
Homemade Baby Shower Gifts

April 24, 2010

Women looking at a baby shower giftIs it inappropriate or weird to give handmade jewelry as a baby shower gift? I am a professional jewelry artist and my sister is having a baby shower. I'd like to give her a special necklace that I made for her, but I don't know if it's appropriate or not. I did also get a baby gift, but I want to give my sister something just for her. Thanks.


By stephanie


April 24, 20100 found this helpful

Stephanie -

I make jewelry, too. :-) I think it's nice of you to make something special for your sister. *I* think it would be okay to give it to her at the shower, but if you feel really weird about it, maybe you could try to give it to her before everyone else shows up (or after everyone else is gone). But if I was at a party and someone gave her sister (the new mom) a special gift, it wouldn't make me uncomfortable.

Best of luck. I hope the shower goes well, she loves her new necklace, and that the baby is happy & healthy!

April 24, 20100 found this helpful

I think it is a lovely idea and am sure your sister will appreciate the thought and love the effort you put into designing something especially for her. At the end of the pregnancy, most all moms are not feeling too special, just big and tired. So I'm sure she will love being pampered by her sister.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 690 Feedbacks
April 24, 20100 found this helpful

I have 5 grandchildren now and I would have loved to have a"keepsake"of any kind.If you feel weird about it maybe wrap it by itself and tuck it in with a gift for the baby shower. Congratulations to all on the new arrival. Please come back and let us know how things went.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
April 24, 20100 found this helpful

Any new mom, or mom-to-be would be thrilled to receive a special piece of jewelry that she can wear for many years & each time she wears it, the necklace will remind her of her wonderful baby shower! Jewelry is an especially nice gift, because when we are pregnant many of us (myself included) feel "fat" & not as pretty as before we gained the big belly & there's nothing like jewelry to make us feel pretty & special!


* But because the shower is mainly to get her things she needs for the baby, how about wrapping the necklace inside of a baby bootie or something else she needs like a baby T-shirt from the dollar store? You could also wrap the necklace around a bottle of baby-bath or something like this. It doesn't have to be costly, there are many baby-things at the dollar store that any mother could use, be it clothes or baby cleaning products. You could even wrap the necklace around something soft like a diaper or a burp-cloth then roll it up & attach a bow!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
April 24, 20100 found this helpful

I agree with everybody else. I think that would be more than appropriate, it would be special and most welcome. She'll always remember when she got the gift from her sister.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
April 26, 20100 found this helpful

You are a very generous person and your sister would undoubtedly cherish your hand made jewelry for her child. It's like an heirloom! Don't think because you're a professional that your work doesn't have measure.


If it was in a store it would sell probably like hotcakes! Your sister's baby will always think of you when she wears it. You are such a good sister!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
April 26, 20100 found this helpful

Same as all of the others :-) I think it's a lovely idea!

April 26, 20100 found this helpful

Please do follow your heart and give the gift to your sister. How very special! Don't forget to have someone take a photo of you and her with the gift. It will be a treasure!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 213 Feedbacks
April 26, 20100 found this helpful

I say go for it! Back in the late 70's my mother in law gave me a very pretty lacy gown with matching robe and slippers to wear after I had the baby. It was so pretty it was a mint green. I had never had any thing so lacy and pretty! I wore it out! LOL

April 26, 20100 found this helpful

Like everyone else I think its a great idea. You could give it to her personally , or you could even place the item around her neck as she opens your gift. And yes, be sure to take a picture. It will be a wonderful keepsake for your sister and her child.

April 26, 20100 found this helpful

Lovely idea, very thoughtful!


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 288 Posts
April 26, 20100 found this helpful

Stephanie, It is appropriate. And your sister will treasure the gift, and very possible give it to her baby years from now. Be it a girl or boy, a keepsake is a wonderful thing to pass down. Since you already have a gift for the baby, I like the "picture idea" of you putting it around your sister's neck. Genealogy is an important fact of life. And that picture will be a great thing to add to your family history. Happy Baby Shower and Happy Baby.


Great Granny Hugs to all, Vi

April 27, 20100 found this helpful

I think that is an awesome gift. Personal and heart felt to your sister. I say "Do it!"
B.W Anchorage, Alaska


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
April 27, 20100 found this helpful

Yes! That is a wonderful and very thoughtful gift. When my daughter had her baby shower, I gave her a new robe, slippers and a manicure/pedicure. Just for her, and of course I bought out the store for the baby lol

April 27, 20100 found this helpful

Speaking from experience, I think it's a great idea. Last year for my niece's baby shower I sort of went overboard with stuff for the baby. I also made a Mother's charm bracelet for my niece. The charms were all baby related...bottle, rattle, carriage, teddy bear, bootie, etc. She loved it.


Margaret from Denton, Texas

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March 9, 2010

I would like to have the directions to the diaper cake pattern and other baby shower ideas, and gifts. Thank you.

By Delilah White from Columbia, SC


By Nancycorinne (Guest Post)
October 21, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

An easy-to-do game I have used before is fun, easy and very frugal.
Make a list of items a baby uses or needs or even an action word will work.
Sample list:


Ask the players to unscramble the letters as quickly as they can. Set a timer (according to how long the list is).

Every player will need a copy of the list, pencil or pen and paper. It's likely they will be writing on their laps so make some magazines available to use as a writing surface.


When the time is up, the person with the most correct answers wins.

The dollar stores have fun little items that you can use as "prizes". They are even more special if they are wrapped up in pretty paper with cute bows.

If you plan on playing more than one game set the "prizes" out on a table and let the winner choose which one they want. Be prepared for a tie. If prizes are limited, have a second list you have made up ahead of time and let the tied contestants do a play-off. This time the one who gets all the words unscrambled first wins!

By the way, the answers to the scrambles above are:

I did not check my own spelling, so please go ahead and do that! To add a little something special to another person's post regarding the guests each bringing a bag of disposable diapers, add something to the invitation that says everyone who brings a bag of diapers will get a raffle ticket or be in a special drawing (you can make these up yourself, something as easy as dropping a slip of paper into a hat or bowl with the guests name on it). Have a great time!

OH, one more game I think is hysterical is to have a ball of string or yarn and a pair of scissors handy. Have each guest cut a piece of the string or yarn to the size of the mommy-to-be's belly - where she is widest around.

There will be very short and very, very long strings. The one closest to the actual size wins. If there are a lot of people measure the mommy's belly then cut a string to that size to measure up against. If there are fewer people it's really fun and can become hysterical for each guest to measure her string around the guest of honor's tummy. Be sure to take lots of photos!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
March 9, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

For a game that has been a hit at many baby showers go here

Answer this Question

March 2, 2005

I would like to get my friend's little one off to a healthy, non-toxic, earth-friendly start, and I need to spend less than $30. I could just get a small gift basket from one of the on-line shops I've seen, but with those, you end up paying $7.50 each for smallish bottles of lotion, shampoo, etc. Is this a good deal?



March 3, 20050 found this helpful

What about looking for a book on making natural shampoos and baby care things. I make my own baby wipes. It saves a fortune.
Books on natural parenting? Like a Sears books co-sleeping or elimination communication. I think books are great because they keep on giving! Or look up instructions on the net and make a sling to carry the bubs. Baby wearing helps increases bonding, building breast supply, reduces reflux and colic etc.

March 3, 20050 found this helpful

If you live in a large enough area, how about a month of diaper service? I used cloth diapers as I am environmentally consciencous myself and I received 3 mths of service as gifts. It was great. Diapers in a pail, no detergent or anything, then into a provided plastic bag, picked up at my door and fresh diapers dropped off.

March 3, 20050 found this helpful

try Burts Bees, they have safe all natural products and even have a gift set for little ones, called Baby Bees. just put in a search. I use the baby bee products and I am an adult. Best of luck


March 3, 20050 found this helpful

Years ago I bought a baby food grinder at Sears. You could check there, check other stores or do web search. I nursed my youngest daughter for 8 months and used grinder for leftovers or extras. Can freeze the extra ground food in ice cube trays then put in bags for later use. I never bought baby food except for cereal and occasionally a fruit or dessert. Saved a lot of money on baby food.

March 10, 20050 found this helpful

How about a mini time capsule?

Buy a newspaper from that week, and a few culturally relevant sweeties, articles, photos and seal it in a nice tin with ribbons (Its also a gift for Mom and Dad!). You could even include a little note or message.

By sarah (Guest Post)
November 18, 20080 found this helpful

Eco friendly diaper cake is an excellent gift idea for a baby shower. not only is it beautiful its also very practical. Check some out on:

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September 17, 2009

I would like to know how to make a diaper basket?

By carla from Charles Town, WV


March 19, 20100 found this helpful

So cute diaper newborns! (2 sites of same shop, first is newborns, second listed URL has other baby shower gifts)

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