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Information and Value of Homer Laughlin Dinnerware - white with gold trim

Information and Value of Homer Laughlin Dinnerware?
Currently not worth more than a couple of dollars for this pattern. But, the HL prices change every so often. I collect some, and am surprised at how the prices can fluctuate every 10 years or so.


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Duck Laying Eggs But Not Sitting on Them?
She will sit on her own after the last egg of her clutch is laid. Dont interfer with the process or move the eggs--it will only confuse her and may make her not sit at all. But, they dont sit until after the last one is laid--sometimes its 2 weeks or more, depending...


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Using a Cake Mix That's Expired?
How old is it? I have used them past the date before and they were fine. It is all dry ingredents so that is in your favor. I would probably try to use as it is.


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Ridding Mattress of Mothball Smell?
Try putting some straight vinegar in a spray/mist bottle and spray the mattress and box springs well with it (on all sides). You may also want to invest in a plastic mattress pillow (like ama tress pad, but it also covers the bottom of the mattress as well...


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Making Lasagna for a Crowd?
Are you dishing this out, or are the 150 people each dishing out their own? If they dish out their own, you will want a little extra, as there are some who eat very large servings (especially teen boys if there are any)


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Electric Blanket Control Error Codes?
Try unplugging it for several hours and then plug back in. My mattress pad heater does this once in awhile. Unplugging it resets it. Also check your cords to ensure plugged into the blanket well.


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Gas Smell in Bathrooms?
You can also get the same smell from a sewer system. When I lived in the city, the sewer dept would sewer jet out the manhole on my street every Tues. It would suck the water out of the traps and I had to run water in the sinks for about 3 minutes, and also...


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Shower Curtain Made from Fabric Scraps?
Can you do it like a quilt? And then line it? It wouldnt need batting as that would gather moisture and weigh too much.


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6 Week Old Abandoned Kitten Still Tries to Suckle?
She will want to suck--she isnt old enough to be weaned yet. She will eventually wean off the bottle. Our vet doesnt want kittens on food until closer to 10 weeks


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Ammonia To Whiten Clothes
Ammonia and vinegar should NOT be mixed. My husband is a chemist and I am a fire fighter/EMT.....toxic fumes could result and some synthetic fabrics or materials could be damaged as a result.


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Using Systane Eye Drops on a Dog?
Yes, our vet has told us to use it before.



Value of Bone China - bottom of plate with info

Value of Bone China?
Some finer jewelry stores offer china appraisals, as do some upscale auction houses.


A picture of little black bugs.

Little Black Bugs Could Be Scabies
Many times they are so small that they cant be seen. They burrow under the skin to lay their eggs and that results in a rash, that sometimes looks like little pimples. You are correct in that it takes a prescription usually to get rid of them. We dispense a...


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Kenmore Washer Fills but Won't Wash?
Is this a front loader or top loader? Did you clean the black stuff out and try again? If a front loader, is it balanced?


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Removing Mold Smell From Mobile Home and Clothing?
Mold can and will grow in between your walls and under the carpet if the walls and floor have gotten wet. You may have to remove a section of carpet or some of the drywall to check it out.


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After Washing and Drying Jacket, Lining is Lumpy?
If it has a quilted lining, it could be a defect. The proper way to sew such a garment is to tack the lining down. But, if it wasnt tacked down, the lining could have slipped out of place and bunched up. Ive had it happen before.


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My Staffy is Losing His Hair?
What is a staffy???


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Cleaning Nicotine Off a Metal and Glass Lamp Shade?
Use dawn dish soap with a plastic scrubber. Vinegar could discolor the metal, depending on what type it is.


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Removing Rotten Fruit Odor from Wooden Bowl?
I would try baking soda or the powders that are made to sprinkle on carpets.


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Can I Soak an Embroidered Pillow Case in White Vinegar?
YES. Vinegar also helps set the dye. I learned this from a home ec sewing teacher. Before we did our sewing project, she had us wash our fabric in COLD water and put vinegar in the COLD rinse water. Ive also used it to wash new bright colored clothes in to...


1940s Gas Cook Stove

Ideas for 1940's Kitchen Curtains and Rug?
Sandi, Thanks for the pictures. A few I had already seen, but there were several in there I had not seen as well. Keep the ideas coming!!


Cooking Frozen Chicken Breasts - bag of sliced chicken breasts

Cooking Frozen Chicken Breasts?
Bake at 325-350 for about 30 minutes, then turn and bake until done. How are you planning on serving these? BBQ or with a coating or baked plain?? Skinned or skinless? All that counts into how long you cook it.


Using Coffee to Revive a Christmas Cactus - frozen cactus

Using Coffee to Revive a Christmas Cactus?
I would think that with the creamer in it, it will draw gnats. Years ago a co-worker used to water her plant with coffee and it thrived. She started using cream, and in came the gnats.



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Repainting a Metal Bird Feeder?
Yes, it is-the rustoleum for metal.


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Finding Patterns for Making PVC Birds?
there is a cd fo patterns on ebay, and also here-


Repairing a Broken Leather Purse Strap - broken strap

Repairing a Broken Leather Purse Strap?
Take it to a shoe repairman, or a leather shop or an Amish harness maker. All would charge under $10 to fis it in my area.


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Moisture Problems in Bedroom?
Check where your pipes are. If the roof is above this room, get into the attic and look around to see if you can track a leak. I leak could be in the roof elsewhere, but running along a beam or board and then dropping over the area of your room. Is there a...


An old metal plow.

Is This A Plow?
I dont believe it is a plow. My husband thinks its just a portion of something else. We have several old plows and it looks nothing like any of them.


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Cat Suckling on Owner?
It sounds like she was weaned too soon. Try distracting her, playing with her or offering her some water to drink.


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Pitbull Boxer Mix Won't Eat?
If it were my dog, I would talk to my vet or an dog trainer. If he is eating your childs and the cats food, he may not be hungry when his food is down. I would not even allow him to be in the same room as my child at eating time to avoid food aggression issues...


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Euthanasia for Cats in Fresno, CA?
Your local animal control office may be able to provide you with some names and numbers.


A television with a film on it.

Removing Vapor Film?
You can try using a mixture of vinegar and water on a soft clean rag or alcohol. The vapor film will also collect in your duct work and your lungs. The base used in vaping is glycerin which is like an oil. See this site for more info. https://thedesignerseye...


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How to Fix My Perm?
Go back to where you had it done.


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Dealing with Assassin Bugs?
If you are using sprays or foggers inside, please make sure the home is not over crowed. This gives the bugs places to hide if the home is full. The are attracted to light, so make sure your screens on your windows are good and tight. They like daisies and...



A plastic Ken doll with a broken neck.

Repairing A Ken Doll?
If you want it to retain any sort of value (usually it needs to be in great condition and you still need the box) then take it to a doll doctor. Otherwise, use a glue. I am a fan of gorilla glue and super glue.


A young dog on a carpet.

What Breed of Husky?
We have about 6 vets in our family. All of them have always said the only way to know a breed for 100% is to do a DNA test on the dog.


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Potato Gratin Question?
You have to have a liquid. If you are watching calories, you can use milk or skim milk and skip the cream.


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Help Finding Long Lost Sister?
You could try ancestry DNA, but that would only work if she was actually his daughter and she or part of her family have tested with Ancestry and you also test.


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Should She Stay or Go?
She is using you for a free ride. Let her go.


A small dog asleep on a bed.

Is My Dog a Pitbull?
Only a DNA test can tell you the breed for sure. Contact your vet or a vet school for pricing. DNA tests at vet schools are less expensive, as usually you only pay for the test, and not the vet fee.


A Mersman table with an upper shelf.

Information About Mersman Table?
Are there any other markings? I have a catalog, but this number doesnt appear in it.


A small bug on a carpeted surface.

Help Identify This Bug!
As a medic, teacher and foster parent, I have had many many classes on bed bugs. This is NOT a bed bug.


A cedar chest by Lane.

Lane Hope Chest?
My husband is an auctioneer, and well versed in studying furniture and antiques. This is from 1953. At auction, without the tray in our area, it would probably go from $200-$400. Depends on the audience and how bad they want it. Remember on ebay, craigslist...


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Fake Nails Are Burning After Removal?
One of my daughters had a similar issue and the emergency room had her soak her nails in cold milk, and take benadryl.


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Back Panel of Gas Dryer?
No. That back panel acts as a fire wall. It needs to stay on.


Insect eggs on a window.

Insect Eggs?
That is a mud dauber. We get them in the barn here at the farm.


A tongue with a piercing.

Do Tongue Rings Leak?
The mouth is one of the worse places to get a piercing. The mouth naturally contains strep to a certain degree. It can easily enter the blood stream thru a mouth piercing. Go to the doctor as soon as possible.


Hand holding a home name disinfectant wipe

Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes
Great idea, except in our area, we can not get cleaning agents, bleach or vinegar--its all sold out. We cant even get paper towels because people bought it when they could not get TP....


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Eligibility for Social Security Benefits Without Child Support Order?
You will need to ask this to SS. However, most likely his name will need to be on their birth certificates.


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Eligibility for Social Security Benefits Without Child Support Order?
However, just because he retires doesnt mean the kids should get SS.


Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs - black and white Borzoi

Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?
Dogs are similar to people. It could have been anything and you may never find out the cause. I am sorry he died, I am sure you have lots of good memories.


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Repairing the Finish on Water Soaked Table Legs?
Do the legs come off? If so, take one off and take it to any store that sells varnish or stain. Then you can match it to a repair pen, which is made to cover scratches or worn places. You can also sometimes cover the area with a crayon of the same color as...


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Troubleshooting Electrical Circuits?
You may have faulty wiring. Have you tested the outlets and switches with a meter?


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My Daughter Missed Mass on Holy Thursday?
Each church is different. I would suggest asking your priest, or, if she is younger, her youth leader.


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Blades Won't Engage on Riding Mower?
This can happen if your mower belt is stretched or broken. Is your belt spinning?


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Growing Rose Bushes from Cuttings?
I root mine in willow water or by using rooting hormone. I have never tried the potato method.


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Looking for Comfrey Seeds?
ebay or see if your local commercial greenhouse can order them for you. Our local commercial greenhouse will do custom orders for items they do not carry.


White Spot on Avocado Seed Growing in Water

White Spot on Avocado Seed Growing in Water?
Most likely it is fungus or salt from the water. It is time to plant it.


Insects Tearing Pothos Leaves - row of holes in leaf

Insects Tearing Pothos Leaves?
It is spider mites. Wash it with a mild dawn soap/water solution. Rinse well, and change the soil. Move it to a different location so if the spider mites where in that area, they wont move back. Clean the pot well, with dawn and a dab of bleach in the water...


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Puppy in Heat Not Peeing or Pooping?
For a day or so, its normal. Beyond that, contact the vet. Make sure she does have access to plenty of water.


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Removing Burned on Spaghetti Sauce?
If it is stainless, scrub it with steel wool pad. If not boil in water with a fabric softener sheet.


Foodsaver Not Working Properly - vacuum bag

Foodsaver Not Working Properly?
If you just bought it, I would take it back to the store and exchange it.


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Best Way to Cook Dried Beans?
I always soak mine overnight first, and never have a problem. When I do cook them, its in the crockpot.


Value of Collier's Encyclopedias - stack of red and black bound volumes

Value of Collier's Encyclopedias?
My husband auctions part time. They throw encyclopedias out all the time because no one wants them, for no value. Sometimes crafters buy them for a few cents, to make crafts with.


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Roof Repair Assistance for Low Income Homeowner in Jamaica?
I would start by checking with various churches, especially those that have American missionaries who come to visit.


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Natural Remedy for Fire Ants?
Gross, but dumping a spit bottle from someone who chews tobacco will kill them. My husband was a chemical engineer for 30 years and many commercial products contain extracts from nicotine...


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Child Getting Support and Social Security from Father and Stepfather?
Talk to an attorney and SS. But SS has nothing to do with child support. You can get child support even from a step parent, and you can get SS from a step parent. You just can NOT get SS from both a parent and step parent at the same time. A judge can order...


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Dishes Smell Fishy Out of the Dishwasher?
Also clean out your garbage disposal. Smell can travel back through the dishwasher.


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Electric Stove Burners Not Working?
Either you have a fuse burned out OR you have the type of burners that plug and unplug. If they are the type that pull out, replace them. It would help if you could show us a photo of your stove top.


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Dog Started Peeing in the House?
She is smelling the other dog and marking her territory. It is her way of letting the other dog know thats her area and she is in charge.


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Removing Dye Transfers from Dried Clothing?
I use Carbona Color Run Remover. If your store doesnt have it, Amazon usually does.


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Ginger Cookies Too Cake Like?
Sounds to me like maybe not enough flour? My cookies are soft, not quite cake like, but close to it. They are not a hard crunchy cookie. Are you in a high or low altitude?


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Incubating a Duck Egg?
Most likely not, and you would need either a duck hen or an incubator. A light or lamp wont do it. We have raised chickens and ducks for years on our farm.


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Removing Smoke Smell from Clothes after a House Fire?
After our house fire, we washed everything, being sure to follow up with a second washing using vinegar instead of laundry soap. Do not use the dryer. Instead, hang to dry in outside fresh air. Somethings we had to do several times before the smell was gone...


Identifying a Small Black Biting Bug - red bite marks on arm

Identifying a Small Black Biting Bug?
It looks like bedbug bites. You can get bedbugs anywhere. Lately, they were in the Kansas City Airport, and one terminal had to be closed down and cleaned due to it. Before that, one of the movie theaters had them in the seats. I have also heard of them in...


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Real Estate Business Slogan Ideas?
It would be easier to answer this if we knew what your business does. Do you remodel? Buy houses and flip them??


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Qualifying for Medi-Cal?
Only Med Cal can answer that.


Is My Pit Bull Pure Bred?

Is My Pit Bull Pure Bred?
The only way to tell for sure is to have a vet do a DNA test. You cant tell just by looking.


Puppy Peeing Inside After Adopting a New Dog

Puppy Peeing Inside After Adopting a New Dog?
Crate her. As soon as you find where she has gone, take her to the spot and then scold and crate.


Finch Not Sitting on Eggs

Finch Not Sitting on Eggs?
They sont start sitting until they have laid the last egg. Some refuse to make a nest. I would not be touching the eggs or making her nest, as the mother may then reject them.


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Lawn Mower Won't Start?
Is it fresh gas from this year? Or is it the gas that was left in it from last year? If last years fuel, try fresh fuel.


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Removing Bubbles from Sealant on Painted Countertops?
I would sand with a fine grain sandpaper or fine steel wool and reapply the sealant. Stay with it as it dries to prevent it from doing it again. You should not need to restain it.


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Buying Dented Canned Foods?
If we knew where you were located, we could probably better answer your question--are you in the US, and if so, what state?


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Repairing a Leaking Garbage Disposal?
Husband says try to replace the plug. Also says to remember, that garbage disposals are a mixture of water and electricity. So, if that doesnt work, call a plumber or replace the entire unit.


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Battery Keeps Draining on Craftsman LT1000?
On our tools that run off of battery power, we disconnect the battery after each use. It prevents this from happening as well as preventing possible conrousion damage to the tool.


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Removing Soap Scum on Glass Shower Doors?
I spray mine down with vinegar in a mister bottle after every shower. The mist bottle stays in the shower, and I spray the shower door right before I get out of the shower.


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Training a Husky German Shepherd Puppy?
If it were my dog, I would head to the library and find a video or book on training them. Different breeds can respond differently.


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Animal Stole a Blueberry Plant from a Pot?
Probably not a squirrel, but it could have been another animal. If it was a small plant, they may have taken it for nesting material. Most likely, if they are in your area, a deer is the thief. I have had deer take newly planted grape vines.


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Keeping an Old Cat from Constantly Scratching Her Ear?
I would start with a new vet. Have you tried putting her in socks so she cant claw at it? Also, you could pad the inside of the cone with moleskin.


Financial Help to Remove Black Mold and Repair Walls - mold inside bathroom walls

Financial Help to Remove Black Mold and Repair Walls?
I would start with Habitat for Humanity or your local churches.


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Collecting Back Child Support if Father is Deceased?
Being an adult, no nothing can be claimed at this point. But you can call SS in case there is more to the story we are not aware of. It would need to be a child or spouse to call, due to privacy issues, and they will need his SS number.


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Asking My Mum about Waxing My Legs?
If you are 17, why not just do it yourself? Is she really going to notice your legs? (In my state in the USA, that is considered an adult). Or, tell her your are thinking of it and what is her opinion? My daughters started shaving when they felt they needed...


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Growing Crepe Myrtle Shrubs from Cuttings?
Start using cuttings 3-5 inches with rooting hormone. It may be next year before they are ready for the yard though.


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Puppy Played with a Dog that Died of Parvo?
Take it to the vet asap. And, since it has been playing with the cat, you have also exposed the cat as well, so take the cat to the vet too. Any animal exposed needs vet care. When exposed they need to be isolated and you need to practice good handwashing so...


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Buying Cheap Furniture to Refinish?
Thrift stores, craigslist, facebook swap shops are great places to find it. Also, if you are near a college town, go dumpster diving. A lot of students who are moving just leave stuff by the dumpsters.


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Removing Gasoline Smell from Carpet?
I got it out of our farm truck upholstery by using the carpet shampooer with a small amount of dawn and oxyclean.


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14th Co-ed Birthday Ideas?
At this age, my kids loved pool parties and a cookout.


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Removing Floor Wax Buildup on a Wood Hutch?
Have you tried using a fine steel wool to sand it off? I have an old church pew that had the same issue. In one area it had a chuck of it 1/4 inch thick stuck. I used a fine steel wool. Then, sanded the area and then refinished it.


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