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5 Posts | 49 Comments | Active Since 2010


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Printing Grocery Coupons?Is there any place we can go on the web to print grocery coupons without having to do a download to our computers? These downloads cause computer problems. Help please!


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Garage Sale Humor?Once I was online and discovered some funny amusing stories that actually occurred at garage sales. Is there anyway we can make a spot here on Thriftyfun for each member to post their funny stories. I would really enjoy reading these and perhaps posting some. Thanks.


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Something is Sleeping Among My Garlic Plants?I have a question for gardeners, please. What could be bedding down in the middle of my tall garlic plants? They bend my beautiful garlic plants all the way over. The spot is pressed down into about a 1 1/2 foot circle. It is about the size of a coon or a cat or dog.


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Cleaning Silver Jewelry?What neutralizes silver oxide (the tarnish on my silver)? I am tired of trying to clean in all the tiny, tiny nooks between the beads. Help please. Thanks.


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