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105 Posts | 6,274 Comments | Active Since 2016
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Talcum powder on a dark grey tile floor.

Cleaning Talcum Powder Off Dark Bathroom Tiles?
I would use Oxiclean Versitle powder to clean the tiles. Or use hydrogen peroxide on the tiles.


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Removing Quick Shine from Hardwood Floors?
Im not sure if you realize or not that Quick Shine has a deep cleaner. The deep cleaner is used to remove the quick shine off your floors. You need to use the cleaner in hot water and apply this to your floors. It should sit on the floors for several hours...


Identifying a Painful White Spot on My Finger - small white spot near the tip of a finger

Identifying a Painful White Spot on My Finger?
I get these a lot working in my garden or even when I am working with wood. A very small piece of a thorn or wood or something else has gone into the skin. I normally take a needle and open mine up and put a bandage on it. In a few days they go away. I know...


Understanding the Backstamps on Homer Laughlin Dinnerware - closeup of one of the dinner plates

Understanding the Backstamps on Homer Laughlin Dinnerware?
This site lists all the stamps on the back of the plates and tells you what they mean. There is plenty of images to follow and this should help you identify the stamp on your plate and understand a bit more about it.


Making Pot Scrubbers Using Old Towels - striped towel scrubber

Making Pot Scrubbers Using Old Towels?
You can soak your towl in resin to harden it to use in your kitchen. Resin is a good for many things. It would make perfect sense that they would use resin to do this with.


Making Pot Scrubbers Using Old Towels - striped towel scrubber

Making Pot Scrubbers Using Old Towels?
The only ones I seem to find are ones that you will need to knit or crochet. I would suggest that you take the old one you have and make your own pattern out of this one. Youj can take it apart to get the exact size that you are looking for. Use a piece of...


Replacement Plug for an Intertek Twin Electric Blanket - the socket on the blanket

Replacement Plug for an Intertek Twin Electric Blanket?
Plug Replacements has a lot of makes of controllers for these blankets. You will find the controller on this site. They have a lot of controllers that are interchangeable with other types of blankets.


Decorating a Bathroom with a Blue Tub - plain small bathroom with blue tub and surround

Decorating a Bathroom with a Blue Tub?
The red shower curtain does not go with the bathroom at all. I would go more with a black and gold curtain and use some accents of tan and gold around the bathroom. You can even get some nice black towels to add to the bathroom to give it a great feel.


Value of a Vintage CorningWare Covered Dish - covered casserole dish

Value of a Vintage CorningWare Covered Dish?
After a person wrote a blog post about CorningWare being worth $7000 or more we have seen tons of posts here on the site asking about how much their item is worth. In reality nobody will pay $7000 for this item because there are still so many of them around...


Value of a Magnavox Console Stereo - stereo cabinet with the top open

Value of a Magnavox Console Stereo?
They have several listed on eBay and a few other sites that are selling for around $250. Back in the late 60s early 70s my parents had one similar to the one you are showing here. I do believe this is the correct time period for this model.


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Copycat Beef Stroganoff and Fajita Mixes?
I have tried this recipe in the past and it comes the closest to the Beef Stroganoff seasoning from McCormick. it is a great recipe and simple to make. This one might work for you if you want to make it and try it.


An old wooden potty chair.

Value of an Antique/Vintage Potty Chair?
You are correct and this is an antique potty chair. Check under the chair and see if there are any marks on the chair to help identify who made the chair or even the year it was made. If you cannot find anything the next step would be to take the chair to an...



A Cabbage Patch doll in the box wearing a grey sweatshirt with the number 31

Value of a 1985 Cabbage Patch Doll?
Right now the online markets like eBay and Esty are flooded with dolls just like this. The average price a person has sold the dolls for ranges from $15-25. My daughter has a lot of these dolls and she found it a lot easier to just sell them at a swapmeet or...


Value of Thomas Kinkade Print - 'A Rose Garden

Value of Thomas Kinkade - 'A Rose Garden Print'?
There are some people who are selling these online and collectors are buying them for around $2000. This is a nice painting and hope you enjoy it.


A picture of a tiny narrow bug on a white background.

Very Tiny Narrow Bug Which Bites
This normally wont help much at all. We do not have an AC in the topics where I live and I dont use one because of allergies to the AC. What we use is mint oil on our skin. This will stop them from bitting you and keep them away from you. This is one of the...


A picture of a tiny narrow bug on a white background.

Very Tiny Narrow Bug Which Bites
The bug is called by several names one is sandflies, the other is no see um. This is a fly that belongs to the Ceratopogonidae family. They are much smaller than mosquitos and much more deadly and destructive. When they bite you they end up pulling a small...


Manual for an Atlantis Sewing Machine

Manual for an Atlantis Sewing Machine?
It appears that this sewing machine is also known as a Jerome 802 sewing machine made in Japan. This is a vintage sewing machine and you should be able to use this manual:


Identifying a Porcelain Doll? - doll sitting

Identifying a Doll?
What I can make out from your photo the doll looks like it is rubber and the head of the doll looks like it is sewn onto a soft body. It looks just like some of the dolls my granddaughter use to play with when she was a baby.


Identifying a Porcelain Doll? - doll sitting

Identifying a Doll?
When my granddaughter was very small she received a lot of these types of dolls to play with. The doll you have is a no-name doll that was designed for small children to play with and give a name to the doll. They are not a big seller and normally you could...


A dress made from a metallic mesh fabric.

How to Sew Metallic Mesh?
I would take a small piece of the fabric and test it on your sewing machine. Use the smallest needed size you can find. You dont want to use a large size needle because it will make too large of a hole in your material. Now start testing the stitch length. I...


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Septic Safe Shampoos and Conditioners?
The best way to buy shampoo and conditioners if you have a septic tank is to read the labels and buy products that are septic safe. This goes for your toilet paper and your cleaning products for your home. All safe septic products are marked on the back of...


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New Home Janome #525B Won't Stitch?
You could have several issues. One the pressure foot feed is not moving correctly, the wheel on the side of the machine needs to be tightened up or you could have something that is blocking the bobbin and thread from coming up and connecting with the top thread...


WestPoint Home Electric Blanket Error Codes

WestPoint Home Electric Blanket Error Codes?
I have found the manual for this and this error code does not seem to appear in the manual. However, there are other error codes and they indicate that there could be a loose wire, the blanket is tucked in wrong and the current is not flowing through the blanket...


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Storing Brown Sugar in the Fridge?
I live in the tropic and I know people say that you should not put the brown sugar in your refrigerator but I do and I have kept it there for over 6 months at a time and it is fine. I just take it out of the bag and put it in an airtight container to store...



Value of Danbury Mint Porcelain Dolls - doll in long Victorian style dress with ruffle at shoulders and around sleeves and bottom

Value of Danbury Mint Porcelain Dolls?
There are so many of these dolls and other dolls on the market right now. Most of the dolls being sold are like yours mass produced. Right now people are lucky if they can earn around $5 for selling a doll. You can try to list the doll for $25 and take the...


Identifying Tiny Black Flying Bugs - black bugs on fabric

Identifying Tiny Black Flying Bugs?
Normally if you have a lot of them like this they are gants and this is common at the end of winter and going into fall and winter. I would spray around your windows and even spray them to get rid of them.


A Lane cedar chest.

Help with Lane Cedar Chest
I am seeing some scratches on the front of the chest which will decrease the value of the chest when sold. I am not sure where you are living or if you want to try and sell this online. If you check the asking price and the actual sales price youll see they...


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Presser Foot on Singer Won't Move?
I have the same issue on my Singer sewing machine right now. My presser foot is stuck down and you cant flit the level to move it up. This is an issue inside the machine and I had to take mine to a repair shop in order to have it fixed. I think he told me it...


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Selling Snowbabies Figurines?
There are a few auction houses online that you can sell them at. Like you know already eBay is the largest one there is. You can check this site and a few other ones to see which one is suitable for you to sell them at.


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Best Glue for Making a Jewelry Christmas Tree?
Personally, Id use gorilla glue. I love this for glueing jewels and rhinestones onto the surface of glass or other mediums.


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Converting Yarn Skeins to Gram Balls?
100 grams of yarn is equal to 250 yards. There are approximately 236 yards in 1 skein of yarn. Youll need to buy the 100 gram balls to do the project if you are working with a skein of yarn. Otherwise, it will be 2 50 gram balls of yarn for each skein of yarn...


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Value of a 1960 Wurlitzer 2400 Jukebox?
I have found one they are selling in France - The asking price is $114.99 Here is a second one I have found +


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Do All Boxed Hair Dyes Have Metallic Salts in Them?
Hair style geeks say this about metallic salts Quote Metallic salts are present in most natural hair dyes, such as henna. Sulfates in care products are also a form of metallic salts. We all know why sulfates are bad. OTC products use them as foaming cleansing...


Value of a Lane Cedar Chest - top opened

Value of a Lane Cedar Chest?
Currently these types of chests are selling between 200 to 400 dollars. You can start off listing it at the higher price and go down from there.


Value of a Franklin Mint Doll? - photo of the box

Value of a Franklin Mint Doll?
The Franklin Mint Dolls are from a company that mass-produces dolls and there is normally 500 to 1000 of one doll in a lot that the companmy makes and sells worldwide. The doll market has taken a big decline in recent years and people are trying hard to sell...



Removing a Burn Mark on a Formica Countertop - brown circular burn mark on a light countertop

Removing a Burn Mark on a Formica Countertop?
This can be very difficult to remove if it is really deep. I have gotten a few of them over the years and the best way I found to lighten them up or even get rd of them was using baking soda, salt and some vinegar to make a paste and apply to the mark. I let...


bald spots

Boston Terrier Has Bald Spots?
This could be a flea or food allergy. You will need to throw away any plastic feeding and water dishes for your pet. Here is some excellent way to treat your dogs skin problem;


Identifying Bugs in the Bedroom - dark oval bug

Identifying Bugs in the Bedroom?
From what I am seeing in the photo this is a typical carpet beetle that can be removed from your home with some sticky flypaper or a good cleaning. Vacuum up the room and empty the container right away i the trash cans. Make sure you do this on trash day so...


Identifying a Tiny Bug the Keeps Crawling on My Skin? - tiny black bug on finger tip

Identifying a Tiny Bug the Keeps Crawling on My Skin?
This is either a flea ro a mite that you have in your home. They are hard to get rid of and are horrible. You may need to get your home sprayed in order to get rid of them and just washing your bedding is not going to help much at all.


Discontinued Graham and Brown Contour Marylou Wallpaper? - gray and white floral wallpaper

Discontinued Graham and Brown Contour Marylou Wallpaper?
Here is a list of some outlet shops that sell off the discontinued wallpaper for this company. You can try contacting a few of them locally or not far from you that might still have this paper available. They...


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Changing Color Pre-lit Christmas Tree Lights Out of Sync?
I do believe that there are fuses for each section of the lights. You should try and remove the fuses, unplug the lights from the base of the tree, now plug in the lights to the base of the tree, add the fuses back in and turn on the tree lights again. This...


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Repairing a Burn Hole on Couch?
You will need fabric glue to repair your couch.


Value of Antique Hoosier Cabinet? - light hoosier cabinet, probably oak

Value of Antique Hoosier Cabinet?
If you are not sure who the maker of the item is please do not list Hoosier. You can say that it is a Hoosier style but that is about it. This is a great piece and the history there is amazing. I have not seen one of these in such a very long time. I remember...


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Recipe for Homemade Pet Hair Detangler?
If you are looking for a good way to detangle dogs you can use a good conditionier mixed with water and a little vinegar in the bottle. You should use 1 part conditionier, 3 parts water, and 2 Tablespoon of vinegar. This is what I use in a spray bottle and...


New Paint Not Sticking to Old Paint - white painted door

New Paint Not Sticking to Old Paint?
If the paint is very old, youll need to use a primer on the surface before painting again. Some older paints were oil based and normally wont be easy to paint over if your paint isnt oiled based. Id suggest cleaning the walls with Afterwards, buy a primer and...


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Repairing Cigarette Burns on a Velvet Sofa?
You will need to clean the area first and remove all the burned edges. After go to the back of the sofa or under the sofa to cut a piece of fabric. Place the fabric inside the hole and use a fabric glue to glue it in place. You may be able to find some iron...


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Comforter Keeps Sliding Off My Bed?
Durng the winter months, they normally sell a set of fleece sheets you can buy. Try using them inbetween the blankets to help them from slipping off your bed. Other than this you will need to buy a fleece blanket to use on your bed.


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Finding Inexpensive Heelys?
On the Heelys site there is a discount site you can check for these. They are adorable and they have a good variety of womens sizes for you to choose from.


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Using Ivermectin or Acarexx to Control Ear Mites?
I will actually tell you the best thing to use to control ear mites in a dog, cat, or even a rabbit. it is baby oil. Just get some baby oil and a Q-tip to apply the baby oil to the ear where the animal has ear mites. This is a treatment that will take 3 weeks...


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Replacement Controller for a Cuddl Duds Throw?
I have searched to find a new controller for your throw and it appears they do not sell these controllers online. Your only other option is to contact the dealer and order one from them.


Age and Value of a Murphy Cedar Chest? - chest in a garage or workshop

Age and Value of a Murphy Cedar Chest?
It seems like you are not looking for the value of this item but rather the date it was made. In this case you will need to search around the the serial number that normally is on the bottom of the chest. Then you can use this number to determine the date of...


Value of Vintage Corningware Casserole Dishes - casserole dishes with floral pattern and glass lids

Value of Vintage Corningware Casserole Dishes?
I would not go by the price that was posted here on the site. I would dig a bit deeper into this one. Here is a post that you might find very interesting. I have the exact set...


Using Old Sinks As Planters - old sinks planted with succulents sitting up on a garden wall

Using Old Sinks As Planters
Thank you so much. They do make cute planters for your yard and it is a good way to recycle old items and not throw them away.


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Homemade La Choy Pepper Steak Sauce Mix?
If you miss La Choy Pepper Steak dont fret. The Master Cook is there to help you. He has a wonderful recipe that you can make at home. This recipe is healthy and much better than the old La Choy in a can. Please follow the link below for your homemade La Choy...


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Natural Herbicide for Agapanthus?
There are two methods to remove Agapanthus bulbs from your yard. First, wait till the season has ended and start digging up the bulbs. The best time to dig up the bulbs is in late fall to early winter. The plants have stopped growing by this time. Second, prune...


Source of Black Soot Sticking to All Plastic Items in Apartment

Source of Black Soot Sticking to All Plastic Items in Apartment?
That is horrible and this is dangerous to your health. If you blew this out of your nose one morning I would say it is not mold but something else. I would contact a company who could inspect your apartment and actually determine what is going on. it sounds...


Identifying Kitchen Bugs - black bug

Identifying Kitchen Bugs?
These are beetles for sure and they come in flour and beech wheat. Youll need to get rid of all these boxes and clean out your cupboard good. Otherwise, youll end up throwing a lot more food away in the long run. If you know what store you purchased the beech...


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Dishwasher Discolored Magnalite Pot?
Not everything can go in a dishwasher and survive when it comes out. There are some pots and pans that need to be washed by hand. You have one chance to try and get some of the colors back and I dont think this will really work. You can try mixing some baking...


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Perm Not Curly Enough?
Normally if you perm your hair they recommend that you wait 6 to 8 weeks before you do it again If you are having issue doing this yourself because the hair was not rolled correctly or you did not get enough of the product on the hair then I would suggest that...


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Who Makes Safeway Signature Brands?
One of Safeways brand distributors is by far the largest known. It is Lucerne Foods. This is one of the store brand manufactures for Safeway. The rest of the store brands are manufactured at the same manufacturing company as other store brands use. They are...


Dust Mites in My Potted Plants - closeup of soil in a pot

Dust Mites in My Potted Plants?
In order to get rid of them and keep them out of your plants go out and buy some new potting soil. Uproot the plants and make sure you take all the soil off the roots of the plants. Now clean the pots with a mild solution of water and bleach. Once the pots...


A wooden grandfather clock.

Value of Emperor Grandfather Clock?
On eBay in the UK a person is trying to sell the exact clock you have here. They are asking 300 pounds for the clock. That does not mean they will get this much money when it is sold but this is their starting price and I am sure it will get adjusted if anyone...


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Value of a Rockola 445 Jukebox?
This will all depend on who is selling it, where it is located, and how much shipping will be for you. If you buy this outside of your state the shipping will be rather costly. You could pay around $600 for the jukebox and another $500 for shipping. Youll need...


Replacement Plug and Control for a Silvercrest Electric Underblanket?

Replacement Plug and Control for a Silvercrest Electric Underblanket?
What is unfortunate is that companies who sell these items never offer replacement parts for the items they sell. The blankets are considered throw away items because it is hard to find the exact cord you need to fix your blanket. I have checked several sites...


Is My Tongue Piercing Infected?

Is My Tongue Piercing Infected?
I would use the products that they suggest on the piecing area and keep it as clean as possible. If this gets worse and does not clear up you should get it checked out.


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Cornbread is Always Hard?
If you are having difficulty making homemade cornbread I would like to suggest that you try Jiffy Cornbread Muffin Mix. I love this mix and it comes in a small box. It makes a great cornbread. I can make cornbread, however, I prefer the Jiffy mix. I dont always...


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Equivalent of Dawn Dish Soap in the UK?
If you can find Fairy where you live, this is equivalent to the Dawn dish soap. In Europe this is the next best thing to Dawn from the US.


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What Does "Released from Jail on a 911 Call" Mean?
I would actually call the jail to find out what it means. If you had placed a 911 call about this person who was stocking you it appears that someone posted his bail and he has been realeased. Just to be on the safe side call the jail to make sure.


Identifying Small Brown Jumping or Flying Bug -closeup

Identifying Small Brown Jumping or Flying Bug?
The bugs you are talking about are springtails. They are very annoying and considering everyone is locked in their homes right now they are seeing more and more bugs coming in the home from outside. They are not so hard to get rid of and you can lay down some...


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Replacement Temperature Sensor for Foreman Roaster?
Go to the George Foreman website and type in your model for the roaster. The website sells replacement parts for your roaster.


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Using Saved Permanent Hair Dye?
It sounds like you saved the two products in separate containers. I saw what happened to my friends hair dye after 3 days. She mixed it together and didnt have time to dye her hair. After 3 days the dye was just foam. This sounds like you can still use the...


Value of a Vintage Imperial Furniture Desk - three drawer desk with leather top

Value of a Vintage Imperial Furniture Desk?
Im not sure what condition the desk was in before but the condition it is in now is wonderful. If you had not told us your refurbished the desk none of us would have know. When you list the desk make sure you tell the person it is refinished. I think it is...


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Making Your Own Lampe Berger Fragrances?
If you want to learn to make your own oil I would read this post here on the site. There is a lot of really good information here and it can help you to decide if this is the wayyou want...


A wooden cedar chest with the lid open.

Value of 1942 Lane Cedar Chest
Most people will only pay around $125-175 for a cedar chest these days. There are many people who list these chests for $250-500 and when they are sold the selling price is much lower than the asking price. I have found several chests that sold in the past...


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Repairing Outdoor Snowflake Lights?
Normally, if one bulb burns up in these types of light strings, they wont light any longer. You would have to find a way to get to the light bulbs and change them out one at a time. Otherwise inspect the wiring to make sure there is no damage to the wire and...


Identifying an Antique Dresser  - three antique dressers

Identifying an Antique Dresser?
This looks like a nice set of furniture you have sitting around your home. It is a shame you cant find any marking on the dresser to help out. Normally they are located on the back or even under the dresser. It is helpful when you know who made it. In cases...


Value of an Admiral Console Record Player?

Value of an Admiral Console Record Player?
This is a mid-50s model and had just the record player in it. When the 60s models came out they were a bit larger and had the radio in them. The condition determines the value of this console. Does it still work or not? If it is in good working condition and...


Value of A Silver Tray - silver tray with ornate edge and handles

Value of A Silver Tray?
Your best bet is to see a silversmith, a silver dealer or even a jeweler to ask about your tray. The marking on the tray are not for silver but instead of silver plate. The tray needs to be tested to find out how much silver is actually in the tray. That is...


A drinking glass with silver markings.

Identifying Glasses
I did find this symbol on the bottom of the glass and they are called droplets. The two drops of water are the reminiscent of the Chinese 'Yin/Yang' symbol. The glass company is located in Pasabahce Turkey. The company opened in 1934 and it is still in business...


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Using Cornstarch Instead of Pectin When Making Jam?
We dont have pectin where I live. In order to substitute for pectin, I use lime juice and the skin. I will use a garlic grader in order to grade the skin of the lime very fine. I add 2 tablespoons of lime juice and around the same for the lime peel. This will...


Dog Stopped Feeding Pups - engorged breasts on dog

Dog Stopped Feeding Pups?
There could be another reason she is not allowing the puppies to feed from her. My dog had puppies and like you I had no idea about any of this because it was my first and last time I did this one. There could be another issue why the mom is not allowing the...


Repairing a Vintage Magnavox TV - console TV

Repairing a Vintage Magnavox TV?
You will need the model number for this before you can start. Normally on the inside of the TV set in the back there should be a label to tell you the make and model. Once you can find this then youll need to search for a repair book to understand the wires...


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Finding an Electric Blanket for a California King Bed?
You are right the regular king size will not fit your bed. We had to find a larger blanket for a bed for my granddaughter and the only place we could find this was at Bed Bath and Beyond. They have it all there and they have a very large selection to choose...


Identifying Egg Casings or Cocoons - dried leaf cocoon

Identifying Egg Casings or Cocoons?
This really looks like the nest of a bee. Here is an image of a nest a Mason bee made and if you look at this one it looks a lot like your nest.


Identifying a Bug Found on My Bed  - small brown bug

Identifying a Bug Found on My Bed? (Bed Bug)
That is a bedbug and you need to get some help immediately to get them out of your home and save as much as you can. Look around and make sure you do not have a lot of them running around. They are normally around the feet of the bed and cracks in the wall...


Getting Rid of Tiny Biting Bugs

Getting Rid of Tiny Biting Bugs?
I think these are called no-see-em and they do come from the beach. We have them here and they are horrible. You can try applying mint oil to your skil all the time to keep them from bitting you. But you really need to get your home professionally sprayed to...


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Swiffer WetJet Multi-Purpose Cleaner Leaves Floor Sticky?
You can use a multi-purpose solution in the machine but you need to water down the solution you are using. It is way too strong and normally you clean with solutions like this from a bucket. When I clean the tile with one of these dolutions I add around a gallon...


Value of Dixie End Tables? - two tier end tables with a drawer

Value of Dixie End Tables?
It is very possible that the end tables here original color are white. Dixie made some furniture that was white lacquer and also white grey lacquer. They were part of the Dixie Hepplewhite and the Dixie Chinoiserie Greek Key White Lacquered collection. Your...


Remedy for a Cat with Acne on Face and Head - cat with scratches and acne on face

Remedy for a Cat with Acne on Face and Head?
This is not a normal condition and your cat will need very special care that your vet is not able to give you. I would try to find a vet that specializes in these types of condition. I feel so sorry for your poor cat and I hope that a new vet will be able to...


Making a Bamboo Rain Stick - braid some string and decorate the instrument. Be sure to glue the string in place.

Making a Bamboo Rainstick
We have a lot of bamboo here on the islands and we also grow some to use.


Making a Bamboo Rain Stick - braid some string and decorate the instrument. Be sure to glue the string in place.

Making a Bamboo Rainstick
They are a great way to pass the time and the sound will relax you so much.


Making a Bamboo Rain Stick - braid some string and decorate the instrument. Be sure to glue the string in place.

Making a Bamboo Rainstick
They are a lot of fun to make and the kids love them. I too enjoy the sound they make and they are so much fun to play with.


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Reviews of Kirkland Dishwasher Soap Pods?
I dont own a dishwasher but my daughter does. She started to use these around 9 months ago and simply loves them. They are great and do a good job.


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Pre-lit Christmas Tree Lights Very Dim?
You will need to buy a special replacement bulb kit for this tree. You can find them online at the Tree Classic. These types of tree have or use a different type of replacement bulb than standard tree lights use. That is why you are having a problem. Some of...


Recycled Christmas Card Coasters - decoupaged card front coasters

Recycled Christmas Card Coasters
Those are cute and it is a great idea. What do you think about adding a coat of varnish to the greeting cards in order to protect them.


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Mod Podge Doesn't Stick to Clear Glass Plate?
I use Elmers white school glue and add some water to the glue to thin it down. What you can try is putting the MP on the plate and ad the material there. Then when it is starting to dry and 1 or 2 coats of MP to the top of the material to get it to stick down...


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Mod Podge Doesn't Stick to Clear Glass Plate?
Normally if you want to add material to a glass object you need to use a special glue that will allow you to glue the material to the object. Now if the plate needs to have food you would normally only glue a part of the plate and cover this with the material...


A large mahogany dining table with 8 chairs.

Identifying a Mahogany Dining Table?
This might be an impossible task for any of us to help you with. Your table does not have a manufacturing label or name on it so it makes it even harder for one of us to identify this table. A lot of furniture that is labeled with the 4 to 6 digits are often...


Two Native American porcelain dolls.

Value of Goldenvale Dolls?
Currently, the market is flooded with dolls at the moment and people are not actually getting a very high price for selling them. Normally the Indian dolls do seem to fetch a bit higher price than other dolls are at the moment. If you only paid $20 for the...


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Frozen Janome Sewing Machine?
You sound like you could have a frozen motor in the machine, a belt could be broken, or you need a really good cleaning. There could be some rusted parts that are causing the machine to no longer turn. You should try once again to clean the machine. Normally...


Some dark insect eggs.

What Are These Insect Eggs?
Your picture is very blurry and it is really hard to see this. There not spider eggs so dont worry about this. Normally spider eggs are in an egg sack. These look like moth eggs to me. They are not harmful at all but they do look awful. You can clean this with...


An old and worn baby blanket.

Saving An Old Baby Blanket?
This looks like a very small throw blanket for a crib or laying on the floor. I can see some of the frayed edges and wear and tear on the blanket. I had a baby blanket that was my daughters that she just loved. I was lucky back then because my grandmother made...


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Cats Under Manufactured Home?
if you have an issue with stray cats going under your home you may need to get some sort of a trap in order to catch them and remove them from the area. I would try contacting one of the animal rescue units in your area. There are a lot of people now who will...


A porcelain doll in a box.

Value of Collectors Choice Doll?
These dolls are mass-produced which really lowers the price of the doll. Dolls like this are so hard to find online because the company makes so many of them. They are sold in mass quantity at local stores like K-Mart, Target, Walgreen and so many more. Currently...


The belly of an itching dog.

Help for Itching Dog?
OK got you covered. I just went through this with my dog. I had to take him to the vet because the itching was so bad. I had tried many things at home but I just could not get him to stop itching. My vet asked me what I fed the dog. I told him and he said that...


An old rusted piece of farm equipment.

Identifying Farm Equipment?
This is differently missing some of the pieces on this cultivator. There should be a longer piece in the center that was used to attach to the horse or mule to pull it through the fields. These are land cultivators used in 1800-1900 to plow the fields and get...


A set of encyclopedias.

Finding An Encyclopedia Volume?
Have you ever tried to do a rare book search online? They have some really good book search engines that could help you locate this book. I would try a few of them to see if they can find the book for you. I do see some sets sold online but they dont seem to...


A low wooden table with drawers.

Age of Bassett Table?
Bassett is a fantastic company and they make some excellent furniture. Your piece was made in Virginia. Here is some history about the company that should help you learn a bit more about the table you have. This table looks original and is in excellent condition...


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Health Advice for Pitbull?
This sounds like the dog has parvo and it could be very dangerous. This is a sickness that a lot of dogs have and it can kill the dog if not treated. I would not take any chances with your dog and the health of your animal. I know that with Covid it is harder...


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Maker of Kroger's Brand Bread?
Kroger uses to make their own bread they sold in stores. Before this, they would normally contract another bread company for their no-name labels and use their label on the bread. Recently they are phasing out their bakery for their bread and signing a new...


A footed glass with a yellow tint.

Identifying a Drinking Glass?
I remember my grandmother had a lot of these glasses. I know when she bought a new box of soap one came in them. I remember there were 3 different sizes of these. I have also seen similar glasses to these in the store around here that have mustard in them. I...


A piggy stuffed animal.

Stuffed Animal Brand Name?
I think these are from Hugfun. The color of the stuffed animals is the same as the ones they made back in 1990. Hugfun made a lot of tri colored stuffed animals that ranged from elephants to bears and much more.


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Straight Perm Frizz?
It appears that the home perms are not working very well on your hair and I would not really recommend that you try and do another one yourself. I think maybe they have changed the chemicals in these perms and they are not giving the same results as before...


A small brown bug on a blue surface.

What Bug Is This?
This looks like a typical carpet beetle that comes in during the cooler months of the year. They are a pain and can eat the fibers in your carpet, furniture, or even bedding. I would vacuum up the room, empty the bag, and lay down some sticky fly paper to trap...


A figurine of a Christmas elf in a red boot.

How Old Is This Christmas Decoration?
There are a few of these listed on eBay and they are listed under the name of Lefton exclusive pixie candlestick boot, There dont give any dates or how old these are. It is the same as the one you have here. In order to date this, it would be necessary to see...


A 1948 Crescent Line Recorder on a blanket.

1948 Crescent Line Recorder?
I have found another site that is called the Museum of magnet sound recording. They have a very large selection of magnet sound recording devices there. The person has listed a lot of history about these devices on the website. There is a contact page where...


A porcelain doll wearing red.

Value of Dolls?
It is a shame that dolls like this have flooded the market in recent years. There are so many of them now for sale that people are trying to give them away. I have told a few people who had a lot of these dolls to take them to a swap meet and sell them there...


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Dog With Puppies is Aggressive to Children?
This is normal after a dog has given birth to puppies. They are afraid that your children will hurt the dogs when they are so young. She is only trying to protect them. I would suggest for the time being until the puppies get a bit older than you try and keep...


A mirror on a antique vanity.

Identifying Antique Vanity?
This looks very similar to one that my grandmother had in her bedroom for as long as I can remember. That was the one piece of furniture that she kept and would never part with. I asked her why and she said that she had to save for almost a year to buy this...


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Fixing Grout?
The best way to get this fixed is to try and safely remove the existing grout that is between the tiles. This is going to be a very messy job and will take quite a bit of time to get this out. They have special hammers that are rubber for working on the tile...


A girl holding a grey stuffed rabbit.

Anyone Recognize My Stuffed Rabbit?
Back in the 80s, these were everywhere in the stores around Easter. My daughter was only 4 or 5 during this time and I had tons of these rabbits given to her for Easter. I know that some of her Easter baskets came with them inside of them and she loved them...


Several pictures of a growing dog.

Is My Dog a Lab and Basenji Mix?
This is a beautiful dog and you are so lucky to have him. I can see some Basenji in the dog which seems to be more noticeable than the lab in the dog. I do believe the father was a mixed breed and there could be a few other breeds in the dog beside the lab...


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Covering Plate with Bandana?
As you know the plate is round and the bandana is square. You will need to actually cut the edges off the bandana and start at the inside of the plate first. Place a small dab of glue on the center of the plate to hold this in place. Make sure that you flatten...


An ornate porcelain doll.

What is This Doll's Value?
it is a total shame that people paid so much for these dolls in hopes that one day they could retire and sell off their collections online. if this was 8-10 years ago you could actually get a very good price for these dolls. However, today the value is so low...


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