
How Much Exercise Does a Puppy Need?

February 5, 2008

doberman puppyI got a puppy that is a Pit bull mix about a month ago. The dad was full Pit, the mom was about 1/2 Pit and the rest mutt. She is a hyper little dog and is about 3 1/2-4 months old. She is fairly well behaved and doesn't really chew on furniture too much, but terrorizes the cats.


She has a yard she can run around in all day while I am at work, which is usually about 6 hrs a day, and she is out there for probably 3-4 hrs total on my days off. I try and walk her every other day, sometimes it is only 2-3 times a week though. When we do walk, we walk a mile to a mile and a half.

I have not owned a dog in close to 6 yrs, not since our 3 legged Golden Retriever died, and when I did, we lived on an acre of land so there was no need to walk the dog. But now I'm in the city and don't have that luxury. Plus we usually had multiple dogs so they could exercise with each other all day. But at least I have a nice fenced yard.

So my question is, is her being outside with a yard this many hours a day and me walking her a couple of times a week enough exercise for her? Thanks for your opinions.

Is This Enough Exercise? from Visalia, CA


By Sue (Guest Post)
February 6, 20080 found this helpful

Your puppy needs as much exercise and walks as you can give it. Shut outside for 6 hours a day does not constitute exercise! Total boredom yes, but not exercise. U say he terrorizes the cats. With GENTLE correction (not hitting) cats and dogs can live in harmony.


Like us they CAN learn to respect each other and actually LIKE each other eventually. It's up to you. You can train him or let him become a cat hater. Good luck. Remember there are NO BAD DOGS only bad owners. Best wishes Sue x

February 6, 20080 found this helpful

It sounds like she could use a little more exercise. She's going to be a big girl and has alot of energy to expend. Our dog is a year and also a terrier mix, and he runs 6-8 miles 5 times a week -- and he's full grown at 30 lbs. Your girl is probably going to be at least 50 lbs when she's matured.


I'm thinking your dog may need more socialization, more people contact. Six hours alone is a long time, especially for a puppy. Do you have a neighbor or a friend who can come over and spend some time with her for even a short time, while you are at work? Throw a ball, play with her, etc.?

By Pony Lover (Guest Post)
February 6, 20080 found this helpful

I agree pits are the best dogs in the world. I would exercise it for at least an hour a day. If you don't have the time you could get a dog walker.

By Pony Lover (Guest Post)
February 6, 20080 found this helpful

I agree dogs [big dogs mainly] should get at least an hour. I had a cockerpoo that was mean to the cat. We did some training. Make sure you keep a leash on it, and when it misbehaves take the leash and pull up, so that don't choke it though!


Keep holding the leash up until the dog sits then say good boy/girl and then get closer to the cat Example : keep dog on leash and then sit down about 10 - 15 feet away from the cat make it sit and down and you sit on a chair while you sit reading a book/watching tv ect.

By Penny Custar (Guest Post)
February 7, 20080 found this helpful

Since you don't know how much exercise the puppy is really getting in the yard..(it could be lying around all day) Is it getting destructive, or barking excessivly which are signs of it being bored...on the days you aren't walking are you playing with it for exercise? chasing a ball (it chasing not you).. even basic obedience training is exercise....

February 10, 20080 found this helpful

Have you considered another dog for him to play with? You can probably find one in a rescue that needs a good home. That is a long time for him to be out alone.


As far as the cats go. We use a little training tool that has never failed. All our pets are rescued or strays, so we have to help them get along. We lay the dog down,& place the cat on top of the dog, or right next to them, if they are not getting along. We tell them "easy, kitties the boss" and pet the dog while the cat "walks all over him/her". Worked for the pit mix and the lab mix and the new street cat (4 months-ish) that they were always chasing. Only takes a couple of times. It has worked with all 6 cats and 5 dogs. Our oldest, a boxer/pit mix just lays down when a new kitty arrives. He knows the drill, and he was labeled a cat killer by the shelter he came from. They are all indoor pets, no problems.

By D* (Guest Post)
February 18, 20080 found this helpful

NO your dog isn't getting enough exercise. Sitting them alone in a yard is NOT exercising them or properly socializing them.

In all honesty; it probably just annoys your neighbors by disturbing their peace and quiet. You may tune out your dog but they WON'T. Most dogs don't "just run away". Neighbors don't want the stress of complaining to a negligent pet owner. Leaving your bored, unexercised dog out for hours at a time exposes them to poisoning and theft or worse.


To keep a dog healthy, happy and socialized, you need to run with them. You need to get out and throw a frisbee or ball around with them or they aren't having a very good quality of life.

Dogs need at LEAST 45 mins+ of brisk walking/running every day. This should be in the morning so the dog looks forward to a nap when you leave for work. They'll need the same at night after their main meal too. If this is too much exercise for you; try using roller blades or a bicycle and letting the dog run.

The long walks you need to be doing will also help with socialization as long as you are the leader and ensure that your dog follows your instructions. Another dog can be a good idea but you really should have your dog's undesired behaviors under control first or you could end up with two cat haters and some real behavior problems on your hands.

If you haven't already; try some Kong toys and hide good treats inside for the dog. It's one of the few things that will occupy some dogs when they are left alone.

Answer this Question

September 24, 2008

I have a 12 1/2 weeks old chihuahua mix puppy. She just finished getting her shots last week and just a few minutes ago she went to her training pad to poop and had diarrhea.

I read somewhere that excess exercise can sometimes cause that, she was out and about all day with me and then after like four hours of resting I took her out for a walk around my block. She's not used to this so could that maybe be it?

I'm worried because I keep reading all this stuff about Parvo, but she has her shots already so it doesn't make any sense. Can you guys help me?

Ana from Los Angeles, CA


By klutzymama (Guest Post)
September 24, 20080 found this helpful

I am no expert, but I have 2 dogs and they too will sometimes have diarrhea if they get more exercise than usual.

September 25, 20080 found this helpful

I wouls talk to your Vet to see if this could have been a reaction to any vaccinations your pet was given. Also, even though a dog has had the parvo shots, they can still get the disease. Just as with anything else, sometimes the pavo vaccine can be defective. This is what my Vet told me.

By Shleter Worker (Guest Post)
September 25, 20080 found this helpful

Exercise does not cause diarrhea.

Your dog can get diarrhea from eating something that does not agree with him such as even a tiny piece of plant or grass. Some dogs have higher tolerances for seemingly routine things than others.

Vaccines are not 100% effective and they do take some time to become effective after your dog is innoculated. they work by stimulating your dog's immune system to produce antibodies against whatever the vaccine is for so it takes a little time for your dog's system to produce the antibodies.

You also have your dog dressed like a fashion accessory so her being "out and about" with you probably doesn't amount to much exercise for her as she is probably carried more often than not. She needs exercise, discipline and lastly affection just like any other dog or she will have serious behavior problems.

Dog owners need to be very careful where they allow their dogs to sniff and explore unsupervised as there are many irresponsible pet owners who do not vaccinate their dogs and some are horrific slobs who do not even pick up after their dog.

If you walk your dog where an irresponsible slob owner has been it can be fairly easy for your dog to pick up a virus or parasite.

Stress can easily give a dog diarrhea so you need to make sure your dog gets proper training, LOTS of exercise and good socialization so she doesn't stress out on certain trips.

September 26, 20080 found this helpful

It is not so much the exercise as it is a combination of heat and dehydration. If your puppy is not used to the heat (and it is still very hot in Los Angeles); the heat can upset their digestive tract and cause diarrhea. Also, if your puppy became dehydrated and then gulped down water, sometimes the water does not have time to be absorbed and the excess water causes diarrhea.

If the diarrhea only lasts a short time, that is probably all it is. If it lasts longer, give the puppy a little bit of cottage cheese and then keep it on a bland PLAIN chicken and rice diet for a day or two before you reintroduce regular dog food.

If the diarrhea lasts more than 24 hrs, there is something else wrong and it definately needs a veterinarian.

My Great Dane got diarrhea ONCE and THAT was more than enough.

September 27, 20080 found this helpful

Exercise is good for dogs, but remember, she has very small legs. You shouldn't make her walk too far and you need to make sure the pavement isn't too hot.
She might have eaten something that doesn't agree with her or she might have parasites (worms). Take a stool sample to the vet. In any case, the vet should be the first place you ask.
If she has had her Parvo shot, you shouldn't have to worry about that at all. She's precious.

September 27, 20080 found this helpful

I agree. Getting the shots could have upset her. Heat and dehydration too. Excersise right after getting her shots, probably not a good idea.
Is she a teacup chihuahua? Very very cute! I have one that looks just like her. She will be 4yrs old in Dec and weighs only 5 lbs.

By Jane (Guest Post)
September 29, 20080 found this helpful

I take my dog to the dog park every day and I have noticed that indeed, excess exercise does cause some diarrhea in some dogs. I wouldn't be worried about it unless the dog did NOT have the inoculations!!


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
October 1, 20080 found this helpful

Has someone been feeding her table leftovers and too many doggie treats? This might cause the problem, too.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
October 2, 20080 found this helpful

there was a recent voluntary recall of some
pet foods. also ask you vet how much
solid pumpkin to give your doggie to help
his diarrhea.
You two are cuties.
good luck do not be afraid to call your vet
and ask questions my vet always helps me out.

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January 30, 2012

I have a Pit Bull, female about 8 months old. I'm sorry to say this, a friend of mine bought her at a pet store and as soon as she turned 3 months it was obvious that there were serious problems with the poor little one. My friend couldn't afford to keep her so I've adopted her.

She has serious allergies, so far we have identified allergies to all meats, chicken, cow, lamb, all of them. We now have her on a special seafood. She is also allergic to any milk products and wheat. Her allergies are so severe that we once had to take her to the vet because she broke out in huge hives and had trouble breathing. She is small for a Pit Bull, but the vet guaranteed that it is just the way she is.

So my questions are, can I give her vegetables as treats and which ones? Are there any that could be dangerous? Also she is a bit of a lazy dog. I take her for walks everyday and sometimes she will happily go, others not, how many times should I walk and how long? Should I force her to walk when she makes it hard? (By hard I mean she lies down and only with a treat will go.) The last question is she has dreams and will whimper and bark in her sleep, until I pick her up to my bed in which she sleeps with no problems. Do dogs really have bad dreams? Thank you all.

By Irene

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March 13, 2009

I am in the military and go on road marches a lot. I have a 3 month old Boxer. Would taking him on a 6 mile walk in 1 and 1/2 hours be too much? What about when he gets older?

Adam from GA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
March 13, 20090 found this helpful

Could you give it trial when you're not committed to finishing the whole thing? Like around and around the block for 6 miles and seeing how he does. Then if he begins to tire out you're not so far from home. I suspect it'll be a bit much for a pup but he should be able to build up to it.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
March 14, 20090 found this helpful

I live in Arkansas, where it's hot and humid too. I used to take my dog with me when I went for bike rides. She loved to run beside me and always stayed close. She got heatstroke one day in the summer, went under a tree and could not get up. I raced home to get her with our truck and immediately placed her in a tub of cool water. She lived, but the turnout could have been much worse. Soon we will be in the summer heat. Please be careful.

March 14, 20090 found this helpful

Boxers have heaps of energy and need exercise. If you walk 6 miles he will probably run 12 voluntarily. He will also be better company - more settled - at home if he has plenty of exercise.

However, you should be careful not to overdo things while his bones are still growing. Exercise on grass if you can avoid pavements. When dogs move at a swinging trot their bones and joints receive less impact than when they canter. Watch his behaviour while you walk. If he shows signs of slowing down it's time to stop. You sound like you must be fit and strong so why not just carry him when he needs a rest?

If you are both on foot you can use your comfort as a guide to his. If you need to re-hydrate so does he. Once he is mature he will easily out-perform you. If you give yourself an advantage by cycling you will have to watch him carefully.

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