
Remedies for a Dog's Bad Breath

May 14, 2013

I have used an excellent product by ProDen called "Plaque Off Animal". It gets rid of the tartar and plaque which causes bad breath. I just add a tiny scoop, which comes with the product, to your pet's food every day.


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April 17, 20150 found this helpful
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I have found that yogurt is the best thing for my dog. But you only can give a dog plain or vanilla, no other flavors. I give my dog a tablespoon every day and he loves it. Plus it is also good for their digestive system. I hope this helps.

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April 2, 2007

Does anyone know about the product Dental Fresh for Dogs teeth cleaning? The info I have is:

Dental Fresh for Dogs

Just add to your pet's drinking water for optimal oral health. Dental Fresh protects teeth and gums, removes plaque and tartar, brightens teeth, and freshens breath. Makes professional cleaning faster, easier, and gentler.

I have heard "yes" maybe it helps; but wonder if anyone had used it... Or, do you know anything that would help besides this. I cannot brush my dogs teeth (she won't allow--haha), and having them cleaned at the vets is expensive. She has such tartar build up, and needs it done twice a year. This site was recommended to find out if anyone could help.

Linda from Greensboro, NC


By Terry (Guest Post)
April 3, 20070 found this helpful
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Have used this product. Not much of an opinion on it. Bought it and never bought it again. I wish dogs could clean their own teeth huh? I feed her dry dog food hoping that most of the plaque gets off that way. I find if you don't feed the dog people food than their breath is pretty bearable. Good luck in your search for a product to solve your puppy's bad breath.

By Sue (Guest Post)
April 3, 20070 found this helpful
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I have used this product...It helps,,but will not prevent the plaque from building . Nothing will stop that. I have 9 dogs, and use this 99% of the time, and have to take them to have their teeth cleaned still, but not nearly as often.

By Graycrab (Guest Post)
April 3, 20070 found this helpful
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I tried it. My dog would not drink the water.

By doris (Guest Post)
January 14, 20080 found this helpful
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I have used the product for water and it did not help. There is a product called Clean & Fresh made by Butler Animal Health Suppy that may do the trick.

By John Flagler Beach Florida (Guest Post)
April 10, 20080 found this helpful
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We have used Dental Fresh for our golden since last August and it has made a great difference in removal of plaque! We swear by it. Hope this helps. John

By Richard (Guest Post)
December 3, 20080 found this helpful
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My dog was diagnosed by his vet with severe gum disease. It cost me more than $800 to have him sedated and three teeth removed and all his teeth cleaned. My Vet, whom I've used for more than 20 years told me to buy Dental Fresh, he would not recommend it if it didn't work.


It is AMAZING. My old dog and my young retriever both have great breath and perfectly clean teeth. I wont go with out it!

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November 29, 2019

I have a Jack Russell Terrier dog and she has bad breath. We haven't tried to take to her to vet for a checkup, we just brush her teeth sometimes, but it does not help either. Do you have any other ways to eliminate bad mouth odor?

She also lost a tooth already, I am really worried, but we have not enough financial capacity right now since vets and other dog medications are pretty expensive. Please help.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 30, 20190 found this helpful
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Poor pup! Bad breath is (in my experience 98 percent of the time) caused by infections which results in tooth loss.

Since the pup has already lost a tooth, I am guessing there is infection happening. It can be fatal (they can go septic very quickly) if that is what you have.


I got a lecture from the vet when I first became a dachshund mom many years ago because they are very prone to these problems and she warned me to never to ignore bad breath. We are fortunate that they will work with us on costs.

I followed her advise and every time it was infection. Sometimes it could be controlled by antibiotics (cheap from the grocery store pharmacy), but sometimes they have had to have extractions. My doxie that had the worst issues had very few teeth left when she died at 17 1/2, but she ate fine and had an amazing quantity of life! When the bad teeth were gone, so was the bad breath.

Talk to your vet and ask if they will work with you on the price. Some do sliding scales. Maybe they can refer you to a good vet that will work with you if they can't. Some shelters have doctors who work at reduced rates. There are also some mobile clinics that work at reduced rates. ASK!! Please!


If you have a vet school in your town, some will do it a very reduced fee since they are using student labor.

If nothing else, take the pup to the vet and have infection ruled out or see if it is treatable with an antibiotic. I do agree with some dogs that it could be a diet issue, but if this is a new issue and the same food they have been eating, the likelihood of infection is high.

Prayers for healing! Post back with updates!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
December 2, 20190 found this helpful
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If she has lost a tooth already infection is likely your problem. Infected teeth can make your dog not feel well at best and can become a systemic infection at worst. Once that process begins it rarely stops until the majority of the teeth are gone. You need to talk to your local humane society and local rescue groups to find someone who will do the dental work at a reduced rate.


Have a garage sale. Clean someones house for Christmas. Borrow from a kind hearted relative. Find a way to help your buddy. If all else fails you can surrender her to the humane society and the work will get done. Good luck.

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May 17, 2006

I have a 11 year old cocker who has very bad breath. I thought it was due to her getting older (never had a dog this old before) then today I lifted up her mouth to look at her teeth and they were very rotten and a lot of them were loose. I'm going to get her a vet appointment, but I was wondering what this could do to her health? It's sad when your close to your pet and you see things like this. My 7 year old daughter and myself started crying together when we thought something could happen.

Thanks for your help,
Christina from San Antonio, TX


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts
May 18, 20060 found this helpful


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February 17, 2011

Are there any natural ways to improve a dog's breath?

By Judster from Canton, OH

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February 1, 2011

Why does my dog have bad breath? It isn't the food he has. Could it be something else serious?

By Joyce from Ontario, Canada

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October 4, 2015

Anyone have any ideas as to what I can do for a puppy with stinky breath? I have a five month old Cocker and his breath stinks like anal glands. I brush his teeth at least every other day and am trying to do this more frequently. He does not have access to the litterbox and because I work from home and he's my shadow, I can safely say he's not pooping anywhere/eating stool. I live in an apartment, so he's not outside unless he's leashed, and because he'll grab everything, I'm super watchful as to what's on the ground so he doesn't eat something harmful or just plain gross.

He was just at the vet less than a week ago for a neuter and hernia repair, and had a full mouth check and cleaning while he was under due to a broken puppy tooth that needed to be pulled. There's no infection, abscess, something trapped in his teeth, and they did a full exam and bloodwork before putting him under. There's no apparent reason for the nasty breath, but it's raunchy.

It's been a long time since I had a puppy, so is this kind of normal for teething puppies? He has tips of some adult teeth starting to break through, so maybe he has ick-breath because of that? Are there any home remedies I can try to make his puppy smoochies a little less ripe?

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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April 23, 2009

My Shih Tzu has bad breath. Is that common? I would like to know what to do about it. It does not bother me but my daughter and son cannot stand it.

By bonnie from Niagara Falls, Canada

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January 27, 2011

What can I give my dog for bad breath?

By missy from Navasota, TX

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May 24, 2016

There has to be something for a dog's bad breath other than greenish and chews. And what can cause the bad breath other than teeth? Also what can I use to remove tartar from their teeth?

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December 8, 2014

I have a 1 year old Yorkie with really bad breath. What can I do about it? Please don't suggest brushing his teeth because it takes 2 of us to brush his teeth and I have been almost bitten by him by brushing his teeth.

By zan

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July 20, 2013

We have a mixed small breed dog who is 13 yrs old. His teeth were bad when we got him and he will not let us anywhere his mouth. His breath is horrible and he has to eat soft food because his teeth are so bad. We tried the stuff that you spray in his mouth with no results. Does anybody know of anything that will help his breath or his teeth. The vet has said he is too old and fragile to go under to get his teeth cleaned.

By Jan

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