
Problems with Neighbors' Cats

June 15, 2008

Neighbor Cat on a fenceJust wondering if anyone could get me some ideas for how to keep cats from peeing on everything outside. They are not my cats. I have heard that moth balls help but it didn't for me. Please I need help.


Charlena from Cincinnati, OH


By marissa (Guest Post)
June 15, 20081 found this helpful
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Try sprinkling a mix of 4 parts flour, 1 part cayenne pepper on your flower beds. The smell will keep the cats from pawing the area.

By (Guest Post)
June 16, 20080 found this helpful
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My advice is to check your city guide lines. Where we are from you are only allowed to own so many animals within city limits. You can also check with your SPCA and have them look into the problem. If the cats are not being taken care of (I don't know if they are or not), they will be removed and cared for until they can find them a good home. I have also heard the idea of putting full water jugs around your yard, but have never had it work. Have you talked with your neighbor about the problem? Maybe together you can work on a way to solve it.

By Sher (Guest Post)
June 16, 20081 found this helpful
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OK, this is what I have done. In our old house we had a pool that the neighbor's cat loved to sun near. He would lay all over our towels, rub his fur off on the fence, etc. I talked with the neighbors and they just thought it was funny. . . even when I told them that my husband and oldest daughter were terribly allergic and this triggers and asthma attack.


So, I did two things. One, I got an empty aluminum can, filled it with a few pennies, put duct tape over the hole, and would throw it near the cat. The noise would scare it off. When that stopped scaring it. I purchased one of those boat blow horns. Yup, scared the crap out of the cat and I then had a scared cat and that was that. He no longer came over to my home. No animal was injured, no one had asthma attacks anymore and all was well. The family moved shortly thereafter!

June 17, 20080 found this helpful
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I left this feedback for another question but it will work for cats or other animals pooping in your planted areas anyway. Since we did this we haven't had ANY animals using our garden for a latrine.


We used to have problems with rabbits, coons, and armadillos getting to our garden produce and container tomatoes. We were told about laying bird or deer netting down all around our garden. The critters don't like to walk on the netting and it doesn't harm them other than to scare them away. We just leave the netting down and cut holes thru to plant our garden. Lowes has a 7'x100' roll for about 13 bucks.

Something else I heard about but never tried is to buy an ultrasonic pest control. You plug it in and lots of critters can't stand the noises it emits while it won't bother you. I looked at them but didn't want to risk $20 on it but you might be desperate enough.

By (Guest Post)
February 6, 20090 found this helpful
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Do not use black pepper. It is toxic and can be fatal. Use small amount of cayenne. Or better yet, try talking to the neighbor.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
November 16, 20160 found this helpful
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Cats hate lemons. Put dried peels and lemon citronella in your yard, flowers, etc. I hope that helps.

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October 27, 2020

We have an outdoor cat that has several friends. We always feed our cat inside so as not to accumulate a neighborhood of cats eating at our house (we do always have water available outside). Even though we don't feed the extra cats there are several that hangout on our deck with our cat day and night.

The cats have begun pooping on the deck. Any idea how to get them to stop? We don't want to use any of the things (natural or chemical) to keep cats away because it is where our cat lives and we don't mind his "friends" being there- just want the pooping on the deck to stop!


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 425 Answers
October 28, 20202 found this helpful
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People, Katie said they don't want to use anything that repels cats, because their own cat uses the deck to hang out on. So, forget the vinegar, citrus and what have natural or chemical ideas.


Maybe automatic lights might deter them, but i doubt it. Any other ideas people? I still think the best cure is a litter box. If the other cats will use it, at least no poop on Katie's deck.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
October 30, 20201 found this helpful
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Since you are talking about cat urine/poop deposits on a wooden deck you may have to take a few extra steps to remove the odor so they will not keep returning to a 'used' area. This is odor that you cannot smell but animals can and to them, this odor means it is an okay spot to leave their mark or 'deposit'.

Only an enzyme cleaner will remove this odor but I believe you will need to clean your deck first as it will probably be very difficult to find every spot. Since cleaning your deck may not be convenient, you may just have to start in one area and then move on to the next area.


Supplies needed:
Large (12 pounds/Walmart) Baking Soda.
White vinegar: 2 gallons (save the jugs for later)
Several rags for cleaning (you may want to use throw away rags).
Hydrogen Peroxide - quart size or 2 or 3 small containers.
Dawn dish soap: Lemon or blue (other brands may work also).
Enzyme Cleaner: This can get expensive but I have used the less expensive brands and they seem to be okay.

I have always found that lightly covering an area with baking soda; wait 10-15 minutes; pour white vinegar on the baking soda: it will fizz for a few seconds/minutes; clean up with rags.
Remember to clean any walls that might have been sprayed.

Once clean you can mix about a 1/4 cup of Lemon or blue Dawn dish soap and a 1/2 to one cup Hydrogen Peroxide in a gallon container (empty vinegar jug will work) and pour it all over the clean area or pour into a large sprayer bottle.


Leave it to dry but do not rinse.
All of this work just cleans the deck, getting it ready for the most important step; enzyme cleaner.
After the deck dries, spray/soak the area with an enzyme cleaner and let it dry.
This method will not run the cats off but will (hopefully) stop them from using your deck as their bathroom.

You should try to locate any new spots and pour white vinegar first and after dry spray the area with the enzyme cleaner.
You can also pour a mixture of lemon and water instead of vinegar as cats do not usually like the smell of either of these.

You might also try to place something in the area they seem to like the most; such as pot plants or chairs and move the water dish and food to an area the will be the easiest to clean.
This is an ongoing battle but it should save you some embarrassment when someone comes to your door or walks on the deck.

Some people resort to a covered litter box but being outside it will probably still get wet if the rain blows very much and there is no guarantee that all cats will use it.

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February 20, 2019

I have 5 cats of my own which all do their business outside, but my neighbour's cat keeps coming in and peeing in random places on my work top and sometimes on the gas hob. I keep my home very clean and do not use bleach in the kitchen only in the toilet.

I can't stop him coming in as I have a cat flap for mine. Anyone have any ideas how to deter this cat from coming in? I've thrown cups of water and sprayed him, which works for a few days, but it still happens.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 20, 20190 found this helpful

This cat has marked its territory. Use an enzyme cleaner such as Natures Miracle to take away the odor

February 20, 20190 found this helpful


I would keep a record of the times that the cat comes it through the flap.

You might find a pattern. I would start getting food and feeding the cat outside, in a certain place, even if it is not ypur cat.

See if you can potty train the cat to go outside in a particular place.

All my cats are potty trained and have a potty pad in the house.

Let me know how this works out.




Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
February 21, 20190 found this helpful

You do not say how long this has been happening but I am really surprised that your cats have not "over-marked" his spots.
I do believe this will happen in the future if you are unable to stop this unwanted behavior.

First: have you talked with your neighbor about this problem? Is there any way the neighbor can keep their cat away from your house; even if it is only for a few days so you can try to remove his scent from your house?

If your neighbor does not help you with this problem you may have to lock your cat door and open it for your cats at different times of the day.
I know this does not seem fair but sometimes you have to take drastic measures to break a habit.

You will not be able to break this bad habit until you clean every area that cat has marked his territory.
You will have to use an enzyme cleaner and those can be found at all major stores, pet stores and online. Find it in the cleaners section and it will clearly state enzyme cleaner and how to use it. Some people swear by vinegar and other products but enzyme cleaners are still the best as they have special ingredients that will remove the scent (we may not be able to smell this scent but animals can and they will radiate right back to that area every time and then continue to mark new areas as well).

Be sure to clean everywhere this cat has been as they can detect even a small spot. I would also try to barricade that area where possible so they cannot get near it.

Here is an example of enzyme cleaners but there are many brands available.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
February 21, 20190 found this helpful

Maybe for a short period you could close off the cat flap and keep your cats indoors and not let this not nice neighbor kitty in. Perhaps he will "forget" about the door if it is blocked for a few days and that will stop the behavior. Your fur kids may not be happy to be inside, but they will survive. It can't hurt to try this.

Your neighbor should be notified that his/her kitty is a nosey one and is doing nasty things in your house. That is just not neighborly.

If you must keep the flap open, put foil on your work top to keep the cat off. It won't hurt the cat, but should deter him from hopping on to that space.

Post back what you decide.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
February 22, 20190 found this helpful

This is a tough one. You can buy cat collars and pet doors that "talk to each other". The collar tells the cat door to open when the cat approaches. I have a feeling that these doors, while they seem to work, are pricey.

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June 9, 2015

I have two neighbors that love leaving their cats and kittens outside all the time. If they are not meowing the cats are peeing on my windows, doors, anywhere they can. I try to be a responsible pet owner and keep my cat inside or on a leash like our dog when they are outside. I've tried several powders and sprays to keep them away and so far nothing seems to work. gray and white kitten


Now because of the outside cats/kittens my cat is starting to pee everywhere.

I don't know what else to do. I am at my wits end and I don't want to have to get rid of my cat because of other pet owners and their carelessness. Please I would love some advice on what I can try or do to fix this problem. I would try the motion sensor water sprinkler, but being in an apartment complex we have none, at least ours doesn't. Please help!


June 9, 20150 found this helpful
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If you live in an apartment, you need to talk to your landlord about this problem. If the cats are peeing on your apartment they are probably peeing inside their own as well. This may be something the owner would like to know about.

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