
Uses for Plastic Pop Bottles

January 15, 2010

Uses for Plastic Pop BottlesI reuse soda bottles that have been cleaned and dried to store rice, oatmeal, cornmeal, and such.

By notwrong


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October 28, 2004

Does anyone have any uses for used plastic soda pop bottles?


March 5, 20010 found this helpful

There is a product called the ReCapper that I purchased for 99cents from AC Moore. I cut the bottle to the size I want and use the cap to make a storage container out of it

March 5, 20010 found this helpful

If kids are about, they can use them for bowling pins, the bottles can be empty, or weighted with a little sand or water. Or, cut off the bottom of the bottle, and let the kids use them for sand/water scoops and funnels. Another game is to fill several bottles with different levels of water and blow across the top, or plunk with a pencil to get different sounds.


If slugs are about, remove the bottle lid; cut off the top 1/3 of the bottle, turn that upside down, and put it back into the bottle. Staple at rim to keep together. Put slug bait inside the bottle, lay it on its side in the garden. This keeps the bait away from pets, and makes it hard for slugs to find their way back out.

They can be used in the garden for drip irrigation; fill the bottle with water, poke a pinhole near the bottom, and set next to a plant.

Another garden use is to cut off the bottom of the bottle and set the bottle over small plants as a mini greenhouse. The bottom part that was cut off can be used as a saucer under a plant pot.

You could put water in the bottles and freeze them to take up unused space in your freezer, or to put in coolers for picnics.


Fill with warm water and use for a hot-water bottle to warm your toes. - MC

March 5, 20010 found this helpful

Fill a large 1 or 2 liter soda bottle with warm water & cap tightly & use as a foot massager by rolling your feet on it.

Fill a bottle with water & freeze & use as a cold pack for a lunch or picnic box. Use a frozen bottle as an ice pack for injuries. -
Alekscat the frugal feline/Richmond,VA

March 5, 20010 found this helpful

There is a lady in my area who cuts them into
pretty lanterns.I tried one but still need Lots more practice.I guess I should have drawn the lines on before I cut them.First I cut off the top & bottom,then I tried to cut at 1/4" intervals.When I got all the way around I pinched each strip in the middle.Then I guess you can punch a couple of holes in the top & hang them over a light bulb.I even filched 2 red bottles out of the recycling dumpster to match with my green ones for Christmas Decor.My friend Judi makes angels out of them with that pleated Craft paper for Robes & Wings,pipe cleaner arms & halos & styrofoam balls for heads.I guess she uses yarn for hair & paints on the faces with craft paint or markers.This works with any size bottle.


I cut the top & bottom off a 2 liter bottle & figured out how to fasten it to my mailbox
post thus saving the $8 the newspaper wanted for a tube.Of course the upper sections make great funnels.The lowers can be planters & I bet baskets with a little ingenuity.Also they make good bird houses.Just cut appropriate sizes holes in the 2 liter size for birds to get in & a smaller hole for a perch.Then hang in trees.I think I'd punch a couple of small
drainage holes in the bottom too.
The lady who makes the lanterns does amazing things with bottles & aluminum cans. I wish I had half her creativity.
I sure wish I could find that recapper in or near Marianna Florida.I've seen them advertised for a Whole Lot More Money.

November 8, 20010 found this helpful

For the large soda bottles I use them to put kool aid in, they lay nicely in frig. Put water in to make ice.

The little ones, like 16 oz or 12 oz I take the cover off the outside and with an ice pick put several holes in the top to make salt and pepper shakers.


This idea can also be used for the twist off type bottles, Beer bottles for those beer drinkers as a gift.

Twist off bottle types drill a hole in the top to fit the little light bulbs in and you have your own drink style outside lighting string.

By Ruth Ingram (Guest Post)
June 18, 20040 found this helpful

I wash them out.Paint designs on them with patio paint. Use dollar store spray enamel to spray them. I then cut out a few holes in the bottom. Two on each side at the neck area so I can add a wire to hang them. Then I cut two holes about the size of a quarter on one side and beneath those holes i cut slits and I paint twigs(nice ones) and place as perches. You have a nice insulated,decorative birdhouse that stands up to weather. They can be made into feeders too. Just make holes all over another bottle. I cut my holes with an exacto knife and scissors (Boy are they awsome)

By Ruth Ingram (Guest Post)
June 18, 20040 found this helpful

The plastic rings around the neck can be taken off and tied together to make sturdy trellises for climbing vines. Any type of drink rings can work like that. You can also tie them together and use them for a temperary fence for your flowers.Just Use sticks at each side of your flower bed and attatch the rings on them.Also if you have enough, stick twigs in the ground around your beds(plant beds) and just place the rings on the twigs stacking them up on the twigs.


There are so many bright colors of those rings and so many sizes.Use your imagination and create a pattern. It's a great project for a child's garden.

By Ruth Ingram (Guest Post)
June 18, 20040 found this helpful

Paint folk art designs onto them with patio paint. spray with a sealer. Don't use the caps.Turn the bottle upside down and place it over twigs around your flower bed.You could even go cheap and just use a few colors,nothing real fancy.Patio paint is like $2 and it's sold near the acrylic paint.This is a great way to reuse old exterior house paint.

By scott (Guest Post)
August 29, 20040 found this helpful

The plastic ring below the cap and a metal beer bottle cap fit together perfectly and make cool pins for shirts and hats.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
October 28, 20040 found this helpful

Whenever we've finished the soda from a 2-liter bottle, I don't throw it away. I'll reuse the bottle by making powdered drinks (like lemonade) or juice in it.

By Bea Westrate

By Lisa (Guest Post)
October 28, 20040 found this helpful

I haven't yet tried it, and I don't remember where I read it (maybe here), but I have started collecting 2 liter bottles. I am going to be using them to "wrap" Christmas gifts this year. Once you remove the labels, you slit the bottle from right below the neck, almost to the bottom. This is where you insert the gift. But before you do, you can decorate the outside of the bottle by painting it, or stickers, or even glittery paint. When dry, insert the gift. I envision like a tshirt or maybe some small towels, bath and body lotions or whatever. Then I think you seal up the slit with clear packing tape. Finish with a ribbon garnish or a raffia tie around the neck, and you're done. I have a few younger nieces & nephews that I thought might get a kick out. Something different.

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June 26, 2006

10 Ways to Reuse a 20 oz. Plastic Soda Bottle. 1. Cut down to top of soda label. Either spray paint or decorate and you have a small cut flower vase. 2. First, secure long elastic band at bottom of label with glue or duct tape.


October 31, 2007

I lately have been finding many ways to reuse plastic milkjugs and soda bottles. Here are just two new ways we can reuse them.


December 28, 2007

This is the link for a craft which uses recycled bottles/jugs to make cat litter scoops!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
July 16, 2008

When I'm done with the larger bottles I take a pair of old scissors and cut the top 1/3 off. What I'm left with is a bottom part that I use as a vase or a planter to start cuttings or seeds, and the top half is just the right size and shape to use as a funnel to add oil or tranny fluid to your car.


July 23, 2008

When I send out cuttings to friends, of plants that propagate easily, I take a 2 liter cola plastic bottle and cut around the top to make a planter. I drill little holes in the bottom for drainage, tear the wrapper off, and decorate it with permanent markers.


February 18, 2009

It is always so hot here in the summer and I like to have flowers and vegetables on my deck and in the yard, but can't afford the water bills to keep them watered between times of rain.


March 19, 2009

I am thinking of soaking my garden by melting small holes in soda jugs with my leather burning tool ( a flame to a needle or screwdriver might do as well), then sinking the jugs right side up to their necks into the garden dirt near the plants with about 3 inches exposed above ground.

Then I would fill the jugs with water daily, replacing the lids to prevent evaporation. I would just uncap and fill them each day to get a deep soak. I figure the jugs might serve to heat the ground as well, as the air in them warms from the sun. I am opting for soda jugs as they take up less space than milk jugs would. Any thoughts on this? Does it sound worth trying?

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February 16, 2010

Two liter pop bottles are handy for transporting punch or other drinks to a party without worrying about spilling. They can be laid on their side in a refrigerator if there is not room to set them upright. I also freeze water in them for ice for our camper cooler.


September 20, 2010

I recycle plastic bottles by filling them with tap water, freezing, and then using to line plastic grocery bags when I go on a picnic or long car journey. Food and other drinks stay cold and you have extra water for emergencies or to save on buying junk drinks en route.

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