
Remedies for Cat Allergies

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
March 25, 2009

Woman Hold CatIf someone in your family is allergic to cats, you can still have a cat! Stop the allergies by bathing the cat once a month. My daughter is allergic to cats so we got a kitten and started bathing her once a week for several months, then we slowed down to every other week, then only once a month after a while. I've done this with several cats. If you start them out young, the kittens don't mind the water at all and will just relax and enjoy their bath. Believe me it really does stop cat allergies. This is backed up by research from universities.


It's usually the cat's "dander" that causes most allergies. Just make sure the water is warm but not hot (I used my elbow to gauge the temp like you would for a babies bath) and start at the cat's bottom and move to the front. Be extra careful when you wash their sweet little heads and keep the soap out of their eyes. I recommend a "no tears" shampoo for their heads. If you have a spray nozzle attached to your sink, it's a bonus, otherwise use a small pitcher or cup.

By Cyinda from near Seattle

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January 22, 2009

I am in the process of buying a townhouse but the previous resident had a cat or cats in the home and my daughter is allergic to cats. How can I throughly clean the house so my daughter doesn't end up having allergy attacks or asthma attacks? I am wondering whether it is worth it to buy this home if I have to invest in a lot of money just to clean it before we move in. Thank you.

Maria from Las Vegas, NV


By Rob (Guest Post)
January 22, 20090 found this helpful

I am also alergic to cats. I know how your girl feels. From what I know, there is not much that you can do to clean the place. You need to wait about 6 months for the issue to correct itself.


I got the from a site that addressed stuff like this. But I am sorry that I can not be of further help.

January 22, 20090 found this helpful

My husband's allergist told us that cat dander can remain in a home up to seven years! I don't know if it is true; but I suspect if all carpets and upholstered surfaces were removed, and everything else thoroughly wiped down, (including ceilings), it might be OK.


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 86 Tips
January 23, 20090 found this helpful

My daughter is a severe asthmatic and is highly allergic to cats. While she had a 6 week stay at National Jewish Hospital (which is an asthma research hospital in Denver,CO) I was told not to purchase a home where the previous owner had cats.


There is no way to fully remove the cat dander from the residence no matter how well it is cleaned. They said that the dander lasts for years and years. ~Janette~

By Marian (Guest Post)
January 23, 20090 found this helpful

Clean your ceilings and then paint them with a good quality paint. I have grandchildren that are allergic to cats and was told that the cat dander will settle on the ceiling. Hope this helps.

January 24, 20090 found this helpful

I'm allergic too, and asthmatic, and I moved into a flat where the previous occupants had cats. And you could tell from the smell. :-(

I had to be very thorough in cleaning and vaccuming all the carpets and stuff, but I've been fine. It's a while ago now, but I think I just took Benadryl (the only allergy tablet that works for me, you can't get a generic) for a while until it was clean enough.


If you really want to do it properly, wipe down every surface you can. Do a room at a time so you don't get overawed with the task, start with the ceiling and work down, and keep the door shut.

You could build this in with decorating which would make sense as often you use a sugar soap solution to wipe down all surfaces before painting.

If you can afford it, rehome the carpets and buy new or varnish the floorboards and use rugs that you can stick in the washer. Give the old carpets away on Freecycle, there's always someone who will gladly rehome that type of thing. Then you don't even have to feel that guilty about throwing good stuff out!

Seven years here, and I've had more trouble with hayfever! (As I'm pretty much in the countryside) Don't give up hope!

By Sheila (Guest Post)
January 24, 20090 found this helpful

My brother-in-law is severely allergic to cats as well. Their biggest requirement when home buying was no pets. Found the perfect house, yes no pets so good to go. Only the previous owners had had cats. Of course they only found this out later.


They moved in and within hours he started having a severe attack. He had to live with his folks (hours away) for around a week while rest of the extended family cleaned his new house. They scrubbed everything -ceiling, walls, baseboards, wooden blinds - everything. Removed the almost new carpet and had to buy new etc. It was terrible and so expensive.

If you do go ahead w/ this purchase have the duct work cleaned. There was all kinds of pet hair/dander (dog and cat) in their ducts.

They love their house now, but the labor, expense and worry was almost more than they could handle. Good luck.

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July 25, 2016

What do you do if you are allergic to cats and your neighbor has one?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 170 Feedbacks
July 26, 20160 found this helpful

Don't touch it, don't let it in your house. If you visit the neighbour, sit on a wooden chair (not covered with fabric) and take your allergy pills with you, just in case. Some cat owners are very conscientious about the hair, others, not so much. If the owner visits you and has cat hair on hands, face or clothing, perhaps sit outside or ask that person to sit on a wooden chair and not touch your furniture. If you're the kind of person who likes to hug favourite people, avoid hugging your neighbour (and explain the reason).


If the cat is let loose and prowls in your yard, first ask the owner to keep the cat on a leash and - depending on your relationship with the owner - if your neighbour refuses, buy yourself a water gun (the strong kind used by kids playing at the lake) and shoot the critter with water: the cat will get the message to stay away from your yard.

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December 25, 2012

I have 3 cats, I can pet them no problem, but if I sit where they've sat I start to itch. I break out in little bumps that really itch. Please help me.

By Betsy


December 26, 20120 found this helpful

Pantothenic acid. It is part of a B vitamin. In a book written by (I forget name at the moment) a very ahead of her time lady. She wrote "You are What You Eat". This works on severe cat allergy where throat closes, eyes swell and all that jazz. She says to O D just a little. It passes on through if your body does not grab it.

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October 6, 2012

I recently took in a kitten that needed a home. I have a best friend whom I love very much. But I didn't find out she had allergies to cats until recently. Now she doesn't want to come over anymore. Is there something she can take that is not a drug, so her allergies won't bother her when she stays over? Please help!

By Suhaylah


November 3, 20130 found this helpful

The best thing for your to do if you want your friend to visit is to ensure that you vacuum everything and frequently. Make sure your cat is in the other room when she comes. Medication will help your friend for only so long. I find when I take allergy medication it seems to drive my allergy into my lungs. Making me sick with bronchitis or a chest cold. You may just have to visit your friend at her house. Just make sure you didn't touch your cat that morning as the dander on your clothes can affect your friend.

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