
What is This Insect?

July 7, 2020

Identifying a Small Brown Bug? - bug on a paper towelI am just wondering what kind of bug is this? I found it on me, but am not sure if it came from outside or not.



Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
July 7, 20200 found this helpful
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Picture not too clear but it resembles a tick to me.
There are several kinds and some are more prevalent in different parts of the country.
If it is a tick, you should check your body and clothing carefully as there may be others and if you have pets (especially dogs0 be sure to check them carefully every time they go out until you take care of any bugs in your yard.

If you discover this is a tick here are some suggestions for getting rid of them if they're in your yard (if you have a yard).

If this is not a tick you really need to find out what it is for sure.


You can contact you county extension agency and send them the video as they will be more familiar with what type of bugs are prevalent in your area.

Correct removal is very important:
I used the liquid soap method on a camping trip and it worked but most sites recommend removal with tweezers.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
July 7, 20200 found this helpful
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This is a lice and it normally is found in your hair. They can jump from one head to another and lay eggs in your hair. If one is on your skin it could have come out of your hair.


I would try and check to see if you have any more of these around or in your hair.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 425 Answers
July 8, 20200 found this helpful
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It looks like some type of weevil that hitched a ride on you from outdoors. Nothing to worry about unless you have some plant growing outdoors that they like. Weevils drill into plant stems and veins to suck the plant juices. If it happens enough, it can severely damage or kill the plant. Then you would need to use some kind of bug control on the favored plants.

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August 12, 2020

Please anyone know what this is? Is it a parasite? It is about 3 cm in length.

Identifying a Small Brown Insect?
Identifying a Small Brown Insect?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 12, 20200 found this helpful

This looks very much like a silverfish or water bug. They come into the home from the drains in your bathroom. They are horrible and should be taken care of. A simple way to get rid of these is to put out sticky tape like they use to trap flies with.


They will crawl on the tape and then you can just pick up the tape and throw it away. Other people find if they put out cedar or cedar oil this till get rid of them and keep them out of your home.

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June 3, 2021

I found several of these arrow shaped sticker-like things in my hair. I also found them on my dog, which is a wire-haired mini daschund. They were very difficult to get off. A few days before, I had a sudden, multiple variety, bug hatching at my house and I'm worried about (eggs, disease) if they are bugs.

If not a bug, what are they and how did we pick these hitchhikers up?

A small sticker or a bug.
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August 26, 2020

I have whitish tan little flecks and balls, also pepper looking balls that BITE! They dont move, just appear on my furniture, car,clothes.

I'm in Sacramento, CA. Anyone know what this is?

A small white fleck on a leather back.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 26, 20200 found this helpful
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These look like the no-see-um bugs They are horrible and the bit really does some damage. Some people call these sand fleas and when they do bite they leave blister type bits on your skin that turn red and itch like crazy. They are so hard to get rid of and in some cases almost impossible. They do sell special window screens that you can put up in your home to keep them out of your house.


As for your car, this one will be a lot harder to keep them out of there. I would also consult a pest control in your area and see if they can come and spray your yard for them. That is the only way we can keep them under control where I live. If you do get them sprayed they will stay gone for a few weeks but they always seem to come back here.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
August 27, 20200 found this helpful
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This is called Ceratopogonidae - better known as biting midges or no-see- ums. Very small and biting. Here is more info on them -

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August 6, 2020

Not the best photos I know, but found a couple of these the past few weeks about the house, was wondering if anyone had an idea of what they could be. They don't fly, and don't move fast.

A small bug on a white background.
A small bug on a white background.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 7, 20200 found this helpful
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If you have found one there more than likely more around the house you haven't seen yet. These are a standard carpet beetle that comes into the home to eat the fibers of the carpet or even your clothes. These beetles feed on fibers. You will need to clean the home really well and vacuum them up. Be sure to throw the bag away in the trash when done. If you have a bagless cleaner empty the bag into a plastic bag and seal it up.


This way they can't get out of the trash. Now lay down some insect tape that is sticky to trap them and make sure to check this often and throw it away. If you do not have a lot you can remove them and use the tape again. You should be able to remove a few of them if there aren't a lot of them and trap a few more with the same tape you have laid down.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 11, 20200 found this helpful
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Looks like a basic carpet beetle. Vacuum them up, toss the bag (or dump the contents of the canister) and put it outside for the trash (far from the house). Unless you have a huge infestation (dozens and dozens) this will usually do the trick to get rid of them. It is also helpful to check around the house and clean up piles of yard debris as that is where they like to hide and them come in to the house. Post back with an update!

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November 22, 2020

Is this a flea that is stuck in the trap? I think it is? Thanks!

A bug on a white surface.
A bug on a white surface.
A bug on a white surface.
A bug on a white surface.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
November 24, 20200 found this helpful
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Sure looks like a flea..
What was the purpose of the trap?
What type of bug where you trying to catch?
If you have pets you will need to start a flea removal program quickly as fleas multiply fast.
DIY flea control is possible but it will take several weeks of constant working on the problem as the fleas have a life cycle so you have to work on their schedule.
I like using Diatomaceous Earth (food grade only) as it is not harmful to pets or people/children and very easy to use. You will probably need about 2 pounds to do a decent job and this is sold at most big market stores as well as online.
Wear a mask and sprinkle the DE all around the area where your pets hang out the most. Sprinkle any carpet (not all over but several areas) as well as sofa, chairs, pet bedding, etc as if will not harm any of these. Remember; sprinkle not clumps; you can use a small paint brush to spread the DE.
You can also rub it on your cat or dog but protect the eyes and nose. Just leave it on the pet.
You can vacuum the house after 3-4 days but repeat the process as DE is not an instant killer but it will kill the fleas and any other bugs that happen to cross the path.

If you have a yard you may have to think about defleaing it also.

If you do not have pets then you will probably have to think about how the flea got into your home.

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December 15, 2020

So I have these bugs making trails under my skin. If you look close they look like mites attached to whatever fibers they find. I am just not sure what type but they are literally eating me from the inside out.

I had a parrot and they killed her and my goldfish as well. Please any help on what I can use to kill them.

Two bugs on a white surface.
A small bug on a sweater.
A small fluffy item on a fabric surface.
A small bug on a fabric surface.
A small bug on a white surface.
What Are These Bugs?
A small bug on a white surface.
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