
Kim Churchman

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3 Posts | 1,273 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Ways to Raise Money for a School Trip?
Your group can go to Worlds Finest Chocolate online, and get supreme quality chocolate and things to sell. Thats the old reliable way to do it: sell something for more than you paid, make it a small cheap item that is easy for people to say yes to, and something...


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Keeping Brownies from Getting Hard on the Edges
Try putting them in a smaller pan and then put the pan into a larger pan with a bit of water up to the level of the brownie batter.


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Removing Dog Hair from Curtains?
My local WalMart has a pet-specific lint roller in the pet department, has a green handle, and the papers on it are far stickier. They dont cost any more, but they actually work, and my dogs hair is like toothpicks, very stubborn to get out.


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Appreciation Party for My Husband?
I would make a certificate in a frame and call it My Best Always or some other MBA name, and give it as an honorary degree. You might also decorate the cake this way.


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Dog Is Frightened Of Boyfriend?
YOU are in danger here. Research has shown that abusers give warning signals, and rough treatment of pets is the biggest! He may be (likely is) quite the charmer, and will fight to get you back, but you must heed the voice of reason and end that relationship...


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Make Your Own 2% Milk At Home
Sorry Shirley, I cannot agree! I am a longtime dairy woman, and I know that although skim milk looks watery, it actually has MORE, MORE concentrated nutrition!! Truth! So cutting milk with water is cheating your boy during brain development? Maybe this would...


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Flooring for an Outdoor Kennel?
You want the very best? Use a horse trailer mat. They are at feed stores, are heavy and strong and chew-proof, and are made from recycled tires. Use a C-clamp (borrow one) to attach to the edge so you can drag it into place. Then you can use a little absorbent...


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Can I Give My Dog Canned Soup?
Waaaay too much salt, so thin it down with rice, oatmeal, or so on. Best not to use it for dogs at all!!


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Cooking Pork Chops in a Convection Oven?
Use an oven thermometer so that the cooking goes on only to the point of doneness, and they will be nice. Marinade if you want, but overcooking must be prevented.


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Freezing Pimento Cheese?
Yes you can freeze it. Use baggies and divide it up into smaller amounts, then put the baggies into a larger one, with a 3x5 card label in with them, with the contents written in felt marker with big dark letters. Are you sure you want to eat that? Many processed...


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Whitening Dirty Washcloths?
Just go right to dying them pink or blue and be done once and for all!



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Getting Adult Child to Clean Up?
Wrong choices have consequences. If she leaves an item out in the family areas, what consequence was there? First, restart the contract with a deposit required, like fifty bucks. The very first item she leaves lying around has to bring immediate and unpleasant...


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Does The Power Rider Provide Effective Exercise?
I checked it out and saw pictures of it on eBay, and I cant recommend it. Looks like something that would strain your back, and not enjoyable enough to stick with for long. BTW, the eBay one for sale was for only $20. Grab that baby, pop her into a stroller...


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Advice on How to Train Maltese Shih Tzu?
Your local Petco or other big pet store will have classes and a number to call anytime.


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Gift Ideas For Boyfriend's Daughter?
How about a gift card for photo services so some of her favorite travel photos can be printed into posters? She can email the photo in and get the result by mail. Give a poster frame and a card.


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Getting Ducks To Go Away?
Would some friend of yours station his dog there for a few days? with shelter etc to meet the dogs needs. Nothing does it like one of the ducks natural enemies. Of course I dont want any ducks hurt, just the sight of the dog would do it. Save that duck poop...


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Using Pool Bleach Tablets for Laundry?
Chlorine has been used as a weapon (WWI) and can be so dangerous. Jonnie, sorry, but Im suggesting that laundry bleach is just not your biggest expense so save money somewhere else and leave the toxic waste products to the pros. But I can sure understand the...


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Removing Bed From Sofa?
Can you keep a mattress topper rolled up in an upstairs closet for when you need it as a bed? Im thinking of an egg-crate foam sheet about four inches thick. I slept on my grandmothers hideabed and survived!


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Craft Projects to do While Watching TV?
You might give knitting a second thought. Its the only one I can think of which allows you to watch TV without having to look down at your work. Have you seen the yarns and projects out lately? More wearable and useable than many craft projects that are merely...


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Floor Covering Ideas for a Barn Wedding Reception?
I personally really dislike walking in straw or sawdust, because it clings like the dickens to my socks and pants. Id rather do sheets of plywood. Congratulations on your finding each other!


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Asking Wedding Guests to Bring Finger Foods?
Just do cake only! Champagne, a wedge of cake, those are celebration foods, and make the ceremony short enough so it fits between mealtimes. Put this information into your invitations. Then the families go out to dinner and Mom and Dad buy.


long curtains

Making Curtains Longer
You could put a panel of different fabric in the middle of the curtains for an interesting effect. Also you could sew contrasting tabs on the top of the curtain to lengthen a bit.


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Earache Pain Relief?
Have it examined to rule out Temporomandibular Disorder, the deranged jaw joint problem. Theres only 1/8 between ear canal and that joint, and pushing on it that way can be diagnostic. Long time dental hygienist, Kim



Reworked chandelier

Crystal Chandelier
Love that, what a great vibe it gives the room!


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Cleaning a Saltwater Boat?
hello Indian Bob - you must be working out in a ventilated area. Normally its completely dangerous, deaths happen regularly, to mix bleach with other products. One of those combinations releases pure chlorine gas, a biochemical warfare agent in World War I...


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Using Pool Chlorine Tablets in the Toilet?
Wouldnt liquid bleach in the bowl be enough? I used to use those dispensing pills in the tank but they corroded the parts, despite the reassurances on the label.


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Tide Essential Oil Fragrances?
WalMart has it under the name Fresh Cotton.


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Ingredients for Homemade Milk Paint?
Try a feedstore, they will put you with the people who put lime on fields that need acidity improved. They are knowlegeable about different types of lime. I only know the sliced green kind.


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Dawn Detergent in the UK?
Dawn is just a dish detergent, a good degreaser that gets tomato stains out pretty well. You probably already know of something like that?


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Removing Paint Marker from Rubber?
Hairspray worked on some things for me. Try a small hidden test area of course.


What Breed is My Dog?
She reminds me of the Japanese Akita.


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Child Sucking Thumb?
Try making a deal with her, and when she says yes, you have HER sew the sleeve of her pajamas shut (might have to buy bigger ones, and a simple task like that she could learn at this age). Have her wear a mitten or glove by day. She will feel more tension so...


medium sized dog

What Breed is My Dog?
Do google Kelpies, Kelphounds are just like that. Do the search and then at the top (at least of my MSN) is a place to modify your search as an Image Search, so the results are all pictures. You must check this out!


Name Ideas for a Pet Food Pantry?
Bon Chance, of course, its French for Good Luck!


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Cleaning With Lemon Juice?
I like to make fruit smoothies with spinach or other green vegetable added. Whenever I add so much greens that the taste isnt what I want, I add half a lemon and the green taste is gone. Lucky you, I echo the previous post, lucky you!



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Organizing Papers?
File cabinet, files, labeled Taxes, Bank Statements, Owners Manuals, and so on. Hang in there, you need a file cabinet. Try not to let papers drip from your fingers until they land where they REALLY belong.


white porch swing

Porch Swing
Ooh, I just want to bring pillows and hop in!


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Getting Rid of Roaches Without Harming Pets?
Hello Texas - I remember the costume contest for roaches in Fort Myers FL. Review your landscaping and consider having a 36 wide no-plant zone with sand or gravel around your whole house. Then you can put diatomaceous earth into the no-plant zone and theyll...


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Substituting Dried Lemon Peel for Fresh?
I like frozen better. Ive seen how much they spray citrus, so I wash with detergent and soak. Then I use the whole lemon peel, grind all in food processor, and freeze in a plastic container. Very handy, just grab a pinch for every recipe. Any citrus-based smoothie...


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New Mattress Substitute?
Plywood helps, has to be 1/2 inch thick or better. You could get a mattress topper, mine was Walmart for $150 and its that viscoelastic stuff like TempurPedic. Rotate the mattress and flip it over so youre using the best part of the mattress. Tape all around...


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Red Bumps on Skin?
There are about forty things it could be, some of which are quite serious like penicillin allergy. Please consider seeing a dermatologist to get a proper cure.


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Training a Dog To Not Dig?
You have an outside dog in Iowa? Your dog is bored, so wear him out with exercise and hell be good. I put my dog in the back of my pickup truck in the canopy and run up and down the highway, and she works herself into a frenzy back there chasing cars in the...


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American Staffordshire Terrier Keeps Biting People?
My Cattle dog is the same way, nips heels instead of the lock-on, growling hackles-up neck-swinging bite or the fifty bites per second bite. I keep her away from people. I have a crate made of wire and I stuff her in it, after giving the people waiting at the...


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Use Red Hanky in Case of Blood
What a cool idea! Ill stock one now.


Garden: Desert Flowers
How could such a dangerous looking cactus produce such a transcendentally beautiful flower? Wow.


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Caring for a Turtle?
Why dont you just put feed water turtle in your address bar at the top of your screen and let the search engine in your browser find way more ideas than just us?


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Dog Will Only Eat Liver?
LIver is not only pure protein, its got a toxic amount of Vitamin A. Your dog is just not hungry enough, so withhold food until his appetite is normal.


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Clearing Vegetation from Property?
Ive seen some pretty big stuff cut with a Bush Hog (did you know thats a brand name?) but I would go in with a chain saw and cut the biggest stuff first. Just to save fixing that gear box.


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Use Hand Soap Pump for Dish Washing Liquid
Isnt it great? you use so much less. A palm scrubber goes well with this idea. I bought an empty pump-top ceramic jar and I keep it in the bottom of the sink all the time, never a mess on the space at the back of the sink. Ill never go back to blasting a long...


Maypole Dancing
I got to do that as a little girl maybe six years old. I will always remember how cool the pole looked with the ribbon braided over it. Good for you, your kids are so lucky!


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Dog is Hiding and Won't Eat?
This sounds to me like internal pain, abdominal pain. I would get him an exam (yep that involves the word V-E-T.) Behavior like that is seen in wolves who are mortally hurt who are crawling off to die.


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What Attracts Ticks?
They also sense motion since they can see some inches away, so when they see you they jump toward you hoping to latch on, even jumping up to 24 inches.


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Second Hand Smoke Hurts Pets
Good for you to take on the hard challenge and push through it. By golly, since you got your health challenge met, Ill work on my weight and eat the vegetables. Enjoy your new sense of smell!


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Plant Chard Between Tomatoes for Shade
I remember Hat Island, good for you to come up with double planting ideas to maximise the value of your space. Enjoy your salty air, I miss that now that I live in Moses Lake.


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Black Brush-On Appliance Epoxy?
You can use spray paint, right where it is. Brush on paint would leave brush marks for sure. Get painters drop cloths and build a little room around that fridge, with a frame and clamps to hold the plastic drop cloth (very cheap, every paint store).


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Getting Rid of Extra Skin After Losing Weight?
Applause, applause that you reached your goal! Give it time, like a year, to see how much of it relaxes by itself.


What Breed is My Dog?
The brindle color and blocky head suggest a Pit Bull. The correct spelling is brindle, for the vertical stripes.


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Dealing With Lady Beetles?
Have your local energy supply company (electricity, gas) come and do an energy audit. When you are done correcting all the deficiencies they find, your house will be ladybug-proof. I remember that icky smell when I vacuumed them out of the windowsills, no regrets...


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What Should I Feed My Dog?
Chicken byproduct means feet, beaks, all sorts of guts and parts, not any muscle. So thats why byproducts are ridiculous for animal feed. Feathers are kept out for feather meal, another type product.


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Nellie R. Stevens Holly Trees?
All evergreen trees shed a little all the time, instead of like deciduous trees that do one big dump in the fall.


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Green Food Ideas?
The thought of all that food color would make me go right back out the door, Good for the other posters, there are plenty of naturally green foods. How about guacamole?


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Getting Rid of Melesma?
And have you seen a dermatologist for this?


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Reviews of Power Strips?
I use one under my desk with all the computer vampires in it, and after I shut down I use my toe to shut off that switch. No more glowing lights and warm vampires running up my bills any more.


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Painting a Bird Bath?
Paints are far from non-toxic until they are set. Once the paint is dry the toxicity is locked up. Three-part paints are the worst, the kind that once mixed will set whether you were ready or not. If you want to be very sure the paint is harmless, bake the...


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Whitening a Discolored Tooth?
There is a bleaching procedure to be done by the dentist, only on a root-canal treated tooth. It is painless and it really remedies the dark stain without invading the whole rest of the tooth for veneers or crowns. The dentist puts a strong oxidizing material...


Paint Colors to Brighten a Bathroom?
Yes to the white walls, and then you can switch around the accent colors all you want. I can see some strong aqua and tan colors with the white. Yuk to that old yellow!


What Breed is My Dog?
Poor little dude, he is lucky to have you, the very best person for the job with your background as a vet tech. Thanks on behalf of all dogdom, or something, but somehow you are to be thanked.


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Buying a New Car Vs. a Used Car?
My dear, the cheapest car you can drive is always to fix the one you have. The engine overhaul will be far cheaper than buying a car for that price and youll keep the whole rest of the car for no extra charge. Not the fun answer you wanted, but the real one...


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Getting Rid of Thousand Leggers?
uhhh - what is a thousand legger? is there a photo available? Maybe diatomaceous earth would be useful for them.


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Turning a Fan into an Air Conditioner?
The oldest way is to hang a wet bathtowel in front of it and re-wet it as needed.


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Couch Cut by a Knife?
This would be a job for a professional upholsterer. That or get a cover for it from mail-order where they can do the great fit that looks like factory-made in nicer fabrics. Best wishes to you and your son.


Large fluffy tan, white, and grey dog.

What Breed is My Dog?
Husky mix, and they really produce the woolly underhair, it floats on the breeze and rolls around like cotton as you say.


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Making a Horse from Block Styrofoam ?
How big are we talking? if its eight inches tall, you whittle the styrofoam. If its eight feet tall, you glue blocks of it together.


What Breed is My Dog?
The proper name of the pharaoh hound breed by the way is Ibizan, if you wanted to know - your dog is athletic looking and beautiful! Great photos.


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Uses for Fireplace Ashes?
I believe ashes are alkaline, so dont use so much the soil pH gets unbalanced.


No Dog Poop Sign

The Eco-Scoop On Dog Poop
Fascinating, great ideas. Thank you!


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Reusable Cotton Menstrual Pads
Well, somehow the whole rest of the planet manages, with reusable supplies, but I will do some other green thing rather than give up my wonderful feeling of clean. And did you know that over 60% of supposedly menstrual products are actually purchased for urine...


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Keep Food Scraps Away from Raccoons
And no doubt some neighbor is feeding those suckers! On commercial dog food those things can get monster-size.


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Teeth Whitening Kits from the Dollar Store
Its good to remember that every time you see an image of a white-teeth smile in print or on TV, its computer whitened beyond the nice smile achievable with whiteners, so dont pine for whiter by comparing to those advertising messages.


My Dog Has Colitis?
I am sure she wouldnt mind the lack of exercise for long if you confined her to the bathroom or a corner of the kitchen where there is a more cleanable floor. That, or get one of the carpet spot cleaning machines or a wet-dry vac. You could put bitches britches...


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Preventing Dust Build-Up on Ceiling Fans?
To the one using Endust, just be sure not to breathe that spray. I would certainly wear a disposable face mask during its use, to prevent silicosis of the lungs. To the poster, did you know that its not nicotine, its tar? nicotine is clear and water-soluble...


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Freeze Berries on a Baking Pan
Love your username. That technique you describe is called IQF - individually quick frozen, and the frozen produce people have been freezing things that way on conveyor belts for years. Its the right way to freeze berries. I do have some luck freezing blueberries...


A flower vase made from a recycled jar.

Recycled Flower Vase
Now that one, I like. Ive seen too many which compete with the flowers, this one is a nice color and complements the flowers.


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Great Dane Needs to Gain Weight?
Sounds like parasitism to me, see your vet. Call your local animal shelter if you have trouble affording the vet.


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Adopting from the Animal Shelter?, or is it .org? Anyway, the king of great pet adoption sites.


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Decorating for a Mediterranean Food Festival?
I would suggest a black olive motif. Look on or other kitchen supply place for things with pretty olive designs.


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Storing Roasted Red Peppers?
I roast them up in strips, then shuck the good stuff off the peel and pack it into jars to freeze. Hmm, I could use ice cube trays and store them as bags of cubes.


antique chair

Information About an Antique Chair?
Its a knockout, lucky you! Hope you find out plenty.


What Breed is My Dog?
Hes obviously a genuine purebred Good Dog, love those socks!


Dog Won't Let New People in the House?
Your dog is genetically made to run endlessly and encounter danger, essentially all day, so lack of exercise and brain play are the background problem. How can he get ten times as much exercise?


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Planting Crops on Earth Day?
The Old Farmers Almanac has moon planting guides, if that was what you had in mind.


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Removing a Hem Line From Jeans?
Back in the day we used to hide those by putting embroidery or whatever all around. I can just see it with crystals.


Tan and white dog.

Ariel (Mixed Breed)
Oh, hers a darlin doggie! Good for you for saving her life!


Baby Animals Are a Sign of Spring
That poor momma cow doesnt have the flesh on her to feed that baby! What a thin cow! Hope she finds more grass or other feed than whats in the picture. Cute lil baby though.


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Mycolog 2 for Itchy Ears?
If you are still having trouble, have an oral surgeon evaluate your jaw joints. When you open and close it moves the walls of the ear canal, and the hairs there clash with each other, causing itch. Joint trouble there can really aggravate that.


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Removing Weeds Between Pavers?
My favorite is a gardeners flame weeder. Its a long wand attached to a propane tank, and you flame the weeds until their juices boil and they look bright green. Kills anything small, and like once a month you would re-treat anything with a bigger root. I like...


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Dog Misbehaves When Left Alone?
My dog hated the airline crate but does well in a wire crate, a much more open feeling. She goes right to sleep and when I get home at noon to take her out to relief, she acts like I woke her up. Cesar is right, dogs are really made for running half the day...


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Decorating With the Color Red?
The Fung Shui people say that red is the angry color, the color of discord and strife. A house will sell poorly if its got red in it. Green and botanical themes sell best.


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Scrapbooking With One Hand?
All you can do is a small experiment, and go from there. You may find parts of it not doable, but mostly you will succeed.


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Stains on Cloth Napkins?
Dont buy new napkins! Just buy fabric and hem them up for everyday use, in a speckled or floral pattern that wont show stains (you can imagine my aunts spaghetti tablecloth). I found a bunch of cloth napkins cheap at a thrift shop. New napkins are quite overpriced...


Coffee filter flowers in stone filled vases

Filter Flowers
Those colors are so vivid, very pretty!


Place Mat Handbags

Place Mat Handbags
Thats just so cute! I liked it immediately, very nice! True ThriftyFun work.


Product Review: Nintendo DSi
There must be a port for attaching iPod-style earbuds, right?


board game

Cheap or Free Retro Activities
Nicely done! I would add, when youre out on that walk without the iPod, wave hi to your neighbors and chat!


Easter bunny made from paint roller.

Craft Project: Paint Roller Bunny
Clever, thats a good one for Sunday school lambs too!


Pheobe (Sugar Glider)
Very beautiful! psst- is it spelled Phoebe? thats what I see more of...creativitys cool tho-


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Dog Has Hair Balls?
A hair in her throat might cause gagging, but a true hairball is in her stomach or further down, where she wont even feel it until its too big to pass.


Pudgy (West Highland White Terrier)
Thanks for the good word on not supporting puppy mills. I saw one once and the female dogs were in rabbit cages for life, no cleanup and billions of flies, making batch after batch of puppies as fast as possible. They looked so terrible but the business was...


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Making a 3-D Whale?
Papier-mache (true spelling). Theyll never forget a big whale made of it.


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Removing the Inside of an Egg?
The hole at the end where you blow in can be very tiny. The exit hole for the egg contents will have to be the size of a peppercorn. Start as above, blowing hard, and enlarge that exit hole as needed. Bake the eggs in a 250 oven to dry the insides.


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Gift Ideas for a 30 Year Old Woman?
A sackful of ribbon rolls.


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Ideas for a Senior Ladies Brunch at Church?
Theres probably a good verse in Proverbs 31. Also in Timothy, the Lois and Eunice verse. Or the story where Abigail meets David and apologizes for her dolt of a husband.


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Static Electricity Shock?
Nylon carpets do that, its annoying I know. When you approach something you know will shock, hit it with a downward smack of your hand so the shock is not felt. Smack it like you would a dusty cushion.


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Paint Color Ideas for House with Dark Gray Carpet?
I would use cream color on the walls and use bold colors on the things in the room, such as a red-orange pattern on a chair or lime green curtains.


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Are Hardwood Floors Sealed?
My Swiffer is the best money I ever spent, and I dont buy the replacement cloths. I use a paper towel or one of my well-loved cleaning rags. I love how effortless it is to clean a floor now. Try one at a friends house, its a light little thing, its all you...


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Removing Spice Odors from a Crockpot?
I just would ignore it, and make something like jam next time as an antidote. The smell is made of essential oils which fade with exposure to air.


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Reuse Sticky Residue from Credit Cards for Crafts
That is THE frugalest thing I have ever heard of!


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Shaving Off Sideburns?
Use dabs of gel to tame the stubbies until they grow out.


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