
Getting Rid of Ants

August 19, 2008

How do I eradicate ants from my house?

Micro Direct from Secaucus, NJ


Getting Rid of Ants

How do you get rid of ants? Don't feed them, of course. Keep cupboards and floors clean. Keep the crumbs off the counter tops and the carpets.


By ardis barnes (04/29/2005)

By ThriftyFun

Getting Rid of Ants

Boric Acid gets rid of ants, just get it at the drug store also chalk, just draw a line of chalk across a door way or cupboard and ants won't cross it. (04/29/2005)

By Diana

Getting Rid of Ants

We use this thing called magic chalk, You find where they're comeing out of IE a light fixture and you draw a circle around the outlet and any ant that crosses dies. and it works for weeks. (04/29/2005)

Getting Rid of Ants

I've heard if you sprinkle corn meal where they walk they'll eat it. The cornmeal swells up and kills them. Could be an old wives tale just not sure. (04/29/2005)

By Carol Tewksbury

Getting Rid of Ants

Cayenne Pepper works better than pesticides. Bonus is that it is non poisonous and if kids or pets get a hold of it it burns but won't make them sick! (04/29/2005)

By Kim

Getting Rid of Ants

Plant mint alongside your house, where you think they might be coming in. Ants don't like mint!

We had them really bad, in our bathroom. We put out Raid Ant Bait stations, and planted mint, too! As a leaves are wonderful in summer iced tea!


Upshot of all this. No ants! (05/11/2005)

Getting Rid of Ants

I had an ant problem indoors and found that the 20 mule team Borax is a great way to get rid of them without poisoning your family.

Also, ants hate cinnamon. If you want to get rid of ants just sprinkle cinnamon around and you get rid of ants and you get a nice scent too.

By Noelia Gutierrez (07/12/2005)

By ThriftyFun

Getting Rid of Ants

We had great success using Orange Glow wood polish and cleaner. We haven't seen an ant in months after clearing all cupboards and spraying them with Orange Glow. Leave the cupboards open over night because the scent is very strong. (07/13/2005)

By Kay Alina.

Getting Rid of Ants

My dear Grandmother always put rinsed egg shells in her cabinets - seemed to do the trick. Her daughter, my 88-year-old aunt still uses this method. (08/13/2005)


By Eli

Spicing up the Ants

If you have a problem with ants and don't want to use anything toxic--they hate anything spicy. Just sprinkle cinnamon, black pepper, or cayenne pepper around in the vicinity.

By Terri (08/19/2005)

By ThriftyFun

Getting Rid of Ants

Also, ants hate cinnamon. If you want to get rid of ants just sprinkle cinnamon around and you get rid of ants and you get a nice scent too.

What kind of cinnamon? Ground? Of all the things we have, we have ants. I keep a clean house, not immaculate, as I have 2 small children, but I have clean sinks every night, wipe down counters, vacuum, and keep laundry up, beds made, but I see ants everywhere. We have Orkin every other month, but I think that he does not do a very good job. He doesn't even spray in cupboards or closets or behind my couch. (that is another issue) but I have a lot of ants. If I sprinkle either 20 Mule team borax or cinnamon, do I vacuum that up or do I leave it or what? I am fortunate I don't have a menagerie of pests as I live in the humid south, but the ants drive me nuts.


Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

KLS (08/20/2005)

By KLS8800

Getting Rid of Ants

I once read on Thriftyfun to put powder out for ants. I had a problem with them coming in the sliding glass doors and getting into the birdcage. I put powder (shower to shower & cheap store brands) in the door runner and on the deck beneath the door.The ants disappeared for about two days & I found a trail again leading to the Ultility door about five foot from the glass doors. I put Powder inside and outside that door and the ants never came back until I decided to clean all the powder up and back they came. So now I have to keep powder down all the time, but it keeps them out. I watched them and they try to shake the powder off when they get it on them.
For Fire Ants I found the best thing to use is Amdro, which you can get most anywhere Home Depot, Walmart, etc. You don't have to wet it and they will disappear. It is in a white plastic rectangle bottle, with a black label. I don't have any other kind of ants so don't know if these remedies work on the large black ants. I have used the one that you have to stand there and wet it, and after a while they return or come back in another area. (08/21/2005)


By Fran

Getting Rid of Ants

Pour salt as a border where you do not want ants to go. Ants will not walk through salt.

By Rena Henley (10/05/2005)

By ThriftyFun

Getting Rid of Ants

Bay Leaves! Leave them on the counter, window sill, or wherever they are coming in! It worked for us! (10/06/2005)

By Lori From Iowa

Getting Rid of Ants

I've heard that if you rub a cut cucumber on the spot where the ants came inside your home, they won't come back in. I don't know if it works, but good luck! (10/06/2005)

By Anna

Getting Rid of Ants

You can follow Mike McGrath's instructions to create a weak boric acid sugar water. The key is that when you put out the sugar water, DO NOT KILL ANY ANTS. They have to take the sugar water back to the nest, where it will kill everyone else, including the queen. I've done this and we've been carpenter ant free since the spring. Be warned: once you do it, you will briefly see MORE ants, but after about a week or so, they will slowly taper off and then you won't see any.


The link: (10/06/2005)

By Kathy K.

Getting Rid of Ants

Using boric acid with an attractant like sugar water or canned cat food is always a decent thing to try, but for Pete's Sake don't use it inside the house. This will only cause you to see more of them, so always use the attractive materials outside your home adjacent to those rooms. You can usually find them outside those rooms if you look long enough. Good luck. (10/15/2005)

By Brian W.

Getting Rid of Ants

Equal parts of icing sugar and baking soda. Place in a flat dish so the ants can crawl into the mixture. The mixture must stay dry so if it rains you will have to make more. Don't forget to mix it. (03/28/2007)

By ss

Getting Rid of Ants

It dont matter how clean you keep your house, cause I think my house is spot-less! :0) And we get ants in the house... fire ants, they get in our closets and eat on our clothes. We made up this fire ant killer recipe and it has worked great for us..
1 Bottle of Orthene ant killer
1 5lb pkg cornmeal
1 5 lb bag sugar
5 pkg cheap strawberry or cherry jello

mix this all up in a 5 gallon bucket. Put in smaller containers (we use our empty coffee creamer containers). use this outside on the mounds. And we sprinkle it around our house.

We have seen a mound of ants gone in half a day, the cornmeal and sugar get coated with the orthene and the ants take the granuals down to the queen.
Hope this helps! :0)
Editor's Note: Because this contains poison, make sure to keep this out of the reach of children or pets. (03/28/2007)


Getting Rid of Ants

What KIND of ant? The real, REAL slow but bright solid red-orange ant is perfectly harmless. Large ants with black parts may be either Carpenter Ants, which take 3 yr. to get rid of, or Pharoah ants which follow around after termites to eat the sugary cellulose the termites leave after chomping. Then there's the tiny black sugar ants which just irritate, but don't cause much harm. However, if it's the notorious FIRE ant, Amdro gets the queen and doesn't take much to do the job. Boric acid will kill ants but not the queen, I understand.

Good ants perform a good function of cleaning up the earth after another insect dies, and don't need killing. Fire ants sting and hurt, so I don't allow them on my property, although I am organic and hate to use the
Amdro, which I have not had to use but once every four or five years in a very few places. God bless you. : ) (03/28/2007)

By Lynda

Getting Rid of Ants

Ants are bothered by the smell of peppermint and will avoid it. I mix up a batch of water with peppermint essence oil, put it in a spray bottle and spray areas that the ants frequent. In the spring when the ants are particularly bad, I often spray down kitchen countertops, walls, and around windows and doors. I have tried many treatments and this is by far the most effective on the ants in our area. (03/29/2007)

By Cathy

Getting Rid of Ants

I use combat baits where curious/ nosy doggies cannot get into. It has to do with spring rain not
with how clean you are. Somethings you cannot avoid but treat and they leave. Grants Ant Stakes I
place one on each side of patio and they leave or die. those little annoying carpenter ants that run in
circles or crazy. (03/29/2007)

By Annie Rios Hill

Getting Rid of Ants

I get a bad case of them every summer for about a month. What I do is put a thin line of talcum power mixed with chili powder along the edges of where ants might get in. Does the trick every time! (04/01/2007)

By Martha Fickling

Getting Rid of Ants

We use a product called Terro. It is a gel substance in a small bottle. You can find it at any discount store or hardware store. You put a small piece of cardboard down and squirt a little Terro on it. In a few days, your ant problem will disappear. (04/05/2007)

By Melissa

Getting Rid of Ants

Borax will rid your house of ants, spiders and cockroaches...however, I don't use it because we have indoor pets.

What works best in my situation is a line of ground cinnamon or black pepper where-ever ants enter. It has never failed me.

When the weather first starts to get warm here, we see one or two waterbugs make their way into the mud room from the back deck. We set a dish of fresh cucumber peels by that door, and that's the end of them. (04/06/2007)

By Kat Schneider

Getting Rid of Ants

I haven't problems with inside ants, but have alot of mounds on the outside. I was told to use used coffee grounds (after you made a pot of coffee) and pour on the mounds. It works for me. I have never had to go buy anything else. The ants eventually move to a new spot. I just pour more coffee grounds on the new spot. But it does work. Give it a try. (04/07/2007)

By Debra

Getting Rid of Ants

I've tried everything to get rid of ants. Finally in desperation i poured cheap lemon dish detergent on the ones that i could see. It was a dollar a bottle and killed them immediately. I had them in my kitchen so it was important to me to have something safe. Maybe you could try pouring it into the ant hills. (04/17/2007)


Getting Rid of Ants

We had a problem with ants in our garden last year eating our plants and a friend of mine said to put aspartame all around the garden and in between the rows he also said to mix a little in a spray bottle with some water and spray the plants. I did that and no more ants, it worked great! The aspartame is poison to the ants but they like it cause it's sweet, they bring it to the queen to eat, then she dies and no more ants. The man who told me about this had a huge fire ant mound in his backyard he poured a diet coke down into the hill and he hasn't had a problem with ants since. Hope this info helps. (04/17/2007)

By bambi2003

Getting Rid of Ants

Terro Ant Killer works! The ants take it back to their colonies to eat and it then kills them all. You can buy it at most stores. I bought it at Walgreens. (11/03/2007)

By Venita

Getting Rid of Ants

FYI: Terro does work great but it also now comes in a very convenient container. You just put it in your cupboards. No more mess or having to put it on cardboard. (12/05/2007)

By Kathi

Getting Rid of Ants

I tried sprinkling ground nutmeg around baseboards, the stove etc. and while the ants hated it, the brown powder really looked bad. Today I bought a few 1 oz. bottles of cinnamon extract from the supermarket, poured them into a small spray bottle and sprayed around a bit. (I probably could have stretched it out with some grain alcohol, but I'm not giving them my good vodka!) They absolutely hated it and ran out from their hiding places. I sprayed around my food prep area a bit, and the place surely smells wonderful, but will they actually leave, or are traps required in addition? Some bugs just don't know when the party's over! (05/15/2008)

By Jayne Marzinsky

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