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219 Posts | 17 Comments | Active Since 2006


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Cutting Up a Grapefruit?How do you cut up a grapefruit? I've been peeling them (like you do a orange) and making a mess at work. Any suggestions?


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Shower Stall Curtain?Where can I buy shower curtains for a shower stall?


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Cleaning a Garage Floor?What is the best way to clean a garage floor and get rid of odors? I just moved into a rental house and the garage floor has a lot of oil spots on it and I think they keep their pets in the garage also.


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Durable Stove Burner Covers?Where can I buy stove burner covers that are durable? The ones I have seem to easily slide around on the stove. I am having a hard time keeping my burner dripping trays clean and I want to cover them.


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Re-fluffing Pillows?What is the best pillow to buy? I love sleeping on fluffy pillows but every time I buy one, they always seem to go flat after a few months. I have bought the cheap ones for $2.50 and also the more expensive ones for $10. All of them seem to loose shape and go flat. Do you have any suggestions?


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Budget Software Reviews?What is the best and easiest budget software to use? I am looking for something very simple and easy.


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Warming Baby Bottles?What is the quickest way to warm a baby bottle? I have been warming it on the stove which takes forever. I was also wondering, do those portable bottle warmers from Babies R Us ($24.99) work?


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Purchasing a Home After a Foreclosure?I had a house go into foreclosure in 2007. My loan officer advised me yesterday that the mortgage company that financed the house that went into foreclosure has put that house back on my credit report as outstanding, indicating I owe them 20K.


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Sports Bras for Everyday Wear?Ladies, do you think bras with wire are better than the sport bras? I thought sport bras were for wearing when you are exercising, but a saleslady told me sport bras are becoming more popular for everyday wear.


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Folding Fitted Sheets?How do you fold fitted sheets? I have been watching the Martha Stewart video about folding sheets properly, but I still can't do it. I like an organized linen closet.


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Stopping Calls from Creditors?I am having some financial problems that will be resolved shortly. In the meantime, how do I keep creditors from calling my job? I ask them not to call my job but they continue to call.


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Mosquito Repellent for a Toddler?Can anyone advise on an insect repellent for a toddler (2 yrs old)? I used to buy Skin So Soft by Avon, but I haven't been able to find it lately.


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Encouraging Teens to Cook for Themselves?Does anyone have any ideas on how I can encourage my teens ages 18 and 20 to cook for themselves? They are both in college and not working at this time.


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Planning a Very Small Wedding?I have a friend who is having a private wedding with only 6 guests. She has asked me to assist her but neither she nor I know where to start planning. We have already chosen a gown to wear.


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Covers for Baby Wipe Containers?Where can I order those covers used to cover baby wipe containers. I have Clorox Disinfectant wipes in each bathroom and I would like to cover the outside?


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Farewell Party for Daughter Joining the Army?Does anyone have any ideas on how to have a simple going away party (20 people) for my daughter who is leaving for the Army next month? She is 20 years old.


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How do you carry your checkbook?Ladies, do you prefer carrying a checkbook wallet or a checkbook cover? I read an article that indicated most women are dumping their checkbook wallets and simply carrying the checkbook cover.


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Recipe for Mo's Restaurant Cheese Dip?Does anyone have a copycat recipe for the cheese dip they serve at Moe's Restaurant? I am referring to the cheese sauce/dip used for dipping the chips.


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Making a Courthouse Wedding Special?My fiancee and I have decided to go to the courthouse (or maybe our pastor's chambers) to be married. Is there any thing we can do to make this kind of special? We don't have much money.


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Temporary Shelves Using Cinder Blocks?Is there such a thing as removable or temporary shelves? I live in a apt that has only 2 shelves per small closet. I heard you can make temporary shelves out of cinder blocks, I have not idea how to do this.


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Looking For An Alternative To Palm Pilot?My hand held Palm (Tungsten E2) died on me yesterday and I lost all my data. I went to purchase another one and everyone keeps saying the hand held palms are being discontinued. However, they are still $200 and I do not want to spend this much on an item that is being discontinued.


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Storage In Small Bathroom?How can I add storage space to a small powder room with a pedestal sink? I need something pretty to store toilet tissue and cleaning products in.


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Repairing a Vinyl Floor?I have a small tear on my vinyl floor in the kitchen. Any ideas on how I can repair it?


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Making Tasty Turkey Burgers?How do you make the best tasting turkey burgers? Mine always seems like it has no seasoning even after I season it with salt and pepper and always fall apart. I also add 1/2 cup bread crumbs, salt, and pepper, (kids don't like onions and bell peppers).


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Showing Support for Adult Child's Career Making Decisions?How can I show my daughter I support her? She just graduated from high school and I have been offering suggestions and giving her advice about her career because she is undecided ...


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Storing an Ironing Board in a Small Apartment?When you have limited space where can you store the ironing board? I have a small apartment and we have to iron everyday. Now we leave the ironing board in the narrow hallway which is in the way of traffic. Do you have any suggestions?


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Carrying Powdered Compacts In My Purse?I am trying to find something to keep my BC powders in while in my purse. I carry about 6 powders. Powder is all over my purse. Do you have any ideas on what I can put them in?


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Storing Large Kitchen Utensils?Where do you store your kitchen utensils like your large cooking spoons and forks, spatulas, potato masher, can openers, turkey baster, etc.? I have a small kitchen and would like to store them somewhere other than the wall and counter.


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Dryness Around My Eyes?Lately, I have been having problems with my eyes being a little dry in the corners, especially around the outside. My doctor have given me 2 different kinds of eye cream but nothing seems to help. They are only dry when I wake up in the mornings. Do you have any suggestions?


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Property Tax Lien on Foreclosed Home?I lost a house to foreclosure in 2005. There were property taxes owed on the house at the time of foreclosure. The house has been purchased by new homeowners now. I don't think they are renting.


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Eating Wheat Makes My Stomach Feel Bloated?Can someone explain to me why is it that when I eat wheat bread (like on a sandwich) I always get a real tight, bloated and, stuffy feeling in my stomach? I heard that bread has an ingredient in it that causes this feeling? Any advice?


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Cleaning an Oven?Any tips on how to make cleaning an oven easier? I normally use Easy Off and rubber gloves and get on my knees and scrub, scrub. Is there a better way? It is not a self cleaning oven.


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Cheese Sauce for Broccoli?How do you make a creamy cheese sauce to pour over broccoli? I like it very cheesy and I make it with real hard cheddar cheese but within minutes after Im done cooking it starts to harden.


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Using a Computer in My Living Room?I would like to set up my computer in my living room because of limited space. However, my living room is decorated in traditional/elegance style. Do you think it will look tacky with all the cords hanging down?


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Storing Shoes?I have limited space in my closet. Is it OK to store my shoes in one large brown cardboard/storage box? I was wondering if the shoes at the bottom of the box would lose their shape from the other shoes being stacked on top of them. Please advise.


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Using the Dishwasher as a Drying Rack?I was reading in a magazine at the doctor's office about organizing a kitchen. The article advised removing your dish rack/drainer from the counter because it makes the kitchen look cluttered and use your dishwasher to drain the dishes.


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Reheating a Baked Potato?How do you warm up a baked potato?


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Does Running the Air Conditioner Continuously Save Money?Does it really save you money if you keep your air conditioner set a specific temperature and never turn it off in the summer? I know the electric companies claim this works, but I wonder is it true?


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Washing Your Back?Any advice on the best way to wash your own back while showering? No spouse at this time.


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Tightening Eyeglasses?How can I tighten my eyeglasses? They keep sliding down my nose and I have to keep going to the Optical Center to get them tightened up. Is there a kit or something similar I can buy to do this?


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Candles or Flashlights for Power Outages?When the lights goes out in your home do you prefer using candles or flashlights? Is it safe to leave batteries in a flashlight for a long time?


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Backpack Vs. Sling?What is the difference in a backpack and a sling? (A sling has only 1 strap) I am trying to find something to carry my lunch in and free up my hands. Also, do you think backpacks are suitable for business attire (women skirt suits)?


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2003 Toyota Corolla is Slow to Start?My car is slow to start up sometimes. I have had the battery, fuel pump and spark plugs checked and all are fine. Any suggestions what might be the problem? This has been going on for 2 weeks. My car is parked in an enclosed garage so it doesn't get very cold. It is a 2003 Toyota Corolla.


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Keeping Kleenex In the Car?What do you keep your Kleenex tissues in while you are in your car? Every time I buy a kleenex box for my car it always get smashed up.


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Towel vs. Bathmat for Outside Shower or Tub?What do you use to catch the water when you step out of the bathtub or shower?


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Salmon Egg Scramble Recipe?Does anyone have a recipe for salmon egg scramble? I made one but it was very dry.


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Yukon Vs. White Potatoes?Is there a difference between Yukon and regular white potatoes? I baked a whole white potato and it seemed like it took forever to cook. I wasn't sure if I bought the wrong kind. Please advise.


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Keeping Tuna Salad from Being Dry?What do you put in your tuna salad? I put 2 cans of tuna, 2 eggs, mayo and a little sugar. However, I ordered a tuna sandwich from a restaurant yesterday and it was delicious. Mine is usually kind of dry. Do you know what the secret ingredient is?


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Mattress is Sinking in the Middle?My mattress is sinking a little in the middle and I don't have money at this time to buy another one. I heard that the egg crate pillow topper will assist and make sleeping on the mattress more comfortable. Is this true? Please share your advice. Thanks.


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Brown Leaves in Frozen Spinach?I purchased a pack of frozen chopped spinach from the grocery store. When I got home and opened the carton I noticed a lot of brown chopped leaves in it. Does this mean the spinach was old?


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Packing a Lunch Without a Soggy Sandwich?When preparing a turkey sandwich for lunch what could I store the mayo and tomatoes in? If I put the mayo and tomatoes on the sandwich in the a.m. it is usually soggy and wet by lunch time. Any suggestions?


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Paying Bills on Time?What is the best way to keep up with your bills due dates? All of my bills come on different dates. When I call to inquire about a bill, I like to make note of the conversation and who I spoke to. I was keeping this information on a spreadsheet on my computer.


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Installing A Digital Converter Box?I have been looking for ways to save money and decided to cancel my cable services. Please tell me how well the TV converter boxes are working.


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Best Water Temperature for Washing Clothes?In an effort to save money, I have decided to wash my pants suits in the washing machine instead of sending them to the dry cleaners every month. These are nice suits that I wear to work, but they are also washable suits.


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Resolving Delinquent Accounts on a Credit Report?I was helping a friend clear up his credit report. I noticed most of his debt was at least 15 years old. This debt was mainly from credit card companies. I had always heard that after 7 years old debt automatically drops off your credit report.


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Flowers for Apartment Container Garden?I live in an apartment and would like to plant some summer flowers that are easy to grow, like geraniums, in a pot and put them on the porch. I have a very small closed in porch and only have room for about 2 large pots and maybe also hang a rectangular one on the banister (handrail).


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Uses for Chicken Broth?I boiled a family pack of chicken wings for my mother and I have a pot full of tasty chicken broth on hand. What can I do with the broth? Can it be frozen and used later?


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Loose or Compact Face Powder?Do you prefer loose face powder or compact face powder for touch ups during the day?


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How to Change Bathroom Door Lock?I would like to change the door lock on my bathroom door.


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Putting Shower Curtain and Liner on One Rod?Do you use 2 shower curtain rods (1 for the liner and the other for the curtain) or just 1 and put both the shower curtain and liner on the same rod. I have always used two but I wonder will 1 rod suffice?


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Storing a Christmas Centerpiece?How do I store my Christmas table centerpiece? It is a small floral arrangement with 2 metal candle stands on the sides. I wasn't sure if it was OK to store it in an outside storage closet covered with plastic.


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Cooking Pancakes?How do you brown your pancakes? I cook mine in a nonstick Farberware skillet with one tablespoon of vegetable oil but I can't seem to get it to brown on both sides.


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Finding a Driving School in Georgia?Can anyone recommend a driving school in Georgia? I understand they give teens a discount on their car insurance after completion of a driving course.


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Cleaning the Bathtub?How do I clean my bathtub with ease? I spend a lot of time bending and reaching while cleaning the tub. I was wondering if the Mr. Clean Reach mop (short handle) will help. Also, what can I spray on my tub daily to minimize cleaning?


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Creating an Office Fund?What is the best way to collect money in a large office (200 employees) for things like the deaths, illnesses, etc.? Sometimes we give them the money collected with a card or buy a floral arrangement.


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How do you remove oil from your face during the day?How do you remove oil from your face during the day? I wear makeup and my face gets oily around the nose and forehead about noontime.


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Makeup Stains on White Face Cloths?I use a face cloth to remove my makeup. However, it is hard to get makeup stains out of the face cloths. All of my face cloths are dingy. What type of detergent do you use to remove makeup stains from face cloths?


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Substitute for a Baster?Does anyone have a substitute for using a basting syringe? I am not sure what's the proper name but its similar to a large eye dropper and is used for squeezing juice over meat while baking.


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Using an Over the Door Ironing Board?In an effort to save space, I was thinking about buying a compact ironing board that hangs on the back of your door. However, I was wondering when ironing a pair of jeans can you put a lot of pressure on the board when ironing a crease in the legs?


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Homemade Lotion Won't Pump?Please tell me why my homemade lotion won't dispense through a lotion pump. I use baby lotion, vitamin E cream, and petroleum jelly. I prefer to use a dispenser/pump over an open Mason jar.


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Life Without a Garbage Disposal?Life Without a Garbage Disposal. My new home does not have a garbage disposal in it. I thought all homes came with garbage disposals. I am used to putting everything down the garbage disposal. . .


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McDonald's Creamy Oatmeal?Does anyone have a recipe similar to McDonald's creamy oatmeal?


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