
Natural Remedies for Water Retention?


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Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
June 15, 20100 found this helpful

If I were you, I'd get myself to a doctor first and get checked out. A professional is the only person who can tell you if there is a physical problem with your body that has a symptom of swollen feet and hands. I'm totally serious about this - take care of yourself and get checked out.

ESPECIALLY since you're already drinking so much water and watching your sodium intake - and you STILL have the problem; something might be up because you still have swollen feet and hands. Does not add up at all.


If your doc says there's nothing wrong with you, then
ask him/her about:

Drinking lots of water - 8 oz/hour will help your body move the excess water out of your system. Have you tried putting some fresh lime or lemon juice in it? It makes it a little easier....not much I admit.
Sometimes I make a little lemonade and add some Splenda or Truvia to the water....maybe it will help.

Stay away from salty foods or food that will make you thirsty - pizza, Chinese, etc.

Put your feet up whenever you can, preferably with your feet above your head. Like lie on your sofa with your feet on the arms and your head on the cushions. You deserve a good rest!

You can make parsley tea. Use the regular curly green kind. Take a handful, wash it well, cut the stems off so you only use mostly the curly part, put the parsley in a coffee cup and add boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes and drink. It's not that bad! I don't know, but you could try drinking it like iced tea also.


But remember, it's summer and you do need to have some salt in your body. Remember to ask your doc about this.

A nurse told me once that if you're sweating and can taste salt on your face - as the sweat drips - you're losing potassium. BUT BEFORE YOU GO TAKING POTASSIUM SUPPLEMENTS, CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, OK? Which hopefully you're going to do anyway right? I hope?

If you get the ok from your doc, have him/her give you the correct millligram to take.

Or here's a delicious way to replace potassium - at least I like it. Wash REALLY well ALL OF THESE: one baking potato, two stalks of celery, one onion, two stalks of carrots. Don't peel the potato. You might think I'm weird but I wash my potatoes with a sturdy scrub brush and Dawn dishwashing soap rinsing really well. You won't believe the extra dirt that comes off.


Cut them all up, put them in a pot and cover them with just enough water. Boil for around 15 minutes. Strain and drink the liquid - potassium soup! Eat the vegetables too!

Eat light, like fruits and vegetables and with all of the above this hopefully will help you.

But please, please go to the doctor first. I'm 54 too and I'm finding out fast that the stuff I think is no big deal, sometimes turns out to be a big deal. Like thyroid disease. Don't play around with these symptons, please. I hope you feel better, God bless you.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
June 15, 20100 found this helpful

People use to take a pinch of Epsom salts every day for this problem & prop your feet up. I also suggest to see a Dr,good luck.

June 17, 20100 found this helpful

My feet were swelling, and my doctor immediately said blood pressure and put me on a low dose blood pressure med; which helped immeasurably. It's not expensive. High blood pressure can be very dangerous. Laine


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
June 17, 20100 found this helpful

Please see your doctor to make sure you do not have a disease before using home remedies. I had bad ankle, and sometimes foot, swelling a couple of years ago and ignored it.


About a year after that I was emergency hospitalized because I couldn't breathe. It turns out the swelling was a sign I had Emphysema.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
June 17, 20100 found this helpful

My mother has been having troubles with her feet swelling, but was taking Advil for some aches and pains. She discussed this with her druggist, who told her that Advil has a tendency to cause swelling. She has switched to Tylenol, and her ankles are not as puffy. If you are taking any kind of medication, you could have a talk with your pharmacist to see if something you are taking could be causing your swelling.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
June 17, 20100 found this helpful

Medications can do it. I am the same age. Watch what you do for intake of food and beverage. Diet pop has a higher salt content. Bought/prepared foods all are high in salt. Remember to flush your body with at least 4 glasses of water in the day. The 8 glasses count is all the beverages and fluids in your food.


Eliminate the salt shaker completely. I keep kosher salt in the cupboard for that little fix. I take 2 crystals. So where I use them is my choice. Your daily intake of sodium is less than 1/2 tsp. Can you keep it at that? It is much better on your kidneys, body as a whole to eliminate extra salts. Natural salts are out there, celery is high in natural sodium but that is good for you. Component is made of different stuff, natural vs man made.
Your heart will love you for it!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
June 17, 20100 found this helpful

Forgot to add: The worst medication that did this to me, made my whole body swell and be inflamed is cholesterol medication, statins. All of them. Been a year off them and my shoe size has shrunk too!

June 18, 20100 found this helpful

Seriously, I discovered this while pregnant, about 30 years ago, and have done it ever since. Get into a cool pool,lake,or anywhere where you can submerge your whole body and be covered in cool water, and just float!
After about 45 minutes, you will start having to urinate, and urinate, and urinate!
This is the only thing which relieves the pain in my joints from rheumatoid and psoriatric arthritis,the fibromyalgia,and just plain old wearing out. But swelling can be a sign of congestive heart failure too, so go get your heart checked out, and get a hot tub,garden tub,or large backyard pool,if possible.
You will feel like a new person within an hour and a half!

June 20, 20100 found this helpful

Some years ago I went to a well known weight clinic and they told me to never take a diuretic because they are so hard on your body. They told me what to do and I still do it to this day and have told all of my friends. When you get up in the morning mix two tablespoons of lemon juice (use the frozen kind because it has no preservative chemicals) in a cup of hot water; sweeten to taste and drink. It will flush any excess fluid from your body naturally without harmful side effects. Just be sure to rinse your mouth after drinking so the acid from the lemon juice won't harm your tooth enamel.
Strawberries are also a natural diuretic.
Hope this helps.


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January 13, 2012

Eat Watercress, and drink a lot of water. Watercress is a natural food and has a lot of potassium in it.


June 15, 2010

Can somebody out there please tell me a proven, easy and natural home remedy to reduce and/or eliminate water retention?

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