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162 Posts | 252 Comments | Active Since 2008


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Shopping for Cat Collars That Stay On?What type of collar is the most likely to stay on my cats? I have three indoor cats that never seem to have their collars on. I've been using the safety release type. I've replaced them thinking the clip might be worn, but it was only a matter of days before those were off as well.


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Removing Mold From Shoes?My husband is a teacher. On the first day of school they had a small kitchen fire and the whole school got sent out to stand in a torrential downpour for 20 minutes. There was limited damage to the school, but my husband and his nice leather shoes got soaked!


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Removing Skunk Smell from Carpet?My dog got skunked the other night and we didn't realize it until he was in the house and rubbing his face all over my new carpet! Aack!


Black leather women's shoes.

Fixing Up Leather Shoes?One of my kittens attacked one of my nice leather heels I need for work. They aren't destroyed, but they certainly don't look nice anymore. There are a lot of little holes and dents in them now.


Keeping Cats Off Counters

Keeping Cats Off Counter Tops?We have two 4 month old kittens that are constantly on the kitchen counter and table. They lick any dirty dishes left out, hang out in the sink, sit in the empty crock pot, you name it. We call them the obnoxious kittens for a reason!


Oil Pastels On Carpet

Removing Oil Pastels From Carpet?My 2 year old son decided to "decorate" my daughter's carpet with her oil pastel crayons. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting oil pastels out of carpet?


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How Do I Train My Cat Not to Sleep on My Head?One of my cats keeps trying to sleep across my neck. She does it several times a night. I immediately wake up and put her on the floor, but she's not taking the hint. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Healthy Snacks for Fishing Trips?I have a friend looking for healthy snacks to take on fishing trips. They'll be camping so there will be a cooler and camp stove handy, but they are looking for snacks that won't keep them away from the water for very long.


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Non-Tracking Cat Litter?Can anyone recommend a kitty litter product that doesn't stick to your cat's feet and track all over the place?



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