
Home Remedies for Foot Calluses

January 27, 2010

Calluses on FeetI use a styrofoam sanding block to buff off the dried dead skin from the bottom of my feet. It's best to use them after bathing or showering while your feet are softer. It's best to slightly wet the sanding block as well. Sanding blocks are less expensive, more coarse, and last longer than the coarse finger nail files that I've used. In addition, they leave your feet feeling very soft and smooth.


By Alma from Williamsport, TN

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October 13, 2016

This is a page about making strawberry foot exfoliant. Smooth out rough callouses on your feet with an exfoliant made from strawberries and other ingredients.

Hands massaging a sugar scrub into feet

October 19, 2015

I am a pastry chef so I am on my feet for hours everyday. Not only do I work, but I commute via public transportation to school and back. The past 3 years have been rough on my feet. I have thick calluses on the bottoms of both feet. I could wear the most comfortable shoes, but at the end of the night I'm walking in pain because of my calluses.

It feels like both feet have been dragged/scrapped against pavement. Please can anyone help me out? I use to have smooth beautiful feet. Now my feet are just disgusting and the pain is horrible.

calluses on foot


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October 19, 20150 found this helpful

There are many ideas online for removing tough skin from feet. However, it appears that you need more than some skin conditioning for your ongoing foot pain. You should consider taking both of your feet to a podiatrist ASAP!:


"Podiatrists are the most qualified doctors to care for your feet. They complete four years of training in a podiatric medical school and three years of hospital residency training. This training is similar to that of other doctors-American Podiatric Medical Association".

With the proper medical treatment, you will learn how to care for your feet and also reduce your foot pain. Unfortunately, in your occupation, foot problems are common and very difficult to cure. If you do not address your pain problems now, you will eventually that find that you cannot continue in your present occupation. You can research podiatrists in your area online.
Good Luck!

October 20, 20150 found this helpful

Soak your feet! Epsom salts brings healing circulation to the area, so that is a great soak. Then, after soaking (or simply washing) your feet, while they are still moist, generously slather on coconut oil, or any emollient (vaseline will do), then put fresh, clean thick cotton socks on overnight. Do this EVERY night and your feet will be happy. You can experiment with adding lavender, rosemary, herbs and essential oils to your soaks and see what they do. Even if you see a podiatrist for shoe recommendations, these nursing measures will always be wonderful.


Have you tried the memory-foam inserts? And there are gel inserts for your shoes, too. And about the soaks - it might be a good idea to soak your entire leg, as in a bath with 1/2 c. epsom salts (or as directed on the bag) to give your legs an overall treat. This could be done daily if you have the time. Your diet should have leafy greens, bec. those have vitamin K, good for circulation. Have good nutrition, stay hydrated, and you just might beat this big time!


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October 20, 20150 found this helpful

It looks like the pads of your feet are shifting forward. I think your shoes might not be right or you need a good orthotic insert.


If your feet hurt now you have a working life of misery ahead of you. Get it taken care of now.

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March 3, 2015

I am type 2 diabetic and bought an Emjoi Micro-Pedi foot file. It has been a relief. I find that if I soak my feet in hot water with a 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and then use the micro-pedi while my feet are not quite dry but mostly dry, I can get most of them off.


May 14, 2012

I use a Stridex pad over the calloused area, add Vaseline and a cotton sock before bed. In the morning, my feet are soft and smooth for longer periods than just filing them down.


February 25, 2012

What will remove a callous naturally?

By Cindy


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February 27, 20120 found this helpful

A pumice stone (any drug or beauty supply aisle, and usually costing around $1USD) will take a callus off, but it will take a while-it's not a fast process. Have a look at this link about using a pumice stone:


Used according to directions, a pumice stone is a wonderful way to take care of corns and calluses.

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February 19, 2012

Will a soak with oatmeal help my sore, badly calloused feet? I have callouses on the balls of my feet and heels, as well as rough skin on the bottom of my toes.

By crazy Janey


February 21, 20121 found this helpful

Add dry milk to your foot bath. It contains lactic acid that will help shed that old skin. Use the milk often and you won't have the problem. It will soften it and make it easy to remove with a pumice stone or scratch it off with your fingernails or the edge of a metal nail file. You can also use sanding paper to remove the dry, hardened skin.


This will be a quicker fix, and then use the milk foot bath often. Adding baking soda with the milk will make your feet so soft. Get you an organic foot cream with lactic acid to use daily. Using the milk and baking soda in your tub bath is great for the whole body. I usually use 1 cup of each.

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June 6, 2011

I have calluses a half inch thick on the bottom of both my feet, the whole bottom of my foot is covered with it. How can I get them to go away without cutting them off with a knife, like I've been doing?

I have had them my whole life and have never seen anyone else have them like this. Both my girls have it too, but my parents don't! Were did this come from and how do I get rid of it?

By Chris S.


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June 6, 20111 found this helpful

Beauty salons and most beauty supply stores sell foot files which are not expensive. The files usually have a rough sand paper on one side and a smoother sand paper on the other. Try soaking your feet which will help soften the skin. Sand the areas of the feet to reduce the thickness of the calluses. Apply a good foot cream to keep the skin on your feet soft. You have to keep at it in order to get rid of the calluses. I take care of my feet 2 or 3 times a week. I use the foot file and sand my heels, then apply a good foot cream. In this way I no longer suffer from cracked heels.

If you are diabetic it would be best to go to a podiatrist to have the calluses removed.


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June 6, 20110 found this helpful

I'm making a correction to my post, I meant to say that beauty supply stores sell foot files.

June 7, 20110 found this helpful

I was just reading about pedicures in a magazine I received yesterday (Martha Stewart). It said to soften by using a foot file or pumice. "Avoid callus shavers or graters; they can tear skin or take too much of it off, and they can make calluses grow back faster." Maybe, by using a knife, you've been taking away too much of the rough skin?

I have a file that I use on my feet, too. I looked on the Sally Hansen website to find the one I use, but it looks like they've redesigned their line. This is the closest to what I have:

Use the steel side first, then the ceramic side to smooth the skin. I do this maybe every other day at the end of my shower. I apply Blue Goo Cracked Heel Skin Softener when I get out:

I've found it near the pharmacy area at Wal-Mart. It comes in a little container sort of like a large pot of Carmex. If you look for it, don't be turned off at the small size, a little goes a long way!

If you try what MCW or I have suggested, and you don't see any appreciable improvement within a reasonable length of time, maybe it's time to consult with a doctor. But I hope that these over the counter suggestions work for both you and your girls!

June 7, 20110 found this helpful

CVS and Wal-greens have a moisture cream, mostly Vaseline. Put in on your feet while they are still damp and before going to bed wearing socks. This will keep the skin soft and the sheets clean. Perhaps it is the shoes you are wearing. The other suggests will also work. I thought I was the only one who treated their feet.

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March 13, 2011

Is there a way to permanently remove callouses? Also is it better to use a pumice stone or shave them?

By Nancy286 from Sunset Beach, NC


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
March 13, 20110 found this helpful

This procedure is not recommended for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. If you have diabetes it is best to have a physician care for your feet.

This winter I had problems with my heels being very dry and cracked. I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and purchased an inexpensive foot file. After showering I used the abrasive side of the file and sanded off the dry cracked skin. Then used the smooth side of the file on my heels. Then massaged my feet with foot cream. I've been doing this on a regular basis and now the heels on my feet are very soft and smooth.

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March 4, 2011

I would like to know if there is an alternative to expensive pedicures. I would love some frugal ideas/solutions to help me solve this beauty issue. Cindy from Alberta, Canada


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October 5, 2010

I tend to use duct tape to splint my fingers when they need a bandage that lasts through dish washing. I eventually discovered that if you put a piece over a clean toe where there is a callous, by the end of the day the skin is softer.

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