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34 Posts | 7 Comments | Active Since 2006


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Barnyard Theme Nursery Ideas?I was wondering if anyone knew of cheap nusery ideas. I'm wanting to do a barnyard theme. I was thinking of having my husband paint a mural on the walls and going to a flea market for furniture to refinish as well. Any tips for that would be appreciated as well.


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What Should I Bring For My New Baby?My husband and I are having our first daughter within the next couple of weeks and we are close enough that we will be able to visit with my family for lunch then his for dinner and it'll be less than a mile home.


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Recipes for Sugar Free Desserts?Does anyone have a recipe for diabetic homemade ice cream, sorbet, etc.? I just got a new ice cream maker, and am trying to eat sugar free foods since I found out I have Gestational Diabetes. Thanks for the info.


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Home Organizing Tips?I personally have a really hard time keeping anything in my home organized. My husband and I got married and moved from KY/IN area to Northeast GA 6 months ago and still have boxes everywhere. Now we are talking about starting a home business as well.


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Introducing Young Children to Computers?I have a 3 and 5 year old and I homeschool. At what age should I begin them on the computer and how? I'm 28 and I remember typing in late elementary school, but nothing else until middle school.


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Potty Training?My dh and I have let our dd start wearing panties to bed at nite since she went one week without an accident in her pullup at nite. Now she has been about a week without accidents at nite, but is having at least one every morning after she goes to the bathroom first thing.


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Gift in a Jar Recipes?Does anyone have any gift in a jar recipes or candy recipes for candies that will fit into a jar? I'm trying to find some inexpensive Christmas (and other time) gifts.


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How Do I Reduce My Children's Stress Over Moving?My family is facing our 6th move in the 6 years (in Aug) that my dh and I have been married. If we move again, where I think we will, this will be the farthest our kids have been from both sets of grandparents.


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Tips for a Husband Who is a Picky Eater?Does anyone have any suggestions for a picky eater? My husband and I are wanting to start a family soon and I want us to start eating better but he refuses to eat any veggies and very few fruits. The veggies he will eat are: broccoli, lettuce, fried squash, and corn on the cob.


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Feedback About Rent To Own Stores?I've heard that rent to own on furniture is not the best thing to do. And I've heard recently that doing this with a house is the best way to go. Has anyone ever done this and is this the best way to go? What tips and advice do you have for someone thinking about it?


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Making Bird's Eye Viola Three Cheese Chicken?Does anyone have an idea as to how to make a copycat version for Bird's Eye "Voila Three Cheese Chicken"? My family really seems to like it, it's low in calories, has lots of veggies, and I thought I might be able to precook it and freeze it like they do, but in a little more bulk.


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Helping Children Who Are Afraid of Animals?My son, 2 and my daughter who will be 4 in Nov., are afraid of all animals, especially those on 4 legs. We had an outdoor cat when my daughter was 2 and my son was around 4/6 months. Then we moved and had to get rid of it.


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Using Kitchen Appliances When Crafting?I'm interested in making some crafts using things in my kitchen, such as melting crayons in a muffin pan to make new crayons, melting down old candles to make new, making clay ornaments with cookie cutters, etc.


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Steak & Shake's Chicken Melt?Does anyone know where I can find a recipe for Steak & Shake's Chicken Melt? I know the basic toppings and stuff but can't find the recipe for the Frisco sauce. I've checked all my usual recipe places online as well as checking on google and can't find anything.


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Games to Use for Homeschooling?I'd like to get some of the games like Diner Dash and such for my kids to use as part of their homeschooling. I was wondering if anyone knew what I could use them as subject-wise. Math, Economics, etc.


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Chicken Christopher Recipe?I was just wondering if anyone had a recipe that I've been looking for. I think it was called Chicken Christopher. I had it at a pretty swanky restaurant with my parents several years ago but can't afford to go back.


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Making and Using Infused Olive Oils?I've seen many recipes, especially around the holidays, for infused olive oils. I really want to be able to make some of these as gifts, as well as, for myself. I just don't know how they are used.


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Meals That Can Be Prepared in Advance?I like simple, easy, and quick. I like Hamburger Helper, frozen dinners, those complete meals and the like. I'm over 4 months pregnant with a 16 month old and my husband at home. We would like to start eating healthier, but my husband and I are both picky eaters. We are also on a VERY tight budget since I just lost my job due to the pregnancy.


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Koolaid Pie?I've heard about a recipe for Koolaid pie and was able to taste a piece while living in GA. Has anyone else ever heard of this? Any idea where I could get the recipe?


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Stuffed Animal Tricks Like Elf on the Shelf Tricks?I love the "tricks" side of the Elf On The Shelf. I've heard of others doing it with other stuffed animals (a friend of our family has 2 sock monkeys that she does similar things with on a regular basis and posts pictures on facebook). I was wondering if anyone else does something similar and if you have any idea of how I could start this with my kids and "tricks" to try. I've been checking out some of the Elf On The Shelf ideas and may include some of those as well.


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Where Can I Get Information on Homeschooling Requirements?I'm wanting to homeschool my kids, but some of the laws are a bit confusing. For example, do you have to teach them 6 hrs/day or just make sure you get in the required number of hours for the year? Where is the best place for me to find these answers?


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Getting Prepared To Homeschool?I would love to eventually homeschool my 2 year old daughter and 2 month old son. Does anyone have any suggestions for organization, projects, curriculum, etc. I was homeschooled for 3 years, 7th-9th, but I don't know much about how to get started. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Flavored Tortillas Used to Make Wraps?I worked at a restaurant in GA where we made wraps (sandwiches) with different flavors of wraps (outside like tortillas). They were spinach, tomato, wheat, etc. When looking online I find flour tortillas and sandwich wraps but none of the other outside wraps. Does anyone know where I can find these recipes?


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Planning a Trip?Planning a Trip. In July my family is planning to take a trip to Maryland and then to Cooperstown, NY. We are very excited but need some help making this trip as inexpensive as possible.


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Information About Campbellsville, KY and Sault Ste Marie, MI?My husband is currently looking at a couple of job positions in Campbellsville, KY and Sault Ste Marie, MI. I was wondering if anyone had any info about these two cities, what to do, etc. I have spent most of my life in Louisville, KY area and my husband near Corydon, IN.


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Decorating and Childproofing a Nursery?My husband and I recently found out that we are expecting. What can we do to decorate the white walls and make it seem more like a nursery? Also, any other childproofing, toy/supplies buying, or the like tips would be greatly appreciated.


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Building Credit With Credit Cards?My husband and I would like to be able to make a budget using credit cards. We have little credit and would like to be able to someday get a loan to buy a home. How can we successfully budget our finances to be able to pay off the credit card every month?


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Choosing a Pet?I have 2 kids, dd 5 and ds 3. Ds is allergic to dogs and cats. I want to get them a pet that is low cost, low maintenance, will be awake when the kids are, and doesn't mind being handled. Also my kids are generally skiddish around most animals. Any suggestions are much welcome.


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Organizing for Two Children to Share a Room?I just found out that I'm pregnant with our 2nd child. At the moment, we live in a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, single wide trailer. This little one will need to share a room with their older sister, she will be around 20-21 months at the due date.


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Advice for First Time Home Buyers?My DH and I are considering buying our first home. We are looking at an "as is" home and are wondering what all we need to consider before calling the agent, including questions to ask about the house and loans, etc.


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Traveling With a Newborn?I was also wondering about travel tips for newborns. I know that we will have to stop a lot more often but we want to visit with family over Christmas and give everyone a chance to see the baby. The down side is they all live 9 hrs away.


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Pizza Sauce Without Tomatoes?I know about Ranch and BBQ sauce, but what else can you put on pizza that isn't tomato based? My 2 1/2 year old gets horrible diaper rash, but pizza is one of the few things she'll eat on a consistent basis.


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Choosing a Home School Curriculum?My children are still very young, but I've been looking at many different home school curricula and am pretty sure of what I'm getting.



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