
House Training an Adult Dog

July 3, 2021

My female Yorkie is 10 years old. I got her when she was 9 after her owner passed away. We connected immediately, love at first sight. She follows me everywhere.


She was sort of trained with potty pads but not very well. Ihave refused to use them. I always take her outside or walk outside with her. I have a doggie door and she learned to use it immediately. She gets highly praised and receives a treat. She will be good for a week or so and then itis like she forgot what to do and pees in the kitchen. She gets scolded and no treat.

I have an 18 year old male poodle and my brother has a 10 year old mutt. They are all small dogs. The other 2 dogs get a treat and my Yorkie does not. Iam frustrated. Yorkie does so well and then all of a sudden she seems to have a bunch of accidents.

She sees the same vet as I take my poodle to so he has known her all her life. I took her to the vet for a check and her shots after she came to me. All seemed well. I take her out after her naps and when I need to go and I go often. Sometimes she goes out on her own.

Iam baffled. What else can I try?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 7, 20210 found this helpful
Best Answer

If she had any experience with the pads and they are suddenly gone, she is going to be confused. She needs to be weaned away from the old to the new way. Gradually move the pads toward the door. Reward good behavior. Eventually move outside. Then they can go away after a few weeks of consistently using outside.


If you can use a crate through out the process even better. It's hard but out only for potty is the best way to reinforce the process. Prayers for patience and solutions.

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June 19, 2013

I got a Shepherd/Husky mix from a breeder at 7 months of age. They told me she was crate trained, but in reality I came to find out she was "pen" trained. I have attempted to crate train as I did with my other dog before her, but it is not working. She has accidents every day when she is not crated. Should I re-crate train her as if she was a small puppy meaning keeping her in the crate 24/7 except when it is time to eat and take her out?

I know she can hold it because I crate her all night while we sleep and I also know she knows it is wrong to poop and pee in the house. I've tried everything, the bell on the door, the doors closed, her attached to me, but to no avail, she will be great all day and then when not attached to me and not crated she eventually goes somewhere in my house and I'm so done! I really love her, but do not know what to do. Please help!

By Maggie


June 19, 20130 found this helpful

It really sounds like you're doing a very good job and you're working really hard. You may want to try simply putting her in the crate when you're feeding. After you feed her, put her in there for 30 minutes to an hour and then and then take her directly out for a walk or to where you want her to potty at. Retraining her you may want to use treats or her favorite toy for an incentive when she does.

June 19, 20130 found this helpful

Try changing her food and go back to crate training to house train as you would with a puppy. Here is a link from that may be of help to you.


Questions and answers:


Hope these help you in your dog training.

Blessings, Robyn from Tennessee

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December 5, 2013

Dog rolling in the grass.We are having trouble house training a 12 month old St. Bernard. When I first got her, at 5 weeks, my wife told me she was not "weaned" by her mother. She rolled in her own urine and feces, and it took me 8 months to finally get her to stop. When I leave her alone, or leave the house, she jumps on the couches and goes number 2.

We haven't had an accident for months. Last night I took her out before I went to bed and not even an hour later I heard her urinating in her cage. I took her out immediately and cleaned her cage. She has done it 5 times since then and also goes outside. My question is, could it be medical or her in need of intense training?

By reaper6niner


December 7, 20130 found this helpful

Talk to your Veterinarian.

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October 1, 2013

Jack Russel lying on the bed.My Jack Russel was crate trained from 8 weeks until one year, then I moved and she has a porch with a basket/bed and a door constantly open to the garden so she can do her business whenever. She mainly does do it outside, but sometimes for example when it rains she poos inside and she knows she's done wrong, but still continues to do it! What can I do?

By Amelie


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
October 3, 20130 found this helpful

Dogs are very sensitive to Rain. The sound is multiplied by almost 100. Sometimes the sound is very annoying and hurts their ears, yes, this is true, you can look it up.


Also, make sure there is not a medical problem causing your fur baby to do this in the house. Good luck

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June 13, 2013

I have a 3 year old Maltlipoo dog and she was never really trained to go out. I thought I had her trained and then I found she was peeing on my carpet in the living room. What can I do?

By Dee from Farmington Hill, MI


June 13, 20130 found this helpful

I like Leerburgs answer and explanation on potty training issues.

Here is the link for that:

The short answer is I would backtrack to not giving the dog the run of the house until he is better at not going on the carpet. Enzymatic cleaners will take the smell out and I would take up the water a couple or hours before bedtime or only offer a small amount.

Do you have a crate at all? Clicker training to go into a crate is fun:

Here is another link:

Sometimes I think the smaller dogs are having problems because their bladders are too small. Also a kidney infection could be causing this behavior. Cheap food and food with too many by products and such can cause this also besides other causes. Peeing can also be a way to dump toxins as in food with wheat, corn or soy. Try one of the foods on the market like Rachel Rays foods or the ones from Diamond that have no corn wheat or soy.

Be sure to take the dog to the vet to rule out an infection and then you can backtrack to the last successful step the dog did. This might involve changing the food to a better quality food, and taking up the water at night and trying to make going out a happy event with clicker training or rewards of treats.

Also the more jobs you give your little dog, such as sitting up for a treat, not from the store but a piece of ot dog each day, the better they will be at learning other things.

Hand targeting is a wonderful trick to learn.

Blessings and look at this as a way to start spending more happy times together rather than just training times.



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January 8, 2018

A paper lined cookie pan, with sides, can work well for small dogs as a relief station. Keeping the paper changed will keep your pet coming back. This is a page about using a cookie pan as an indoor dog relief station.

A cookie Pan used as a Indoor Dog Relief Station

February 1, 2008

I have a dog that is almost 2 years old and is still not fully house trained. I'm open to any suggestions. Can anyone help?

Tammi from Swanzey, NH


By Brenda (Guest Post)
February 1, 20080 found this helpful

I'm gonna keep an eye on this topic for some hints as I have the same problem with a male Chiquaqua I adopted from a shelter. They think he is about 18 months old. All I get done is clean up floor and furniture. I let him outside very often (when there's no snow out).

By Linda (Guest Post)
February 1, 20080 found this helpful

I will be watching for the answer too. I have two min pins. Create them at night. First thing in the am I let them out, watch that they do their business. I let them back in, feed and water them. Once they are finished eating I actually set a timer for 20 minutes. I pick up the food and let them out again. Once they are back inside all I can do is watch their every move. Every time they wake up or roam to another room, I let them out.

Come 5 p.m. I feed them again and do the same routine as in the am. Set the timer, let them out, pick up the food. For the next few hours I once again monitor them. Come about 10 pm I let them out one last time. When they come in I create them for the night. However I feel like I am the one getting trained. Because they will go inside if I do not catch them.

My mother has a chi that hates winter and snow. But this dog will go to the back door and bark when she wants out. AND she does NOT have accidents. My mother did less than I am doing now when she got her. Never picked up the food, let her out about 4 times a day. And this was her reward :) There has to be an easier way? I love my dogs. But like I said there has to be a way so that I am not constantly watching their every move. So if anyone has any magic tricks. I sure would love to hear them. Good luck with your dogs also. Thanks in advance. Have a great day.

February 1, 20080 found this helpful

Start the 'crate training' process with the dog, just like what you do with a puppy. Just google ' crate training dog' and they should give you all the steps you need to begin this. It works with any age dog, any size.

February 1, 20080 found this helpful

Crate training is the best!

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November 29, 2018

I'm so frustrated with my new rescue. I've had her for less than a week and evening potty time is very frustrating. She takes so long to pee outside at night. There are no issues in the morning in the backyard or for the dog walker mid-afternoon. Only nighttime potty breaks are problematic.

We literally walked for almost an hour tonight before she peed. Then, right before bedtime, I took her out and she wouldn't go. I come in, brush my teeth and then head towards my bedroom and noticed she peed on the carpet.

Suggestions? Please? I'm at my wits end and losing my patience. I've never had a situation like this, even with my other rescue dog.

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May 18, 2017

My husband and I have a 2 year old Pug. She will go out to use the bathroom or she will at least sit out there and wait until she comes in to poop on the floor, not even 30 minutes later. We've had a trainer come in, but it didn't help. We've tried praising her when she does go outside, but that doesn't work either. I don't know what else to do.

2 Year Old Dog Pooping in the House

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