
Helping an Abused Dog

February 21, 2011

Helping an Abused DogThis is our a 2 yr old Lab/mix. She will only eat in her crate laying down. How do I get her to eat standing up and outside of her crate? Right now she is not eating or drinking water. She is an abused dog from Georgia.


By ria from East Hartford, Ct


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
February 22, 20110 found this helpful
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What is this not eating or drinking? Can you hand feed? Offer water? Your new baby is terrified and it will just take some time for her to trust. When she finds she is a family member, not crated or tied or locked up or ignored or beaten she will be the best, most faithful, loving dog. Treats from your hand, praise for potty outside, easy on the scolding should she have an accident inside, peacefulness, warmth, love, touching, good food, build good immune system, borax in the carpets for fleas, no vaccines(see and you will never vaccinate anything), food grade diatomacious earth for intestinal worms, all the good stuff like love and kisses and she will return ten fold good things for the family.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 509 Feedbacks
February 22, 20111 found this helpful
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If she's only eating/drinking in her crate, maybe that's because she feels safe there. I don't have any experience with this (although you're going to get a lot of it in the archives below), but I'd suggest to continue feeding her in her crate for now, but maybe leave a bowl of food & water in a quiet place not real close to people so that she has that option if she wants to try it. Also, maybe while she's in her crate, put a small treat or couple of pieces of dry dog food on the floor just outside the crate until she gets curious & decides to try it,then continue to do this & over a few days move the treat farther & farther away from her crate until she will come out & eat it.


Right now I think you should just continue to feed her where she feels most secure & give her a calm & loving environment while you try to get her to try the food you leave outside her crate. Poor baby, she's a pretty thing. I hope she comes around & realizes she's left her abuse behind & will only get love from now on!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 278 Feedbacks
February 22, 20110 found this helpful
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I agree with lyonpridej. I think her advice is right on. Also put treats several times a day in the bowl outside the crate so she will get use to eating out of that bowl. She will come around slowly. Give her lots of time and you will see patience works


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
February 22, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

Aww. she is adorable! Your fur-baby needs to learn to trust you. She was probably only fed in a crate that is why she eats there. Please leave the door open for her and put her food/water outside the crate nearest the opening so she can reach it.


Give her lots of loves and speak softly to her to re-assure her. Good luck.

Answer this Question

February 21, 2011

My husband and I adopted a dog from a woman on Craigslist. She said that she couldn't feed him anymore and that she saved him from abusive drug addicts.


December 8, 2010

About 2 months ago I had rescued an American Pit Bull Terrier. He has had no human contact, and he's never been shown any love. The most human contact he has gotten was when he was beaten by his previous owner. So if you have any ideas please let me know.


September 13, 2010

I just got a Golden Retriever from an owner who rescued him from his previous abuser. He is a very well behaved dog and has done absolutely no wrong.


My only issue is that he's very timid and shy (not in an aggressive manner).


July 16, 2010

I have adopted a 4 year old registered male Australian Shepherd. It is obvious that he has been abused.


June 2, 2010

Kali, my Springer Spaniel, had been abused by her former owner when I brought her home at 9 months. She is afraid of men and will avoid them, but when they turn away she will run up and bite them.


April 11, 2010

I have a 5 mo. old Chihuahua. I believe he was abused. He won't take treats from me and stays in his little bed all day. What can I do to help him?


May 28, 2009

I have adopted a 10 month old dog from a lost dogs home. When I am feeding him, if I try and touch him, he growls, etc. Tonight when I fed him, he bit me.


Any training tips for this out there? I just want him to know that he will always get his dinner, and that there is no need for him to guard it.


January 20, 2008

We rescued a dog yesterday from being put down. The dog is a pure breed German Shepard 5 mo female. She was trained to be a K9 dog, but the trainer gave her up because she was not aggressive enough.

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