
Preventing Cats from Scratching Furniture

April 25, 2011

Preventing Cats from Scratching Furniture, Kitten with front paws dangling over the front of the couch.We had a new leather rocking chair that our cats loved to scratch. We tried the water, the scolding, and even aluminum foil around the base of it. All to no avail.


To "cure" our cats of the leather chair fetish, we put several coins in the bottom of an empty can. We placed it in a precarious spot on the top of the chair, so that when the kitties scratched, they knocked it over and the sound of the coins inside the noisy can (or coming out of the noisy can) was too loud for them.

After a few "unpleasant" trips to the chair, they associated it with too much noise and didn't want to go back. You can also set this up for when you are not home.

By Patti from Ewing, NJ

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May 27, 2011

What are some ways to make cats not scratch furniture? I have tried sprays, tape, etc. Any suggestions?

By Pam


May 31, 20110 found this helpful

Try sprinkling black pepper on the arm and right at the base of foot. Just a little, cats don't like black pepper and it won't damage the furniture.

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September 28, 2010

I am having new furniture delivered soon. How can I get my two cats to not scratch the furniture? They have scratching posts. They are part Siamese. Thanks!

By patty from FL


September 28, 20100 found this helpful

I've used Sticky Paws tape on my furniture. It's a big double stick tape. Here is a link from Amazon, so you can see it, but I've gotten mine from Petsmart.

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I also figured out that my different cats like different kinds of scratching surfaces. Two of them like vertical surfaces (regular scratching posts), and the other likes the corrugated surface that lies on the floor.

I've heard other people recommend Soft Paws. They're little covers that go over their claws, so they can't scratch things. I've never used them.

We got new furniture about 1 1/2 years ago. I was *so* worried, because our old couch was all scratched up. I was very vigilant about putting the tape on the corners of the furniture, and keeping posts blocking their favorite corners. And I'm happy to report that my cats don't scratch the new furniture! I don't know if the old furniture felt or smelled different, or if it's all the preventative measures I took. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your new furniture!

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May 8, 2010

How do you make a cat repellent, so they stop scratching furniture?

By 44delta from Edmonton, AB


May 8, 20100 found this helpful

We finally found out how to stop this and I couldn't believe how cheap it was, AND that we had both ingredients in the house. We took the lable off of an emtpy can, put several coins in it and placed it on top of the chair where Molly liked to scratch. The can made such a racket that she jumped a foot and will not go anywhwere near that chair.


She then tried the couch, so I put the can near that spot, she only had to hear that can and coins fall once there too. She now uses her scratching posts which have been here as long as the furniture. Silly cat.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
May 10, 20100 found this helpful

A jet stream spray from a water bottle when you catch them in the act works wonders and it only takes a few times to work ;-) Oh, but say not a word when you do it so they don't associate the act with your voice!

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January 29, 2012

I need to know the best way to keep my cat from sharpening her nails on my furniture. Keeping her outside has always worked best for me, but recently I have begun to let her stay in. She knows she is doing something I don't like because she stops and runs when I react to the pawing.

By tharris62 from Texarkana, TX

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February 7, 2005

I have a lovely wooden sculpture on my front porch. My cat has started using it to sharpen her claws. Does anyone know of anything that I can do to prevent her from ruining my sculpture?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


By Guest (Guest Post)
February 7, 20050 found this helpful

I think there is a spray called Feliway that should do the trick.

By Elaine (Guest Post)
February 9, 20050 found this helpful

You might try spraying it lightly with vinegar water every couple of days until your cat gets the hint.

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October 22, 2008

What is the best way to keep a cat from clawing upholstered furniture?

Cajun62234 from Munford, TN


By vicki (Guest Post)
October 22, 20080 found this helpful

I received feed back from here before about cats scratching the furniture and they suggested using citrus spray that you can use on furniture "sorry I forget the name" but any kind that is fabric safe, just as long as it smells like citrus. The house smells good and the cats hate it. I spray it on the side arms of couch and the back top and they do not come near the couch anymore. Good luck

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October 9, 2011

As an anniversary present, our daughter is purchasing brand new furniture for our great room. I am very thankful for her generosity. I also have two cats who either like to sleep on the couch, or worse yet, claw the couch. That's one reason for the new ones.

Does anyone know of a way to first: stop the kitty from sharpening his nails on my new stuff, and second: how to keep the older one off of the couch so I'm not cleaning up fur every day. Both cats are brushed daily, but also shed daily in addition. There's probably an answer somewhere in ThriftyFun, but your assistance to my problem will be appreciated ten fold. Thank you.


By Marilyn

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May 20, 2008

I have a cat that is 3 years old who I love dearly. The cat is at the point of scratching furniture. How do I stop it from happening without declawing her?


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
May 20, 20080 found this helpful

If you don't have a scratch post for the cat it would be a good investment. Also try hanging some catnip on the scratch post. The next time you see your cat sharpening its claws on the furniture.


Hit the cat with a quick squirt of water from a spray bottle. The cat will soon learn to stay away from the furniture.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
May 20, 20080 found this helpful

I agree with MCW. The spray bottle works and a post with catnip will be welcome. My neighbors have leather furniture and a large cat and nothing is scratched. That cat has worked over the post and loves it.

By Me (Guest Post)
May 20, 20080 found this helpful

I've never had a cat but I know they sell things you can put over, either their feet, or the nails.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 112 Feedbacks
May 20, 20080 found this helpful

I agree to use a spray bottle but also most pet stores have a type of 2 faced tape that is clear and will stick to furniture without causing any harm and is nearly invisible. It comes in about ft long strips. I have used this with much success as sometimes cats will scratch behind the furniture where water can't reach them or will carry on the scratching when you are not at home.


I have also used this to keep them off of things I don't want them on. If used on wood it will come off cleanly with WD40. I am sorry I can't rem. the name of it but cats do hate the sticky stuff and once getting a paw on it will stay away.

May 20, 20080 found this helpful

There is a pet-off solution that you can buy at most pet or farm stores that one can spray on furniture. It leaves no marks. It has a scent that pets don't like. That along with taking your cat to a scratch post that has been rubbed down with catnip should do the trick. One of the things I have done with my cat when introducing them to the scratch post is to take their claws and actually claw the post with them. Seems to work.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 59 Requests
May 20, 20080 found this helpful

We have 3 cats and none of them scratch the furniture, although they will scratch on the carpeting occasionally. We have 2 cat condos with scratching posts, a scratching pad that looks like a little ramp, and a Turbo Scratcher which they love to play with and can do a search for them on the internet to see what they look like. I even found some videos on YouTube of cats playing with them!

By Paula Jo Carr Mebane, NC (Guest Post)
May 20, 20080 found this helpful

We have 3 neutered males and 2 spayed females cats AND they do not scratch the furniture BECAUSE when I see them getting ready to "do it", I squirt them with water that comes out of an old windex bottle. When they see me heading toward the squirt bottle they all vanish knowing all to well that one of them is going to be squirted!

They know they are not to scratch on the furniture or whatever the offense may be, like jumping up on the kitchen cabinets etc. We bought them a special rug that they can scratch on. I just took their paws and showed them where they could scratch at by rubbing their little paws on the rough fabric AND now that is the only place they go too to scratch. We live in a small 1216 square foot home and have a real 3 piece set of leather furniture and it is still fine.

Good luck and I know this does work and quickly to train them to not do what they are doing no matter what it may be.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
May 20, 20080 found this helpful

My cat is 13, and has developed some bad habits, but I drape matching throws over the arms of my couch and love seat. He is not interested in scratching on the arms when they are covered.

We have a scratch post and a scratch box, but he still likes the furniture, if the throws are not covering up the arms.

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