
Recycled Birdhouse Ideas

June 15, 2007

This birdhouse was made with a recycled porch post. You could purchase a new one at your local home improvement store or search garage sales, etc. for one.

By Denise from NE



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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 8, 2011

My husband is on social security and unable to work. He has taken up bird watching, and would like to know an inexpensive way to build bird houses, not necessarily of wood.


By Nancy


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
May 8, 20110 found this helpful

I don't know of any other way to build a bird house that would withstand the weather if it's not constructed out of wood.

To save money on building materials look for scrap wood along side of the road that people throw out along with their garbage. You might be able to get FREE scraps from lumber yards. Maybe others will post more ideas.

May 9, 20110 found this helpful

When you see construction being done, a building, house, or anything where wood is used just stop by and load up scraps. Always ask first but this saves the builder from paying someone to haul it away.

May 22, 20110 found this helpful

You can pretty much turn anything into a birdhouse, as long as it has drainage holes, a hole for them to enter and can be hung or fastened to a wall. I have seen cowboy boots, an old purse, a teapot hung from its bottom so it was on its side with the cover tilted over the top opening and glued, plastic containers (milk jugs, juice bottles, takeout containers) embellished and then painted (I've seen a trailer made from a takeout container), dried gourds, coffee cans (shade), PVC pipe ...


the list goes on. Some good tips to remember when choosing materials:

* Does it contain toxic material that could harm the birds (like pressure treated wood with arsenic or something you can't clean out well enough)?
* Will the material deteriorate quickly (like a cardboard)?
* Does it have sharp edges?
* Will it get too hot inside (like cans which should only be used in the shade)?
* Once together, will you be able to clean it out?

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July 13, 2007

Does anyone know how to make a bleach bottle birdhouse with mortar and rocks on the outside?

Mavis from hometown Michigan


July 20, 20070 found this helpful

Try the Pack-0-Fun website at or Google it. I would think that the best way to add stones and mortar would be airdry gray clay and regular stones. Prepare the outside of the house by sanding in all directions so there will be a tooth for the clay.


Glue stones on in a pleasing pattern with hot glue leaving spaces between. Knead the clay until soft and just fill in the cracks or try window putty for something that would probably do better outside.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 59 Requests
July 21, 20070 found this helpful

Plastic is porous and would retain some of the bleach, so I don't know if a bleach bottle is a good thing to be used for a birdhouse, or anything else. I personally would not reuse a bleach bottle due to the toxicity of bleach. Just my 2 1/2 cents!

February 5, 20201 found this helpful

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Best germ killer on the planet..... Dilution down to <3 parts per trillion with just 3 volumn changes

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December 3, 2004

Does anyone know how to make a birdhouse wind spinner where you cut the sides of a soda bottle in several places, string fishing line up through the bottom. It has an artificial bird through the fishing line and when the wind makes it spin the bird almost sounds like it's chirping? i saw one a long time ago and would love to make one, please help.

Tammy in Florida


December 22, 20040 found this helpful

I did a google search and found this --

Here is the direct link for the google search:


Hope this helps! :)

Have fun feeding those birdies!

May 24, 20060 found this helpful

i've been looking for the how-to of this project too, with no luck, so if you find some instructions, please share :)

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