
Introducing a New Kitten to Your Resident Cat

November 16, 2005

orange tabby kittenThe best pet tip I've found with cats is to get a couple of small towels - one for each cat. Rub the cats with their own towel, then give it to the other cat to sleep with and get used to each other's scents. Of course, we still take the time to slowly introduce them to each other, but this towel method seems to make the process go much easier in the long run.


This is Spike. He showed up in our carport one morning and we fell in love with him! He's an adorable orange tabby, 13 weeks old and extremely friendly and playful. He's the 3rd cat that we've adopted in the past 18 months and they all get along very well.

By Mary J. from Florence, SC

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August 27, 2019

I've got a 3 year old cat that is very laid back and I just recently rescued a kitten from the RSPCA. It's only been 4 days so far.

My cat either hisses at him, or pays no attention to him. The kitten has started to copy some of her actions such as hissing, but I'm not sure he knows what it means as he hisses when his playing games.

My cat who was very loving towards me now doesn't come near me which is very upsetting as I feel I've let her down when the main reason I got a kitten was so she wasn't alone all day!

Help/advice please.

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June 18, 2015

I rescued a black kitten 6 months ago. He was around 8 or 9 weeks old and having been hand reared from 3 weeks old. He was found in a bin with a very ill mother and 4 brothers and sisters, all re-homed. He is very comfortable with people. So comfortable he behaves more like a dog than a cat. He is now about 8 months old, neutered and and a very happy cat. kitten


Just over a week ago my partner came home with a box with a tiny female kitten of around 5 or 6 weeks that he saw being dumped in a bin. Dumping kittens and puppies in bins is a "huge" problem in Spain. So my partner took her and brought her home.

Hugo, the 8 month old, reacted as I would expect. He was pretty unhappy that his kingdom suddenly had another cat's scent in it. I kept her in the second bathroom for the first night and day as she was seriously terrified of everything. On the second day I got hold of a crate and brought her into the living room. To start with Hugo would hiss and growl and run away. Ok, pretty normal right?

So after about a day and half of this he suddenly did a 180, or he seemed to. He sits in front of the crate and plays with her through the bars. He lays on top of the crate and plays through the side slits. He isn't staying outside for as long as before, sometimes he comes in, goes and sniffs her, then goes out again, like he is checking on her. They eat within sight of each other and she meows for him if he is in the room, but not right near the crate. I was thinking I had a major result without really trying.

So I opened the crate and let her out with Hugo in the room. He tried to bite her neck, from the top and from the underneath, and then got her in a headlock and I thought "oh no!", but then he started licking her, her head or her bottom usually, and I thought all was well. The headlock and licking has now turned into dive bombing her at every opportunity and after a minute of licking he starts biting her. He keeps biting her genital area which is somewhat concerning me as she doesn't fight back. She just adopts a completely submissive position and cries out when he bites.

If I shout his name or tap his bum he lets go and gets off her straight away, but then dive bombs her again within about 5 seconds. I've tried a water spray on him before, to stop him shooting up my curtains, but it didn't work as he loves water.

He is super friendly and confident, she is super timid and cautious. Is there anything I can do to help the situation or is it simply a case of waiting until she is bigger, stronger, and hopefully more capable of defending herself before they'll be OK together? Is it possible he can kill her? Her little neck seems so dainty compared to his teeth! Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance :-)



June 19, 20150 found this helpful

This is false mating behavior.
Your cat has been neutered, but the instinct for mating remains in the brain. As soon as he realized she is a female the kitten was no longer safe.


This may seem rough for mating, but mating male cats bite the female by the neck and hold her down. Licking and biting of the genital area is typical.

Unfortunately, he can harm her pretty badly. She is just too little for this and he will continue. It's possible that re-homing the newcomer will be your only option.

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November 3, 2019

I just rescued a small kitten and she is finally rehabilitated and healthy so it's time to introduce her to her siblings! One is 1 year old, one is 8 months old, and, one is 7 years old. They are so friendly to each other and to her! However, our kitten hates them, she can't even go near them without hissing! What do we do to help her feel safer and like her new siblings?


November 3, 20190 found this helpful
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Kee her hungry and other kittens too, and then give food together and they will only eat and will eat and let then eat more so they will be full with it. Then before a chance o fa conflict apart them for a bit,


Start giving kitten food in other kittens containers so that will give it closeness feel also.
Pet your kitten more than other kittens to give feeling, etc.
separate time feed each kitten while they were hungry in you hand and that will have them learn to follow demand and discipline


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
November 4, 20190 found this helpful
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All the usual ways to introduce kittens should work here. Allowing them to play under the door while in separate rooms. I like the pop up play pens available on Amazon. They can be in the same room but a bit less threatened. Eating across the room but in sight of each other.


Allow them to be together (supervised) but just 2 at a time. Make sure the kitten can get up and away from the other cats and feel safe. It takes time but kittens are pretty flexible.

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February 7, 2018

I got a 8 week old kitten today and my 7 month old keeps hissing at her. I have had to have the kitten with me in the bedroom at night with food, litter tray, and water as my female is not liking her. I just don't want my 7 month old cat hurting a 8 week old kitten. The 8 week old kitten is dying to see the older cat and wants to play, but my older cat doesn't like her and is always hissing at her.

I don't want to have to re-home my new addition because of the older cat. Will she eventually like the kitten? How do I do this and make them get along?

Introducing a New Kitten to the Resident Cat - black kitten


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 242 Answers
February 7, 20182 found this helpful
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Like any creature, cats are territorial. This new kitten is infringing on the 1st cats she is obviously unimpressed. Cats do adjust after a little while usually. The first one just needs to see that the kitten is not a threat, But some cats never quite adjust so it may be some trial and error.


Protect the little one as long as you can...and when its a little older they may just have to establish their own order.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
February 8, 20180 found this helpful
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They are both still young and yes, this will happen. Even with dogs this happens. I introduced a new puppy in the house and my older dog who is almost 5 wasn't happy at all. He did bite the puppy a few times.

This does take time and you basically have to do this slowly and let them get used to each other. You'll have a few incidents and the older cat will show the younger one who's boss. They will work this out in time because they are both still young. I would keep going on like you are now and slowly, allow them in the room together for a bit longer each time.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
February 13, 20181 found this helpful
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One thing I have found that helps is to see that the new cat has her own space. I use a guestroom with litter box, water, food, toys and a few cozy beds and a window sill to look out of. My new kitties sleep in their rooms and get increased time out with the resident cats. I have found this keeps them much calmer and there is less hissing swatting etc, Look for a couple months of hostility.


Eventually they come to a truce. Will they ever like each other? It is hard to say. I like some people and not others. Cats are about the same, but slow introductions really help. Lately I have discovered that meditation type music (flutes, Enya) really calms the waters for cats. My 2, who will mix it up, just chill and go take another nap.

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February 28, 2018

I have a cat who is almost one year old and I just got a kitten who is about 10 weeks old. My cat is hissing at the kitten, but that is all she does for now.

How do I get her to like the kitten?


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March 1, 20181 found this helpful
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Since both are still young this may not take very long for them to accept each other.

  • Usually it is better to keep them in separate rooms and let them "mingle" for short periods of time but be ready to rescue the little one if necessary. Try not to be too observant or the older one will realize there may be a problem here. Try not to force them to be friends as it will work out okay in a few days.
  • Place something (blanket, small towel, clothing) that has their scent in with the different cat so they will become accustomed to the one's scent.
  • It is also a good idea to place something that has your scent in with each cat. Even a sock will work.
  • Hopefully all of this will only take a few days.
  • Be sure to give equal attention to each kitten (no matter how cute the little one turns out to be).

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
March 1, 20180 found this helpful
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This will take time and each cat will learn their place. I have introduced a cat in two different ways. Once I just let them get to know each other. This one worked out, but at times the older cat would start a fight with the younger one. I found out it was better to have the animals of the opposite sex. This works the same for dogs. The older dog will always put the baby in their place and make sure they know who is king.

You can also try what others do and separate them. Let them get to know each other little by little by introducing them. You can start with the smell or moving them around and leaving them in a room where the other cat has been.

As long as the older cat isn't attacking and hurting the new kitten I'd leave them for now and see how it works out. If the older cat is hurting the kitten, you have to move them away from each other.

Answer this Question

August 14, 2019

I don't know what to do with our 2yr neutered male cat. We got another cat and were told it was a female, but it is a male. My older one really is not getting along with him. We have a plug in thing, but it has not worked. Should we keep him in as we've let him out and he disappears for 24 hrs? He hisses and growls whenever the kitten is around.

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March 23, 2019

I introduced a new kitten to my resident cat. She went outside today and last night she seems to be upset and comfortable with the new kitten although I put the new kitten in a crate. Will she come back, since last night she was not getting near me, and my resident seems to be a naughty cat and seldom wants to be pet. Please give me more insights on this.

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September 22, 2017

My girlfriend and I moved in together a little over 6 months ago. We already have 1 amazing cat who is just over 1 year old. His name is Arthur and he is very playful, fun, energetic, and cuddly. We've been looking around for another kitten because Arthur has been getting kind of lonely and we think we found the perfect kitten.

She's only maybe a couple months old if that. I grew up with dogs and Arthur was my first cat, so I really don't know much yet about cats. My question is how do I go about introducing them and just any tips you guys might have.Introducing a New Kitten to Resident Cat - medium haired orange tabby cat

Thanks and I appreciate the help.

Introducing a New Kitten to Resident Cat
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