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7 Posts | 967 Comments | Active Since 2010
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tag on sheet

Identifying Bed Sheet Sizes?
Lindalou58, that tag definitely says nothing about the sheet size. It gives washing instruction symbols only. I Googled sheet sizes in inches and found some helpful websites. The most useful one was Wikipedia. The link is below; just scroll down to the North...


When Are You Being Too Frugal?

When Are You Being Too Frugal?
As Ive written before, one example of being too frugal is the re-use (or alternate uses) of dryer sheets, because of the myriad of toxic chemicals they contain. They are quite dangerous, as they contain neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors, and carcinogens, and...


bottom of cupcake on frosting

Eating a Cupcake With Less Mess
LOL! Ill have to try that, the next time I get a cupcake! I like the idea that it evens out the textures and flavors, but I tend to doubt that its much neater, as crumbs tend to fall. I must admit I never thought of eating one this way. :)


Opal Pool

Hiking Opal Creek (Oregon)
Thanks for posting this little travelogue! The photos are beautiful! You certainly made me want to visit the area. Ive always known that Oregon has beautiful scenery, so it must be a lovely state to live in. The TV show Grimm is set in Portland and they shoot...


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Puppy With Blood in Stool?
What is CS? It would be more helpful to spell out this item, rather than leave people wondering! I cant figure it out, and its possible the person youre trying to help cant either! I do agree that the puppy should see the vet immediately! I cant understand...


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Shake Bottle With Dish Soap Or Detergent
What is the purpose here?


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Cleaning Dust in Cracks of Wooden Table?
I would try an old, dry toothbrush (one thats too worn to use for tooth brushing any longer). Ive had good success cleaning small items and things with crevices with an old toothbrush. Just dont brush so hard that you create scratches.


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Shelf Life of Swanson Chicken Broth in Cartons?
Definitely freeze it in covered plastic containers (leaving room for expansion at the top), or in ice cube trays (but pop them into closed plastic bags so the broth doesnt absorb odors or that freezer taste). Use the broth (diluted with water if youre concerned...


Rascal (Maine Coon Mix)

Rascal (Maine Coon Mix)
Wow, another beautiful cat! I see you have four cats, same as me. Rascal does look very large, compared to Tori in the second photo. I hope all your fur kids get along well! Enjoy Rascal and the other fur babies!


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Removing the Yellow Cast from Stored White Clothing?
If you cant find bluing in the stores, the Vermont Country Store sells liquid bluing: Mrs. Stewarts Bluing, $10.90 for 2 eight-ounce bottles, plus a laundry instruction booklet. Just go to the website: and put bluing in the search...


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Removing the Yellow Cast from Stored White Clothing?
When I copied and saved info on this tip, I discovered another tip posted on 12-29-10 that I had saved: a TF member used a product called Zout to remove blood stains, and also to remove red dye that had transferred to another item. It sounds like this might...


colored cellophane wrapped water bottle Christmas lights

Hard Candy Decorative Lights
I love this idea! I hope Ill have time to make one myself this year. Check the supermarkets for clear containers. Ive saved some that are the same or similar plastic to the water bottles, for sharing food with other people. Now I have another use for them! The...



Uses for Large Plastic Coffee Jugs

Uses for Large Plastic Coffee Jugs
I love those! Since Im not a coffee drinker, I dont have any of those containers, though. I wish I had a neighbor who would pass a few on to me. By the way, at Folgers website, they have designs you can print out to cover their containers for holidays, etc...


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Inexpensive and Weatherproof Outdoor Christmas Tree Decorations?
If some of your grocery items come with round plastic lids in various colors, you can save them; punch a hole near the rim and tie to the tree with thin wire or ribbon. These make instant ornaments, and can be left plain, or can be painted with markers or possibly...


A person putting a coin in a piggy bank.

ThriftyFun Updates (March 2022)
This sounds like you mean there will be fewer newsletters, and fewer contests, correct? Some newsletters overlap, so condensing might not be so bad, but fewer contests is not fun for us.


A cream colored plate with a dark brown rim.

Identifying French Saxon China?
The closest thing I can find to your dish is on, and is called Queen Elizabeth Maroon. The link is for the salad plate, which is the only item they show. The maroon edge with gold filigree looks the same, but the center is white with a floral...


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Light Settings on Christmas Trees?
Usually there is a controller which turns the tree on and off, and also goes through each setting, one at a time. Press it once to turn the tree on, press again for the next setting, press again for another setting, and so forth. Pause and watch for a few seconds...


A small figurine of a koala.

Is This a Wade Figurine?
Yes, it is a Wade figurine. Just Google them and check the images that show up. I saw the Koala in several of the photos, and believe I have one myself, packed away somewhere. My mother used to drink Red Rose Tea, and gave me every figurine from the packages...


A torn up side to a couch.

How to Fix Cat Scratches on Couch
That really is impressive! In the photo, the couch looks brand new again. Good job!


An old writing table or desk.

What is This Table Called?
Yes, that is a trestle style desk.


A sky full of clouds that resemble cotton balls.

Weird Looking Clouds
Hi littergitter! I enjoy your posts! I am a sky watcher and love to take photos of clouds, sunsets, rainbows etc. and have a Pinterest board full of them. What you saw are called mammatus clouds. To quote one of my Pins, Because they are said to resemble the...


Pie Crust Protector

Pie Crust Protector
This is so simple and logical! Ive been doing this for years! Ive kept the same cut pie rim and used it for nearly 20 years. :)


A china plate with a wheat design.

Anyone Familiar with this China Design?
It looks like your pattern is called Kingston Wheat. I just found a Homer Laughlin Georgian Eggshell Kingston Wheat Oval Veggie Serving Dish w Lid on eBay in that pattern. Here is the link:


A china plate with a wheat design.

Anyone Familiar with this China Design?
Homer Laughlin used to name the shapes they used for their dinnerware, and the same shape was often used across different patterns (the decoration). According to my search, Georgian is the name of the shape of your dish. If you look at the link below, you will...



Hollyhock Sky - red or very dark pink and light pink hollyhocks against a cloudy blue sky

Hollyhock Sky
Lovely photo! I added it to my Garden Pin board, with credit to you, of course. :)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Sharpie from Hair?
You could try putting isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) on a rag and drawing the rag down one section of hair at a time. I have used rubbing alcohol successfully many times to remove Sharpie ink from hard surfaces. It might work on hair, too. It probably...


A plate of ham and cabbage stir fry.

Ham and Cabbage Stir Fry
This does look good! I love cabbage and I cant wait to try this!


UFO Cow Abduction Cake - finished cake photo shot against a black backdrop

UFO Cow Abduction Cake
This is hilarious and adorable! Id love to Pin it on one of my Pinterest boards!


A rack of clothing at a thrift store.

Thrift Stores Are Not Created Equal
All good, helpful tips! Even the best day of the week to shop appears to vary by store!


Peeps Racers - two race car bunnies

Peeps Racers
These are SO ADORABLE!!! Thanks for the idea!


Starr Jennyanydots (Tabby)

Starr Jennyanydots (Tabby)
Starr is pretty and cute and sounds like she has a wonderful personality! I hope youre still enjoying the company of this adorable kitty!


Euonymus As Foundation Planting - 1 year's growth

Euonymus As Foundation Planting
Is the euonymus an evergreen, and does it stay low, or can it get out of hand? Im interested in replacing all my overgrown foundation plantings with something tamer. Mine got out of hand and need to be cut down or ripped out.


Rolls of wrapping paper being hung by metal shower hooks.

Shower Hooks to Hang Wrapping Paper
How does that work? Did you punch holes for the hook through the end of the roll? Otherwise, how do you keep the paper from unrolling? Why would you want to put holes in the paper? Theres not enough info here to understand how that can work.


Storing eggs to keep the egg carton balanced.

Keeping the Egg Carton Balanced
Ive been doing this with my eggs for years! I always wondered if anyone else ever thought of removing eggs this way! Of course, when a recipe calls for 3 eggs, it isnt possible to balance the box exactly, but its still better than having them all at one end...


Storing eggs to keep the egg carton balanced.

Keeping the Egg Carton Balanced
I do own mobile devices, and I can scroll up or down on those too. To me, counting one article as 20 clicks just because it was broken up into 20 pages is gaming the system! Clicking on the article should could as one click, period. Ill abandon the article...


Storing eggs to keep the egg carton balanced.

Keeping the Egg Carton Balanced
Im with you! I HATE to have to click the arrow 20-25 times just to follow a story that just as easily could have been shown on one page! We have the ability to scroll down the page to the bottom, so why annoy people with this constant click on next nonsense...



Cleaning a couch cushion with a dryer sheet.

Uses for Dryer Sheets
Dryer sheets contains toxic chemicals and you are exposing yourself to neurotoxins and carcinogens, among other things. Please see my ThriftyFun post from 1-22-13, Dryer Sheets Contain Toxic Chemicals.


Cleaning a couch cushion with a dryer sheet.

Uses for Dryer Sheets
Here we go again! I will now re-post my post of 1-22-13 describing how bad dryer sheets/fabric softeners are for us and why we should just THROW THEM AWAY! While it is great to be thrifty, there are certain things that should never be re-used. It amazes me...


A marked roll of tape, ready for next time.

Paper Clip Tape Marker
Ive done this, and it works especially well with the large paper clips. Ive also used the plastic tab from bread bags to mark the end of the tape. :)


Clean Your Trackball with a Tissue

Clean Your Trackball with a Tissue
Lol! It DOES look like a cross-eyed alien in a shower cap! Good tip, though!


glass measuring cup

Information on Vintage Glass Measuring Cup?
Definitely Anchor Hocking. I have old glassware with these marks, too.


Avoid Hanging Beaded Necklaces

Avoid Hanging Beaded Necklaces
This is so true! There are so many tips for making nice racks for hanging jewelry, but beaded necklaces should never be hung, as Lucy explains. Id even hesitate to hang metal chain necklaces and pendants, as gravity might cause weaker rings to pull open.


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Dog Not Feeding Puppies?
Are the puppies old enough to eat solid food? If not, you should try to find out if there is a food bank or other group that helps with pet supplies, as the puppies really should receive Esbilac, or a similar brand of puppy milk replacer. Some areas do have...


Ricky Bobby

Ricky Bobby (Pit/Boxer)
Ricky Bobby is a handsome boy, with beautiful eyes. I voted for him! Best wishes to you and your family for many happy times with your new pal!


Permanent Marker On Apple Keyboard

Permanent Marker On Apple Keyboard?
Try regular rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol). Ive had good luck with that removing permanent marker ink from various plastics.


Hanging Tin Tops and Pretty Boxes

Hanging Tin Tops and Pretty Boxes
Ive done something similar with a few of those beautiful silver-colored and gold-colored plastic trays shaped like scallop shells - leftover from catered luncheons at work, or I guess you might also find them at the dollar store. I put a blob of Funtak on the...


finished foot stool

Making a Foot Stool from a Kitchen Pot
Ooh - I remember that idea from about 15-20 years ago! I probably saw it in a magazine, and probably tore out the article. It used the 46 oz juice cans - very hard to find now! I never did make one of those footstools, and now I like your idea better, as I...


finished foot stool

Making a Foot Stool from a Kitchen Pot
I love this idea! Im looking out now for a covered pot or similar item to turn into a footstool like yours. I should be putting my feet up, as much as possible, and dont have room for a regular hassock.


half a watermelon

Saving Seed From Hybrid Plants
Sorry my post appeared twice. When I first posted it, it did not appear with this article for several days, as I kept checking to see if you replied, likekinds. I then copied it from my feedback archives and posted it again. Wouldnt you know the first copy...


half a watermelon

Saving Seed From Hybrid Plants
Very interesting! That melon sure does look tasty! For some reason, I thought that seeds from hybrids are infertile. I guess Im mis-remembering something from high school biology. This makes me want to plant some veggie seeds from supermarket produce and see...


half a watermelon

Saving Seed From Hybrid Plants
Very interesting! That melon sure does look tasty! For some reason, I thought that seeds from hybrids are infertile. I guess Im mis-remembering something from high school biology. This makes me want to plant some veggie seeds from supermarket produce and see...


Felt Shamrock Pin

Felt Shamrock Pin
Id like to remind everyone that shamrocks have 3 petals, plus a stem. If there are 4 petals, and a stem, it is a four-leafed clover. In the last 15 years or so, many people have mistakenly called clovers shamrocks, in print, advertising, catalogs, etc. Three...


braiding the three stockings

Upcycled Stocking Scrubby
I would think they can be laundered with towels and washcloths.


braiding the three stockings

Upcycled Stocking Scrubby
Good tip! I like the idea of braiding them into a long scrubber, like you did.


Shabby Chic Pin Cushion

Shabby Chic Pin Cushion
Very pretty, and it looks very easy to do!


Annie Exercising???

Annie Exercising? (Domestic Short Hair)
Lol! How cute! It may be that she really was copying you. Ive seen a lot of videos and photos on Pinterest and Youtube of cats and dogs that really are exercising with their hoomans. Im glad that you were able to catch the photo of Annie, anyway.


Eat Leftovers And Be Grateful

Eat Leftovers And Be Grateful
Hi Likekinds! Ive never understood that attitude of leftovers not being worthy of eating, either. I love to make a dish and then eat it for 3 or 4 days in a row! Most one-pot dishes, casseroles, stews etc. do taste better as time goes on. In fact, I cook my...


Nugget (Chihuahua Mix)

Nugget (Chihuahua Mix)
What a cutie pie! Best wishes for many years of happy times with Nugget!


closeup of Tori

Tori (Muted Tortoise Shell)
Tori is beautiful! Isnt she more like a calico than a tortoise shell, though? In any case, her face and her markings are lovely. I laughed at your description of her war on the roses! Ive never heard of a cat doing that to roses before. Best wishes for many...


Tux and Jack

Tux and Jack (Mixed Breed)
Your kitties are so cute! Its so nice when they snuggle together. I have two ginger colored brothers who sometimes cuddle together too. Best wishes for many years of enjoying your furbabies, Tux and Jack!


Plastic Bottle Top Container

Plastic Bottle Top Container
Suggestion: Use a different colored bottle cap for the side that opens.


Valentine Pudding Treat - jar with cookie and pudding treat inside

Valentine Pudding Treat
Hi Benetta, Thanks for your kind words! I must apologize to Likekinds - I mis-typed his name as Lifekinds and you, Benetta, picked up my mistake. Thats what I get for staying up too late - I misread things or make typos! ;)


Valentine Pudding Treat - jar with cookie and pudding treat inside

Valentine Pudding Treat
Hi Lifekinds! I wouldnt worry about what kind of cookies they are; theyre probably similar to vanilla wafers (like Nilla wafers - not the kind of wafer cookies with the cream filling). I was thinking of using shortbread cookies, myself. You can change this...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Car Doors Frozen?
I pound all around the perimeter of the door to break the ice. It usually works. The best thing to do is prevent this freezing if you can before a storm, by spraying the edge of the door and the frame all the way around with a silicone spray. The spray is available...


Glue and Sequin Sun Catcher

Glue and Sequin Sun Catcher
You can usually get the printed sell-by date and other info off with a drop of dish detergent and a little rubbing. If that doesnt work, try a little rubbing alcohol. A third way might be a drop of vegetable oil and a little rubbing, or vegetable oil and a...


What Breed Is My Puppy?

What Breed Is My Puppy?
I think Saber Alexander meant pit, but never hit the p. She is adorable, and I think shes at least part pitbull, although Im not an expert either. Enjoy her!


My Homemade Butter Pound Cake

My Homemade Butter Pound Cake
Sounds great, except for the cup of baking powder, LOL! I think its probably one teaspoon, since theres also a teaspoon of baking soda in the recipe. Hopefully Jackie H or the editors will correct this soon! I LOVE pound cake!


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Does a Deed Supersede a Will?
You MUST seek legal advice from a good lawyer in the state where the house is located! You might want to contact some senior agencies for help and advice, too. They might be able to recommend a lawyer, or provide advice. Its distressing and depressing to hear...


Smokey (Cat)

Smokey (Cat)
Beautiful kitty and cute dog! How nice that they are such good friends! Good luck and best wishes to you and both your fur babies!


Quick and Easy Garlic Rolls

Quick and Easy Garlic Rolls
This sounds really easy, and my mouth is watering! I must try this soon! Thumbs up!


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Bed Doesn't Fit Through the Door?
How was it brought in when you acquired it? The bed probably was assembled inside the room, so you may have to disassemble it to remove it. Can it be covered with a tarp instead, and the work done around it? Perhaps it can be pushed into the middle of the room...


Chelsea black puppy

Chelsea (Pit Bull Mix)
She looks very cute and sweet! Best wishes for many happy times with Chelsea!


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Substitute for Mushrooms in Chicken and Mushroom Pie?
Small pieces of eggplant or zucchini could be used instead of the mushrooms.


Marshmallows covered in chocolate and caramel.

Chocolate-Covered Caramallows
Oh my goodness! They look fabulous! I have to try this sometime, but Im afraid Ill eat most of them in one day!


Last Minute Christmas Tips

Last Minute Christmas Tips
Good ideas! Its frustrating when your bag is just a bit too short, and I got around this once by just making a tent with tissue paper, but this is a good idea too. A lot of bows really are pretty enough to be ornaments, and Im wondering why I never thought...


Paper Poinsettias Wreath

Paper Poinsettias Wreath
This is a very pretty wreath! Its also easy and inexpensive. Maybe Ill make one for next Christmas!


Upcycled Letter Rack for Eyeglasses

Upcycled Letter Rack for Eyeglasses
Clever idea, and nicely done!


15-Minute Chicken Cacciatore

15-Minute Chicken Cacciatore
Sounds delicious! I dont have a pressure cooker right now, but hope to in the future. Thumbs up from me, too!


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Some Lights Out on Pre-lit Tree?
It occurred to me that maybe each section of lights begins with a fuse-bulb, a bulb that is also a fuse. I have had this with older light sets I used to use. If that bulb blew and wasnt replaced with a fuse-bulb (it has a thicker filament inside it), then maybe...


Christmas card with four felt sugar cookies

Sugar Cookie Christmas Card
Very pretty! Nicely done! You could also use the cutouts as tree ornaments. They really do look like cookies!


Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
These sound scrumptious! Im saving the recipe for after the holidays. Thanks for posting this!


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Removing Odors from Laundry?
You could also re-wash them, and pour a cup or so of regular amber mouthwash in at the start of the rinse cycle.


Keeping Salads Crisp

Inverted Dish to Keep Salads Crisp
Interesting idea that I will try with my next green salad. I just LOVE the bowl with the yellow tulips! Its gorgeous.


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Homemade Shoe Stretch
Not a good idea. There are many toxic chemicals in laundry softener sheets, a/k/a dryer sheets, and by adding alcohol and water you will make a carrier that will help those chemicals be absorbed into your skin, whether you wear the shoes at the same time, or...


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Economical Magic Eraser
Good tip! Thanks!


white and light brown puppy

What Breed Is My Puppy?
I have no ideas about her ancestry, but she sure is very pretty! Please post the answer if you find out. Meanwhile, kudos for adopting her, and best wishes for many happy times with your little sweetie!


Wind Yarn with a Hand Mixer

Wind Yarn with a Hand Mixer
Sounds cool, but in my imagination, I can also see the yarn taking off and getting wrapped around the beater shaft! Ive never had a hand mixer, so Im wondering, is it really possible to run it slowly enough to control the yarn?


Jasper a grey poodle

Jasper (Toy Poodle)
Jasper is adorable! Poodles are wonderful dogs. My family had several and we bred them for a while. Theyre so intelligent, lively and fun! Best wishes to you and Jasper for many fun times ahead!


A Jack Russell lying on the grass.

Sproetjies (Jack Russell)
Its so nice to see an update on Sproetjies again! What a pretty girl shes become! I bet shes still full of mischief, too. Thanks for the tip on pronouncing her name that you gave in reply to my question, back when you first posted her puppy picture - I think...



Packaging Tape Cardboard Roll Bangle
Very cute idea! You could also use washi tape or patterned duct tapes to cover the cardboard - the possibilities are endless!


Felt Recyclables for Toy Truck

Felt Recyclables for Toy Truck
This is a very cute idea!


Whipped Chocolate Truffle Candy Bars

Whipped Chocolate Truffle Candy Bars
Wow! This sounds scrumptious! Im bookmarking this to try after the holidays. You got my vote!


Covering an Old Stove-pipe Hole

Covering an Old Stove-pipe Hole
You could just put duct tape over the hole, instead of the paper plates, too.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Rubber Rings for Atlas E-Z Seal Glass Jars?
Amazon and Ebay have the rings, but you must read carefully, as I have noticed the descriptions sometimes give different dimensions in different areas of the product description. Have you tried a local hardware store, or even a Home Depot or Ace Hardware? Sometimes...


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Buying Craft Glass Blocks?
I got mine at A.C. Moore.


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Silicone Turkey Lifter for Removing Pans
I have one of these too, and its a wonderful item! I got mine for $5 through a mail order catalog that was clearing them out, and have been delighted with how easily I can lift roasts, chickens, hams and turkeys with it! I second the recommendation!


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Joining AARP?
Years ago, when I was in my 20s, I signed my father up for AARP, by simply paying for it and putting his name in as the member. I dont see why you couldnt do the same thing for your son.


Corned Beef Dinner

Corned Beef Dinner
Great minds think alike! This year I did my corned beef & cabbage in the Crock Pot too, and it worked out very well! I also used carrots and onions. My corned beef was so large, I had to cook it first, then put the vegetables in later after it was done. I cooked...


Freddy (Mixed Breed)

Freddy (Mixed Breed)
Freddys a cute little guy! The third photo isnt the same dog, though - who is that? Sorry I have no ideas about what breeds he might be. Good luck, and enjoy your cute little pal.


Annie  a long haired gray and white cat sleeping

Annie (Mixed Breed Cat)
Annies a very pretty cat, and I love how shes napping in the sunny spot, so typical of cats! Best wishes to you and Annie!


A tube with too much cream pushed out.

Too Much Cream Pushed out of Tube
I discovered that if I hold a tube upright, and squeeze the flattened edges of the tube lower down, it will create a little suction inside the tube that will draw the excess toothpaste (or whatever) back into the tube. Putting the cap back on will only squash...


dog in pumpkin costume

Lucy's First Halloween
Lucys a pretty girl and is very cute as a pumpkin! Bones, on the other hand ... Lol! Good luck to you and Lucy!


tabby cat on chair

Queenie aka Racoonie (Tabby)
Hes such a beautiful cat! He reminds me of a couple of summers when I was a kid, when our gray tabby, Shadow, used to walk around the block with my parents and me after dinner. He would investigate other peoples yards along the way, but never let us out of...


A spray bottle for moistening toilet paper

Alternative to Wet Wipes
Lol, lifekinds! Love the alliteration! A friend who I shop for always had me buying disposable wipes for him, so I started using them myself. Recently, I read that the chemicals in them arent so good for humans or for aquatic life (after the wipes make their...


dog and cat snuggling

Paige and Zero
Its so sweet how they love each other! Good pictures, too! Best wishes to Paige, Zero & you!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Winterizing a Doghouse?
There are many good suggestions in another link called Winterizing a Dog House on this website, which is to the right of this posting, as I am looking at it. Several of them suggest giving the dog some hay or straw bedding, which keeps them warm very well. You...


close up of gray Pit

Cajun (Pit Bull)
What a cute little baby he is! I love his blue eyes. Best wishes to you and Cajun for lots of fun times together!


closeup of black puppy

Leah (Shepherd Mix)
Leahs very cute! She has a sweet face too. Good luck with Leah and your other pup, too!


crate with orange cushion

Don't Buy Pet Beds
This is a great idea! Those cushions are usually washable too, which is ideal when using them for pets.


tortie cat

Kallie (Longhaired Tortoishell)
Ive never heard of stomatitis before, but Im glad you and your vet were able to give Kallie some relief from that. Shes a beautiful cat! Best wishes to you and Kallie!


closeup of bush

Sugar (Golden Chow Mix)
Shes so pretty and looks very sweet. Sugar looks very cute in her Lil Pumpkin costume too! Best wishes to you and Sugar for lots of fun times ahead!


Hazel in a devil costume

Hazel (Mixed Breed)
What a cute pup! I love her in the Little Devil costume! Best wishes to you and Hazel for fun times ahead!


Springform Pan Bottom Stuck in Cake Pan

Springform Pan Bottom Stuck in Cake Pan?
I would try pouring in some vegetable oil and let it seep in between the two pieces for a while, then invert them in the sink and see if the pan bottom will drop out. With a little tapping on the cake pan bottom, or tapping the rim on the sink, maybe the two...


reddish brown and white Pom

Finn (Pomeranian/Chihuahua)
Very pretty! I love his color and markings, and how nicely his fur lies! Best wishes to you and Finn!


Binder Clip Yarn Bowl

Binder Clip Yarn Bowl
What you have is perfect! Why waste money buying something you dont really need?


Bull Terrier in skeleton costume

Moo Moo's Skeleton Costume
Very Cute! Is it homemade? If so, very well done!


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RC Only Works When Engine Not Running?
What is the RC? What does that mean?


graphic of halo on dog's head in photo

Moo Moo (English Bull Terrier)
She looks sweet! Bless you for rescuing her! Best Wishes!


black and white Spaniel

Bluebell (Blue Rhone Spaniel)
Very pretty! Best wishes to you and Bluebell!


cashews in a tin

Uses for Mint Tins
Lots of good ideas here!


creamy tan and white dog with large ears

What Breed Is My Dog?
I love her perky ears! If it wasnt for the ears, Id think part beagle, but they have floppy ears. She sure is cute! Best wishes for many happy times with your pup!


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