
Louise B.

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6 Posts | 2,615 Comments | Active Since 2007
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How To Kill Mold?
Just a point, dont mix the bleach with the vinegar. Use one or the other. Bleach will kill mold more effectively as it is used for that purpose. That is why we have chlorine in the water, to kill micro-organisms. It might be a good idea to paint over it with...


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Vinegar and Dish Soap Not Working for Gnats?
Fruit flies can also reproduce in pop cans or drink boxes, such as in a recycle bin, or even in a dirty garbage can, if there was juice spilled in there. I think that you must try to figure out where they are coming from and get rid of their habitat. It is...


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Stinging Foot Pain After Back Surgery?
Go back to your doctor, and see if they can explain &/or treat your problem. Other things to try -- a chiropractor, a reflexologist, a massage therapist, possibly try acupuncture. I have no experience with such pain, but these health practitioners offer non...


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Bedroom Feels Damp?
Get a dehumidifier.


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Adult Daughter Does Not Give Mother Gifts?
I think she is just careless and lazy. I have three sons, and the oldest sometimes takes a notion to not celebrate Christmas or something. At other times, he gives thoughtful gifts, and I expect your daughter might do so as well if she tried. I would stop giving...


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Dishwasher Leaving Streaks and Spots on Plastic Storage Containers?
I too recommend the use of vinegar. I now have soft water, but when I had hard water, I would put about a cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle. You may want to experiment with other detergents. I use Calgon, but different brands work better than others in certain...


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Oven Burns the Bottom of Baked Goods?
It may also be that you are filling the oven too full and /or not preheating your oven. If you dont preheat, you get too much heat from the bottom burner, which is on, and there is no hot air above cooking the baked goods. Also if you fill the oven too full...


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Eyeglass Lens Have a Milky Discoloration?
I had eyeglasses for decades and have never heard of this, but I think that the previous posters might be on to something. It must be the coating. Take them back to the place where you got them and inquire.


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Cooking Oil Without Soy?
Canola oil is a good oil, and here in Canada, the plants that press the canola oil make nothing else -- except other canola products, such as margarine. Canola is much better than olive oil for high temp frying, such as deep frying or stirfrying.


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Dilute Full Fat Milk Instead of Buying Skim
Im sorry, I dont think this is a good idea. Skim milk may look watery, but it is all milk. It merely has the butterfat - the cream - removed. If you had non-homogenized milk, you would see the cream rise to the top, and you could skim it off - hence the name...


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Can't Close Lips Completely With New Dentures?
I dont know anything about dentures, but I suspect that yours are not fitting properly. Perhaps you need to consult another dentist, or push your own dentist for an explanation of this poor fit.


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Removing Garlic Smell From Jar Lid?
Try putting some baking soda, dry or slightly dampened, into the lid and letting it sit for a week or so. Baking soda is a good deodorizer, and the opposite of the acidic things you have been trying, so it might do the trick for this. If this, or the other...



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Spilled Bleach on Laminate Flooring?
I would suspect that you have done all that can be done, and hopefully, if you acted quickly, it will have been enough. I would agree that you should try the manufacturers website to see if they have additional advice. If the flooring does not discolour, than...


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Dishwashing Powder That Won't Etch Glass?
I use a variety of dishwashing detergents, mostly Calgon because it seems to work well in the water that I have, which is softened. I wonder if it is a water problem rather than a detergent problem. I also have a couple of old glasses that look etched, but...


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Hard Water Stains in Plastic Water Jug?
The reason your first attempt didnt work is that baking soda and vinegar together neutralize each other, and create salt water and carbon dioxide. Use vinegar by itself, and if there are a lot of these stains, dont dilute it. Let the vinegar sit in the bottle...


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How Soon Can I Use the Tub After Cleaning?
I agree with Deeli. You need to make sure that you have rinsed the tub well. You could add about a 1/2 cup or 1 cup of baking soda to the rinse water as this will neutralize the acid. I am not familiar with this product, but baking soda will neutralize it, and...


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Turning Off the Water Heater to Save Money?
I dont know about the rest of the world, but the whole pipe freezing issue is a non-issue, if you are talking about plumbing in Canada. If the water froze in the hot water pipes, it would freeze in the cold water pipes. The only time you have to worry about...


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Coffee is Making Me Sick?
I am a coffee drinker, but several years ago, I had to quit anything with caffeine -- tea was worse than coffee, the General Foods International Coffees the worst of all, Coke not so bad. I switched to decaf and herbal teas for several years, and, gradually...


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Cat Is Dragging Laundry Around House?
Our cats like to sleep in my sons dirty laundry basket. I think maybe they just like the scent of the clothes. Dogs like all sorts of stinky things, so it could be the same with the cats.


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Getting Rid of Invisible Biting Bugs?
Try a different doctor. Also, you might consider that although they look like bug bites, they might be some kind of allergy. Does your child get these bites if she sleeps somewhere other than her own bed? Have you tried washing her sheets and pajamas in something...


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Gap Between Upper Denture and Roof of Mouth?
No, there should not be a gap. As well, the denturist told my mother that the bones and gums would shrink for at least year after the first extraction of teeth, so a reputable one will be expecting to make adjustments and should have discussed this with you...


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Cat Won't Stop Meowing in Car?
My cat hates car rides, no matter how short. He will start bleating plaintively before the car even moves. However, I have found that he doesnt cry if he is sitting on my sons lap. I dont think this is as safe as in his carrier, but it did keep him quiet. We...


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Value of National Geographic Magazines?
You should see if you can give them to some organization that does crafts or projects, like Scouts, a Sunday School, art teachers. An elementary school might take them to cut up for projects as the pictures are lovely.


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Removing a Blue Green Stain in the Shower?
The bluegreen color is not lime (that is white); it is likely copper, but the copper may have stained the lime deposit. I suspect that you can remove this with vinegar or CLR. I have some stains like this from a dripping tap. You may have a bit of a drip from...



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Vicks Vapor Rub for Minor Burns
I hate to disagree, but I believe that the preferred treatment for any burn, and especially minor burns, is to put nothing on it.


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Cleaning White Bathroom Tiles That Have Yellowed?
Ceramic tile will not turn yellow, so you must have soap scum and/or hard water lime deposits. To remove those, you can start with vinegar, which is not as strong an acid as muratic, and may do the trick. Spray it on full strength and leave for a few minutes...


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Dishwasher Leaves Food Stuck on Plates?
Of course you dont have stuck on food if you rinse the dishes before putting them in, but then you might just as well wash them by hand. I never rinse mine -- never -- and a good dishwasher doesnt need it done. You may need to try different detergents. Different...


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Slugs In My Bedroom Carpet?
Sandi, a bin is a garbage can, although I surely dont know why there would be beets in it. I suppose it could be some sort of storage place as well, but I doubt it. Anyway, to answer the question regarding slugs, I think a thorough cleaning of the bin and the...


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Saving Leftover Unmixed Hair Dye?
The product that I use says that you can do that, as long as you dont mix the products together. Once you mix them, you have to use them up or toss them. Read the package insert, and it will likely give you details.


House on stilts.

Ants Climbing Up Posts Into the House?
I am wondering if you could do something like coat the sticky side of wide tape, like duct tape, or any really tough sticky tape, with the ant powder that you have found effective, and then staple or tack the tape to top of the posts. At the top, it would be...


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Cleaning Hard Water Spots Off Of Crystal?
If you are washing these in the dishwasher, you could try a cup or so of vinegar in the last rince. I used to do this when I lived in a town with hard water and I had no water softer. It also prevented a film on dark china like the brown teapot. You could give...


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Cats Under a Mobile Home?
NO MOTH BALLS. It doesnt actually work for cats, and the mothball smell is far worse and actually more dangerous for you than the cat smell. When I had a similar problem, I had an aggressive mother cat that had access to the crawlspace, and she would keep the...


1940s Gas Cook Stove

Ideas for 1940's Kitchen Curtains and Rug?
What about a nice gingham check? I think that would look very nice. Another type of curtain that I remember in my grandmothers house were white lace, although I am not sure if she would have used those in the kitchen. However, if you have windows that are dining...


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Cleaning Mold from Teflon Pots?
I dont think you need to throw them out. Wash them well in hot water and dish soap. A little bleach in the water or in the rinse water wouldnt hurt, as bleach kills mold. If you have a dishwasher, I would just run them through a cycle, but if you dont, washing...


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Value of Johann Haviland China?
Im sure that is worth something, but you have to find the right market for it. Look on eBay as well, to see if such things are sold their. You could also check with local antique shops.


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Protecting a Cast Iron Stove from Rust?
If you put it outside, it will rust. If you do not want it and do not have room for it, sell it before it gets ruined.



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Is a Moldy Towel Safe to Use?
If this is a colored towel, dont bleach it. This will remove or change the color. If there are still mildew stains in it, you may not care, in which case, go for it. If you are worried about it, you can boil it in a large pot for 10 minutes or so. No soap. Just...


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Black Stains on Ceiling?
I have mildew growth in my bathroom that I periodically remove with bleach. Are your black stains something like that? Which room are they in? Mine look like greyish dots, or like the stipple has discolored. I have not tried repainting after bleaching, which...


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Laundered Towels Smell Like Cat Urine When Used?
I would recommend using baking soda in the wash water. It also is a good odor remover. Use about a cup per load. I find it works better than the vinegar. Ammonia also works even better, but it will slightly alter the color of your towels. If you have new dark...


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Correspondence Etiquette?
I think that the person who is signing the note should put his or her name first. But really, I dont think it matters these days.


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Smelly New Athletic Shoes?
Contact the store and see what they suggest. Take the actual shoes and let them smell them. If they help you out, good. If they dont, you will at least know not to ever shop there again. I agree with Lilac that they should have been returned immediately before...


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Why is My Dishwasher Leaving a Dirty Gritty Residue?
I suspect that there is a filter that needs cleaning or that the spray arms are plugged with gunk. Try running an empty load with about a cup of vinegar in the rinse. Wouldnt hurt to add some to the wash cycle too. Some people like to run the dishwasher with...


How Much Shrinkage Can Occur in 100% Cotton Jeans?
I think drying them in the dryer causes the most shrinkage, but I certainly cant be bothered line drying my jeans. They are plenty long enough to allow for some shrinkage. I would do what Beth suggests, wash them first, a couple of times, and then see if they...


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Pancakes Keep Coming Out Flat?
I want to reaffirm the message about only flipping ONCE, and not patting down the pancake. You flatten them down when you pat them. And it is important that your griddle be hot. The bubbles should start coming to the surface of the pancake fairly quickly.


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Creating an Office Fund?
I worked in a school, and we collected $20 at the beginning of the year. We had only about 15 employees, so it was much simpler. I would collect once a year, if possible. Is $1 per person going to be enough, even with 200 employees? I would make it at least...


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Warning: Old Aerosols Can Leak
What sort of product was in the can that leaked or popped on its own?


Identifying a Raccoon or Ferret Stuffed Toy?

Identifying a Raccoon or Ferret Stuffed Toy?
I agree that he is a raccoon. He has the ring tail and the black mask.


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Removing Acrylic Paint from Clothing?
I am an acrylic painting, and I think you are hooped. Sorry. You can certainly try the methods the others have suggested, but if the paint is dry, I dont think you will be successful. I have had limited success with picking it off or trying to scrape at it...


Masking Tape and Shoe Polish Vase  - faux shreds and flowers in the vase

Masking Tape and Shoe Polish Vase
This is a great craft and works really well with little kids. I did it with a class of gr 2s. They covered fancy shaped bottles for fathers day. Another year we covered frozen juice cans for pencil holders for fathers day.


Masking Tape and Shoe Polish Vase  - faux shreds and flowers in the vase

Masking Tape and Shoe Polish Vase
I just read your directions. We did not cover the tape with Modpog, just left it as is. It wears just fine without. The bottle my son, now 34, made when he was 7, and gifted to his great grandfather, is still fine. It has faded a bit over the years. You can...


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Intermittent Power Issue With No Tripped Breakers?
First recheck your breakers, then call the power company. If those are not the issues, call an electrician. Power issues are nothing to fool around with. It could be faulty wiring that could set fire to your house.


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Identifying Dust Mites?
I suspect that what you see in the air is just dust. I think dust mites are invisible to the naked eye, and I dont believe they bite or anything. They live in sheets and bedding, and are pretty harmless. Mysterious bites can sometimes be scabies. Most doctors...


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Electric Lights and Fan Turning Off and On?
If you are asking advice here, I trust you are not an electrician. You should call one. It is worth the price of the call. It may not take the electrician long to fix this, but you might think of other things you need to have him do at the same time -- more...


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GE Washer Won't Stop Agitating?
What you really need is a washer repair person to make a housecall. However, sometimes they are pretty hard to find. if you have someone who is mechanically inclined, it might be fixable if you google the problem. Lots of these things are on YouTube. However...


A colorful beaded necklace.

Identifying a Beaded Necklace?
Id guess it is a newer piece. I have tons of jewellery from all eras, and this doesnt look 70s or 80s to me. However, thats just my opinion. I wonder if it is a piece from one of the upscale jewellery makers that used to have home parties. They had good quality...


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Troubleshooting Electrical Circuit Problems?
I agree with the other poster. Call someone to deal with this problem. I am sure that people like electricians and plumbers will have seen all sorts of homes, and yours is not likely going to faze them at all. This is a safety issue for you.


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Getting Rid of Invisible Biting Bugs?
Do they bother everyone who is in those places, or just you? If it is only you, perhaps you have an allergy to something. If it is everyone, I have nothing to suggest, as I cant think of what it would be that would feel heavy but is too small to see. Perhaps...


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Boy's 10th Birthday Party Ideas?
A treasure hunt is a fun activity. You make up clues that people have to solve, leading them to the second clue, third clue, etc. About 4 is usually good. You have two teams, and the kids work together in their team to find their teams treasure. The treasures...


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Cleaning Silver with Foil and Borax?
In reply to the poster who worried that this might ruin your silver, I believe there may be some truth to that, although for your purposes, it is not likely a concern. I googled this, and it says that in this chemical process the silver sulphide (the tarnish...


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Craftsman Riding Mower Won't Start?
Personally, I would not spend any more money on do-it-yourself replacement parts. Surely it would be advisable to take it to a mechanic since you have spent so much money already to no avail? I know this isnt advice you want to hear, but sometimes it is cheaper...


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Locating the Source of a Skunky Smell in a Condo?
I have a couple of suggestions. Firstly, it could be the neighbours smoking pot, and the smell could be coming through shared walls or something like that. I am not sure that all condos are going to be perfectly air tight. Secondly, Id get someone in who you...


A boxed cake mix and extra ingredients to make it taste homemade.

Make Boxed Cake Taste Homemade
I have to smile when I see your tips! My dad used to do these sorts of additions all the time when I was a kid, and my mom and aunt used to chide him for doing so -- follow the directions, they would say! But his cakes were better!! LOL


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Starting a Red Hat Society?
If you wish to be an official Red Hat, you must contact the website. Google it. However, our club operates as an official registered Red Hat club, but not all the members belong to the national organization. Our yearly dues are something like $5, which goes...


A clean car with a lint roller and cleaning wipes on the hood.

Keep Your Car Clean with Little Money and Effort
I especially liked the lint roller tip -- there are always little cruddy bits on the seats that appear between vacuuming.


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Daughter Being Bitten by Invisible Bugs?
If this does not happen in the living room, but only in the bedroom, and it doesnt affect your other daughter, this is very strange. For the short term, have her sleep on the couch in the living room. Go to another doctor and ask them to find out what these...


Best Stovetop Popcorn in bowl

Best Stovetop Popcorn
Good tips for making popcorn. However, what is unhealthy about microwave popcorn?


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Using One Outlet in a Room Disables the Other?
I would suggest, as others have, that you call an electrician. Perhaps you actually need something else done to repair this, or perhaps you have other problems. Fixing electrical problems is not something that everyone can do; it is not like making toast. Electricians...


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Loss of Power to Outlets?
It seems as if you have a lot of issues. If I were you, I would call an electrician. These sorts of things are nothing to fool around with. Your house could catch fire because of faulty wiring.


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Painful Sore on Gum?
Dentures wear differently and gums shrink. It is not uncommon to have little sores from time to time. You must go to your denturist and have the dentures refitted.


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Intermittent Ceiling Lights?
Electric lights should not go on and off at their own whims. If this was my house, I would call an electrician.


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Feeling Rejected by Adult Daughter?
As a mom of adult children, I think it is up to the parent to make sure that the relationship with adult children stays congenial. If you want to make things worse, by all means, continue to feel hurt over her post, perhaps make a hurtful comment, and block...


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Kenmore Washer Not Spinning Out All of the Water?
If you phone a repair person, most will tell you that your washer is too old to bother fixing. Mine was only 16 years old and washed clothes for only 1 or 2 people most of those years. I could not get anyone to fix it since out regular repairman closed his...


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Repairing Damaged Pile on Corduroy?
I would guess not. Wear a broach over the mark.


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Coordinating Bathroom Rug and Towel Colors?
These colours go fine together, as a rule. What colour is the rest of the bathroom? That will make a big difference. If it is mostly white, for example, you are good to go. If it is some other colour -- say blue, it might not.


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H20 Mop Is Tripping the Breaker?
I am not familiar with this type of mop. Does it heat the water? Im not sure why it should trip your breaker. Have you tried plugging it in to a different outlet? My first guess is that it is the breaker that is faulty, and that you have a heavier load on that...


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Asking Mom About Shaving My Legs?
Is there someone, like an aunt or an older cousin, who you could talk to first and who could help you bring up the subject to your mom? If there is, go to them for advice and aid. As a mom of boys, this sort of thing never came up for me. Does your mom shave...


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17th Birthday Party Ideas?
I will answer a few of your questions. First, just about any restaurant you go to will give you a cupcake and have the wait staff sing happy birthday to you if they know it is your birthday. You can always have someone phone ahead and check if this is something...


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Getting Rid of Tiny Flying Bugs?
Ant commonly do not fly, but I have seen fly like/ant like insects outside at times. I spray them with Raid. However, they are large. If those insects are so tiny that they could come through a screen, I wonder if you dont have fruit flies. Do you know what...


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
You need to consider your flooring colour first. If it is a very neutral brown flooring, you have a wide latitude, and can likely choose any colour you like. If it is an orangy tone to the wood, you will have to consider blues or greys for example, not reddish...


Tiny Black Bugs Making Head Itch

Tiny Black Bugs Making Head Itch?
You must see a doctor immediately. Take samples of the bugs in a pill bottle. Take a copy of this letter you have written, and of the photos you have taken. You may also have to get your home fumigated, as I suspect that somehow you keep getting reinfected...


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Breaker Arced When Installing New Wire?
Bruce is an electrician who sometimes has helpful advice on this forum. If he answers, you will have some explanation. However, in the meantime, why doesnt the apprentice give his journeyman boss a call and ask about this? Surely, if he is training as an electrician...


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Sofa Bed Doesn't Open Flat?
It is difficult to help you out with this when we dont know which way it is slanting. Is the foot higher than the head (calling the part close to the back of the sofa the head)? Or the other way around? Or does it slant to one corner? Perhaps one of the legs...


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Dyeing Fabric with Food Coloring?
I have no experience with dying cloth with food colouring. It seems to me it would be an expensive way to go. Why not get some Rit fabric dye, which is available in many places, and use that? It is not expensive, and dying a blue shirt to dark navy will work...


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12th Birthday Party Ideas?
I always like a scavenger hunt; since it is in a park, you could make one up with nature items (particular kind of leaf, a feather, rock shaped like something eg heart, 3 dandelions, a 4 leaf clover, etc). Another idea is to have some sort of group games; you...


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Living Room Curtain Color Advice?
I love white curtains. I have white sheers, with mini-blinds if I need to darken the room.


Dyeing Hair Silver

Dyeing Hair Silver?
Looks fine to me. Live with it for awhile!


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Locked Out of 2016 Jeep Cherokee?
Call your dealership. They should be able to help you out.


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Helping Dyed Hair Fade?
I agree. I use Head and Shoulders to tone down a brassy dye job. Takes a few washes.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
I think you have started a nice tradition by doing the same type of party. Your friends shouldnt get bored since it has been an entire year since they did this activity. Mix it up with a different sort of lunch, perhaps? If you google teen birthday party ideas...


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Fabric Whitener Turned Blue T-shirt Pink?
I am not familiar with this product. It sounds like you have bleached the colour out of the shirt, and there will be no way to recover it. I think you should contact the manufacturer and see what they say. Alternately you could try dying the shirt a dark navy...


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Teens and Consumerism?
Another way to approach this is to allow your son to start paying for his own clothing and other things that he wants with an allowance. Then he can decide if he wants to spend the money on the fancy shoes, and have little left for something else, or if he...


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Looking for Our Homestead?
My son and his wife are working toward living off-grid up here in Canada. You need to find out what the planning restrictions are in the areas you might plan to build. Even land in the middle of nowhere likely has some regulations you must conform to. Much...


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Things that come to mind for me are a games party, if you are into board games, a weiner roast or other foods cooked over a campfire in the back yard (if you have a fire pit), a party where you all make your own pizzas with a variety of toppings, or perhaps...


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Saving Mallard Eggs After Mother Died?
Other options are to contact a local farmer who has ducks or chickens, or a vet who might know who would have an incubator to keep these eggs in till they hatch. When they are hatched, you will have to look after them, but ducks are relatively easy to raise...


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Paint Color Advice?
Grey is a very in colour, and you can get greys with bluish tints. Blue goes well with brown as well -- you often see them paired in prints. Because looking at paint chips is so overwhelming, why dont you try visiting show homes in your area when there are...


worn metallic purse straps

Repairing Purse Straps?
If the cost of having them repaired is not worth it, maybe you could cut them off entirely and replace them with something else -- a decorative chain belt, a silk tie, a leather belt????? Or could you use it without the strap at all? Think outside the box on...


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Main Circuit Breaker Keeps Shutting Down Our Power?
Breakers dont just shut off without a reason. Please call an electrician to help you figure out what the problem is. This could be a serious issue that could cause a fire.


head of cabbage

Keep Bugs Away From Your Cabbage Plants
Im pretty sure that it is the nicotine in the tobacco that is killing the pests. Nicotine is quite a powerful poison, so I dont know if this is a big advantage over other pesticides. How do you know that the tobacco liquid is not toxic to people?


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Towel Color to Match Shower Curtain?
I like a moss green or dark green with burgundy.


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Troubleshooting Electrical Circuit Problems?
I have no clue, but it seems pretty serious to me. Thank goodness you have an electrician coming, tomorrow, I hope!! My home is of similar vintage, and it had some issues, nothing dangerous, but too many outlets on one breaker, so the breaker was continuously...


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Copper Sulfate Killed Fish in Pond?
Id change the water, and flush the pond as well.


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Fundraising Ideas for Girl Scout Trip?
Garage sales with donated items. Raffles. Students in our area used to raise money by working bingos at local bingo halls for a share of the profits; I dont know if that is available any more in other areas, but it might be something to check out. In our small...


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Painful New Dentures?
Having 15 teeth removed at once is major surgery, and I do not think that the fact that they hurt is unusual. Also, I know that it is quite usual to have your false teeth, your dentures fitted into your mouth immediately. When is your next visit to your denturist...


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Finding Free Furniture?
You could try posters in places like local thrift shops, churches, perhaps grocery stores -- places where local events are advertised. In our small town there are many of these places. Sometimes people have extra beds that they really dont know what to do with...


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Name Ideas for a Cleaning Business?
I dont think a cleaning business needs a catchy name. Why dont you just call it Aaliyahs Household Cleaning. Tells what it is, who you are, and will also be at the beginning of any alphabetical listing!!


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Asian Beetle Prevention?
I am not familiar with this type of beetle, but I do know that insects can get in any house at all. How? Who knows? Where I live, we have still snow on the ground on the north side of garages and thick bluffs of trees. Weve had some nice days of 50 to 60 F...


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Asking Mom to Let Me Shave?
Another thing you can do is enlist the help of an aunt or older cousin who does shave her legs. They might help you broach the subject to your mom.


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Feral Cat Had Kittens in Store Room?
Are you afraid the mother will attack you because it has shown aggression, or just because it is not your cat. If she has chosen to have her kittens so close to humans, my best guess is that she is not wild. You have options. You could call a rescue to come...


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Remedy for Armpit Odor?
Do you have excessive perspiration? This can also be a problem, as well as smelliness. My son had this problem, and used a product called Drysol (I think that was the name -- I hope it was! We found the name by googling on the net, and then discussed this with...


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Preventing Mold on Couch?
I agree with the previous poster. You need to deal with the mold in the wall before you worry about the new couch. It could be very expensive, so take the money you budgeted for the couch, and get that leak repaired and the mold eradicated.


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No Sew King Blanket from Two Twin Size Blankets?
This is actually a pretty simple sewing job -- one or two quick seams on a machine. Could you find a friend who has a machine that might run this up for you? Im not much of a sewer, but I know I could sew two blankets together in about 20 minutes. You could...


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Re-dyeing Hair?
Hi Mags - I use Nice and Easy myself, and sometimes I get an orangy tinge to my hair if I try a different shade of blond on my brown/grey hair. I just put up with the colour for a few weeks, and it fades out to an acceptable shade. I think about 6 weeks is...


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14th Birthday Party Theme?
What kind of a party are you having? Are you inviting both boys and girls, or only girls? Do you have a large guest list or only a couple of friends? All these things make a difference in the kind of theme you pick. What kind of cake are you having? If it is...


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Smith-Corona Typewriter Not Working?
Typewriters are an obsolete technology, and you are going to have a heck of a time finding anyone who can fix it. Since you are asking questions online, why dont you just switch over to your keyboard and a printer?


blue intricate vine and bird pattern

Identifying a Demitasse Saucer?
I cant tell you anything about this pattern, except that I have some cups and saucers, and an egg cup in the same pattern. It is quite old, Im sure. Some of my pieces belonged to my great grand aunt in California, so they would date from around 1910-1920. I...


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Fee for Initial Cleaning?
It depends so much on what is charged in your area. When I hired a cleaner in a small town, I charged slightly more than minimum wage. It was all light duty cleaning. However, now I have a friend in the city who charges $20 to $25 an hour for the same type...


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Donating Swim Team Trophies?
If you cant find a group that wants them, you can donate them to thrift shops. Shops in my area seem to be able to sell them. It is possible to switch out the tops (a swimmer for a golfer, for example). My mother used to have that done with donated trophies...


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Using Curtains with Window Blinds?
Im not sure if blinds make a big difference at all. I have all three looks at my house. On the kitchen windows, I have just a valance. In my living room I have floor to ceiling sheers. In the bedrooms I have regular short drapes on one window, and in another...


melted finish

Repairing Heat Damage to Countertop?
I do not think there is a home remedy to fix this. (If you knew exactly what it was, we might have a hope.) Start saving your money to have it repaired properly, and in future, use some pads under your hot pots and pans.


Curtain Color Advice

Curtain Color Advice?
I usually tell people to get white ones, but I think in this case, I might go with a decorative rod and black, tan, and perhaps red pattern-something geometric perhaps. You have the blinds for privacy, and light blocking. Of course, if you want to make the...


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4th Birthday Ideas?
Ask your 4 year old what he would like for a theme. Id give him a choice of a couple of things -- like his favorite TV cartoon characters, or dinosaurs, or puppies, etc. Bear in mind that it is far more important that he have a good time as a 4 year old is...


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Shopping for Rit Dye?
Walmart. Grocery stores. Dollar stores. I see it everywhere.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
I agree with the previous poster. I think you should be able to squeeze in one more girl. Sleep on the living room floor? Use two different rooms? Have everyone bring sleeping bags and pillows and squeeze in.


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Removing Smoke Smell from House Fire on Plants?
Plants are living things, of course, and perhaps their tissues have absorbed the smoke smell. If they were mine, and the weather was good, Id put them outside and let them grow there for awhile. I think that if you just let them grow for some time, this smoke...


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Outlets Stopped Working?
If you, like me, know little or nothing about home wiring, this is time to call in an electrician. I did have another thought. You may have a circuit interrupter somewhere, which shuts off some of the outlets. I do not have one of those in my home, but newer...


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Lights Work When The Switch Is Off?
I think you switch is incorrectly wired. Call an electrician to get it fixed.


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