
Tickling Sensation Inside Ear

December 3, 2008

A woman with a tickle in her ear.I have had a strange sensation in my left ear for 10 weeks. It is in the outer part of my ear and feels like a hair is in there at times and also a weird sensation. My GP prescribed some drops and said it was quite dry inside my ear. It could be eczema but it doesn't bother me inside my ear.


The drops did nothing for it and on my second visit she gave me Hydrocortisone cream, which also hasn't helped. This is driving me crazy. How can something in the inner part of your ear cause this feeling on the outer part of the ear (I mean the curly part)? Has anyone else had this happen or can anyone offer an explanation. My ear is not red or sore, just a sort of tickle sensation.

Margaret from UK


September 21, 20165 found this helpful
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It is an allergy. Winter comes & it is gone. After I shower I place a small piece of a cotton ball in my left ear not enough to affect hearing & it protects me from the allergens resulting in no or little tickle.

October 11, 201643 found this helpful
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Were you using an anti-snoring MAD (Mandibular Advancement Device) or other dental brace or device?

Holding the lower jaw in a position away from its normal resting position can cause sensory nerve compression of a nerve which routes to the surface of the ear canal (usually the right ear). This causes a feeling exactly like someone is ticking the inside of your ear with a hair or blade of grass or worse still that you have a bug in it! The nerve compression causes the sensation at random times throughout the waking hours when you're not wearing the MAD and disappears when you put it back in at night.


It's very disconcerting and annoying but far from serious. If you aren't wearing any kind of MAD, then it could be that you are moving your lover jaw somehow during your sleep or grinding your teeth. As you've discovered, the problem does reduce with time, but I found that pushing my lower jaw forwards and moving it around whenever the tickling sensation happens stops it almost immediately.

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July 11, 2012

I have a tickling inside my ear. I've had it for 2 days now. It's really uncomfortable. Does anyone know what it is or how to get rid of it?

By XxsophiexX


July 13, 20120 found this helpful
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You may have infection or swimmers ear, which is fluid behind the ear! Try alcohol or pure grain liquor (yeap, the 90 proof) and vinegar. 5 teaspoons of liquor or alcohol (liquor works better because its more pure than Isoporyl alcohol to 1 tsp of vinegar. That sounds weird & like a lot of alcohol or liquor, but believe me it is tried & true for me as I have always had problems with water in my ears and have so recently & use about 2-3 drops after showering or if it itches.


If you have pain, be careful doing this because it may hurt worse, and then see your doctor. Also, the sweet oil is good to loosen waxy build up! Hope you feel better!

July 14, 20120 found this helpful
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Sometimes allergies will cause an itching or tickling in your ears. Get an OTC allergy medicine and give it about a week to kick in. I used to have this problem until I learned to control my allergies.

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September 24, 2015

It seems like I'm like a few others that are having a tickling sensation at the opening of their ear. It feels as if there's baby hair in there just continually moving all the time which creates a tickling sensation and sometimes a numb or tingling sensation. Is there any possibility to tell me what's wrong? Will I end up having a fungus in that ear? I am also using ciprodex ear drops. I was actually prescribed those ear drops for my left ear because my eustachian tube kept collapsing and I couldn't hear. When I blew air through my ears holding your nose as we all know that did the trick.

It would pop my ears and I could hear for a second and then it would collapse again. I also heard from that ENT doctor that I had a retraction compartment. I let him see my ear with my nose closed and blowing popping my ears that way he can see if maybe there's something going on in the place where he couldn't get through when it was closed and that's when he said I had a retraction compartment. It was wrong which is BS. I don't know any ideas.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
September 25, 20150 found this helpful

You may want to consul or Sometimes googling something is quicker if you are concerned. Hope that helps.

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April 6, 2018

I have this to tickling inside my right ear as if a bug is moving through the hairs inside my right ear from time to time. I also hear these crunching noises everytime when I move the ear muscles pulling back and forth.

Can someone tell me what is causing all of this and how to treat it?


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
April 7, 20180 found this helpful
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This "tickling feeling" is not that uncommon and there are several reasons this could be happening.

  • You could try some of the suggested "home remedies" but if it does not go away, you should probably see your doctor.
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  • Sometimes just a few drops of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide or even baby oil/olive oil placed in your ear and left for 10-15 minutes while laying on opposite ear will help take care of this.
  • Take a look at one of these links to learn about causes and more remedies for this problem.
April 9, 20180 found this helpful
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What you're describing can simply be from a hair off your head that fell into your ear and is occasionally brushing against your eardrum. It's happened to me many times and it's very irritating. I squirt some warm water into my ear to flush out the hair. If that does turn out to be the problem, the tickling and noises will stop instantly.

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December 18, 2018

I have a quick tickle in my ear like a bug is in it. When I burp I can hear a small static noise and my ear hair tickles randomly. I just want to know if it's a bug or not. I can't sleep because of the tickles and the tickles scare me. So I stay up. I had this before; my left ear was always popping it was just air in my ear, but this is different.

When I swallow I can feel something in my ear faintly. Is it a bug or no? Can you reply as fast as you can! My mom says it's probably wax. Also when my ear hair tickles, if I touch my ear, I hear a crackling noise.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 18, 20180 found this helpful

I would put hydrogen peroxide in your ear. That should dissolve the wax and kill the bug.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
December 18, 20180 found this helpful

There are several causes for having this feeling in your ears but it can also be a bug (but less common) and it may be wax just as your mother stated.


Here is one statement from a web doctor:

"Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can also make use of alcohol. Crawling and tingling feelings are often an outcome of foreign elements. And at such times, the best thing to do is expose them to alcohol. Diluted with water of course!

Flushing away foreign particles from the ear in order to clean it does seem like a highly effective treatment method. The kind that you can try at home without any professional help! Thats the best part, isnt it?"

Read this article;


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
December 18, 20181 found this helpful

You mean a bug like an insect? That I doubt, but I guess stranger things have happened, I guess, but truly that is pretty unlikely. If you are talking bug, like the flu, I also doubt that, but a medical professional would need to tell you that (and you would have other symptoms--fever, aches, etc.)


I used to get this problem all the time when I was younger and each time, I had to have the nurse or doctor flush my ear, then it was fine. It takes less than 5 minutes (at least my medical team always did it quickly and PAINLESSLY!)

If you have never had this done before, while it is usually totally painless, it feels wonky--like you are in a swimming pool of warm water, but just in your ear.

Be sure to sit for at least a few minutes afterward because it can make you dizzy if you get up right away.

Post back how it goes!! Wishing you a quick fix with this!! Sending up healing prayers!

January 7, 20190 found this helpful

I've had this for 6 months, no buzzing or ringing, just intermittent tingling. After a few visits to an ENT and a referral to an audiologist for tests, which revealed that I had some sort of issue with my ears & brain stem but they didn't know why, I was told that I needed an MRI. I googled it & found that a possible tumor could cause it, so I went forward with the MRI. I got the results today, and just as I already knew, I am fine... but have an extremely stressful life. I take xanax once a day when I get the "time to go to work anxiety" but other than that, stress is the norm so I usually don't notice it.
With that said, if you don't struggle with anxiety/ depression, etc, you should probably have it checked. If your life is crazy like mine, then at least we'd know that we're not the only ones. :)

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February 1, 2019

I've had like a bad tickle in my right ear. It's really annoying me and it's making my head and under my neck itch. Has anyone had anything like this?

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December 22, 2019

I feel something tickling in my left ear. I have asked different people to use a light to see if it's anything inside of it and they say no. What can I do?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 23, 20190 found this helpful
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You can try to pinch your nostrils shut and breathe out your nose. That may clear it up. If it persists, I would see a doctor if I were you.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
December 23, 20190 found this helpful
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This may be a dumb question, but have you checked for a rogue ear hair? May he rest in peace, this would happen to my late father. Pluck it and the issue went away.

If that is not it, I suggest going to the doctor as there are medical conditions that can cause ear tickling.

Post back what you learn. Prayers for healing and an easy solution.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
December 23, 20190 found this helpful
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Normally this can be hairs in the ear that cause this issue. In some cases, there can be a small bug that gets down in the ear that causes this issue. You can try to use an ear wax cleaner to flush out your ear with first. If this is not helping I would really go see a doctor it could be something else in the ear that a person can not see.

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