
Setting Rates for Cleaning Services

February 21, 2017

How much should I charge to do a move out clean for a 2 story 2,715 sq. ft. house?



Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 21, 20170 found this helpful
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It depends where you live. Find out the weekly rate for a regular cleaning and add $25- $50 more. The kitchens and baths have to be scrubbed extra clean for the new inhabitants.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 170 Feedbacks
February 22, 20171 found this helpful
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Take a walk through, estimate how many hours you'll need and ensure it won't be more grimy between the time of your inspection and the date they want to hire you. Your hourly rate plus travel time (one way) plus supplies? Are you taking your own vacuum cleaner? Add an hour for the time it takes you to give an estimate? Ask for half up front with the balance due upon the client's inspection (after you're done).


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
February 22, 20170 found this helpful
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No simple answer for this one. What do others in the area charge? How dirty is it? Are you providing the cleaning supplies or is the client? You need to earn enough to cover your materials, all costs, your fuel there and back, meals, any extra help you make and then your profit.


Your profit will be what you earn after all expenses, so what is your time worth to you? Also remember you will need to recoup advertising costs and you may also have permits and licenses and insurance to buy and taxes to pay.

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February 3, 2020

How much should I charge them to wash mops and cleaning rags for the cleaning service for the hospital and clinics?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
February 4, 20200 found this helpful
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If this is the only service you are performing I would charge by the load of clothes you are washing. You can charge $15 to $20 a load because you need to use your own soap and electricity for this one and then to clean the mops you will need to put them in a bucket and soak them.


You can charge like $3 to $5 a mop to clean them.

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November 27, 2017

I clean houses and am wondering if anyone charges clients a "first and last cleaning"?

Meaning if someone cancels, last minute or day of, then you have that last payment in order to give yourself enough time to find a new client to replace them.

I've had clients just cancel and say. "I can't afford you", or "something came up".

But no thought is given to really give any notice or consider how it affects the cleaner when it is a sole income to make a living.

Is this fair to ask of clients? Or asking too much?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 242 Answers
November 28, 20170 found this helpful
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I have never heard of this either. I would suggest however that you do some checking around in your area to find out what going rates are and adjust yours accordingly so to be a little competitive. Also, you need to remember that you are a service based business. You will win some and you will lose some. Just make sure you are friendly, professional, and do a quality job so that you are worth keeping and you will keep people that are worth working for.


If your clients have not signed a contract, there is no way you can legally bind them to any charge of this sort anyway. It would only serve to drive your clients away and word of mouth would drive your cleaning company out of business.

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October 29, 2015

I do every type cleaning you could think of, deep, basic, move out with inspection sheets, straight organizing cleans, basic with add ons like laundry, errands, etc.

How do I determine a fair price? Also, I go to surrounding cities up to 30 miles away, bring own supplies, etc.

Also, I just hired a girl to help me. What should be the paying ratio, since I supply the cleaning supplies, and gas/transportation?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
October 30, 20150 found this helpful
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Rates for the many types of cleaning can vary wildly depending upon your specific location, cleaning type (move in/out, home etc.), supply costs, domestic or business cleaning, etc.


In a large city, a one bedroom apartment can range $75-$150 for a 4 hour weekly. A 3 bedroom house $200-$300 weekly. In smaller towns, prices can drop to half or less.

You might call other cleaning services in your area (on the sly!) to ask their prices.

Good Luck!

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April 20, 2017

I have been asked to clean a 2300 sq foot home with 3 bedrooms, 2 living areas, kitchen, and 2 bathrooms. They only want it to be cleaned once a month and want the windows cleaned as well.

How much should I charge for the first visit and every visit after?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 20, 20170 found this helpful

This is a large home. I would charge at least $200 per visit. Figure out how many hours it's going to take you to clean this home, and then figure out what you would charge by the hour.


Window cleaning is time consuming.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
April 20, 20170 found this helpful

It would depend where you live. Do you have experience in knowing how long it'd take you to clean a 2,300 sq foot home and an idea of the windows (if they're high/low).

I'd recommend to look at competitors in your area and depending if you're licensed or not charge accordingly. Or even call around asking for a quote for that size home to get an idea.

Do not charge too cheap for your labor, but not too expensive compared to professionals. Assuming you have all the proper cleaning items/tools also?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 170 Feedbacks
April 21, 20170 found this helpful

It makes sense to me to clean the place the first time and charge by the hour. Among the factors difficult to estimate are numbers of people, how many are kids (and how messy are they), do they have pets, do the adults pick up after themselves, do they do their dishes every day, will you be doing laundry, and so forth. You'll have a better idea what to charge after the first visit. As to your hourly rate? Why not check out the competition and see what others charge. Don't forget to factor in cleaning supplies and equipment.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
April 21, 20170 found this helpful

There are a lot of factors to consider before giving a price.
Location: where are you/zip
Are you licensed/bonded?
How many is in the family and how messy are they?
Do they expect a "spotless" job?
How many windows are you expected to clean? Inside? Outside?
How about appliances? Stoves/refrigerator/?
Will you also be expected to do laundry?
First time bathroom/kitchen cleaning can be very time consuming.
What about ceiling light fixtures/overhead fans?
Are the floors wood or carpet?
Carpet - vacuum or shampoo also?
Do they have indoor pets?
Sound like a lot? If you see a true professionals worksheet there will be even more because they know from experience that you cannot leave anything "unsaid". There will be certain things mentioned that they will not do.
Your first time charge may be higher than the monthly but only if they are not a messy family as cleaning only once per month is almost like a first time.

Here is a site that you can put in your zip code and some info and get an idea as to where to begin;


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 163 Posts
April 21, 20170 found this helpful

If there are a lot of things laying around or a lot of nick knacks I'd charge more than $200.00. Since you are only doing it once a month you would feel like starting all over again. I use to clean houses too and some were a total disaster. Dishes piled on every counter and stacked on the stove, laundry covering every corner. Would take 2 of us 6 hours to clean every week. Was such a mess. I think you should make a home visit and decide by the amount of things you'd have to do each time and also the sizes of the windows and whether you had to clean both inside and out. Many services in our area do not cover windows.

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June 23, 2017

I cleaned a 3 bed room 1 1/2 half bath with 14 windows. I cleaned the windows inside and out, also cabinets, base boards, and vacuumed the floors. I also cleaned a large laundry room window seals.

It took me 28 hours. My zip is 75061. I charged $250.00 and the owner thinks I'm ripping him off.

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June 8, 2019

Can you please suggest the prices for cleaning bathrooms, living room, and kitchen? These are the only rooms I will be cleaning twice a month.


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January 23, 2019

How much should I charge someone to clean a medium size kitchen twice a day, 7 days a week, mop every week, cook twice a week, and sweep twice a day.

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November 24, 2017

How much should be charged for a full deep cleaning of a high end home with 6 bedrooms, 6 and one half baths, an extra large living room, dining room, 2 kitchens, and a large basement used for parties and a bar.

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August 18, 2019

How much should I charge for 14hrs of cleaning in a home with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath? It is 900 sq ft. It is a move out, but right at this time they only had us do a basic cleaning, there was a lot of trash and also we had pack almost 1 room of stuff.

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