
Home Treatment of Infected Wounds

February 1, 2006

A Bandaid on a toe of a child.If there is an opening or scab on the infected area this will work. The tea bag must have contact with the opening or scab. Use a regular black tea, tea bag to make tea as you wish. When tea bag is cool squeeze some of the tea out. Then tape the tea bag to the infected area of body. Leave on for 12 hours. Remove. You will see much of the redness gone from the infected area and puss will be on the tea bag. Use a new bag and epeat till infection is gone.


I have used this many times to get rid of infections instead of going to a Dr. and getting antibiotics. Try it, you will be amazed at how well it works.

It usually only takes one or two applications.

By Penney Lock from Sioux Lookout, ON

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December 6, 2016

I've been looking up herbs and supplements to help my leg ulcer heal faster. So far I've found garlic, vitamin C, and tea bags.

So if you know what other herbs and supplements would help, please let me know.


December 6, 20160 found this helpful

Essential oil of tea tree, as well as eucalyptus, are very healing to the skin but do not use full strength. Use 1 part to 5 parts EVOO or coconut oil.

December 7, 20160 found this helpful

Green vegtables.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 155 Answers
December 7, 20160 found this helpful

I've heard that honey helps in just such cases. I wouldn't use stinging oils like teatree on an open ulcer, you want something to help the tissues regrow. Honey is so sweet it doesn't carry bacteria; it forms a healing layer on top so the skin underneath can reform.


A good supplement would be Vitamin E, the skin vitamin.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 555 Posts
December 7, 20160 found this helpful

Use an aloe plant! Split open a succulent leaf and spread the gel directly on the wound and cover it. It will work much faster than any supplements!

December 8, 20160 found this helpful

Please do not fool around with something like a leg ulcer! Get professional wound care at a hospital if you can. A doctor will refer you. This could be very serious!

December 8, 20160 found this helpful

Look into red light therapy. Units for personal home use are available online. You can use them to speed healing. There are also reviews of people who have benefited from light therapy.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 239 Posts
December 9, 20160 found this helpful

Comfrey is well known as a healing herb as it contains allantoin. Also some say that urine can heal. Most people would find the concept of putting urine on a wound gross. I personally would look into this more closely first and want to sterilise it first if I tried it. There are however many skin healing ointments containing uric acid on the market.


Tea tree and lavender oils have antiseptic properties and usually won't sting unless they have something else added to them. They can be used neat and could also help the healing process.
The herb thyme contains a substance called thymol which is antibacterial, so an infusion of this herb might also be useful


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
December 9, 20160 found this helpful

From the dictionary:
An ulcer on the leg is an open wound that has difficulty healing and is recurring. Causes of leg ulcers include poor circulation and diabetes, as well as valve and circulatory dysfunction.

Medical suggestions should only be tried after discussing these treatments with a physician as leg ulcers can be a very serious condition.
It appears recommendations from all sources stress seeing a physician before starting home treatment, especially if the person has diabetes.


I have not heard of any type of herb that would improve this wound.
My late husband had these on his leg and his doctor did say he saw no problem with trying some home remedies.
He did recommend mild soap and water be used to wash the wound either daily or when a bandage was removed. According to this doctor, gentle cleansing removes dead skin tissue and drainage from the leg area.
We decided to try a sugar treatment that a nurse friend recommended.
It seems that sugar has been used in other countries to treat wounds for many, many years.

Her explanation:
Sugar works mainly by drawing excess moisture out of infected wounds. Once sugar is sprinkled on a weeping wound, it starts to absorb excess water.
She said honey could be used and may cause less of a discomfort. Sugar did not bother my husband but it seems it may have a burning sensation to others.


Procedure we used:
Smeared a ring of Vaseline around the lesion to keep the sugar (or honey) contained, then sprinkled between ½ a teaspoon and one teaspoon on the lesion.
We toped the ulcer with a patch containing iodine (if not available, use a regular patch), dressed with a light, comfortable bandage, then left it on for almost a week. (Try not to get bandage wet.)
Removed after 6 days and applied a new dressing/bandage.
First and second weeks did generally look better - oozing pus and blood was gone but the ulcer was still red/raw looking. We had to continue this treatment for 4 weeks before the ulcer showed a complete healing.
Doctor recommended Compression stockings and we found a variety at Wal-Mart and Walgreens. These helped to reduce swelling in his feet. Also, several times a day, he elevated legs to help decrease fluid buildup in the legs and feet.


Also, doctor recommended some activity should be slowly added to increase circulation to the leg ulcer. Walking, gardening or light stretching exercises were the types he said should aid in the leg ulcer healing.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 140 Feedbacks
December 11, 20160 found this helpful

There are times and circumstances that being frugal could be hazardous to your health. Leg ulcers are a result of poor circulation or diabetes. The risk of infection runs pretty high by using anything other than medications recommended by your doctor. It's not worth taking a chance on and I would suggest a visit to your doctor or clinic if money is an issue. Not worth losing a limb over by not treating it medically.

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December 6, 2016

I have a leg ulcer. I also have poor circulation in this leg and it takes sores or leg ulcers a long time to heal. I was wondering if I can use these tea bags, they are decaffeinated, that's what I drink.

Can I use them on my leg ulcer for the infection in the leg and to help it heal faster and better?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 155 Answers
December 7, 20161 found this helpful

The only mention of teabags I can find in healing ulcers is maggot tea-bags, under professional supervision only. I think you might risk infecting your ulcer with used teabags. Honey has often been recommended; it won't introduce bacteria and provides a second skin for the wound to heal under.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
December 7, 20161 found this helpful

If you are seeking the most beneficial way to heal this, contact

I know I am not suppose to link to a website but I strongly feel you are not giving your leg the proper treatment if you don't know what you are doing. That is not to be critical but you could be counting on a remedy that doesn't work as fast or at all. These are nothing to mess around with.

My sister developed a staff infection simply by picking a sore too long. She was so sick we had to call an ambulance by the time she used home treatments that didn't work.

Please medical help. On line if fine as long as you can trust the site. is set up and monitored by doctors.

I hope this helped. Sandi/PBP

December 7, 20161 found this helpful

This is one time being frugal is not an option. If you have ulcers on your leg you need to seek medical help. If you are a diabetic you need to have your glucose levels checked to see if that is causing the ulcers. Please do not use home remedies in this case. The only other thing that might be safe until you see a doctor is something like Neosporin.

December 9, 20160 found this helpful

My mother suffered from leg ulcers that would not heal. Went to a Wound Care Clinic, and after several weeks of following treatment. Her leg wounds disappeared. Gently clean ulcerated area with salt solution. Wet a piece of saline strip in solution, coat it with silvadene or silver solution gel and pack wound well. Wet a piece of gauze place over pack, follow with dry gauze and hold in place. Change daily. Wet pack with saline solution before removing from wound. Follow same steps above. All items may be purchased otc, or you may make your own saline solution. Blessings


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
December 11, 20161 found this helpful

as a medic, I will say you need to see a doctor. Wrong treatments can cause you to use your leg, or your life.

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