
House Training an Adult Dog

July 3, 2021

My female Yorkie is 10 years old. I got her when she was 9 after her owner passed away. We connected immediately, love at first sight. She follows me everywhere.


She was sort of trained with potty pads but not very well. Ihave refused to use them. I always take her outside or walk outside with her. I have a doggie door and she learned to use it immediately. She gets highly praised and receives a treat. She will be good for a week or so and then itis like she forgot what to do and pees in the kitchen. She gets scolded and no treat.

I have an 18 year old male poodle and my brother has a 10 year old mutt. They are all small dogs. The other 2 dogs get a treat and my Yorkie does not. Iam frustrated. Yorkie does so well and then all of a sudden she seems to have a bunch of accidents.

She sees the same vet as I take my poodle to so he has known her all her life. I took her to the vet for a check and her shots after she came to me. All seemed well. I take her out after her naps and when I need to go and I go often. Sometimes she goes out on her own.

Iam baffled. What else can I try?


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If she had any experience with the pads and they are suddenly gone, she is going to be confused. She needs to be weaned away from the old to the new way. Gradually move the pads toward the door. Reward good behavior. Eventually move outside. Then they can go away after a few weeks of consistently using outside.


If you can use a crate through out the process even better. It's hard but out only for potty is the best way to reinforce the process. Prayers for patience and solutions.

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January 8, 2018

A paper lined cookie pan, with sides, can work well for small dogs as a relief station. Keeping the paper changed will keep your pet coming back. This is a page about using a cookie pan as an indoor dog relief station.

A cookie Pan used as a Indoor Dog Relief Station

May 10, 2014

ChihuahuaWe adopted our furry son, Jacob Blue, when he was 9 months old, he is now 5 years old, he is a pure bred not neutered (want to breed). It took him a long time for him to finally tell me when he needs to go out, he is very subtle in doing so, usually by just standing by me looking at me, then I will ask, "do you have to go potty?", and he will dance and follow me to the door. He will not do this for anyone else in our house.

He is almost always with us when we leave the house, but when we cannot take him he will cry, and when we return he left a pee spot in his usual place. I do have a crate for him, however his past owner used it as a place of punishment along with leaving him in it for extended hours throughout the day, I got him used to the crate, but won't shut the door because of his past prison days.


During the night he sleeps with us, but on occasion I will wake to a pee spot in his usual place. Our home also has inside access to a concrete floor basement which he also uses as a toilet, I have papers on the floor, he will use the papers for poop, and occasionally to pee, but mostly he will pee any where in the basement. How do I get him completely broken with no more pee issues?

Right now the house we live in does not have carpet, so clean up is not too bad, however, this house is going to be sold, and we need to move, the house that we found within our budget is fully carpeted and I fear the dreaded pee spots on carpet, another problem is the new house has no inside access to the basement. How do I prevent that from happening, and not alienate my furry son by having him caged up when we cannot be with him and or when we are asleep?


By Mommy of a Whawha

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May 10, 2014

I have a 2.5 year old Pompoo named Lola. She has an issue with going potty in the house. It's not all the time. She sometimes sleeps with us. Sometimes she'll lick my face to wake me up to go potty, other times she hops down and does it on the floor.

She can be in her crate for 10 hours and not have an accident, however I can let her out every 2 hours during the day, and she'll pee or poo in the house in between times. Not always though.

When I first let her out in the morning, she runs out and pees, but wants in right away because she's so excited. I then let her out 5 mins later and stand there till she poos. That works well. However, 15 mins later, I'll find a pile in the living room. She knows what to do, but is so sneaky. I'm at my wits end, and don't want to give her up, but I'm getting so frustrated. Do I need to go back to just the crate again?


By Julie

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January 20, 2014

Man sitting on couch petting a red Pit Bull.We took in our Pit over a year ago when she was 2/3 years old. She has had accidents and we started the crate training. We are even putting her in our room, however she cries and grunts all night long which is annoying with a toddler next door who is a big time light sleeper. We put her back downstairs and she was fine for a few weeks.

Now she has peed in our son's bed while he was sleeping. Every month or two she tends to pee/poop on our new flooring and everywhere else in the house when unattended.


We take her out a lot, and she usually goes, but at times she will come in on her own and do her business in the house. It happens when anyone is away from her for more then 10 min.

We recently found out that she has been pooping and peeing in the basement. Since we don't go down there a lot I don't know how long it has been there. To top it all off she has a tendency to poop then roll in it.

Yesterday we took her outside, and she did her business and came back in. I found out that she didn't wipe her butt at all and smeared it all over our fabric couch which she usually lays on a lot. This is the first time this has happened.

I'm 4 months pregnant and this is getting too stressful for me. I'm at the end of my rope and I don't know what to do. Please any advice for this will help. I don't want to give her away, but it's getting to that point. I'm worried that when our baby is born she will be worse.

By Cheryl B.

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January 6, 2014

My 3 year old English Bulldog has been with us since she was 8 weeks old. She wakes up in the middle of the night and "tip toes" out from under our bed and will find any carpet or rug to go urinate on. I can't keep any rugs on the floor! She has a doggie door, but I think she might be afraid of the dark, really no other explanation for why she potties in the house. Please help.

By Jen B

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January 4, 2014

I just got a new dog he is a toy Poodle. He is 3 years old and I have had him for about 4 weeks now. He hadn't been peeing or pooping in the house for the first 3 weeks and now every morning I wake up there is at least one spot where he has peed or pooped.

He goes at night when I am asleep. I take him out for a pee in the morning as soon as I get up, a really long walk after dinner, and out in the front yard before bed. I have been rewarding him treats every time he does his business outside. Am I doing something wrong?

By Maddy. S

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December 29, 2013

We have adopted a Basset Hound and a cross Basset Spaniel. Both were not given any TLC at their previous homes and were also left outside day and night. They were going to be put to sleep, if we didn't adopt them. We also have 3 other Bassets and a Boston Terrier. Our dogs are house dogs and they are house trained.

The other two are very happy and love their new surroundings and attention. We are just struggling with the Basset we adopted. As soon as we get ready for bed, they all go outside for a wee, as soon as she gets inside again she pees on the floor. We do not know how to get her to stop. We do not want to get angry with her because she was abused in her previous home, but we need to do something to teach her to not pee in the house. Any suggestions will be great.

By Jani

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December 24, 2013

My 1 year old Cockapoo is peeing on the couch and the rescue I got her from said she was house trained. She is spayed and we don't think she's sick. She goes potty outside and we take her out every 2 hours and we watch her while she's going. What should I do to make her stop?

By cockapoolover138

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December 16, 2013

I have a one year old hound and she refuses to potty train. She goes outside, but would rather go inside. She is an indoor/outdoor dog. I have recently moved and she continues to pee in the same spot in the hall and living room. I also have a 8 week old mini Blue Heeler/Border Collie that does not want to potty train. I take him out after meals and he'll just sniff around then whine to come in. Once he's inside he'll pee or poo on the floor. I don't know what to do to help my dogs get potty trained.

By Michaelia S.

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December 13, 2013

I adopted a Bichon-Poo a year ago. She was 1 1/2 then. They said she was potty trained. She has been going to the bathroom in my house ever since. She does not like the be alone ever. I've tried the puppy pads. She won't use them. I've tried the crate and she pees in the bed in the crate. It's starting to ruin my wood floors. I feel my only choice is to find another family for her. I'm a single mother of soon to be two. I work full time. I can't take her outside very two hours. Any suggestions?

By Stephanie

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December 12, 2013

A Lab was dumped at my house. He was taken to the vet to be neutered and get necessary shots. We named him Buck. The vet estimated him to be approximately 2 years old. He is so lovable, but he poops and pees in the kitchen (where he is confined to at night). I tried leaving him outside at night in the garage with a heat light and chips in the dog house, but he howled and barked and tore part of the insulation off ,as well as as, the door. Help!

By Carol S.

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November 26, 2013

I have a 2 year old Rottweiler. I got him about 6 month ago and have been trying to house train him since I got him. When we are at work through the day he is cut off in a room at the back of the house with full access to the garden all day, but he still poos and pees in the room. We also have another dog that stays with him.

Please help.

By Gaby from England

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November 21, 2013

We just got a dog, he is about 4 years old. He uses the bathroom outside most the time, but he has been peeing on our sofa, etc. What can I do?

By Stephanie

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November 17, 2013

I have a year old Shepherd mix that I rescued from a shelter when he was about 5 months. From the beginning he has been more difficult to potty train than any other dog I have owned. He is fine when I am home (rings a bell at the door to go outside) and has never gone inside while I was home, but if I am gone, even for thirty minutes or more, there is always at least one puddle and sometimes poop.

I have tried kennel training him. He loves his kennel when I am there, but if left in it when I leave I come back to a kennel full of poop smeared everywhere. I have run out of ideas. All suggestions are welcome.

By Kari D

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October 19, 2013

Our 5 year old, soon to be six, Boxer Beagle mix has been peeing in the house every single night. She occasionally poops. We think she pees in the house even when we are there. She did this even with her previous owners. She is a sweet dog, but my family is fed up with her. Is there anyway to train her at home and that is low cost?

By Saria R.

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