
Getting Rid of Fleas in an Apartment

August 23, 2019

I live in an 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. I foster animals with a rescue and have never had any issues until my most recent lot of kittens. I currently have 7 foster kittens, 1 foster puppy, and my personal dog.


I have removed all of the animals and taped off my private unit and used 3 foggers, one in each bedroom and one in the living room. I have washed all of the bedding in my apartment along with buying a spray for my carpet, couch, beds, everything. I vacuum and flea comb all of the animals every morning and night. But when I comb the kittens I still get some fleas off of them.

I am giving them all meds today to kill anything on them, but I don't want to waste it if they are going to just jump right back on them. I have never dealt with this before and apparently I am not doing too great. What else can I do? I need them gone; I'm losing my mind. Do I contact the apartment office about it? Will they fix it? What else can I do? I don't want to keep wasting my money, but I want them gone!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 23, 20190 found this helpful

Sprinkle salt or borax on carpets and vacuum. Empty bag outside. Vacuum vigilantly. Put anything that can be put in the dryer for 20 minutes to kill the fleas.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 23, 20190 found this helpful

Is the medicine from the vet? If so, I would try that and see if it works.

Also ask the vet to be sure you are using the best home products.


If you think someone else in your building is also infested and that is why you can't seem to get ahead of the issue, then, yes, tell the landlord. They may need to do a building wide deep cleaning/treatment.

Post back with an update on this. Prayers!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
August 23, 20190 found this helpful

You can contact the Human Society to see if there is any help for your issue sense you are fostering animals.

August 23, 20190 found this helpful

I would definitely contact the landlord first and see if they would be able to assist you. If you do end up having to cover the cost yourself, then I would say rather than spending any money on any other online home remedies or suggestions, just spend the money right off the bat to have a professional come out. Trust me on this, you will end up spending less money in the long run and it will be a lot less stress on you and your pets as well. The thing is, you can get rid of the fleas on your pets but how do you know that the fleas are gone from your home? And, maybe you think they are all gone but there can be eggs. I know this from experience, and unfortunately I also found out from my experience that I am allergic to flea bites so it was not very fun for weeks and months on end. I scoured forums online talked to many people and tried everything from borax to flea bombs to treatments on our pets, but it wasn't until months later when we had tried every single thing under the sun that we realized we had to hire a professional. be sure to ask what their process is for ridding your home of fleas.


If they answer your question by stating that they will come out and treat your home, and then they will have to come out again a week or two later to treat it again, that is the company you want to go with. Because that company knows that the first round of treatment will take care of the fleas that are live right now, and the second round of treatment will take care of the fleas that are born from the eggs laid from the previous fleas. That was the one thing that rid our home once and for all of every last flea. if you are budget-minded like myself, I would also suggest to call around to various places asking that question I mentioned to you as well as finding out the price. Be sure the price they quote to you is for both treatments. They will want you to get everything up off of the carpet if possible to be able to treat every inch of your home. I will be thinking good thoughts for you and I wish you the best of luck. It's not a good situation to be in but there is a solution :-)

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October 22, 2009

I am in desperate need of any advice given to me in getting rid of fleas in apartment and on two cats.


July 20, 2010

How do I get rid of fleas in my apartment and on my dog, inexpensively?


September 14, 2010

I just moved to an apartment that is completely infested with fleas. I originally had asked the landlord to flea bomb as a precaution before I moved in.


December 20, 2010

What can I do myself to kill fleas or mites in my apartment?

By DCDC from NJ


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
August 28, 20050 found this helpful

We have 5 cats right now and a whole lot of fleas in our house. I'm going to be giving my cats baths all week and pick up that spot on flea treatment from the vets when I get paid on August 1st, but I need remedies for getting rid of them in my apartment. All 5 cats are indoor/outdoor cats.


I have a 14 month old son and our floors are linoleum. We have 2 couches. I gave the cats a bath last night and now I am going to give them one every night from now on and comb them out until i can get to the vets next week. Our orange tiger cat has tons of fleas, then we have 2 pure black cats, one black calico cat, and one dark grey cat.

Any advice would be great. The fleas are driving me nuts!

Lynn(kitty lady)

December 20, 20100 found this helpful

Set a light on the floor; it must have a regular bulb that produces heat. Fleas are attracted to the heat. In front of the light place a white or light colored shallow container--even an old dinner plate will work. In this container put a mixture of water and dish soap. The fleas are attracted by the heat and the light color of the container. While fleas are strong enough to break the surface tension of water, they cannot break the surface tension of the soapy water.


It doesn't take much soap, but it needs to be mixed into the water. Suds on top is too much soap. Empty daily until there are no more fleas. I used this when fleas came in from the condo next door and it worked quite well.

January 16, 20160 found this helpful

get Moth Flakes and place them in the couch in the closet and on the floor in corners. If you have rugs crush them into the rug for 1 day then vacumn. another way is get flea dip mix it into your mop bucket water wash your floors down with the dip . let it dry. No fleas.

January 16, 20160 found this helpful

several ways to get rid of fleas. My late husband was a vet and we used these tricks in our own home. #1. If you have non carpeted area get some flea dip friendly to your pets Dilute about 2 capfulsl in a bucket of water and wash the floors with the dip. Let it dry do not rinse. #2 if you have rugs get a flea shampoo and mix it into the water of your rug shampooer. and shampoo the rugs. vaccum and remove the eggs and the larve. repeat this after 14 weeks. #3 If you use foggers. you have to spray under the all furniture to treat then fog.


Save all your receipts and sue the landlord for not providing you with a clean apartment. Please note One pregnant flea lays 500 eggs. The eggs hatch in 14 days after you repeat everything in 14 days whether you see fleas or not. As for me I'm lazy. I shampoo my pets with a name brand flea shampoo ( no Hearts or Sergents) Adams , Vet Kem are great.When you lather you make sure you do the ears and the private areas first Fleas will hide run and hide there.. leave the shampoo on for 10 mins rinse rewash leave on for 10 mins rinse and last wash leave on for 10 mins and rinse you should not see fleas on the 3rd rinse. dry off the pet and take him/her out for 4 hours while you fog come back in 2 hours after you set off the bomb and air out the place for 2 hours.... Vaccumn in 2 days remember in 14 days repeat it. If you see white thing in there stool, those are tape worm segment from the flea.. no problem just worm the pets. the dead worms will be digested.

Answer this Question

December 20, 2010

If I use flea bombs to kill the fleas in my apartment will the fleas migrate over to the other apartments in my housing unit?


May 26, 2013

I live in an apartment and on a fixed income. My dog is severly allergic to fleas. What is the cheapest way to get rid of fleas in my home and on my 60 pound dog?

By angels m


May 26, 20130 found this helpful

This link is one that has all the best solutions in one place. Do not do the yeast one though...that can cause major problems.

I use dawn as a bath, and sometimes if the fleas are really bad, I will use a mixture of baby shampoo and peroxide on wet fur and then let sit and then rinse off. I only let it sit a couple of minutes.

Find a food at a feed supply store, or at the grocery, which has no corn, soy, or wheat in it. I like diamond lamb and rice. Or Lamb Meal and Rice. This helps the animal not to be so attractive to fleas.

Sometimes what looks like fleas is really a yeast infection. Improving the food the dog eats is an important first step. Unhealthy dogs attract parasites of all kinds.
It has great ideas, just don't give your dog yeast tablets.


June 2, 20130 found this helpful

I use Blue Dawn. It works great. Is gentle on my girls, two poodles, kills fleas on contact and is affordable. It has to be Blue Dawn. Be sure to start with your dogs neck to keep a barrier so the fleas don't run and hide in the ears and nose. Once there is a barrier around the neck the fleas are history.

Answer this Question

October 19, 2017

There's been a flea infestation for many months. We've got 3 flats. Pros have done flea bombs and spray of some type. The 2 empty flats were successful, but the one I'm living in wasn't.

I'm so stressed because they're in my towels and clothes. My house is spotless, as well. It is very disturbing. I tried Staykill twice, to no avail. Please advise me. Thank you.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 242 Answers
October 19, 20170 found this helpful

One thing that fleas do not like is eucalyptus. You could use the essential oil in a diffuser, or even place sachets throughout your dwelling. I find that the smell of eucalyptus is a lot more pleasant than dealing with fleas, but that is my own personal preference. They also do not like black walnut leaves. When other products did not work, my mom would find someone with a black walnut tree and get some leaves, placing them in strategic locations throughout(like under couch/sofa cushions, in cupboards etc.) We never had flea trouble as long as we used these methods and they are a lot less toxic than sprays and bombs.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
October 23, 20171 found this helpful

Getting rid of fleas.

Step 1
Do you have a pet? If so wash everything they lay on or put in a hot dryer to kill eggs and fleas.

Step 2
Treat the dog with advantage or whatever the vet recommends.

Step 3
Sprinkle salt,or borax on carpets and vacuum everywhere you can.

Step 4
Put your vacuum bag in a tied bag outside.

Step 5
Keep humidity in room under 50 % for two days this will kill fleas.Get a dehumidifier or borrow one.

Step 6
Vacuum daily.Put your towels and clothes in a dryer for 20 minutes to kill fleas and eggs.

Step 7
Boil some lemons in water put in spray bottle when it cools.

Step 8
Spray around the house.

Step 9
Use 1/4 cup distilled vinegar to 3/4 cups water mix in a spray bottle.Spray all your fabrics this will get rid of them.

Step 10
There is more information at this link

Answer this Question

November 6, 2018

I just moved to my apartment. I have a cat that has never been outside and the apartment has fleas now. My neighbors say that previous tenants did not have pets. A stray cat stuck her nose into our home briefly for food and not long enough to be the one carrying a host. I have alerted the management and they are contacting the company they use however I will have to pay 75 dollars.

First question is should I be responsible? Secondly, my brother and his wife are stopping by to get me for dinner and want to come in and see my place. Should I postpone until this place is treated or since they will not be here but 10 min or less is it OK?

Please help. Thank you so very much.

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