
How to Keep Dogs Out of Your Yard?

January 26, 2011

Keep Dogs Out of Your YardHow can I keep the neighbors 2 dogs out of my yard? They keep digging holes which gives them access to my yard. I have talked to them about it and they have done nothing to stop it. I was almost attacked along with my child and they don't seem to care. Is there anything I can do?


By ERICKA from Antioch, TN


January 26, 20111 found this helpful
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I would do several things. I would definitely call the police on the non-emergency line, and ask for their advice. If you have a lawyer, you might ask the lawyer to write them a letter asking them to keep their dogs better confined. Keep meticulous records of incidents and what actions you have taken. You should take photos, too.

I would also buy fire crackers and wait until the dogs are digging and throw them at the holes where they are digging. The point here is not to hurt the dogs, but to scare them. You could also get one of those noisy air horns and blow it as close as you can safely get when they are digging. If you or your husband are handy, you could run a strand of electric fencing along the bottom of the fence. Then, of course, you have to keep your own child away from it. You might fill balloons with a water/ammonia mixture, and put it in the holes, and when they dig, it will pop the balloons and they'll dislike the smell.


If you know someone with a lot of rose bushes, put any clippings you can get in the holes they dig.

Big jars of red pepper flakes from the dollar store might deter them a bit; but you would have to replace them after every good rain.

If you know anyone who can give you large rocks, you could line your side of the fence with the large rocks, and push any into the holes they dig. If you make digging at your side of the fence "not worth it", maybe they will go to the other side.

You could turn a hose on them, as well, as they dig. This time of year, they may not like the cold, wet. I hope your neighbors take more responsibility for their pets. It's not the dogs' fault, but you need to feel safe in your own yard!

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June 3, 2018

My neighbor has this Bull dog and she's got some problems. I mean we tried to be nice and she just barks, but she nipped one of my dogs and our black Lab almost got into a fight with her. She's getting kinda old so we don't want her to be fighting. We also just got a new Samoyed puppy and I mean this dog could kill her. We are about to buy an air-soft gun or something just to keep her out (we don't have a fence) and it would not be worth putting one up for just one dog.



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
June 4, 20180 found this helpful
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I would reconsider putting up a fence. You have 3 dogs that need protection. Puppies, old dogs and bull dogs dont jump much, so the fence doesnt need to be huge. Check you local feed store for do it yourself fencing. I am not sure the air gun will really train the dog to stay out of your yard, and you want your dogs safe.


As a last resort you can call the police, but that may result in an angry, barking dog chained next door. Good luck.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
June 4, 20180 found this helpful
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I do not believe neighbor's dogs should be allowed to roam the streets and neighborhoods and most cities have a lease law that states a dog must be on a leash at all times that it is not in a fenced yard or inside a building.

  • I do not know where you live but most likely you will find this is a city/county law where you reside.
  • You may not be putting your dogs on a leash so reporting them may cause problems for you as well.
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  • A fence is, of course, the best solution but it can be a big expense. Perhaps you could consider a smaller fenced in area just for your dogs.
  • Being a good/nice neighbor can only go so far and then it may be time to take steps to protect your animals.
  • Most likely, you could/would be held responsible if one of your dogs hurts this neighbor's dog even if he is on your property. That could cause a very bad situation but you should check this out as your dogs may be considered running loose even if they are on your property.
  • This may not seem fair but it is the way it is.
  • Check what your city ordinances say first and then take whatever steps you feel are necessary to protect your dogs.
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May 30, 2015

I live in a neighborhood without sidewalks. In March, my old dog was euthanized and the patches of yellow grass had been repaired. I sent away for a "Please Keep Your Dog Off of the Grass" sign. At the same time, knowing which dog it was, I wrote a letter to my neighbor asking him to keep an eye on my yard for any dogs using it as a bathroom. I thanked him and gave him my phone number.

Today I cleared out two medium patches of yellow grass, again. He is disrespecting me and my request. Today I ordered a yard sprayer that has short bursts of water when the motion detector is activated. It can be set for a certain range. If it hits the dog owner, I guess that would be perfect, however it may further enrage him. There is no HOA here. What else can I do?

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May 24, 2015

How do I stop the neighbor's dog from coming into my yard and pooping and peeing? We have a leash law, but they let their dog run free.

If I call the dog officer they will know it's me complaining.

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January 8, 2014

New renters behind our house have 2 large Pit Bulls that are chewing through our redwood fence to come into our yard and now I don't feel safe going out there with my 3 year old and 8 month old children. The owners had the renters place cement blocks along the bottom of the fence only to cause the dogs to bust right through the fence 2 days later! My husband found multiple loose boards so they must have been working at it for awhile.

The landlords don't have control on how much the renters exercise their dogs and want us to go 50/50 on a new fence ASAP as they are obviously scared that the dogs will end up doing damage to our property or our kids and they would be liable. What kind of fence is best? They want PVC, but it is very expensive and I read that big determined dogs will destroy this type of fence as well. Help please!


By Lisa C.

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September 2, 2013

This young man who lives behind me on another street walks his dog (on leash) around the block which includes my street. I have nicely asked the owner not walk his dog in my yard and he called me all sorts of names and still intentionally walks into my yard to pee on my plants and trees. My husband sees him do this after I asked him not to, then when my husband tells him not to the young man didn't run his mouth, but intentionally lead the dog over and had him pee on my husband's work van on the side that we could not see. How can I stop the dog from walking into the yard?

By Michell


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
September 4, 20130 found this helpful

I had this problem and spoke to the neighbor asking for him to either pick up after his dog, or walk him somewhere else. I got ignored. So every day I took a shovel and picked up the poop and set just over the property line where people walk along the edge of the road.


Pretty soon there was quite a pile of poop to where you had to walk around it or step in it. Our walker got the message and now walks with a plastic bag to pick up after his dog. And he still walks on the other side of the street.

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April 29, 2013

I share my yard and their dog thinks that my side of the yard is his personnel bathroom! How can I keep him off my new lawn?

By Michelle

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April 7, 2012

The neighbors originally had two Chihuahua type dogs, now three puppies have been added to the mix. The dogs continually dig under the fence into my yard and bark at me through the sliding glass door. When I walk to the door to yell at them they run back to their side of the fence. I've asked the neighbors to deal with it, but nothing has changed. I'm tired of picking up poop in my backyard and being barked at during all hours of the day. What is the next step?

By Luke


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 216 Posts
April 7, 20120 found this helpful
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If you are handy with tools, or know someone who is, you could try fastening a piece of chicken wire to your side of the fence covering the hole and bury the wire so that when they dig, they just run into wire - they can't dig through that.

You could line your side of the fence with rocks. Plant a few rose bushes or even berry bushes with large thorns. If none of this is possible or desirable, then call your city hall and find out if you have any options. After you know your legal options, talk to your neighbor again, ask them to correct the problem, and tell them what you plan to do if they don't take action.

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December 3, 2011

There is a white dog in my neighborhood. We have done everything to keep it out of the yard. What can I do, I do not want to send it to the pound.

By Trystin from Sesser, IL


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
December 5, 20110 found this helpful
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Do you know who the owners are? If not, find out who they are. Is there a leash law in your area? Nicely notifiy the owners that you will notify the proper authorities if they don't keep the dog restrained and that you will take the dog to the pound if you have to. With that being said, if they don't keep their dog restrained please do what Lizzyanny suggests and take the little fella to a no kill shelter.

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August 24, 2010

I would like to know how to keep stray dogs off of your lawn.

Hardiness Zone: 9a

By terri from Ocean Springs, MS


August 24, 20100 found this helpful

When you see them coming in your yard, go to the window or door and yell SHOO! SHOO! GET OUT OF HERE! while clapping your hands. Do this every time you see them, and eventually they won't come in your yard anymore.

August 29, 20100 found this helpful

When you see them in your yard shoot them with a blast of water from a water gun. I will scare them, a couple of times and they won't be back

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April 20, 2001

How do I keep the local dogs from relieving themselves on my property? I have tried black pepper, moth balls, Lysol, Pine Sol, and some of those sprays specifically designed to keep dogs away.

What is a person to do, summer is just around the corner?


April 24, 20010 found this helpful
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If your town has a leash law just keep calling the dog officer on the owners. They will get sick of paying the fines eventually.

April 24, 20010 found this helpful
Best Answer

I got this from one of the home shows on The Learning Channel and it works.
For Dog or Cat deterrent:

2 1/2 parts flour
1 part red pepper or cayenne pepper
1 1/2 parts dry mustard.

The reason for the flour is that is shows where you placed the deterrent. If the area gets wet, then it has to be done again.

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