
Responsibilities of a Power of Attorney

October 28, 2015

I was POA of my dad. He passed and I found out a POA is only good when they are alive. My question is before he died I moved money from his account to mine am I allowed to do this?


He had no will, no living trust, no house, and no property. I payed all his bills and closed all his accounts as well. Any help would be appreciated.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
October 28, 20150 found this helpful

There may be problems re why you moved the money from your Dad's account to yours. If you were trying to avoid probate, other family members, etc., by, in effect, "hiding " the money, this is illegal.

I suggest you consult with an attorney re the status of all financial decisions, etc., you made prior to and after your father's death.

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October 18, 2019

I hold my mom's general durable power of attorney and my niece is her health care proxy. She is in a nursing home that I do not care for. Do I have the right as DPOA NOT HCP to choose another nursing home?

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August 20, 2019

Can I give my sister a durable power of attorney to act on my behalf to ensure my safety in physical, emotional, and mental situations?

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July 24, 2019

My husband is in jail and his mother passed. She left him her power of attorney and he is her only child. Is the responsibility on me as his wife to make sure everything is taken care of?

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May 20, 2019

What do I do to make sure I'm the person over my mom's disability check? My granny was the person who was over it, but she died. But my mom's family is trying to take it and she wants me over it as I am her daughter. The family said I can't do it because I'm a felon.

Please help.

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November 17, 2017

If I have POA for my mother, am I responsible for her bills while she is still alive? I realize the POA is null and void once a person passes.

Thank you.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
November 20, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer

A POA doesn't mean you're responsible for the debts of your mother. You are only there to pay her bills, see to her medical conditions and take care of her because she isn't able to do this on her own.


As long as she is still alive she is responsible for her debts and all you need to do is pay them online or through a check. There is nothing a creditor can do to you to collect an unpaid debt once she has died.

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March 27, 2017

I have looked after this 90 year old gentleman's cattle at my farm since 2004. He has paid board for these cattle. Our hand shake agreement was he doesn't go less than 12 head and when he passes away they are to be mine or if he shall not want them any more during his lifetime they are to be mine. He put them in half my name to make sure this happened as he did not put it in his will. Power of Attorney and Personal Property


Having said that, his POA wants him to get rid of the 12 cows he has. This gentleman has also rented another house on my farm for the last 4 years.

Can the POA force the sale of the cattle? He thinks they cost too much! But yet the 90 year old has had the hobby of showing purebred cattle for the last 25 years. This gentleman also has close to a million dollars.

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March 20, 2017

There are a variety of reasons that it makes sense to have an elderly parent assign power of attorney to an adult child. This is a page about power of attorney for elderly parent.

Older man signing a legal document.

March 15, 2017

This is a page about changing a power of attorney. Generally consulting an attorney is your best course of action when you need legal advice.

Power of Attorney documents on a desk.

February 21, 2017

My mom is 70 and I have been caring for her since last year in March 2016. I need to have a power of attorney because she goes to the bank and removes money and loses it and gives it away.

The bank is giving me a hassle because she put a password on her account and changed her pin. On top of me not being able to pay her bills my husband and I are on a limited income.

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February 13, 2017

This is a page about Power of Attorney and HIPPA rights. Navigating through legal and medical issues can be complicated.

A pencil and the word legal written.

January 31, 2017

Changing a Power of Attorney designation is sometimes necessary. Here is information to answer the question: "Can I get my friend's POA changed?"

Brief case with a power of attorney in it.

January 11, 2017

As POA for my mother-in-law, she is in a nursing home, will I be responsible for her funeral when she passes? I am on SS and it is the only income I have. I live in Indiana, she has a son in Nevada who has nothing to do with her. I am all she has here in Indiana.

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October 23, 2016

I am a Georgia resident. I am the oldest of 3 girls. Mother has had a hospital emergency. I, the big sister, was the only one that called 911, took her to the hospital, stayed, and then checked her in to find out what was wrong. The youngest sister has power of attorney. The hospital says even though I brought her to ER the sister with POA can only be spoken with unless the sister w/POA gives me permission to handle things at the hospital.

Is that true? Neither of the 2 younger sisters even came to hopsital at all, the ER day, to assist me in any way. There is something wrong here yes? Would like some guidance.

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September 29, 2016

My fiancé is in prison for 8 more years; he wants to marry me and he has a trust fund from his deceased father. He has not signed any papers with the trust/probate attorney because of his incarceration.

What rights would I have if I am his fiance or if I marry him? He wants to release the POA into my hands instead of leaving in his brother's hands. Do I have any rights?

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