
Keeping My Neighbor's Pets Out of My Yard

February 25, 2010

A pug peeing in someone's yard.Our neighbor's dog is getting our newspaper out of the paper box. What household products can I use to keep him away from the box?

By CT3434



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
February 26, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

Make some sort of latch and wire it shut with bread wrapper wire until dog discovers it can't get in a few times. Then you probably won't have to do it anymore.

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August 17, 2019

What to do with a neighbor who brings dogs to my yard to poop and pee when they are friends with PD. They've sabotaged thousands of dollars of our things and threatened to kill us. The police said it's OK. They've made a sweet friendly goat suffer over 2 years with a rotting leg.

I contacted many authorities, but no response. They have for many years made dogs both starve and freeze to death. But the law allows it. I have also been told to stop taking pictures while I'm on my own land.

Reporting Neighbor's Who Abuse Their Animals


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
August 17, 20190 found this helpful

Your local MEDIA!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 17, 20190 found this helpful

I notified animal control when a neighbor left his dog outside all day during a heat wave with no food or water. It worked.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 18, 20190 found this helpful

There is a lot going on here and I hesitate to offer you any advice if you say these people are threatening you, hurting animals and friends with the police. That all spells SCARY to me and I am of the mind you need safety first.


You may benefit from some legal advice or if you talk to your local State Representative he/she may be able to help you with this situation in a way that keeps you safe and gets these animals the help they need.

Maybe start with your state rep--you can find them on Google by putting your town name in and the phrase state Representative.

Take photos and written information on everything that is going on and show it to them. If they suggest a lawyer and you can't afford one, they should be able to point you to legal aide.

In today's world you need to be so careful. Please be safe. Post back with an update.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
August 18, 20192 found this helpful

You might want to contact PETA and SPCA and see if they can offer some helpful advice.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with all the local city and county codes regarding the treatment of kept animals. For example: If you live in the city, I would be surprised if there isn't an ordinance against keeping goats. However, if there is no such ordinance, there is little you can do about the goat. That is, unless there are ordinances against depriving an animal of much needed veterinary care or denying them needed food. Reasons such as this is why you need to familiarize your self with as much of the local law as you can.


I am pretty sure to deny you the right to take pictures from your own property would be in violation of your constitutional rights and your right to do so would supersede any local laws.

I think the very best advice I can offer is: Keep records. If you live in a city with a corrupt law enforcement and/or judicial system, your word means nothing. If you tell the truth before a judge or county animal official, it can be denied by police or county officials. I don't need to say which account the judge will favor.

When I say 'keep records', here's what I mean. When reporting actions by your neighbors that you believe to be illegal, never do it by phone unless absolutely necessary. In court, it will be a case of your word against that of the official to whom you reported the incident. Again, we pretty much know which party the judge will favor.


Instead, report as many of the violations as you can by email. By doing so, you will have proof you alerted officials of the illegalities. Keep all copies, sent and replies. Even keep those you send for which you do not received a reply. A 'no response' can be just as important as a reply.

This is the first Summer in 10 years I haven't lost a lot of sleep due to dogs barking all night long. Why is this Summer different? Because I did things differently last year. Instead of just calling the police or county animal control, I did otherwise.

I made recordings of the dogs barking, including the date and time of night. These were sent to the director of Animal Control and to the police captian for the precinct in which I live. Whether I got a reply or not, I kept sending the recordings as I got them. I've even sent complaints to the chief of police.


Naturally, I got no response, but the chief did assign someone else to handle the complaint (fortunately, in my favor).

I reported an illegally tethered dog to Animal control. For 3 months, nothing was done about it. The last time I reported it, I included a 30 second video clip of the tethered dog. Soon, the dog was gone.

This past Winter, a neighbor let a dog freeze to death. I reported the incident by email. I did not receive a reply. To my knowledge, nothing was done about it. Not even a citation to the neighbor.

If the neighbor ever gets another dog, I will send a reminder email to Animal Control about how he let the first dog freeze. If he in any way mistreats the dog, I will inform Animal Control of this as well.

Ana suggests the local media as a source of help. This may or may not be a good idea in your case. If cameramen from the local televison station came and filmed these animals and aired the video on the six o'clock news, it could mean a world of difference in your favor.


But, if you live in a city where the police department and the judicial system is as corrupt as in a city where I lived years ago, the local media, out of fear of retaliation, would do nothing to in any way upset the police department or sheriff department. You might want to call the TV station and see how they feel about taking footage and airing it on the news.

If you have to report an incident by phone, you can record the call both ways, or if you recieve a call from city or county officials, you can record that both ways, as well. If you don't have the equipment to make phone recordings, there are companies listed on the Internet that will do it for you at a very low cost. The party on the other end will never know until you present the recording as evidence in court. If you are interested, message me and I will tell you the one I use.

In my state, it is not illegal to make such recordings, provided at least one party is aware the recording is being made. Before making such recordings, check with your state laws.

Document as much as you can. It will be to your advantage. You wont even have to tell officials you are doing so. They will know and they wont like it. And they will be more likely to do the right thing if they know records are being kept of their actions or lack of actions, as well.

Hope you and the animals get help soon.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 19, 20190 found this helpful

This sounds like a very scary situation you are in and your neighbors sound like very abusive people. it is sad when you have to watch an animal suffer right in front of your eyes. If the police are not helping out you need to contact animal control and animal abuse and stop calling the police. The only other thing I would suggest to help this situation out is to offer help to these people and try to help the animals by giving them soom food or water. It sounds like the police in your area are horrible and do not care if these people destroy your property or cause you harm.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 425 Answers
August 20, 20190 found this helpful

Bypass your LOCAL police that your bad neighbor "owns" and report all your info to your STATE POLICE. If they are in cahoots with the neighbor too, and all other reports you've made with animal societies, etc, don't get any action, the media(news, radio, newspapers) may be the only way...and you should be able to request they keep your identity out of it. Good luck and post back any actions taken.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
August 22, 20190 found this helpful

I don't think anyone here at ThriftyFun would want to know your address. But several of us are very interested in knowing which city you live in. The things you say go on there are so bizarre they sound fictional.

If the police in your city are as corrupt as you say, there needs to be a government level investigation. This would be handled by the Department of Justice. From the DOJ website:

' This document outlines the laws enforced by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) that address police misconduct and explains how you can file a complaint with DOJ if you believe that your rights have been violated.'

I urge you to get in contact with the DOJ as soon as possible. (unless of course, this is all a joke. Your article sounds like something out of the deep Ozarks 1930). If not, it would be nice to know the name of your city. We all would like to read about this city getting busted wide open.

Keep in touch


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
August 22, 20190 found this helpful


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May 5, 2019

Every time my neighbor gets a new dog, it seems to like doing number 1 and 2 near my door. The pet repellant was so awful smelling I couldn't tolerate it.

Ammonia doesn't seem to do anything either.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 5, 20190 found this helpful

You can try vinegar soaked cotton balls in the area they are coming in.

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February 25, 2010

Someone said there was a spray that smelled like skunk to help keep neighbor's pets out of your yard? I could not find it at Wal-mart as suggested.

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