
Dog Pees in House When Left Alone

June 28, 2006

cute dog looking guiltyMy dog is 2. He was crate trained but he pees in the house when I leave him to go to work for 9 hours. How do I stop this he is ruining my carpet?


Erica from Dallas, TX


June 28, 20061 found this helpful
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This isn't a fix, but have you tried confining him in the kitchen while you're gone? We did that until our dog got the message and stopped peeing during the day. At least it will limit the damage.

Some dogs, depending on the age, are too little to hold it for nine hours, so you may have to wait until he matures.

By (Guest Post)
June 29, 20060 found this helpful
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How about installing a doggie door he can use so he can go out to pee. 9 hrs is to long to expect him not to pee.

June 30, 20062 found this helpful
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I think that leaving a dog nine hours and not expecting him to have an accident is wishful thinking. I would try to find a neighbor or friend who could let him out during the day for a few minutes.


It must be very stressful to him to have to wait so long to be taken out when he has to go and also stressful if he is scolded or punished for something he couldn't help.

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March 23, 2010

How do I stop my 2 year old Staff from weeing in the house? He only does this when I leave him home alone. Even if I leave him for ten minutes he will do it. He knows where he is supposed to go. Any suggestions other than crating him or neutering him, as I want to breed him?

By gillian from Yorkshire


March 23, 20100 found this helpful

You could put him in the back yard (if you have one). My in-law puts her dog in the bathroom while she's gone.

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February 7, 2013

I have a 5 year old male Pit Bull, and I have to put him in a cage every time I leave. When I go to bed he has to be in his cage or in the room I'm in with the door shut. If he is away from me too long he will go to the bathroom in the house. I feel like he is nervous if he can't see me or knows I'm gone. How can I stop this? I don't like leaving him in a cage. I want him to be free to walk the house.

By Giovanna

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April 12, 2013

We have a 4 year old female Pit Bull we adopted when she was a year old. We also have another smaller dog that is also 4 years old. They are both house trained and know not to pee in the house, but the Pit Bull will potty in our house in random areas (hallway, kitchen, etc.) when we sleep if we don't let her sleep in the room with us. They always slept with us, but I am now 6 months pregnant and it is just too uncomfortable for them to be in the bed with us so we let them stay in the living room. I'm not sure if she is just rebelling because she is upset she can't stay in the bed with us anymore.

By Angellle

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May 15, 2013

I have an 8 month old Puggle and a 3 year old Beagle and every time I leave them alone, I come home to pee and/or poop on the floor. I've tried multiple solutions, but nothing is working. I have to work for 12 hours, but I live close to work so I come home on my break to let them outside.

My first attempt was leaving my Puggle crated and my Beagle in another area of the house. But when I would come home, the Puggle would have peed outside the crate and for some reason never had a problem pooping inside his cage would make an even bigger mess in the crate. So I tried leaving him in a separate room and he clawed a huge hole in the wall.


So then I put him in the kitchen and put a gate up to keep the dogs separated. He learned to climb and climbed over the gate and still makes a mess in the house. When I come home on my break during work, he doesn't pee outside because he's already peed inside and then ends up peeing again inside once I go back to work again.

I don't know what other options I have to teach him not to do this. He never pees or poops inside when I am home, but I could leave for an hour, and there will be some kind of mess when I get back.

By Lauren

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May 18, 2013

I have two dogs and recently moved in with my boyfriend. If I go out for two, three, or even 4 hours she tends to pee in the kitchen. She also sleeps in there and pees in there some nights as well. Is there anything I can do as it seems like an attention or jealousy problem to me?

By Stephanie

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July 23, 2013

I have a 1 year old Pit Bull and everytime I leave for even an hour he pees and poops and sometimes destroys the house, but when I am home he is housetrained and well behaved. Anyone know what to do?

By Graham

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September 11, 2013

I have a Shih Tzu puppy; he's 9 months old. When someone is at home he'll pee on his tray, but when we leave him alone he'll go to pee and poo in the living area. I don't know what to do. If we chain him in the kitchen he'll make another mess cause he'll pee and poo in the area were he's chained. Then he starts stepping on it and it gets all over him and I need to wash him whenever I come back! Please help me cause my mum doesn't want him anymore. We're fighting a lot because of him :(

By Pauline M. from Mellieha, Malta

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September 30, 2013

I have a 4 year old Rottie Shep mix. I do work a lot but, even when I leave for 10 minutes after a walk she pees. Any advice on getting a schedule?

By Keith

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January 7, 2014

Brittany Spaniel rolling on floor.Five months ago we rescued a Brittney Spaniel. He is about 3 years old. We have taught him a few commands, and potty trained him, but when we leave, even for an hour he poops in his crate. Once he even peed in the crate and it ruined the floors so the crate was moved into the garage until we can trust him.

I'm not sure how to fix the problem. It's not every time we go out, but it's often enough that I can't allow him in the house without anyone home. He even peed on the basement door once when I went into the basement for 5 minutes without him. I know it's a separation thing or a spite thing, but I can't have that in our house. Help!


By Chrissy G.

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February 3, 2014

Joey with feet up on cinder block wall.We adopted Joey about 5 months ago after our other Boston Terrier passed away. (We had disposed of all of the previous dog's belongings, and there were zero accidents in the house from the previous dog).

Joey is a 6-7 year old adult, and we adopted him from a Boston Terrier Rescue in another state. They had picked him up as a stray, which they believe he was for a while as he was covered in fleas and very dirty. We believe he spent most I his life (before they rescued him) in a breeder/puppy mill situation. It's impossible to know for sure.


He is a very sweet, affectionate, and appreciative dog, as he was when we first visited him at the rescue shelter. They neutered him just before we picked him up. We are retired so the only time he is alone, may be for 3-4 hours when if we have something to do and cannot bring him with. We take him everywhere we can, as he loves car rides, and is even comfortable staying in the car while we run errands (weather permitting, of course.) We live in Minnesota for most if the year, but winter in Mesa, Arizona.

He made the trip with us to Arizona (flew first class without any issues at all) and adjusted to our home here with no other issues. (This issue has been consistent in MN and AZ). He gets taken outside frequently, and we keep him on a very regular feeding and bathroom schedule.


When we go to bed at night, be goes in his crate, and is perfectly fine. But when we have to leave him during the day for any amount of time (he goes in his crate as well) he pees either in his crate, or lifts his leg and pees out of the crate all over the floor, every single time. It doesn't matter if we are gone for 10 minutes or 2 hours.

We took him to the vet when we first got him and he was having this issue, as we thought it was an adjusting period, or he just had separation anxiety because he may have been left alone for long periods of time in his previous years. The vet prescribed Valium. It worked for about 2-3 occasions, but now, he just takes it, gets a little drowsy, but that's it. He is still peeing.

We don't make a big deal about leaving, or fuss when we return, as the vet recommended we try this to keep Joey calm. His crate has his blankets, chew bones, a toy or two, and we've recently started trying using a Kong with some dog food and even a little peanut butter on top to keep him busy/distracted. Still not working.

We love him dearly and are so happy we can make the remaining years if his life wonderful, but we just don't know how to fix this issue to help him? And to help us from having to clean up the messes every time.

What can we do or try? Anything is helpful!

By Kate

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March 8, 2014

I have this 9 month old pup that I rescued about 3 or 4 weeks ago. He is super cute and sweet, but has major separation anxiety. He will tear anything and everything up that he can get to the second we leave the house. If I go into another room that he isn't allowed in, so he is left "alone", he will pee and poop in our formal dinning room. He pees on the legs of the furniture and poops in the corners.

I have tried the positive training with treats when he goes outside, but that spoiled him. And I've gotten so frustrated that I punish him almost every time now. I feel like I'm out of options, my mom said if he doesn't stop we are giving him back or making him an outside 24/7 dog.

By Jennifer B.

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March 17, 2014

l have a toy Poodle l can't go to the restroom or anywhere. If she sees me leave there's pee and poop when l return. When she gets upset at me, she will poop on the pad and pee, but leave one on the floor; sometimes a lot. Honestly she holds some poop. She is evil, but sweet. I don't get why is she doing this. What can l do?

By cahas

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April 7, 2014

My 5 year old Chihuahua keeps peeing or pooping in the house when he is left alone. What do I do? What can I do to correct the problem? Are there any classes that could fix it?

By Tiffany from Lebanon, OH

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May 3, 2014

Two Maltese dogsMy Maltese dogs are 4 years old, (Max and Chloe, brother and sis). The past year they started peeing in the house when I'm gone. It started when I had my niece stay at the house to take care of them which she has done since they were pups.

Now when we are away on vacation and sometimes when we are just out for a few hours they leave their mark. I make sure that they urinate before we leave, they both seem well drained, but still seem to squeeze some out while we are gone? I don't know what to do.

By Mary

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October 25, 2014

dog sitting on red blanketI have a 7 year old Boston Terrier who has been house trained since she was a puppy. She has always had a dog door and does use it frequently. However, every time we leave the house she pees somewhere in the house. She has a few favorite places she goes, but she also, occasionally, will go right in front of the door that we leave and enter through. One time we gave her a shower and then had to leave shortly after that and she peed in the shower. Sometimes she'll go right in front of the dog door.

She's starting to branch out into different areas of the house now and it's getting frustrating.
We are military and we move every few years which I know is stressful for her, but we've lived in this house for well over a year.
I keep reading that they don't do it out of spite, but that's hard to believe when she goes in front of the door or in the shower after she's been bathed.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

By Megan J.

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