned ones, replace onion soup mix and the canned soup by adding fresh...


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Warm Mascara With Body Heat
I have, for years, ran warm water over mine, with the cap still on, of course. LOL


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Freezing Vegetables?
I have done this too, but I also wrapped several layers of plastic wrap and placed it in a zip lock bag to insure no freezer burn, in case I didnt get it used up in a timely manner. Now I use a vacuum sealer works much better, no freezer burn because all the...


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Grease on Corduroy Pants?
I learned a this trick while working at a bearings plant. Put just enough Dawn (reg.) to cover the oil, grease spot, let it set for a few minutes then wash as usual, works everytime!



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Getting Rid of Cockroaches?
The best and safest way to stay rid of roaches or any other bug and even snakes, is throw moth balls under your house. I have done it for years and havent had any in my house! I will throw a few, about four, at one end and the same amount middle ways and at...


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Heat Burners To Remove Food Residue
I have done this for years! But first I take my wet dish cloth and wipe the top of the burner, then turn it on, so it dries and makes sure nothing is left behind.


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Neighbor's Dog Getting Under My Mobile Home?
If the dog is doing it a lot, could be that the owner isnt taking good care of it. If it looks like it may be thin or not taken care of, Id call animal control and have them contact the owner, he may not have a good family to live with. On the other hand, why...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Easy Bundt Cake
Did you flour the pan with anything before putting batter in the pan?


Preparing A Suitcase Winter Kit

Preparing A Suitcase Winter Kit
Oh yes, along with all the things in the suitcase, you should put some bottles of water, snacks, change of weather appropriate clothing, etc. I keep mine in year round, you know know if you may need the water or food.


A plate of cookies and milk for Santa

How We Keep the Santa Magic Alive
What? There is a Santa Claus! He comes every Dec. 25th to leave me and my family gifts and I am 61 years old. :)


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Cooking Dried Beans?
I always cook mine in the crock pot overnight, with a ham hock, and enough water to last all night, but if I get up in the night, I will check the water level. I cook them on high.


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Truck Heater Doesn't Heat?
More than likely its the heater core, mine is in the same fix. I have a Ford Ranger XLT and mine went out a couple years ago. My husband bought the core and was told the whole dashboard has to come out! He thought it came out from under the dash, but no, it...


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Baking with Self Rising Flour?
No, you may have a mess when its baking. Thats why the flour is called self rising.


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Using Manwich in a Recipe?
I dont have any recipes, but I also use To the one that ask why use it... because the person wants to is reason enough.


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Freeze and Reuse Fryer Oil
Does it truly freeze and if so, dont you get water in it when it thaws?


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Keeping Snakes Out of the Yard?
We use lime and have done it for years. My husband spreads it around the edge of our entire yard and have not see one snake since we have been doing it. We also throw regular moth balls around the house and a few under it to keep them and bugs out.



Cement piece with name painted on.

Yard Rock Names
We did this at our church several years ago and used them to make a memory garden of members of our church and any family member that had passed on. We painted on something to remind us, such as for my Daddy, I painted on a bowling ball/pins as he loved it...


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Use Your Blender To Grind A Bag Of Coffee
Love this idea. What speed do you use on your blender and how do you tell the grind of it. I mean do you eye it as a way to tell or what? Thanks!


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Homemade Potato Chips
Many people have peanut allergies as well, you know what the ones you are cooking for can tolerate, so use whatever oil works. I use canola oil for all my frying, much better health wise. Gonna try some homemade chips! :)


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Freezing Fresh Potatoes?
Its obvious that they can be frozen, in your supermarket, but I am wondering too, so do what I am gonna do, search online. :)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Freezing Fresh Potatoes?
Did I lose my post, dont see it, hmmm. I had said that it is obvious that they can be frozen without problems., freezer section in your supermarket, but I want to know too, so I am gonna search on the internet.


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Butter Almond Crunch
Sounds great, gonna try it too! I love almonds, hubby doesnt like coconut, may have to leave it out. :)


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Caution when Reusing Food Containers
We bought a Dymo label maker for our canning and freezing, it was around $19, get one then maybe hell stop yelling at his Mother (shame on him). :)


Snake coiled in an evergreen tree.

Getting Rid of Snakes
Every year we put lime out on the perimeter of our property, at times weve had to put it out a few times due to rain, but snakes will not cross it. I havent seen a snake in our yard in five years of doing this. You can also throw a few moth balls around, they...


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Getting Onion Odor Off Your Hands
An even more simple way to get onion smell off your hands is to cup your hand and pour salt into the palm, put a dab of water on it and rub your hands together as if washing them, rinse and your hands smell great! Learned this trick from 30 years working in...


SSD and Child Support Arrears Garnishment?
Why are you asking about something like that on here? Just go to your lawyer and other agencies that should be involved in a matter like this.


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Cooking Chicken in a Crockpot?
I absolutely love a whole chicken cooked in my crockpot, tastes great and falls off the bone! I never put more than a 1/2 cup of water in mine and lightly salt it. I leave the skin on, because it, not being in the water, will crust somewhat like oven baked...



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Substituting Oil for Butter in a Box Cake Recipe?
Dont think Id want more cholesterol (butter plus egg yolk) added to my cakes. I stick with the instructions, but have subbed applesauce for the oil and use only the egg white, tastes no different.


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Caring for a Cat With Jaw Cancer?
All I can say is do what your furbabys doctor says to do. I feel so bad for your baby and you. I have had a cat, named Jarrett for almost nine years and he has been such a dear, sweet companion and my baby all those years. It bothers me so much to think hed...


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Freezing Pattypan Squash?
We either peel it and slice or just slice it. You have to blanch it in boling water (make sure the water is boling when you put them in) for 3 minutes in order to freeze. We put it in zip lock bags, squeeze out as much air as possible and lay flat in freezer...


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Best Baby Wipes For Cleaning Your Face?
I just use a wash cloth, water and a bar of (Dial) soap. Why spend money on that other stuff when you already have these items?


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Blanching Before Freezing?
Blanching slows or stops the action of enzymes which cause loss of flavor, color and texture. Blanching also cleanses the surface of dirt and organisms, brightens the color and helps retard loss of vitamins. Blanching also wilts or softens vegetables and makes...


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Making Shower Curtains
Sounds like a great idea, but where do I find a zipper long enough to fit across a shower curtain?


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Turning Water into Wine
Apparently none of you with your bad remarks have ever drank wine, beer or any other alcoholic beverage! You should research how this stuff is made to be sold in stores before downing someone for what has never made them sick.. jeeez! I learned in my studies...


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Pruning Spirea?
A neighbor of ours does it in early fall, when there is a slight nip in the air.


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Freezing Squash?
My husband and I wash & cut our squash, then you must blanch it for three to five minutes in boiling water (get the boil going first). We then lay it flat on a cookie sheet and put in freezer. After it freezes, I put it in bag I made with my Foodsaver sealer...


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Cleaning Fisherman's Hands
I just pour some salt in the palm of my hand, wet the other one and rub them together, then wash as usual. I also do this for onion smell too. Works every time for me.


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Make a Master Supply List for Camping
I have done this for 30+ years.


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Keeping Neighborhood Dogs and Cats Out of the Yard?
Try spreading lime along the perimeter of your yard, it deters snakes, it may work with neighbors pets, etc..


A card with a black and white photo of a man in a car.

Vintage Photo Father's Day Card
My Father was a photographer and he loved black and white photography and so do I! On my Facebook account I have an album of B&W pictures around the areas where I live and other places. Plus I have some framed on my walls as well. Theres just something that...


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Solar Lights For Emergency Lights
What a clever idea! Would have never thought that, gonna get some extras for the house tomorrow! Thanks!


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Getting Rid of Carpenter Bees?
They will bore their way back out and the female will sting. Its the female that drills in the wood, the males are the ones you usually seeing hovering around. They bored in our wooden screen door, we sprayed, then patched the hole, the bees drilled another...


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Can I Make Leave in Conditioner from Bottled Cream Rinse?
I fill a spray bottle with a small amount of conditioner and finish filling it with water. Been doing it years with no problems. Hope this helps.


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Carpenter Bees Damaging My Home?
My husband made 5 of these traps and our friends were trapped and gone in no time! Great investment!


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What is the Best Way to Clean Pet Hair from Wood Floors?
My husband bought me a Swiffer Vac and its the absolute best in getting pet hair off of hardwood floors! As it sucks up the hair it also has a pad that picks up the rest. Cant say enough good things about it.


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How Can I Keep Lizards Off of the Porch?
I have used moth balls in my yard and under my house for years to keep bugs and snakes away and I have not seen any lizards either, so maybe they work on them to. I also go around the line of my property and spread lime, snakes, I know, wont cross it, so that...


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Gas Smell on Clothing?
My husband drives a gas tanker, so I deal with this regularly. What I do is along with my regular detergent I add 20 Mule Team Borax, gets it out every time and in only one wash!


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Adult Child in a Toxic Relationship is Very Demanding of Time?
She is who she is and she is 32, so you cannot change her. Shes gotta wake up and see whats in her life, not just the toxic relationship, but that she is toxic to herself as well,


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Getting Rid of Rats?
We put moth balls under the house and any building we have on our property and scatter them around the yard. The outside buildings also get some put inside. It deters even snakes from getting into our yard, no more bugs or mice in the house!


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Where Can I Buy Red Curtain Rods?
I have a new kitchen and its done in Coca Cola red. What we couldnt find in red, we painted. I have a pretty red tall kitchen trash can, rods, etc.


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Use Metal Faucet To Remove Onion Odor
The most simple way to remove onion smell from your hands is something I learned from being in the food business for over 30 years and cutting up probably thousands of onions :). Put a small amount of salt into the palm of your hand then wet it slightly, and...


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Discoloration in a Fiberglass Bathtub?
My husband and I are moving into a new rental house and in the hall bathroom the tub was awful! It had years of some kind of black grime on it, looked like it had never been cleaned and the landlord thought hed have to get it rebathed. I told him I could get...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Substituting Evaporated Milk for Whole Milk in Recipes?
You can dilute it if you want, but I wouldnt, might make potatoes runny after you add butter. I used whole milk or canned milk, which ever I have on hand and use it full strength.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Homemade Carpet Cleaner for an Electric Shampooer?
When my husband knocked over a paint can on the carpet and got paint on it, I did what my former landlord did. When someone would move out of his rentals, he would put like one part Purple Power to 3 parts water in his shampooer to clean his carpets and it...


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Turn Microwave Plate and Turntable Into A Lazy Susan
I use mine as a cake plate. Years ago I found a cake cover, its an old metal one. Cakes fit on it very well and its great using something from the past to cover it in.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Keeping Mud Out of Gravel RV Pad?
Take up the gravel and save it. Buy the heavy duty black plastic that comes in rolls (sold at Walmart, etc. usually in the paint section). Cut and lay down the amount you need, then place your hosed down gravel on top of the plastic, problem solved.


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Stretching Fabric Softener
What I do is; I kept an empty large plastic bottle of pine cleaner or similar bottle. I put some fabric softener in the bottle, about a 1/4 cup, then finish filling it to the top with water and shake it up. Thats what I use for my softener. I have kept the...


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Peel and Stick Tiles Coming Off?
My husband has used these in homes and he puts adhesive on the floor anyway, so that dirt cant get down thru the edge of each tile that will eventually make the tile come up. Never had to do a repair of them due to doing this.


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Marked Down Meat?
This is from the usda on dating all foods.... Food Product Dating Sell by Feb 14 is a type of information you might find on a meat or poultry product. Are dates required on food products? Does it mean the product will be unsafe to use after that date? Here...


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Removing Odor From Clothing Left in Washer?
I use 20 Mule Team Borax, pine cleaner along with my regular detergent and run one full cycle. Then I rinse a second time with fabric softener, smells wonderful when it comes out of the dryer.


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Putting Crushed Charcoal Between Padding and New Flooring?
My question too. What exactly is it suppose to do?


Creative Sink Storage Ideas

Creative Sink Storage Ideas
Great idea, but I have dont have enough counter space, so I have to put mine in the cabinet under the sink. :(


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abc distributing/ltd commodities?
Actually, abc and ltd are separate, I have catalogs from both and have gotten them both for years. I like them and Lakeside Collections. I also get Vermont Country Store because it has lots of items from the past that arent sold in stores any longer.


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Make Paper Towels Serve Dual Purpose
Wiping a counter or anything after you have dried your hands with a paper towel could be cross contamination, especially during cold and flu season. You could have possibly only wet them with water or not cleaned them as you should by washing them with soap...


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Make Paper Towels Serve Dual Purpose
PS: Youd be much better off to use a mixture of vinegar & water in a spray bottle and use a fresh paper towel to clean your counters with during cold & flu season.


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Make Paper Towels Serve Dual Purpose
PS: Youd be much better off to use a mixture of water and vinegar in a spray bottle, along with a fresh paper towel and let dry on its own anytime and especially during cold and flu season.


Seal Plastic Bag to Make Air Tight
I got this in my email with a couple more pics and I think this is a great idea! Im gonna be using it for sure!


Personalize Your Bed Frame
I think you are a very crafty person, which is a good thing. I love it!


Personalize Your Bed Frame
At LANIEGIRL, You must not be into crafting. :) This is a great idea, especially for people that have a crafty mind, I see nothing wrong with it.


Personalize Your Bed Frame
@ DEELI. I am thrilled the hear that Laniegirl is a good crafter, however the post (did for me & poor but proud) come across in a negative way (just as my post to her did for you). Any crafter that does as Poor But Proud did, knows that was a clever idea. Also...


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Hair Conditioner for Shaving Your Legs
Ive done this for years! In fact I go a little further. When I shower, I put hair conditioner on me. I rub it all over my body then rinse my skin, my body is getting a moisture treatment.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Musty Smell on Clothing?
I add 20 Mule Team Borax laundry booster along with my regular detergent to my wash. My husband drives a gas hauler and I get the fuel smell out that gets in his uniforms, works every time!


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Paper Plate Alternative
In my opinion, it is still a used plate and Id have to wash it or at the least, rinse it.


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Buy Gas in the Morning
My husband drives a gas tanker for a living and has for quite a few years and he says this is not true! The gas remains the same in the ground just as it does in his tanker, does not get dense. Buying gas at a certain time of day thinking you can get more is...


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Calculating Child Support?
They absolutely will not use your income for support of your BFs child and dont let anyone tell you different! I have been there and done that, the judge told mine that because more money was brought into the household by me, it was his responsibility not mine...


Fry in a box.

Fry (Tabby)
What a sweetie pie! Reminds me of my Jarrett, who is also cream colored plus I have a very similar picture of him in this pose. :)


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Take Store Cleaning Wipe to Sanitize Car
Plain and simple, this is theft. The store provides these wipes for us to use to help us prevent illnesses and such. For someone to take them to do personal cleaning of their car is just not right and it is downright stealing! No different than stealing penny...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Homemade Snake Repellent?
Oh, but moth balls do work! I used them around the perimeter of my yard when I saw one and never saw another snake! You can also do the same with lime, it works just as good.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Homemade Snake Repellent?
PS: Moth balls also work to keep roaches, etc. out of your house. I go around the outside and throw a couple under the house through the vent or door to the crawl space and about two or three in the attic. Dont put out more than that, because you will be able...


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Tenant Landlord Disputes?
I dont see why you couldnt break your lease, consult a lawyer. What surprises me is that any one would even sign a lease like this in the first place. Not trying to be ugly, but when you read it why would you even consider going ahead with this rental, that...


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Securing Your Home from Burglars Without an Alarm System?
The windows in the house we rent has the barrel type slide locks on them. Someone drilled holes in the window frame to fit the rod part of the lock, then put the lock on as usual on the top front part of the window above the panes. The lock slides into the...


Boil Eggs With Potatoes for Salad
I have always boiled my egg with my potatoes for potato salad an have no problems at all and I have been cooking for quite a few years. 45, to be exact... LOL


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Hanging Wallpaper Temporarily?
I have soaked sheets that had a pattern that I liked on it in Argo starch. Hung it on the wall and smoothed it out. Time consuming to do a whole wall, but worth it. When you move all you do is spray it with water to loosen it and it comes down easily. After...


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Spray Paint to Update Car Carpeting
Spray paint! That makes no sense to me. How is it that the carpet doesnt get stiff?


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Grilling Salmon With Skin On?
We marinate out salmon in zesty french dressing for about one hour in a zip lock bag, then my husband grills them over direct heat, about 375 to 400 degrees F. He first sprays the grill with a non stick oil. Put meaty side down first for two minutes, flip the...


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Using Oil Diffusers?
I love them! We bought one at the Dollar Tree for dollar and it works great! Its in our bedroom and is still going strong even after three weeks. Buying a pricey one doesnt make it work any better than my $1.00 find either, in my opinion.


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Using Oil Diffusers?
PS: The scent drifts through my bedroom and out into the hallway as well.


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Using Lime to Keep Snakes Away?
I used it, but in the pellet form as thats all the store had and it worked wonders! I had seen a couple of snakes over the years of my former residence, after I put out the lime around the perimeter of my yard. No more snakes. I did this every year for 3 of...


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Using Reed Diffuser Air Fresheners?
I love them! My husband said lets try one when we saw it a the Dollar Tree. The vanilla is what we got and it really makes our rooms smell so good!


Reuse Salt Pour Spout With a Canning Jar

Reuse Salt Pour Spout With Canning Jars
Awesome idea! When I get some empty boxes, this idea will be used in our camper!


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Old Photo Stuck To Glass In Frame?
If you want to save the photograph, the best thing to do is go to a photo lab and see if it can be done safely.


Mouse pad with woodland stream photo.

Homemade Mouse Pads
Both ideas are great!


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Limit Indoor Appliance Use In Summer
I started doing this, this summer. My husband bought me a convection/toaster oven. So when its really hot, I take my oven, large electric fry pan and/or my deep fryer to my back porch and cook. My husband set up my card table out there and then cut a piece...


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Spray Wrinkle Releaser Recipe
Ive done this for several years. Just put about 1/4 cup of any brand of softener in a large bottle (I use an old wrinkle release spray bottle) and fill with cool water. I just lightly spray it, rub my hand down the item or give it a few shakes and the wrinkles...


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Reserving an RV Spot for a Travel Trailer?
We just give the length of our RV and have plenty of room for the RV and the truck (if we chose to, we could even leave the truck hooked up to the hitch) at any campground weve been to.


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Place Line Dried Clothes In The Dryer To Soften Up
While the dryer, even five minutes, is fluffing, go look at how fast your meter is running...


In Memory of Skooter (Cat)
Im sorry for all of you that have lost your pet family member. I have Jarrett, my cream colored American longhair cat. I got him when he was 6 weeks old and he is now 7. I was divorced for a lot of years and Jarrett was my best buddy and even though I have...


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Freezing Squash?
For freezing, I just cut it in slices, lay it on baking sheets, cover it with foil and let it freeze. After frozen, I put it in zip lock freezer bags. No blanching needed!


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Homemade Spot Remover?
You cannot beat original Dawn dish detergent, better than any degreaser Ive ever tried.


Completed paper coffee cup.

Father's Day Paper Coffee Cup
I agree, dont quite understand this one. This cannot be used as a real coffee cup. Maybe you could place tiny hearts inside to give Dad a cup of love.


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Safe Alternative to Chemical Hair Dye?
In September, I will be 60. I have colored my hair since I was 17 and i have never had cancer! If it did, Id been long gone for years! Its not true!


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Safe Alternative to Chemical Hair Dye?
PS: The brands of hair color, as with EVERYTHING, that works for one may not work for someone else. I have used Loreal, Nice & Easy and Clariol. I continue with Loreal simply because it has the color I want.


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Suggestions for Healthy Weight Loss?
Hi Sheila, this is Sheila from the USA. I am a Dietary Manager and the only way to lose is using Behavior Modification! Push back from the table when you feel full, drink an 8oz. glass of water 30 minutes before your meals (itll help make you feel full), eat...


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How Do I Keep My Hair Color from Fading?
Yes, the frequent shampooing is one thing that contributes to red color fading, another is using a dandruff shampoo. I color mine light auburn using Loreal and I use color safe shampoo and conditioners of any brand and mine looks fine until my touch up is due...


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Can I Freeze Potatoes?
I slice raw potatoes into french fries, lay them in a single layer on a baking sheet, freeze them, then place them in a zip lock freezer bag. Makes great fries!


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Product Review: The Diet Solution Program
This is on the FDA website, so this claim that it hasnt been approved is somewhat not accurate. Has Stevia been approved by FDA to be used as a sweetener? Based on its review of information and data submitted by industry, FDA has concluded there is no basis...


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Product Review: The Diet Solution Program
Everyone cannot take, eat, drink or whatever, the same thing. Everyone has different or NO side effects with the same products! What doesnt work for one might work someone else. As for your diet, the ONLY thing you need to know is when to STOP eating! Its called...


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Remedy for Hysterectomy Induced Sweats and Weight Gain?
I used Black Cohosh Root too. I call it the real chill pill. :-) It said take it 3 times a day, however, since my hot flashes werent bad, I only took it when I was having the one and it helped cool me down right away.


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Repairing a Water Damage to a Camp Trailer?
My husband used to build campers for a travel trailer builder, this is what he said to do. The vents on top will have to be completely removed before you start. Start tearing the ceiling out from the inside, remove the insulation. That way you can see what...


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Collage Pictures Peeling off Old Dresser?
I would just get a piece of glass or plexiglass cut to size at Lowes or Home Depot. Make sure the edges are beveled so they are smooth and lay it on top of the dresser and maybe you could seal the edges with clear silicone.


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How Can I Keep My Cat in My Yard?
OMG! I cannot believe youd even think about doing such a thing just because that baby might get in a neighbors yard, especially if neither of you know for sure! Why dont you just comply with the law or find it a loving home? For cat/animal lovers like me, my...


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Can I Use Citronella Candles in Food Warmers?
The smell that would be coming up from the pan wouldnt do much for a persons appetite. I cant stand the smell and dont like to think that it is going in my lungs, so I do not use citronella at all. You should just use Sterno, theyre made for warming pans.


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Can I Use Citronella Candles in Food Warmers?
PS: Why would it harm the diagestive system, you wouldnt be eating it. :-), as I said before, breathing it that close cannot be good for your lungs.


Big Bird (Sulphur Crested Cockatoo)

Big Bird (Sulphur Crested Cockatoo)
What a beautiful baby you have! I wish that people who abuse animals such be punished heavily! Theres NO excuse for treating something God gave breath and a heartbeat too! He is very lucky to have you. Good job and a big high 5!



Scenery: Tybee Island Lighthouse At Sunset (GA)
Very nice! My husband & I were there the weekend of May 14, 2010 for the wedding of his best friend on the beach. My first trip to Tybee and it was awesome!


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Grinding Meat?
I grind my own burger. I use the leanest meats and dont add fat, why add something you dont need, (I cook for my husband, who had a heart bypass 4 years ago). I find what is in the meat is enough. Dont add seasoning till I use it, I only season ground pork...


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Keeping Mice Out of My House?
Moth balls! We throw them under the house, just enough that they dont smell inside the house and must be done about once a month. We also throw them around the footing of the outside of the house. Moth balls also deters snakes, bugs, ants and such. My husband...


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